OFFICE ADDRESS : Children's Hospital of Michigan
Pediatric Neurology / PET Center
3901 Beaubien Blvd
Detroit, Michigan 48201-2196
(313) 993-2605 (Office)
(313) 745-0955 (Fax)
(248) 932-5249 (Home)
E-Mail: hchugani@pet.wayne.edu
October 6, 1948
Hong Kong
CITIZENSHIP: United States
Los Angeles:
Assistant Professor, Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, UCLA School of Medicine
July 1981 - June 1988
Associate Professor with Tenure (accelerated promotion), Departments of Neurology and
Pediatrics, UCLA School of Medicine
July 1988 - July 1993
Consultant in Pediatric Neurology, Olive View Medical Center, Los Angeles
1981 - 1991
Faculty of the Brain Research Institute, UCLA
1987 – 1993
Instructor, Division of Nuclear Medicine and Biophysics, UCLA, 1990-1992
Associate Professor, Division of Nuclear Medicine and Biophysics, UCLA, 1992-1993
Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Neurology and Radiology
Director, Positron Emission Tomography Center
Director, Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Program
Children's Hospital of Michigan, Wayne State University
July 1993 – Present
Chief, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Children’s Hospital of Michigan
January 1999 – Present
Rosalie and Bruce Rosen Chair in Neurology, November 2002
Professor, Department of Pharmacology, September 2006 - present
Neurology: Diplomat, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (1982), with
Special Competency in Child Neurology
Pediatrics: American Board of Pediatrics (board-eligible).
Nuclear Medicine: Board-eligible - July 1992
Alpha Epsilon Delta
American Academy of Neurology
Child Neurology Society
Society for Neuroscience
International Child Neurology Association (Executive Board Member 2006 – present)
American Epilepsy Society
1. UCLA Pediatrics Faculty Scholar Award (1986-1987)
2. Young Investigator Award (1986-1987) - Association of Indian Neuroscientists
3. Acknowledgment in the President's A Report to the Regents of the University of California, March 21, 1986.
Best abstract: XIII International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and
Metabolism. Montreal, June 1987.
Certificate of Merit: Scientific Exhibit Award. Radiological Society of North
American, Chicago, November-December, 1987.
Distinguished Scientist Award (1992): Crump Institute, UCLA
Killam Honorary Lecturer. Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University,
Montreal, May 1997.
8. Appeared before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Children and Families as an invited expert to testify on research progress in child brain development.
Washington, D.C., June 1997
9. White House conference on Brain Development; invited by President and
Mrs. Clinton. Washington, D.C., April 1997, The White House.
10. Niilo Hallman Award for Outstanding Research in Pediatrics. Awarded by the
University of Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland. September 1997.
11. Milestone Award (MIRA) Mental Illness Research Association 1997 Recognition for contribution to the understanding of autism.
12. Holroyd Award. Recognition award for a distinguished graduate in the health care profession. La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA., April 1998.
1 st Annual Sunny Days Award, Sesame Street Parent Magazine, June 1998.
14. Invited to become member of the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, November
15. Robert Dow Lecture. Legacy Portland Hospitals. Portland, OR, December 1998.
16. Michigan Council for Maternal and Child Health’s Outstanding Achievement Award,
May 1999.
17. Named as one of the “top docs” in Michigan: Hour Magazine survey. October 2000.
18. Invited to become member of the Professional Advisory Committee of the Epilepsy
Foundation of Michigan. October 2000.
19. Richmond Paine Lecturer, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC, March
14, 2001.
20. Lifetime Achievement Award: from the Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan, August 2001.
21. Ring of Hope Award from the Pheasant Ring Foundation (November 2001)
22. Invited by Senator Patricia Birkholz to address the 2003 Michigan Legislative Children’s
Caucus Meeting, Lansing, June 4, 2003 (joint House and Senate members)
23. Distinguished Lecturer, Human Biology Program, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA,
May 8, 2003
24. The Harry T. Chugani Scientific Scholar of Merit Award. Established by the Sturge-
Weber Foundation in 2004. “This award is presented to an individual who displays the degree of commitment, curiosity, and collaboration that is the hallmark of Dr. Chugani’s professional career.”
25. Visiting Professor. Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard University, Department of
Nuclear Medicine, May 9-11, 2005. Two formal lectures, teaching session with neurology and nuclear medicine residents, informal discussions.
26. Named Lecture. The Alavi Lecture, University of Pennsylvania, “PET scanning in pediatric neurological disorders”, Philadelphia, September 13, 2005.
27. Invited Lecture. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference 2005,
Washington , DC. Section on Adoption and Foster Care October 10, 2005,
“Neuroimaging, plasticity and early childhood experience” [ Note : lecture covered by the press and referred to in USA Today on October 11, 2005].
28. Invited Guest and Lecturer. Invitation by Her Royal Highness Professor Doctor Princess
Chulabhorn to celebrate her 48 th birthday, October 22-24, Bangkok, Thailand.
