DENTAL IMPLANTS – Replacing Missing Teeth
What is Dental Implant
An implant is an alternative treatment that replaces a missing
tooth with an almost equivalent restoration in terms of
function, strength, and esthetic. A dental implant is a titanium
post/cylinder that can be utilized in the same way as a tooth
Dental implants have many advantages over dentures and bridges:
 Dental implants are teeth that can look and feel just like your
own. Under proper conditions, such as placement by your
dentist and diligent patient maintenance, implants can last a
 Patients find they can eat better
 Patients can eat foods that may have caused problems with
regular dentures like biting into an apple
 Patients are able to talk and laugh without feeling selfconscious
 Almost all implants placed in patients who have lost their teeth
to periodontal disease or decay have been successful
 By stimulating the bone, implants help maintain bone, thereby
eliminating the potential for future bone loss
What Dental Implants Can Do?
 Replace one or more teeth without affecting bordering teeth.
 Support a bridge and eliminate the need for a removable partial
 Provide support for a denture, making it more secure and
Before dental implant
The possible complications of dental implants include the
 Bleeding, infection, numbness or injury to nearby
 Injury to nearby sinus cavity
 Incomplete healing of the bone around the implant
leading to a implant failure.
4. Options of Implants Treatment
A treatment plan will be tailored to meet your needs,
depending on your specific condition and the type of
implant chosen. The treatment options are described below.
 Replacing a Single Tooth If you are missing a single tooth,
one implant and a crown can replace it. A dental implant
replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root.
 Replacing Several Teeth If you are missing several teeth,
implant-supported bridges can replace them. Dental implants
will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.
 Replacing All of Your Teeth If you are missing all of your
teeth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can
replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost
natural teeth and some of the roots.
 Sinus Augmentation A key to implant success is the quantity
and quality of the bone where the implant is to be placed. The
upper back jaw has traditionally been one of the most difficult
areas to successfully place dental implants due to insufficient
bone quantity and quality and the close proximity to the sinus.
Sinus augmentation can help correct this problem by raising
the sinus floor and developing bone for the placement of dental
 Ridge Modification Deformities in the upper or lower jaw
can leave you with inadequate bone in which to place dental
implants. To correct the problem, the gum is lifted away from
the ridge to expose the bony defect. The defect is then filled
with bone or bone substitute to build up the ridge. Ridge
modification has been shown to greatly improve appearance
and increase your chances for successful implants that can last
for years to come.
After dental implant
5. Anatomy of a Dental Implant
3. Are You a Candidate for Dental
Dental implants are not for everyone. First, you must have enough
healthy jawbone to support an implant, or you may require a bone
graft. Gum tissues should also be disease free. Patients with
medical conditions that affect the body’s ability to heal and repair
itself, such as diabetes and cancer may not be good candidates.
Likewise, patients who are not committed to thorough home care
are better off with other restorative options.
5. Stages of Implants Treatment
 The first stage in implant treatment is to place the
cylinder within the jaw so that the bone grows in close
contact with it. Just like a natural tooth root the metal
implant cylinder can provide a stable well anchored
support for a crown, bridge, or a removable denture. It
has been found that the presence of an implant fixture
prevents the loss of bone and sometimes encourages it to
grow back.
During the first surgery, your dentist places anchors in
your jawbone. The implants are placed beneath the
tissue, and the gum is stitched back into place. You may
experience some swelling and discoloration of the gums
as well as some discomfort. To allow implants to heal
properly, you should eat a soft diet such as soup or
mashed potatoes.
 Integration Phase. The Second stage of surgery is
usually performed 6 months after the first. Your dentist
will attach extension posts or abutments that will join the
anchors to the prosthesis. These abutments may be
permanent connectors, or may be temporary space
holders until your dentist makes permanent abutments.
You will also be taught how to keep the abutments clean
by using a small toothbrush.
 Restoration Phase. After the gum has had time to heal
(normally 6 months), your new teeth will be fitted.
