Supporting information: The frequency dependent mobility of charge carriers on a polymer chain with finite length. A general result for the frequency dependent mobility of charge carriers in the presence of a small electric field has been derived by Kubo and is given by [1-4] e 2 ac ( ) 2dkB T x 2 (t) cost dt (A1) 0 with e the elementary charge, the radial frequency of the electric field, d the dimensionality of the system, kB Boltzmann’s constant, T the temperature and x 2 (t) the mean squared displacement of the charge in the absence of an external electric field. An implicit convergence factor exp t (lim 0 ) is understood inthe integral [2, 3]. In the absence of electron-phonon interactions charge transport along a polymer chain would be coherent. However, decoherence occurs due to interactions between the charge carrier and phonons, leading to diffusive transport [5-7]. This decoherence occurs on a timescale corresponding to phonon frequencies; i.e. of the order of tens of femtoseconds. Since this timescale is much shorter than the oscillation period (30 ps) of the probing microwave field, the motion of charge carriers can be considered as diffusive. Note, that describing charge transport as diffusive motion does not imply hopping between localized states. Interactions of a delocalized charge with structural fluctuations can lead to a linear increase of the mean squared displacement with time. Hence, the transport of a delocalized charge can be diffusive. In the case of normal Gaussian diffusion the mean squared displacement of charge carriers on a polymer chain with infinite length is given by x 2 (t) 2Dt . (A2) Insertion of Eq. A2 into Eq. A1 shows that the diffusion constant D is related to the frequency independent mobility according to the familiar Einstein relation e D. kB T (A3) In the present work the diffusion and mobility of charge carriers on polymer chains with a finite length a is considered. Hence, the mean squared displacement and the mobility of charge carriers are not given by Eqs. A2 and A3. However, Eq. A1 is still valid and can be used to calculate the frequency dependent mobility from the mean squared displacement of charge carriers on a finite polymer chain. In close analogy with the treatment of Pearson[8], we obtain the mean squared displacement on a linear chain by solving the one-dimensional diffusion equation C(x,t) 2C(x,t) D . t x 2 (A4) In Eq. A4 the charge density is denoted by C, and depends on position (x) and time (t). The ends of the polymer chain act as reflecting boundaries for the charge density. This leads to the following conditions C(x,t) 0 x x0 C(x,t) 0 x xa (A5) where x=0 and x=a denote the polymer chain ends. For a charge initially (t=0) located at x=q the charge density is given by 1 kx kq ( ak )2 Dt . C(x,t) cos cos e a k a a (A6) The average time dependence of the mean squared displacement follows by integrating the squared displacement over all positions with their respective weight, determined by Eq. A6; i.e. a (x q) 2 dx(x q) C(x,t) 2 0 a kq q q ( ak )2 Dt a k aq q 2 4 cos (1 )(1) e k 3 a a a k 1 2 2 (A7) To obtain the mean squared displacement of the charges as a function of time we assume that the initial position of the charge carriers is uniformly distributed along the polymer chain, thus we average Eq. A7 over all initial sites, i.e. q [0,a] a x (t) (x q) a 2 2 1 0 4 c 1 2 ( ak )2 Dt dq(x q) a e 6 k 0 ck 2 2 (A8) where ck 2 (k 1 2)[9]. The frequency dependent mobility ac ( ) results upon substitution of Eq. A8 in Eq. A1 ac ( ) 8eD kBT k 0 ck2 c2 D 1 k 2 a 2 . (A9) Eq. A9 describes the frequency dependent mobility of charge carriers that diffuse along a polymer chain with finite length. The diffusion constant of the charge carriers is related to the intra-chain mobility by Eq. A2; i.e. intra eD/kBT . The frequency dependent mobility calculated with Eq. A9 is shown in Fig. A1 as a function of intra- (Fig. A1b) and probing frequency (Fig. chain mobility (Fig. A1a), polymer chain length A1c). In the main text the dependence of the high frequency mobility on the intra-chain mobility is discussed in terms of the diffusive motion of the charge that is limited by the chain ends. Alternatively, the motion of the charge can be discussed by considering the effect of an external electric field on the charge distribution. For a polymer chain with finite length in a static external electric field the charges will be distributed according to a Boltzmann distribution (the equilibrium distribution). The average displacement of the charges (equilibrium displacement) induced by the electric field is determined by the length of the polymer chain and the strength of the electric field. The timescale on which the equilibrium is reached is determined by the equilibrium displacement and the charge carrier mobility ( intra ). In an oscillating electric field E( ,t) E0 cos( t) the charges are continuously attempting to reach the (continuously varying) equilibrium distribution. As a consequence the average displacement of the charge carriers x [ in-phase E0 sin( t) out-of-phase E0 cos( t)] / v and the average velocity dx in-phase E0 cos( t) out-of-phase E0 sin( t) are partly in-phase and out-ofdt phase with the oscillating electric field. In our experiments the high-frequency mobility is determined by the microwave energy that is absorbed due the motion of the charge carriers, or equivalently, the amount of work performed by the external electric field on the charge carriers. This work is given by the product of the velocity and the electric field according to W e v E dt . Hence only the in-phase component of the velocity contributes to the absorbed energy