Shall possess the qualifications to hold a District Administrator’s certificate
2. issued by the State Department of Public Instruction.
Will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Standard PI 34.03 on
Administrative Standards.
Any other qualifications the Board of Education may deem necessary or desirable.
Summative Job Duties:
The District Administrator will provide the educational leadership for the improvement of the total program of the school system. The District Administrator may delegate responsibility and authority of the operation to members of the staff; however, the District Administrator is directly and irrevocably responsible to the Board of Education for all functions of the school including evaluation, planning, reporting personnel, coordination and board policies.
Immediate Supervisor:
The District Administrator is appointed by the Board of Education and acts as its executive officer in administering the board’s policies for the operation of the schools. The District
Administrator also acts as the professional advisor to the Board of Education.
Leadership Responsibilities:
The District Administrator shall be the chief executive office of the Board of Education.
The District Administrator shall have responsibility for administering Board policy and providing general supervision of all school operations.
The Board of Education shall delegate to the administrator the function of specifying required actions and designating the detailed arrangement under which the schools will be operated. The Board shall formally adopt administrative regulations only when specific state law, strong district attitudes or potential staff reactions require the Board to do so.
The District Administrator shall attend all meetings of the Board except when his/her own contract or performance is under consideration. He/she shall attend all committee meetings and shall have the right to speak on all matters, but no the right to vote.
The District Administrator shall serve as liaison between the Board of Education and the
District’s Schools, State Department of Public Instruction, and CESA #2.
Planning Responsibilities:
The District Administrator shall develop administrative procedures for implementing
Board policies and shall provide a continuous appraisal of these policies and procedures.
The District Administrator shall recommend to the Board both immediate and long range plans for providing adequate instructional facilities, technology and equipment to support effective instruction.
The District Administrator shall recommend to the Board policies and programs needed for the improvement and efficient management of the schools.
The District Administrator shall prepare the agenda for meetings of the Board and assemble such resources and materials as are necessary to assist the Board in reaching sound judgments. He/she shall, at least two days before each regular or special Board meeting, send to each member an agenda, list of bills, minutes, and a description of matters to be acted on.
The District Administrator shall interpret the needs and status of the school district and make appropriate recommendations to the Board through the monthly meetings.
The District Administrator shall, following consultation with the transportation supervisor, assume responsibility for the closing of schools during emergencies or inclement weather.
The District Administrator shall assure the annual preparation and updating of handbooks describing rules and regulations for employees and students which shall have the effect of
Board policy. Student and faculty handbooks shall not require Board approval except in extenuating circumstances.
The District Administrator helps to establish both short and long range goals for the
District. He/she fosters new ideas, acts as a catalyst for change and innovative thinking and accepts accountability for the overall effectiveness.
Fiscal Management Responsibilities:
The District Administrator shall cause all records essential to the operation of the schools to be maintained and delegate such specific duties as may be necessary to other members of the staff for the proper keeping of records.
The District Administrator shall assist the Clerk and Treasurer in preparation of reports required for the annual meeting, as well as those required by the State Department of
Public Instruction.
The District Administrator shall formulate plans for the future of the District including its building needs, population changes and business growth.
The District Administrator shall prepare and present a budget each year and submit it to the Board by June 15 for study and approval, and shall present the approved budget at the annual meeting. Subsequent budget adjustments shall be done in compliance with
Wisconsin Statutes.
The District Administrator shall have authority to purchase or be authorized to purchase such books, supplies, equipment, services and maintenance repairs as may be required for the operation of schools. Such items are implicitly approved by the School Board when the formal budget is adopted for the year.
The District Administrator shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining the methods for handling money in the individual schools.
The District Administrator shall assure preparation of an inventory of all school property and have it updated annually.
The District Administrator shall inform the Board concerning the financial needs of the
District both present and future and ensure that debt repayments are made promptly.
Supervision, Assessment and Evaluation Responsibilities:
The District Administrator shall keep informed on the progress of instruction in our schools and elsewhere. The District Administrator shall attend national, state and other professional meetings as may be necessary and advisable to keep schools abreast of the best educational practices.
The District Administrator shall recommend all employees for appointment or dismissal in accordance with policies of the Board and shall keep on file credentials, including recommendations, licenses, transcripts, and physicals of district employees.
The District Administrator shall visit schools and encourage professional growth of all school personnel.
The District Administrator shall be responsible for establishing and implementing a sound and effective plan for evaluation of all the personnel.
The District Administrator shall have the authority to assign, direct and supervise all school personnel or cause same to be done and may make temporary assignments to fill vacancies or to provide part-time assistance when needed.
The district Administrator shall supervise the work of administrative personnel that are employed by the Board. Such personnel may be directed by and through the District
Administrator to make reports to the Board.
The District Administrator shall control and direct the classification, instruction and conduct of pupils in the District within the rules and regulations approved by the Board.
To oversee personnel record keeping and reporting.
The District Administrator shall be responsible for delegating to the Business Manger responsibility for maintaining and updating insurance coverage, utilities, transportation, hot lunch services, storage and disposition of supplies.
The District Administrator or delegated staff member shall be responsible for recruitment, selection and assignment of all employees needed by the school district.
He/she shall work with the District inservice committee on the development, maintenance, and operation of a constructive program of inservice training and education for all employees of the school system.
Community and Public Relations Responsibilities:
The District Administrator shall be responsible for all publicity pertaining to general school programs and the dissemination of information concerning the total school program.
The district Administrator will give attention to problems and opinions that are raised by all groups and individuals.
The District Administrator will provide timely and appropriate information to the news media through staff.
The District Administrator will participate actively in community life and its affairs.
The District Administrator will ensure that the District maintains positive school community relations. This will be a cooperative effort between the Board, administrators, teachers and support staff.
The District Administrator and the staff will keep the parents and the community apprised of the status of the schools and their programs.
The District Administrator will serve as an advocate for students and their educational programs.
The District Administrator shall relate to staff members, parent groups, agencies of the community and other educational agencies.
Approved: 12/12/11