High School
St. Joseph's College, Hong Kong (1964-1968)
La Salle College, Philadelphia, PA (1968-1972)
B.A. (Magna Cum Laude)
Georgetown University School of Medicine,
Washington, D.C. (1972-1976)
Pediatric Intern Children's Memorial Hospital
Pediatric Resident Georgetown University Hospital
(Washington, DC)
Neurology Resident
Pediatric Neurology
Nuclear Medicine
Fellow *
Georgetown University Hospital
(Washington, DC)
Georgetown University Hospital
(Washington, DC)
UCLA Medical Center
*NOTE: this was achieved while being tenured faculty at the same time
USPHS Grant #DA02518 "Neurophysiological and Developmental Studies on
PI: J.R. Villablanca. Funded from September 30, 1981 to February 28, 1985
Neuropsychiatric Institute BRSG award "Naloxone-induced Seizures:
Autoradiographic Mapping and Pharmacological Studies"
PI: H.T. Chugani. Funded from February 1, 19983 to January 31, 1984.
NIH Grant Po1 NS156454 "Neuroscience Research with Positron Emission
PI: M.E. Phelps. Funded from September 1, 1984 to August 31, 1989.
$4,572,420. Co-investigator.
Epilepsy Foundation of American Award AP840123 "Uncoupling of Hippocampal
Blood Flow from Metabolism during Kindled Seizures in the Rat."
PI: H.T. Chugani. March 1, 1984 to February 28, 1985. $14,908.
5. NINCDS Teacher Investigator Development Award 1 K07 NS00886.
July 1, 1984 to June 30, 1989.
PI: H.T. Chugani
NIH Grant NS 02808 "A Clinical Research Program for the Partial Epilepsies."
January 1, 1985 to December 31, 1989.
PI: J. Engel, Jr.
$3,325,680. Co-investigator
United Cerebral Palsy Association R-368-86 "Positron Emission Tomography with 2-deoxy-2[18F] fluoro-D-glucose in children with cerebral palsy."
November 1, 1986 to October 31, 1989
PI: H.T. Chugani
NIH Grant 2 P01 NS 15654-09S1 (Supplement)
"Metabolic Maturation of the Brain".
PI: H.T. Chugani
Program Project Director: M.E. Phelps
May 1, 1988 to August 31, 1989
NIH Grant 2 P01 NS 15654 (years 11 to 15)
Program Project: "Neuroscience Research with PET"
Project II: "Metabolic Maturation of the Brain"
PI: H.T. Chugani
Budget for Project II: $960,856
Program Project Director: M.E. Phelps
Total Budget: $7,942,549
September 1, 1989 to August 31, 1994
10. Siemens Corporation
PET Research in Children
PI: H.T. Chugani
January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1996 Total Budget: $225,000
11. Leukemia Research Life, Inc.
Brain Tumor Metabolism
PI: H.T. Chugani
November 1, 1994 to October 31, 1995
Total Budget: $45,000.
12. Mental Illness Research Association
PET Studies in Autism
PI: H.T. Chugani
November 1, 1994 to October 31, 1995
Total Budget: $30,000.
13. MIRA-Mental Illness Research Association
$30,000 per year for years 1995, 1996, and 1997 for PET Studies of Autism
$25,000 year ongoing commitment beginning July 1997 for "Autism Research
Clinic" awarded to Harry T. Chugani and Diane C. Chugani
14. International Foundation for Alternating Hemiplegia
7/1/95 - 6/30/96 $17,000
1/1/97 - 12/31/97
PI: Harry T. Chugani
15. Japanese Epilepsy Association Grant
"Functional PET Studies of Television-induced Epilepsy"
March 1995 to February 1998
PI: Harry T. Chugani
16. Pheasant Ring Community
$12,500 year ongoing commitment beginning July 1997 for “Autism Research Clinic”
Awarded to Harry T. Chugani and Diane C. Chugani
17. NIH Grant: 1 R13 NS38447-01
Sturge Weber Syndrome Consensus Conference
PI: Harry T. Chugani Co-PI: Diane C. Chugani
Funded for period 4/1/99 – 3/31/00: Total award $45,000
18. Parke-Davis – Warner Lambert Company
Gabapentin in Partial Epilepsy in Infancy
PI: Harry T. Chugani
Funded for period 6/8/99 – 1/7/00
NIH Grant 1 R01 HD34942
Brain serotonin synthesis in autism
PI: Diane C. Chugani Co-PI: Harry T. Chugani
Funded for period 12/15/98 to 11/30/01; Total award: $758,181
12/15/98 to 11/30/99 $251,578
12/1/99 to 11/30/00
12/1/00 to 11/30/01
20. NIH Grant: 1 R01 NS38324
Imaging tryptophan metabolism in tuberous sclerosis
PI: Diane C. Chugani Co-PI: Harry T. Chugani
Funded for period 2/1/99 to 1/31/04; Total award $973,273
2/1/99 to 1/31/00
2/1/00 to 1/31/01
2/1/01 to 1/31/02
2/1/02 to 1/31/03
2/1/03 to 1/31/04
21. NIH grant R01 HD40007
Ontogeny of human GABA-A receptor complex measured with PET
PI: Otto Muzik Co-PI: Harry T. Chugani
Funded for period 9/29/00 – 9/28/03, Total award $550,000 direct costs
22. NIH Grant: R01 NS 34488
"Localization of Epileptic Foci with PET in Children"
Principal Investigator: Harry T. Chugani
Co-Principal Investigator: Diane C. Chugani
Funded for period December 1, 1996 to November 30, 1999
Total Award: $559,279.