Your dentist will create a prosthesis and fit it to the
abutments inside your mouth. Several checkups will be
scheduled to ensure that your implants are functioning
Be sure to call your dentist if you have any pain or
discomfort in your jaws or mouth.
6. What Can I Expect After Treatment?
Dental implants are like your own teeth and will require
the same care. In order to keep your implant clean and
plaque-free, brushing and flossing still apply.
After treatment, your dentist will work closely with you to
develop the best care plan for you. Periodic follow-up
visits will be scheduled to monitor your implant, teeth, and
gums to make sure they are healthy.
A Dental implant designed to replace a single tooth is
composed of three parts: the titanium implant that fuses
with the jawbone; the abutment, which fits over the portion
of the implant that protrudes from the gum line; and the
crown, which is fitted onto the abutment for a natural
Because implants stick to the bone, false teeth attached to
implants look and act much like natural teeth. You must
brush and floss your implant(s) very carefully. Be gentle,
but make sure you brush all sides of your implant(s). Floss
very carefully at least once a day. You will need to be
gentle with the floss where the implant meets the gum
(called the gumline). You may find a floss threader useful
for cleaning this area.
Success Rates of Dental Implants
Teeth are a very important part of our personal look.
They give us self-confidence and substantially they
form a part of our quality of life. Teeth enable us fullvalue biting, unlimited smile, speech and natural
The success rate for upper jaw implants is slightly lower because
the upper jaw (especially the back area) is less dense than the
lower jaw, making successful implantation and osseointegration
potentially more difficult to achieve. Implant placement at the
back of the lower jaw has the highest success rate for all dental
Replacing Missing
Dental Implant Risks
Dental implants may fail for a number of reasons, but the cause
often is related to a failure in the osseointegration process. There is
a risk for dental implants to break, or the site in which they were
placed may become infected, or the crown restoration on top of the
implant could become loose.
Poor oral hygiene can lead to peri-implantitis around dental
implants, a disease that is similar to the development of
periodontitis (severe gum disease) around a natural tooth.
However, dental implant restorations are not susceptible to
cavities the way natural teeth are.
Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of rejection as have
certain medical conditions such as diabetes. When an implant is
rejected there are usually no symptoms and it is only apparent to
the surgeon at the second stage procedure. Our aim is that an
implant fixture should remain for the life of the patient.
Bone Grafting
A popular treatment for deficient or inadequate bone structure is
the use of bone grafts. This procedure can forestall the final
placement of implants because integration must take place
between old bone and the newer bone graft material. The graft
material itself may be natural or synthetic, each having different
properties that best suit a particular patient need.
 Implants give the patient the dental health and smile
that he/she was looking for.
 Implants were utilized to make complex rehabilitation
 Dental implants give patients the ability to have
natural looking and functioning teeth.
 Dental implants can restore the ability to chew and
smile with confidence.
Although it is not always possible to predict or
guarantee the long-term results of the implant
procedure, individual case studies have shown
modern dental implants to last for more than 20
years. Additionally, success rates of more than 95
percent are common.
Mini Dental Implants
Another strategy for implant placement within narrow spaces is
the incorporation of the mini implant. Mini implants may be used
for small teeth and incisors
At Mo’s Dental, all phases of Implant treatment
are provided.
The smaller mini implants are about the size of a standard
wooden toothpick (they are made out of a titanium alloy)
Mini implants are less costly
Mini implants are solid though they do not contain a screw
Procedure generally involves no major incisions
FDA approved the MDI mini implant as a long term
method of denture stabilization
Family Dentistry
10104 – 79 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6A-3G3
Tel: (780)
Fax: (780) 465-9806
If you have any questions or concerns. Do not hesitate to call
us at the clinic
(780)468-2529. If it is an inquiry after office hour, Contact
our emergency number at
Mini implants are approximately half the width of their
traditional counterparts
The implant is not fully submerged during a narrow implant
procedure, and integration is usually immediate
Implant Procedure Date: _____________
Implant Check Up Date: _____________