Assessment of the application of manual myofascial techniques in

Assessment of the application of manual myofascial techniques in
neck cancer patients with ultrasonographic examination
Sławomir Marszałek1,2, Magdalena Kordylewska2, Joanna Henzel3, Wojciech Golusinski2
1. Track and Field Athletics Department, University School of Physical Education in
Poznań, ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 27/39, 61-871 Poznan, Poland, phone: +48618355270, email:
2. Department of Head and Neck Cancer, Greater Poland Cancer Centre, University of
Medical Sciences, ul. Garbary 15, 61-806 Poznan, phone: +48618850929,
fax. +4861 88 50 910
3. Specialized Health Care Centre for Women and Children in Poznań.
BACKGROUND As the result of surgical treatment of the neck a whole range of functional
disorders of the neck, torso and upper limbs is observed.
An increase in muscle tone and weakness of the muscles of the neck and shoulder area occur
most often. These symptoms are associated with the scars resulting from the surgery. They
significantly increase the tension within the fascia of the torso, neck, shoulders and upper
limbs. The scars also reduce the physiological range of motion in the cervical spine and
shoulder joints. They are responsible for the development of lymphedemas, pain syndromes
and paresthesia.
AIM OF THE STUDY To perform ultrasonographic assessment of the application of manual
myofascial techniques in patients after oncological surgery of the neck.
MATERIAL AND METHODS The material comprised 37 patients after surgical treatment of
the neck, reporting pain symptoms in the area of post-surgical scars.
Ultrasonographic examination, evaluation of pain using a visual analog scale, and
measurement of the range of motion in the cervical spine were performed before and after
applying manual techniques for relaxation of soft tissues indirectly and directly connected
with the post-surgical scar. In the ultrasonographic examination the location and extent of
tissue lesions, and direction of their penetration into deep tissues, were assessed. In the
statistical assessment the chi-square McNemar test and non-parametric Wilcoxon matched
pairs test were applied.
RESULTS As the result of applying myofascial therapy of the soft tissues, the
ultrasonographic imaging revealed a statistically significant decrease of the cicatricially
changed areas. A significant decrease of pain symptoms connected with the post-surgical
scars and with accompanying tissue restrictions was observed. Also improvement of the range
of motion in the cervical spine was found.
CONCLUSIONS The use of manual techniques for relaxing cicatricially changed soft tissues
leads to a significant reduction in problems associated with the surgery.
Ultrasonographic examination performed before and after the therapy permits objective
assessment of the extent of cicatricial lesions after oncological surgery and radiotherapy and
of the result of the applied techniques of myofascial relaxation.
DISCLOSURE This study was supported by the Polish scientific fund in years 2009-2012 as
the research project No. N N404 191136.