Book chapters 1. Cotton PB, Beales JSM, Cole JA. Hazards of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. In: Enteroscopy and Retrograde Cholangiography. Demling L, Classen M, ed. Stuttgart: Georg. Thieme 1973. 2. Cotton PB, Price AB, Tighe JR, Beales JSM. Questions in non-ulcer duodenopathy (“Duodenitis”). In: Enteroscopy and Retrograde Cholangio-pancreatography. Demling L, Classen M, ed. Stuttgart: Georg. Thieme 1973. 3. Beales JSM, Cotton PB. Radiology and fibreoptic endoscopy in the diagnosis of peptic ulceration. In: 11th Advanced Medicine Conference Royal College of Physicians: Lane AF, ed. Pitman Medical Publications 1975:19-28. 4. Cotton PB. Endoscopy retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). In: Topics in Gastroenterology Volume 2, Truelove SC, Goodman M, ed. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 1975; 53-63. 5. Cotton PB. Endoscopy. In: Topics in Gastroenterology Volume 3: Blackwell Scientific Publications 1975; 9-21. 6. Cotton PB, Salmon PR. Endoscopy retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). In: Topics in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Schiller KFR, Salmon PR, ed. William Heinemann 1976; 14:213-27. 7. Cotton PB. Endoscopic cannulation of the papilla of Vater. Clinical and research developments. In: Recent advances in gastroenterology. Bouchier IAD, ed. Churchill Livingstone, 1976; 8:178-98. 8. Cotton PB. Acute bleeding. General diagnostic approach. In: Gastrointestinal Emergencies. Barany F, Torsoli A, ed. Oxford: Pergammon Press 1976:117-8. 9. Cotton PB. Acute bleeding. Assessment of results. In: Gastrointestinal Emergencies. Barany F, Torsoli A, ed. Oxford: Pergammon Press 1976:229-30. 10. Cotton PB, Stern RB. Diagnosis of cholestasis. In: Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics. Richards P, Mather H, ed. Blackwell Scientific Publications Oxford 1977:47-55. 11. Cotton PB. Imaging the liver and pancreas – a clinicians view. In: Computerised axial tomography in Clinical Practice. De Boulay GH, Moseley IF, ed. Springer:Verlag 1977:367-71. 12. Cotton PB. A flexible view of the gut from above. In: Advanced Medicine. Besser M, ed. Pitman Medical 1977:359-68. June 2011 13. Cotton PB. Problem areas in ERCP. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Pacific Congress of Endoscopy, Singapore May 976. Singapore: Stamford College Press 1977:56-59. 14. Cotton PB. Present status of gastrointestinal endoscopy. In: Proceedings of the 2 nd Asian Pacific Congress of Endoscopy Singapore May 1976. Singapore: Stanford College Press 1977:8-9. 15. Cotton PB, Kizu M. Endoscopic pancreatography and pure pancreatic juice. In: Progress in Gastroenterology. George B, ed. 1977:vol III, Chapter 38:967-89. 16. Cotton PB. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. In: Surgery of the stomach and duodenum. Nyhus LM, Wastell C, ed. Third edition, Boston: Little Bown and Company 1977:149-60. 17. Cotton PB, Kizu M. Diagnostic value of endoscopic pancreatography. In: Current views in gastroenterology. Varro V, Balint GA, ed. Budapest: Hungarian Society of Gastroenterology 1977:461-2. 18. Cotton PB. Research techniques in ERCP. In: Clinics in Gastroenterology Endoscopy Vol 7, No. 3 Schiller KFR, ed. WB Saunders, London: 1978:667-84. Cotton PB. Pure pancreatic juice response to secretin in chronic pancreatitis and normals. In: Topics in Digestive Disease Bologna: Editrice Compositori, Book Gasbarini G, ed. 1978:337-42. 19. 20. Schiller KFR, Cotton PB. Acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage. In: Clinics in Gastroenterology. Schiller KFR, ed. Endoscopy Vol 7 No. 3. WB Saunders. London: 1978:595-604 21. Cotton PB. Endoscopy. In: Aspects of peptic ulceration. Murphy JJ, ed. Cambridge: Medical Publications: 1979, 13-4. 22. Cotton PB. Non-operative removal of biliary tract stones; duodenoscopic sphincterotomy. In: “Developments in Digestive Diseases”. Berk JE, ed. Philadelphia: Lean and Febiger 1979:127-40. 23. Cotton PB. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography. In: The exocrine pancreas. Sarles H, Howat H, ed. WB Saunders 1979:278-98. 24. Cotton PB. Duodenoscopy. In: Abdominal Operations 7th Edition. Maingot R, ed. York: Appleton Century Crofts 1980:101-15. 25. Cotton PB. Fibreoptic endoscopy. In: Scientific Foundations of Gastroenterology. Sircus W, Smith AN, ed. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd 1980:193-203. June 2011 26. Cotton PB. Trans-endoscopic therapeutic techniques. In: Surgery of the Gallbladder and Bile Duct. Waye LW, Pellegrini CA, ed. WB Saunders 1980:391-405. 