1. The table shows the number of students at a tutorial college each term since Autumn 2002. The table also shows the 3-point moving averages for this data except for Spring 2003 and Summer 2005. Autumn Spring Summer Autumn Spring Summer Autumn Spring Summer Autumn 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 Number of students 48 3-point moving average (a) 30 81 54 39 93 69 57 55 58 62 67 73 80 114 Calculate the 3-point moving average for Spring 2003. You must show your working. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Answer …………………………………………… (2) (b) (i) By continuing the number sequence for the moving averages, predict the 3-point moving average for Summer 2005. ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... Answer …………………………………………… (1) (ii) Show how the college predicted that the number of students in Autumn 2005 would be 93. ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... (1) (Total 4 marks) 2. The table shows the amounts of Jenny’s gas bills from September 2001 to December 2002. Date September 2001 December 2001 March 2002 June 2002 September 2002 December 2002 Amount of bill (£) 28.70 32.40 29.10 7.80 30.30 38.60 The Robert Smyth School 1 (a) Explain why a four-point moving average is appropriate for these data. ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... (1) (b) Show that the first value of the four-point moving average is £24.50 ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... (2) (c) Calculate the second value of the four-point moving average for these data. ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... Answer £ ....................................... (2) (Total 5 marks) 3. A college records the number of people who sign up for adult education classes each term. The table shows the numbers from Autumn 2000 to Summer 2002. Term Autumn 2000 Spring 2001 Summer 2001 Autumn 2001 Spring 2002 Summer 2002 Number of people 520 300 380 640 540 500 (a) Calculate the first value of the three-point moving average for these data. .....................………………………………………………………………………… Answer ................................................ (2) (b) Explain why a three-point moving average is appropriate. .....................………………………………………………………………………… .....................………………………………………………………………………… (1) The Robert Smyth School 2 The time series graph shows the original data. The remaining values of the three-point moving average are also plotted (as crosses). 700 600 × Number of people 500 × × 400 300 0 Autumn 2000 Spring 2001 Summer 2001 Autumn 2001 Spring 2002 Summer 2002 Term (c) Plot the value from part (a) on the graph. (1) (d) Use the trend to estimate the three-point moving average that would be plotted at Summer 2002. Answer ................................................ (1) (e) Use the value from part (d) to calculate a prediction of the number of people who will sign up for adult education classes in Autumn 2002. .....................………………………………………………………………………… .....................………………………………………………………………………… Answer ................................................ (2) (Total 7 marks) The Robert Smyth School 3 4. The table shows the costs of the heating bills for a house. Date of bill March 2002 June 2002 Sept 2002 Dec 2002 March 2003 June 2003 Sept 2003 Cost (£) 72 40 28 60 92 56 40 50 Four-point moving average (£) (a) You are given that the first four-point moving average is £50. Calculate all the other four-point moving averages. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... (4) (b) The time series graph shows the original data. The first four-point moving average, £50, has also been plotted. Plot all the other moving averages. 100 80 60 × Cost (£) 40 20 0 March 2002 June 2002 Sept 2002 Dec 2002 March 2003 June 2003 Sept 2003 Dec 2003 Date of bill (2) The Robert Smyth School 4 (c) Draw a trend line and use it to estimate the cost of the December 2003 heating bill. You must show your working. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Answer ......................................................................... (3) (Total 9 marks) 5. (a) (48 + 30 + 81) 3 159/3 M1 53 A1 53 with incorrect working or no marking no marks (b) (i) 88 B1 Answer in table unless contradicted on answer line (ii) (93 + 114 + 57)/3 = 88 3 × their 88 – (114 + 57) B1 [4] 6. (a) Four bills each year, bills every 3 months Accept: Month repeats every four bills Do not accept: There are four months B1 (b) 28.70 + 32.40 + 29.10 + 7.80 M1 98.00 ÷ 4 or 28.70 + 32.40 + 29.10 + 7.80 ÷ 4 98 ÷ 4 on its own SC1 Must see calculation (24.50 is given in question) A1 (c) (32.40 + 29.10 + 7.80 + 30.30) ÷4 Alternative: Sept 02 = £1.60 more than Sept 01 Hence average increased by 40p M1 = £24.90 A1 £24.91 implies M1A0 [5] 7. (a) (520 + 300 + 380) ÷ 3 = 400 M1 A1 (b) Three terms in a year B1 The Robert Smyth School 5 (c) Plot their (a) at Spr 2001 1 mm tolerance (d) 620 B1 ft B1 600 to 640 inclusive ft their drawn trend 10 people inclusive (e) (620 × 3) – 500 – 540 or (their (d) × 3) – 500 – 540 M1 or Alternate method Aut 2000 520 – 340(trend) = 180 Aut 2001 640 – 520(trend) = 130 Total (310) ÷ 2 = 155 685(trend) + 155 =840 820 A1 ft [7] 8. (a) (40 28 60 92) 4 Or (28 60 92 56) 4 Or (60 92 56 40) 4 55, 59, 62 (b) (c) Plotting at correct mid-points At least 2 points M1 A1 A1 A1 M1 All 3 of their “correct” plots at mid-points ft numbers in boxes in (b) Or correct A1 ft A suitable trend line through their points At least as long as “50-62” B1 ft (92 56 40 x) = 66 4 (trend at mid-point of June 03 & Sept 03) Trend line doesn’t have to be extended - a value of “64-70” would be accepted without a line. Alt: seasonal component Dec = £4 Extrapolate trend line to Dec 03 = £73 73 + 4 Solving x = £76 £77 from correct method seen M1 A1 ft [9] The Robert Smyth School 6