12/1/96 to 11/30/99
12/1/96 to 11/30/99
12/1/96 to 11/30/99 $180,525
Funded for period 9/15/00 to 8/31/05; Total award:
9/15/00 to 8/31/01
9/01/01 to 8/31/02
9/01/02 to 8/31/03
9/01/03 to 8/31/04 $289,535
23. R21 DA015919-01 (Muzik)
Software tools for pediatric neuroimaging
PI: Otto Muzik
Co-Investigator: Harry T. Chugani
Funded for period 10/01/02-9/30/04 Total award $300,000 direct costs
Topiramate pharmacokinetics and tolerability in infants with seizures.
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development.
PI: Harry T. Chugani
1-21-03 to 12-31-03 $142,000
25. Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Inc.
Topiramate pharmacokinetics and tolerability in infants with seizures.
PI: Harry T. Chugani
Amount: $142,000
Duration of study: 2/1/03 – 1/31/04 (1 year)
26. Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Inc.
Topiramate in human newborn
PI: Harry T. Chugani
Amount: $40,000
Duration of study: 5/1/03 – 4/30/04
27. Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Inc.
Topiramate in infantile spasms
PI: Harry T. Chugani
Amount: $40,000
Duration of study: 5/1/03 – 4/30/04
28. U01 HD37261-04S2
Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit
PI: Jacob Aranda
Subproject title: Early pharmacotherapy aimed at neuroplasticity in autism
Subproject PI: Diane C. Chugani
Co-Investigator: Harry T. Chugani
Funded for period 9/30/02 to 12/31/05 Total award $120,000 direct costs
29. NIH R01 NS 45151
Tryptophan metabolism in children with epilepsy
PI: Diane Chugani
Co-PI: Harry T. Chugani
January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007, Total award $925,000 direct costs
30. NIH Grant: R01 NS 34488
"Localization of Epileptic Foci with PET in Children"
Principal Investigator: Harry T. Chugani
Funded for period 9/1/05 to 8/31/10; Total award $1,948,541
31. NIH Grant R01 NS045911 CHMC 367
Childhood absence epilepsy Rx PK-PD pharmacogenetics
PI: Tracy Glauser Subcontract PI: Harry T. Chugani
Funded period 9/30/03 – 10/31/08 Total award $17,336,053
Subcontract for 9/30/05 – 10/31/06: $45,816
Subcontract for 9/30/07 - 10/31/08: $65,773
Currently at no cost extension
32. RO1 NS41922
Longitudinal neuroimaging in Sturge-Weber syndrome
PI: C. Juhasz
Co-investigator: H.T. Chugani
July 1, 2008 to April 30, 2013
Total award: $990,000 direct costs
33. RO1 CA123451
Tryptophan metabolism in human brain tumors
Agency: NIH/National Cancer Institute
PI: C. Juhasz
Co-Investigator: H.T. Chugani
December 1, 2007 to November 30, 2012
Total award: $1,095,000 direct costs
34. “Structural and Functional neural correlates of early postnatal deprivation”
PI: Michael E. Behen, PhD
Mentor: Harry T. Chugani
NIH 1K08MH079176
9/3/07 - 7/31/12
Total Award: $733,409.
35. "Early pharmacotherapy guided by biomarkers in autism"
Principal Investigator: DC Chugani PhD.
Co-Investigator: Harry T. Chugani
Agency: NINDS
Type U01 NS61264 Period: 2/1/08 - 1/31/13
Total award $5,800,000
36. Project SOFIA
Sponsor: Neuropharm
PI: Harry T. Chugani
Funded period 01/30/08 – 11/29/08
Total Award $59,142
37. Project EMMA
Sponsor: Neuropharm
PI: Harry T. Chugani
Funded period 09/15/08– 12/31/09
Total Award $39,671
Pending grant :
"Epilepsy in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex"
Start/End Date: 7/1/07 - 6/30/12
Direct cost: $1,512,784
Total cost: $2,216,388
1. Grant reviewer for the National Science Foundation
2. Ad Hoc Reviewer for various journals (Annals of Neurology, Proceedings National
Academy of Sciences, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, Pediatric
Research, Journal of Experimental Neurology, Neurology, New England Journal of
Medicine, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Epilepsia, Journal of Nuclear
Medicine, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, NeuroImage, Archives of Neurology,
Brain, Biological Psychiatry).
Symposium chairman: Neuroimaging in pediatrics, Child Neurology Society
Boston 1986.
Invited member of Joint Committee on Research in Pediatric Neurology
(sponsored by Child Neurology Society).