27. Cotton PB. Duodenoscopic sphincterotomy and bile duct stone retrieval. In: Therapeutic Endoscopy and Radiology of the Gut. Bennett JR, ed. Chapman and Hall 1981:169-83. 28. Cotton PB. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. In: Recent Advances in Medicine. Dawson AM, Compston N, Besser GM, ed. Churchill Livingstone 1981:163-76. 29. Cotton PB. Severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding; problems for emergency endoscopic treatment. In: Clinics in Gastroenterology. Torsoli A, ed. Vol 10. WB Saunders 1981:59-64. 30. Cotton PB. Endoscopy – Upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In: Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage. Dykes PW, Keightly MRB, ed. Bristol 1981:166-77, BSG. 31. Cotton PB. The role of endoscopy in the management of gallstones. In: Medicine London. Sherlock S, ed. Medicine International Publications 1981:898-9. 32. Vallon AG, Cotton PB. Duodenoscopic sphincterotomy. In: Topics in Gastroenterology. Jewell D, ed. Vol Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1981. 33. Cotton PB, Vallon AG. European clinical experience with laser photocoagulation in the upper gastrointestinal tract. In: Endoscopic Control of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage. Papp JP, ed. Florida: CRC Press Inc, 1981:103-10. 34. Cotton PB. ERCP and management of biliary obstruction. In: Medicine. Sherlock S, ed. Medicine International Publications 1982:700-1. 35. Safrany L, Cotton PB. Endoscopic management of choledocholithiasis. In: Surgical Clinics of North America. WB Saunders 1982; 62:825-36. 36. Cotton PB. Gallstones and pancreatitis. In: Sarner M, ed. Advanced Medicine, Pitman Medical, 1982. 37. Cotton PB, Geenen J, Helm B. Direct cholegraphy and related diagnostic methods (ERC, PTC). Clinics in Gastroenterology Vol Biliary Tract Disorders. Classen M, Schreiber HW, e. WB Saunders Ltd, 1983:101-23. 38. Cotton PB. Duodenoscopic sphincterotomy. In: Operative Surgery. Dudley H, Pories WJ, ed. Butterworth 1983:101-23. June 2011 39. Cotton PB. Pre-operative diagnostic assessment of patients with biliary tract disease. In: Operative Surgery, Dudley H, Pories WJ, ed. Butterworth 1983. 40. Cotton PB. Interventional Radiology: Duodenoscopic therapy. In: Alimentary Tract Radiology 3rd edition. Margulis AR, Burhenne HJ, ed. Butterworth 1983 41. Cotton PB, Shorvon PJ. Analysis of endoscopy and radiology in the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of peptic ulcer disease. In: Clinics in Gastroenterology. Vol 13 WB Saunders 1984:383-403. 42. Sarner M, Cotton PB. Definition of acute and chronic pancreatitis. In: Clinics in Gastroenterology. Vol 13, WB Saunders 1984:865-70. 43. Cotton PB. Non-surgical therapeutic procedures; endoscopic approach. In: Gastroenterology 4th Edition Volume 6: section 21, Berk E, ed. 1985:3732-41. 44. Cotton PB. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. In: Grainger RG and Allison DT, ed. Diagnostic Radiology. Churchill Livingstone 1986. 45. Cotton PB, Bowden TA. Gastrointestinal endoscopy and the surgeon. In: Recent Advanced in Surgery, Russsell RCG, ed. Churchill Livingston 1986. 46. Cotton PB. Trans-papillary procedures. In: Imaging in Hepatobiliary Disease, eds. Dooley J, Dick RR, Viamonte M, Sherlock S, Blackwell Scientific Publications 1987:233-8. 47. Cotton PB. Forward. In: Gastroenterologic Endoscopy. W.B. Saunders 1987. 48. Cotton PB. Endoscopic management of biliary strictures in “Diagnostic Radiology 1988”, ed. Margulis, Gooding, University of California 1988:525-8. 49. Cotton PB. Endoscopic management of bile duct stones in “Diagnostic Radiology 1988”, ed. Margulis, Gooding, University of California 1988:519-23. 50. Cotton PB. Problems in ERCP interpretations in “Diagnostic Radiology 1988”, ed. Margulis, Gooding, University of California 1988:505-10. 51. Cotton PB. Endoscopic management of gallbladder stones. In: Surgery of the Liver and Biliary Tree, ed. Blumgart LH. Churchill Livingston 1988:569-73. 52. Cotton PB. Endoscopic therapies. Biliary tract and pancreas. In: Alimentary Tract Radiology, Margulis AR, Burhenne J, ed. Edition 4. Mosby 1988; 2:2073-9. 53. Speer AG, Cotton PB. Endoscopic stents for biliary obstruction due to malignancy. In: Controversies in Gastroenterology 1988. June 2011 54. Cotton PB. Endoscopy. In: “Current Opinion in Gastroenterology” 1988, Gower Scientific Publications. 