and, consequently, to the high-frequency mobility. As the intra-chain mobility increases both the amplitude of the average displacement of the charges, and the phase difference between the average velocity and the electric field increase. The increase in average displacement results in an increase in the energy that is absorbed by the charges. The increase of the phase difference of the average velocity and the electric field leads to a reduction of the in-phase component of the velocity and results in a decrease of the absorbed energy. The combination of these factors leads to the dependence shown in Fig. A1a. If the intra-chain mobility is sufficiently small so that the charge carrier distribution is far from the equilibrium distribution, ac is equal to intra . This corresponds to the limit of an infinitely long polymer chain where the charge carrier displacement is not limited by the chain length. In the limit of an infinitely high intra the charges instantaneously reach the equilibrium distribution. In this case the position of the charges is completely in phase with the field, while the velocity is 90 degrees out of phase with the field, leading to no energy absorption and zero value of ac . Fig. A1b shows ac as a function of the polymer chain length. For short chains the equilibrium displacement of charges corresponding to the equilibrium distribution is small. Hence, for shorter chains the average displacement of the charges is more in phase with the probing field and the average velocity is more out of phase with the field. As a consequence ac is smaller for shorter chains. For longer chains the equilibrium displacement is larger. Consequently the average displacement of the charges lags behind the oscillating field. Hence the velocity of the charges is more in phase with the field, leading to an increase in absorbed energy or equivalently an increase of ac . In the limit of an infinitely long chain the average velocity is exactly in phase with the probing field and ac is equal to intra . Fig. A1c shows the dependence of ac on the frequency of the probing electric field. The phase-lag of the average displacement with respect to the probing field increases with frequency. Since the average velocity of the charges is more in phase with the probing field for higher frequencies, ac increases with frequency. For very high frequency the average displacement becomes 90 degrees out of phase with the driving field and the velocity of the charges is in phase with the field, leading to maximal energy absorption. This corresponds to the limit of an infinitely long polymer chain where the displacement of the charge carriers is not limited by the chain length and ac is equal to intra . As can be seen in Eq. A9 the dependence of ac on a2 is equivalent to the dependence on . Comparison of Figs. A1b and A1c shows that doubling the polymer chain length has the same consequence for the high-frequency mobility as increasing the frequency fourfold. It might be argued that the limited chain length of the polymer chains gives rise to a dependence of the intra-chain mobility on the magnitude of the probing electric field. In order to investigate whether this effect plays a role in the current experiment (where a field strength of 20 V/cm is used) the high-frequency mobility was also obtained from Monte Carlo computer simulations of the diffusion and drift of charge carriers on finite chains, subject to an oscillating external electric field E(t)=E0cos(wt). The displacement of a single charge carrier during a small time step Dti was calculated as [10] xi intra E t ti x diff ,i (A10) The first term at the right-hand side of Eq. A10 accounts for the drift motion in the electric field. The second term is the random diffusive displacement x diff,i , which is 2 sampled from an interval such that x diff ,i 2Dti . Reflection of the charge carriers at the polymer chain ends was taken into account. The high-frequency mobility was of work performed by the external electric field on the calculated from the amount charge carriers [11]. The work performed during a series of time steps Dti in the simulations can be calculated as W eE ti xi . On the other hand, the high– i frequency mobility is given by ac W e E 2 t dt . Taking the time interval 0 n2 / , with n an integer, yields ac 2W / eE 02 . Using this expression, the high-frequency mobility can be obtained from simulations of the motion of the charge carriers and monitoring the work done by the field during time. The high-frequency mobility obtained from the simulations was found to agree with that calculated from Eq. A9 for external electric field strengths up to 2x103 V/cm, which is two orders of magnitude higher than the field strength used in the experiments. Hence, in the experiments non-linear effects due to the presence of polymer chain ends do not play a role. Supporting information: Truncated Flory distribution The chain length distribution of each of the four the ladder-type polymers is known to be a Flory distribution, where the probability of a chain consisting of n monomers is given by P(n) = (1-p)pn-1, where p=(<n>-1)/<n> denotes the probability of bond formation between adjacent monomers during the synthesis of the polymer. Chains shorter than five monomers have been removed by solvent extraction and the presence of chains longer than 75 monomers is unlikely due to the method of synthesis. References [1] R. Kubo, J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 12, 570 (1957). [2] H. Scher and M. Lax, Phys. Rev. B 7, 4491 (1973). [3] J. C. Dyre and J. M. Jacobsen, Chem. Phys. 212, 61 (1996). [4] U. 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