Thesis Committee for Ph.D degree of the following students:
Randall A. Hawkins (Radiological Sciences, UCLA)
Magnus Dahlbom (Medical Physics, UCLA)
Fernando Gomez-Pinilla (Anatomy, UCLA)
Guido Germano (Radiological Sciences, UCLA)
Ronald See (Psychology, UCLA)
Daniel Valentino (Radiological Sciences, UCLA)
Grant reviewer for March of Dimes
National Institutes of Health Special Study Section
National Institutes of Health Neurology A Study Section (Ad Hoc 1997-1998)
National Institutes of Health BDCN-5 Study Section Standing Member
CHAIRMAN of NIH Study section BDCN-5 (1999-2002)
CHAIRMAN of NIH Study section Developmental Brain Disorders (DBD) (2003-2005)
Board of Scientific Counsel of NINDS (Ad Hoc reviewer of intramural research program,
Ad hoc reviewer February 2006 for Motor Function, Speech and Rehabilitation study
(MFSR) section
Ad hoc reviewer for the National Research Council (UK)
Ad hoc reviewer for the Austrian Research Council
NIH special Study Section for Clinical Translational Science Awards (CTSA) (2006)
Nominations Committee (Child Neurology Society) 1988-1989
Research Committee (Child Neurology Society) 1989
Scientific Selection Committee (Child Neurology Society) 1989-1990
Scientific Selection Committee (American Academy of Neurology) 1989-1990,
Scientific Selection Committee (International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and
Metabolism) 1991
Organizing Committee: International Workshop on Infantile Spasms, Paris,
May 1991
Scientific Selection Committee (International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow
and Metabolism) 1993
Invited Member of the Scientific Committee of the International School of
Neurological Sciences, Italy
Editorial Board: Journal of Child Neurology (1991-present)
Editorial Board: Brain and Development (1994-present)
Editorial Board: Pediatric Neurology (1994-present)
Editorial Board: Journal of Developmental Disabilities (1997)
Editorial Board: Journal of Pediatric Neurology (2003-present)
Editorial Board: Neurology (January 2004-December 2005)
Childhood Epilepsy Committee (American Epilepsy Society) 1994-1996
Professional Advisory Board: Sturge-Weber Foundation (Executive Committee)
Scientific Selection Committee (Child Neurology Society) 1994-1996
President, Medical Board of the Alternating Hemiplegia Foundation, 1995-2003
Member, National Tuberous Sclerosis Association Professional Advisory Board
May 25, 1995 to present
Member, Scientific Program Committee, American Epilepsy Society, February
Scientific Program Committee, International Child Neurology Association, 1998
Member, Professional Advisory Committee of the Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan
Member, Professional Advisory Board for the Pheasant Ring Foundation
Member of Scientific Committee, Child Neurology Section, International School of
Neurological Sciences, Venice, Italy (2003-2006)
Member, Research Committee, Child Neurology Education and Research Foundation
Chairman, Professional Advisory Board, October 2005-present. The Sturge-Weber
Executive Board Member, International Child Neurology Association, 2006 - present
External Advisor on Center Grant Proposal (P50) entitled "Fetal Drug Exposure:
Risks, Interventions and Outcomes", submitted to the National Institute on Drug
Abuse by Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
September 1996
Consultant on the Advisory Committee to the FDA’s Peripheral and Central Nervous
System Committee action on the anticonvulsant drug vigabatrin. January 7-8, 2009,
Washington, DC.
Pediatrics Quality Assurance Committee, UCLA (1987)
Grand Rounds Committee, Neurology Department, UCLA (1988)
Hospital Utilization Committee, UCLA (1990-1993)
Research Committee, Children's Hospital of Michigan (1993-1995; 199-2001)
5. Research Advisory Committee, Children's Hospital of Michigan (1993-1996)
Internal Review Board, Children's Hospital of Michigan (1996-1998).
Member, Internal Review Committee for Department of Neurology (1997)
Member, Search Committee for Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery (2001-2002)
Member, Wayne State University Imaging Research Oversight Committee (2001 to present)
10, Member, Internal Review Committee for Department of Neurology (2002)
11. Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Department of Neurology
12. Co-Chair, Search Committee for CHM CRCM Director (2005-2006)
TEACHING ACTIVITIES (for residents, fellows and medical students)
1. Ward attending in pediatric neurology; 3 months each year, consists of daily teaching rounds lasting 2 hours (1981-1993). UCLA
Pediatric Neurology Clinic: one afternoon each week (1981-1993). UCLA
Pediatric Neurology Clinic: Olive View Medical Center, 2 mornings each month
(July 1981-June 1987). Los Angeles
Pediatric admission residents' conference (Intake Conference): 2 times per week for 3 months of the year. (1981-1993). UCLA
5. Pediatric Neurology Residents' Clinic: 1 afternoon each month (1981-1983).
6. Neurology Clerkship NE-011: 4 students, 2 weeks each year, 2 hours each day
(1981-1988). UCLA
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine: Instruction in the neurological examination,
2nd year medical students, 2 afternoons each year (1981-1993). UCLA
Pediatric Core Lectures (Pediatric Neurology): one each 2 months (1981-1993).