55. Rode J, Stockbrugger R, Cotton PB. Proliferation der endokrinen Zellen des Magens bei chronischatrophischer Gastritis. In: Gastritis-Duodenitis. 3. Nurnberger Gesprache 1985. M Stolte, C Cori-Lindner, eds. Verlag Ludwig Brunner GMBS, Nurnberg 1988:3852. 56. Speer AG, Cotton PB. Endoscopic stents for biliary obstruction due to malignancy. In: ERCP, techniques and therapeutic applications. Jacobson IM, ed. Elsevier 1989:203-24. 57. Cotton PB. Endoscopic management of biliary strictures. In: Annual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Cotton PB, Tytgat GNJ, Williams CB, ed. Current Science 1989:101-7. 58. Cotton PB, Leung JWC. Biliary endoscopy. In: Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 1989; 5:644-53. 59. Cotton PB. Critical appraisal of therapeutic endoscopy in biliary tract diseases. Ann Rev Med 1990; 41:211-22. 60. Cotton PB. Endoscopic management of biliary strictures. In: Annual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Cotton PB, Tytgat GNJ, Williams CB, eds. Current Science, 1990:91-9. 61. Cotton PB. Endoscopic sphincterotomy—Tricks of the Trade. In: Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy. Ed. Barkin J, O’Phelan CA, Raven Press, 1990. 62. Cotton PB. Complications, comparisons and confusion commentary. In: Annual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Cotton PB, Tytgat GNJ, Williams CB, eds. Current Science, 1990:7-9. 63. Cotton PB, Schaffner M. Endoscopy suite design: commentary. In: Endoscopy Review. Cotton PB, Sivak M, eds. May 1990; 7(4):1-88. 64. Cotton PB, Schaffner M. Endoscopy unit design and organization: commentary. In: Annual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Cotton PB, Tytgat GNJ, Williams CB, eds. Current Science 1991:3-5. 65. Cotton PB. Complications of ERCP and its therapeutic applications. In: Gastrointestinal Emergencies. Taylor MB, et al, eds. Williams and Wilkins 1992:562-7. 66. Cotton PB. Obstructive jaundice: Endoscopy. In: Current Surgical Therapy, 4 th Edition. Cameron JL, ed. 1992:398-404. June 2011 67. Baillie J, Cotton PB. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. In: Cancer Medicine. Holland Frei, ed. 1992. 68. Cotton PB. Diagnosis and management of malignant biliary obstruction. In: Gastroenterology Endoscopy, Sivak M, ed. W.B. Saunders Co, 1992. 69. Leung JWC, Cotton PB. Endoscopic intervention in calculus disease. In: Alimentary Tract Radiology, 5th Edition, Stevenson GN, ed. Mosby 1994. 70. Cotton PB. Diagnosis and management of malignant biliary obstruction. In: Gastroenterologic Endoscopy, 2nd Edition. Sivak M, ed. W.B.Saunders Co 1995. 71. Cotton PB, Chung W. Complications of ERCP and therapy. In: ERCP and ERS: technique and interpretation. Silvis SE, Rohrmann CA, Ansel H, 1995. 72. Cotton PB, Soehendra N. Frontiers of biliary endoscopy. In: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America, Sivak MV, ed. W.B. Saunders Co 1996:253-8. 73. Cunningham J, Cotton PB. Prospects for endoscopy over the next ten years. In: GI Emergencies, 2nd Edition, Tayor MB, ed. Williams and Wilkins 1997:911-22. 74. Zimmerman M, Cotton PB. Malignant obstructive jaundice. In: Annual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Rapid Science, 1997. 75. Devonshire D, Cotton PB. Malignant biliary obstruction. In: Annual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Rapid Science, 1998. 76. Cotton PB, Mokhashi MS. Biliary/duodenal bypass procedures. In: Operative techniques in general surgery 2, 4, van Heerden JA Farley DR, eds. W.B. Saunders 2001. 77. Cotton PB, Mauldin P. Endoscopic research, outcomes and justification. In: Gastroenterological Endoscopy. Classen M, Tytgat GNJ, Lightdale C, eds. Thieme 2002. 78. Cotton PB. Training of endoscopists. In: Twenty years of development in GI Endoscopy. Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. 79. Cotton PB. Simulators in competence assessment and credentialing: prospects and problems. In: Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am 2006; 16(3):577-81. 80. Cotton P, Saxton JW, Finkelstein MM. Avoiding medicolegal complications. In: Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am 2007; 17(1):197-207. June 2011 80. Romagnuolo J, Cotton PB. Designing Clinical trials for NOTES. In Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America. Ed Kalloo AN, April 2008, volume 18, 371-386 81. Cotton PB, Valori R. The importance of skills assessment and recording personal outcomes in the future of training. In Successful training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Ed Cohen J. Wiley-Blackwell 2011 June 2011 June 2011