Instruction in interpreting pediatric evoked potentials recordings: 1 hour each week
(1981-1991). UCLA
10. Pediatric Neurology Journal Club: 1 hour each month (1983-1986). UCLA
11. Pediatric Neurology Research Conference: 1 hour each month (1984-1991).
12. Pediatric Neurology Clinic Review Conference: 1-2 hours each week (1984-1991).
13. Miscellaneous invited lectures at UCLA and other institutions. (List available upon request).
14. Ward attending in pediatric neurology: 1 month each year, consists of daily teaching rounds lasting 3-4 hours (1994-1999).
2-3 months each year of ward attending Children's Hospital of Michigan
Wayne State University. (1999-Present)
15. Epilepsy Surgery Conference: 1 hour each week (1994-Present).
Pediatric Neurology Conference (1999-Present).
RESEARCH PAPERS ( refereed publications )
1. Kasbekar DK, Chugani H: Role of calcium ion in 'in vitro' gastric acid secretion.
In Gastric Hydrogen Ion Secretion Marcel-Dekker, 187-211, 1976.
Chugani HT, Rosemblat AM, Lavenstein BL, Palumbo FM, Luessenhop AJ,
Manz HJ: Childhood medulloblastoma presenting with hemorrhage. Child's Brain
11:135-140, 1984.
Chugani HT, Akermann RF, Chugani DC, Engel J Jr: Opioid-induced epileptogenic phenomena in rats: anatomical, behavioral, and electroencephalographic studies.
Ann Neurol 15: 361-368, 1984.
Phelps ME, Barrio JR, Huang S-C, Keen RE, Chugani Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC:
Criteria for the tracer kinetic measurement of cerebral protein synthesis in humans with positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol 15 (suppl): S192-S202, 1984.
Shields WD, Lake JL, Chugani HT: Amantadine in the treatment of refractory epilepsy in childhood: Report of an open trial in 10 patients. Neurology 35:
579-581, 1985.
Furman JM, Baloh RW, Chugani HT, Waluch V, Bradley WG: Infantile cerebellar atrophy. Ann Neurol 17: 399-402, 1985.
Chugani HT, Phelps ME: Maturational changes of cerebral function in the infant determined by FDG positron emission tomography. Science 231: 840-843, 1986.
8. Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC, Engel J Jr., Phelps ME: Lennox-Gastaut syndrome:
Metabolic subtypes determined by 18FDG positron emission tomography. Ann
Neurol 21: 4-13, 1987.
9. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Positron emission tomography study of human brain functional development. Ann Neurol 22: 487-497, 1987.
10. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Peacock WJ, Shields WD, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME:
Surgical treatment of intractable neonatal-onset seizures: The role of positron emission tomography. Neurology 38: 1178-1188, 1988.
11. Chugani HT, Phelps ME: PET in children with seizures. Applied Radiology
17: 37-49, 1988.
12. Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME: Sturge-Weber syndrome: A study of cerebral glucose utilization with positron emission tomography. J. Pediatrics
114: 244-253, 1989.
13. Olson DM, Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Phelps ME, Peacock WJ:
Electrocorticographic confirmation of focal positron emission tomographic abnormalities in children with intractable epilepsy. Epilepsia 31: 731-739, 1990.
14. Feinberg I, Thode HC, Chugani HT, March JD: Gamma distribution model describes maturational curves for delta wave amplitude, cortical metabolic rate and synaptic density. J. Theor Biol. 142: 149-161, 1990.
15. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Shields WD, Peacock WJ, Phelps ME: Pediatric
Epilepsy surgery: Pre-and post-operative evaluation with PET. J. Epilepsy 3
(suppl): 141-155, 1990.
16. Shewmon DA, Shields WD, Chugani HT, Peacock WJ: Contrasts between pediatric and adult epilepsy surgery: Rationale and strategy for focal resection.
J. Epilepsy 3 (Suppl): 141-155, 1990.
17. Shields WD, Shewmon DA, Chugani HT, Peacock WJ: The role of surgery in the treatment of infantile spasms. J. Epilepsy 3 (Suppl): 321-324, 1990.
18. Chugani HT, Shields WD, Shewmon DA, Olson DM, Phelps ME, Peacock WJ:
Infantile spasms: I. PET identifies focal cortical dysgenesis in cryptogenic cases for surgical treatment. Ann Neurol, 27: 406-413, 1990.
19. Chugani HT, Hovda DA, Villablanca JR, Phelps ME, Xu WF: Metabolic maturation of the brain: A study of local cerebral glucose utilization in the cat.
J. Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 11: 35-47, 1991.
20. Kerrigan JF, Chugani HT, Phelps ME: Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in clinical subtypes of cerebral palsy. Pediatric Neurol, 7:415-425, 1991.
21. Dietrich RB, El Saden S, Chugani HT, Bentson J, Peacock WJ: Resective surgery for intractable epilepsy in children: Radiologic evaluation. Am J.
Neuroradiol 12: 1149-1158, 1991.
22. Hovda DA, Chugani HT, Villablanca JR, Badie B, Sutton RL: Maturation of cerebral oxidative metabolism in the cat: A cytochrome oxidase histochemistry study. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 12: 1039-1048, 1992.
23. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Sankar R, Chen BC, Phelps ME: Infantile spasms:
II. Lenticular nuclei and brainstem activation on positron emission tomography.
Ann Neurol 31: 212-219, 1992.
24. Gorman DG, Shields WD, Shewmon DA, Chugani HT, Finkel R, Comair YG,
Peacock WJ: Neurosurgical treatment of refractory status epilepticus. Epilepsia
33: 546-549, 1992.
25. Caplan R, Comair Y, Shewmon DA, Jackson L, Chugani HT, Peacock WJ:
Intractable seizures, compulsions, and coprolalia: A pediatric case study.
J. Neuropsychiat Clin Neurosci 4: 315-319, 1992.
26. Jacobs B, Harris GC, Allada V, Chugani HT, Pollack DB, Raleigh MJ:
Midazolam as an effective intravenous adjuvant to prolonged ketamine sedation in young rhesus (Macaca Mulatta) and vervet (Cercopithecus aethiops sabeaus) monkeys: a preliminary report. Am J Primat 29: 291-298, 1993.
27. Rintahaka PJ, Chugani HT, Messa C, Phelps ME: Hemimegalencephaly:
Evaluation with positron emission tomography. Pediatr Neurol 9: 21-28, 1993.
28. Rocha L, Ackermann RF, Nassir Y, Chugani HT, Engel J Jr.: Characterization of mu opioid receptor binding during amygdala kindling in rats and effects of chronic naloxone pretreatment: an autoradiographic study. Epilepsy Res 14: 195-208,
29. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Khanna S, Phelps ME: Interictal and postictal focal hypermetabolism on positron emission tomography. Pediatr Neurol 9: 10-15,
30. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Shields WD, Sankar R, Comair Y, Vinters HV,
Peacock WJ: Surgery for intractable infantile spasms: neuroimaging perspectives.
Epilepsia 34: 764-771, 1993.
31. Rocha L, Tatsukawa K, Chugani HT, Engel J Jr.: Benzodiazepine receptor binding following chronic treatment with naloxone, morphine and met-enkephalin in normal rats. Brain Res 612: 247-252, 1993.
32. Caplan R, Chugani HT, Messa C, Guthrie D, Sigman M, de Traversay J,
Mundy P: Hemispherectomy for intractable seizures: Presurgical cerebral glucose metabolism and postsurgical non-verbal communication. Dev Med Child Neurol
35: 582-592, 1993.
33. Kornblum HI, Chugani HT, Tatsukawa K, Gall CM: Cerebral hemidecortication alters expression of transforming growth factor alpha mRNA in the neostriatum of developing rats. Mol Brain Res 21: 107-114, 1994.
34. Rocha L, Ackermann RF, Chugani HT, Engel J Jr.: Chronic pretreatment with naloxone modifies benzodiazepine receptor binding in amygdaloid kindled rats.
Epilepsy Res 21: 107-114, 1994.
35. Chugani HT, Rintahaka PJ, Shewmon DA: Ictal patterns of cerebral glucose utilization in children with epilepsy. Epilepsia 35: 813-822, 1994.
36. Chugani HT, Jacobs B: Metabolic recovery in caudate nucleus of children following cerebral hemispherectomy. Ann Neurol 36: 794-797, 1994.
37. Khanna S, Chugani HT, Messa C, Curran JG: Corpus callosum agenesis and epilepsy: PET findings. Pediatr Neurol 10: 221-227, 1994.
38. Philippart M, Messa C, Chugani HT: Spielmeyer-Vogt (Batten, Spielmeyer-
Sjogren) disease: Distinctive patterns of cerebral glucose utilization. Brain
117: 1085-1092, 1994.
39. Chugani HT: The role of PET in childhood epilepsy. J Child Neurol 9 (Suppl)
S82-S88, 1994.
40. Gaily E, Rantala H, Rintahaka P, Shewmon DA, Chugani HT, Peacock WJ,
Shields WD, Alle kaksivuotiaan lapsen vaikea epilepsia: onko leikkauksesta apua? Duodecim, 110: 44-51, 1994.
41. Jacobs B, Chugani HT, Allada V, Chen S, Phelps ME, Pollack DB,
Raleigh MJ: Developmental changes in brain metabolism in sedated rhesus macaques and vervet monkeys revealed by positron emission tomography.
Cerebral Cortex, 3: 222-233; 1047-3211, 1995.
42. Shamoto H, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Glucose metabolism in the human cerebellum: anatomical-functional correlations. J Child Neurol, 11: 451-457,
43. Gaily EK, Shewmon DA, Chugani HT, Curran JG: Asymmetric and asynchronous infantile spasms. Epilepsia 36: 873-882, 1995.
44. Chakraborty P, Mangner T, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT: A high-yield and simplified procedure for the synthesis of alpha-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan.
Nuc Med & Bio, 23: 1005-1008, 1996.
45. Philippart M, Chugani HT, Bateman JB: New Spielmeyer-Vogt variant with granular inclusions and early brain atrophy. Am J Med Genet 57: 160-164,
46. Rintahaka PJ, Chugani HT, Sankar R: Landau-Kleffner syndrome with continuous spikes and waves during slow-wave sleep. J Child Neurol,
10: 127-133, 1995.
47. Chugani HT, Conti JR: Etiological classification of infantile spasms in 140 cases: Role of positron emission tomography. J. Child Neurol 11: 44-48, 1996.
48. Caplan R, Curtiss S, Chugani HT, Vinters HV: Pediatric Rasmussen encephalitis: social communication, language, PET, and pathology before and after hemispherectomy. Brain and Cognition 32: 45-46, 1996.
49. Chugani HT, da Silva EA, Chugani DC: Infantile spasms: III. Prognostic implications of bitemporal hypometabolism on positron emission tomography.
Ann Neurol 39: 643-649, 1996.
50. Hovda DA, Villablanca JR, Chugani HT, Phelps ME: Cerebral metabolism following neonatal or adult hemineodecortication in cats: I. Effects on glucose metabolism using [14C]2-deoxy-D-glucose autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow
Metab, 16: 1, 134-146, 1996.
51. Chugani HT, Muller R-A, Chugani DC: Functional brain reorganization in children. Brain & Development 18: 347-356, 1996.
52. Awaad Y, Shamoto H, Chugani H: Hemidystonia improved by baclofen and
PET scan findings in a patient with glutaric aciduria type I. J Child Neurol 11:
167-169, 1996.
53. Shamoto H, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Glucose metabolism in the human cerebellum: anatomical-functional correlations. J Child Neurol 11: 451-457,
54. Elliott TK, Watkins JM, Messa C, Lippe B, Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography and neuropsychological correlations in Turner Syndrome children.
Developmental Neuropsych 12: 365-386, 1996.
55. Rintahaka P, Chugani HT: Clinical role of positron emission tomography in children with tuberous sclerosis complex. J Child Neurol, 12: 42-52, 1997.
56. Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chakraborty P, Mangner T, Chugani HT: Analysis of
[11C]alpha-methyl-tryptophan kinetics for the estimation of serotonin synthesis rate in vivo. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 17: 659-669. 1997.
57. Chugani DC, Muzik O, Rothermel R, Behen M. Chakraborty P, Mangner T, da Silva EA, Chugani HT: Altered serotonin synthesis in the dentatothalamocortical pathway in autistic boys. Ann Neurol, 42 4: 666-669,
58. Phillipart M, da Silva EA, Chugani HT: The value of positron emission tomography in the diagnosis and monitoring of late infantile and juvenile lipopigment storage disorders. Neuropediatrics, 28: 74-76, 1997.
59. Muller R-A, Chugani HT, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Language and motor function activate calcified hemisphere in patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome: a PET study. J Child Neurol, 12: 431-437, 1997.
60. Muller, R-A, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Chugani HT:
Plasticity of motor organization in children and adults. NeuroReport 8:
3103-3108, 1997.
61. Shamoto H, Chugani HT: Glucose metabolism in the human cerebellum: an analysis of crossed cerebellar disachisis in children with unilateral cerebral injury.
J Child Neurol 12: 407-417, 1997.
62. da Silva EA, Chugani HT, Chugani DC: Landau-Kleffner syndrome: Metabolic abnormalities in temporal lobe is a common feature. J Child Neurol, 12:
489-495, 1997.
63. da Silva EA, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT: Identification of frontal lobe epileptic foci in children using positron emission tomography. Epilepsia, 38:
1198-1208, 1997.
64. Moore GJ, Slovis TL, Chugani HT: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in children with Surge-Weber Syndrome. J Child Neurol 13: 332-335, 1998.
65. Loopvijt LD, Hovda DA, Ebrahim A, Villablanca JR , Chugani HT: Increase in D2 dopamine receptor binding in the neostriatum of neonatal compared to adult hemidecorticated cats. Dev Brain Research, 107: 113-122, 1998.
66. Muller RA, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT:
Receptive and expressive language activations for sentences: a PET study.
NeuroReport 8: 3767-3770, 1997.
67. Vinas FC, Zamorano L, Muller R-A, Zhaowei J, Chugani HT, Fuerst D,
Muzik O, Mangner T, Diaz FG: [150]-water PET and localization of eloquent cortex. Neurol Research 19: 601-608, 1997.
68. Muller R-A, Chugani HT, Muzik O, Mangner TJ: Brain organization of motor and language functions following hemispherectomy: A [150]-water PET study. J
Child Neurol, 13: 16-22, 1998.
69. Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Mangner T, Chugani HT: Human brain serotonin synthesis capacity measured in vivo with alpha-[C-11]methyl-L- troptophan. Synapse 28: 33-43, 1998.
70. Chugani DC, Chugani HT, Muzik O, Shah JR, Shah AK, Canady AL,
Mangner TJ, Chakraborty PK: Imaging epileptogenic tubers in children with tuberous sclerosis complex using alpha[11C]-methyl-L-tryptophan PET. Ann
Neurol, 44: 858-866, 1998.
71. Muller RA, Chugani DC, Behen ME, Rothermel RD, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK,
Chugani HT: Impairment of dentatothalamocortical pathway in autism: Language activation data from PET. Neurosci Letters 245, 1-4, 1998.
Muller RA, Watson CE, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Chugani, HT: Motor organization
after early middle cerebral artery stroke: A PET Study. Pediatr Neurol, 19:4,
294-298, 1998.
73. Muller RA, Behen ME, Rothermel RD, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Mangner TJ,
Chugani HT: Brain mapping of language and auditory perception in high- functioning autistic adults: a PET study. J Autism Dev. Disorders 29: 19-31,
74. Chugani DC, Muzik O, Behen ME, Rothermel RD, Lee J, Chugani HT:
Developmental changes in brain serotonin synthesis capacity in autistic and non-autistic children. Ann Neurol 45: 287-295, 1999.
75. Nimura K, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT: Cerebellar reorganization following cortical injury is age-dependent in humans: effects of lesion size and age.
Neurology 52: 792-797, 1999.
76. Chugani HT: A critical period of brain development: studies of cerebral glucose utilization with PET. Preventive Medicine 26: 184-188, 1998.
77. da Silva EA, Muller RA, Chugani DC, Shah J, Shah A, Watson C, Chugani HT:
Brain activation during intermittent photic stimulation: A [150]-water PET study on photosensitive epilepsy. Epilepsia 40, 17-22, 1999.
78. Muller RA, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Chakraborty PK,
Chugani HT: Brain organization of language after early unilateral lesion:
A PET Study. Brain and Language 62, 422-451, 1998.
79. Muller RA, Rothermel RD, Muzik O, Becker C, Fuerst DR, Behen ME,
Mangner TJ, Chugani HT: Determination of language dominance by [150]-water
PET in children and adolescents: A comparison with the wada test. J. Epilepsy
11: 152-161, 1998.
80. Muller RA, Behen ME, Muzik O, Rothermel RD, Downey RA, Mangner TJ,
Chugani HT: Task-related activations in heterotopic brain malformations: a PET study. NeuroReport 9, 2527-2533, 1998.
81. Muzik, O, Chugani DC, Chenggang S, da Silva EA, Shah J, Shah A, Canady A,
Watson C, Chugani HT: Objective method of localization of cortical asymmetries using positron emission tomography to aid surgical resection of epileptic foci. Computer Aided Surgery 3: 74-82, 1998
82. Philippart M, da Silva, EA, Bateman JB, Chugani HT: Late-onset grod (ICNL) variant: similarties and differences with Spielmeyer-Vogt Disease. (Submitted)
83. Muller RA, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT:
Developmental changes of cortical and cerebellar motor control: a clinical positron emission tomography study with children and adults. J Child Neurol 13:11, 550-556,
84. Muller RA., Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Chugani HT:
Language organization in patients with early and late left-hemisphere lesion:
A PET study. Neuropsychologia 37, 545-557, 1999.
85. Muzik O, Janisse J, Ager J, Shen C, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: A mathematical model for the analysis of cross-sectional brain glucose metabolism data in children. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol & Biol Psychiat., 23, 589-600, 1999.
86. Muller RA, Behen ME, Rothermel RD, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Chugani HT:
Brain organization for language in children, adolescents, and adults with left hemisphere lesion: A PET study. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol & Biol Psychiat.,
23, 657-668, 1999.
87. Nagy F, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, da Silva EA, Muzik O, Kupsky W, Canady A,
Watson C, Shah J, Chugani HT: Altered in vitro and in vivo flumazenil binding in human epileptogenic neocortex. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 19: 939-947,
88. Chugani DC, Niimura K, Chaturvedi S, Muzik O, Fakhouri M, Lee ML, Chugani HT:
Increased brain serotonin synthesis in migraine. Neurology 53: 1473-1479, 1999.
89. Muzik, O, da Silva EA, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Shah J, Nagy F, Canady A, von
Stockhausen H.-M, Herholz K, Gates J, Frost M, Ritter F, Watson C, Chugani HT:
Intracranial EEG versus flumazenil and glucose PET in children with extratemporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 54: 171-179, 2000.
Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Watson C, Shah J, Shah A, Chugani HT: Relationship between EEG and positron emission tomography abnormalities in clinical epilepsy.
J of Clinical Neurophysiology 17, 29-42, 2000.
Pfund Z, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani HT, Wilds I, Seraji-Bozorgzad N,
Moore GJ: Evidence for coupling between glucose metabolism and glutamate cycling using FDG PET and 1 H magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with epilepsy. J
Cereb Blood Flow Metab 20: 871-878, 2000.
Pfund Z, Chugani HT, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Behen MA, Chugani DC, Nigro MA,
Trock GL, Squires LA: Lissencephaly: Fetal pattern of glucose metabolism on positron emission tomography? Neurology 55, 1683-1688, 2000.
93. Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Watson C, Shah J, Shah A, Chugani HT:
Electroclinical correlates of flumazenil and fluorodeoxyglucose PET abnormalities in
lesional epilepsy. Neurology 55, 825-834, 2000.
Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Watson C, Shah J, Shah A, Chugani HT: Is
epileptogenic cortex truly hypometabolic on interictal positron emission tomography?
Ann of Neurol 48, 88-96, 2000.
95. Asano E, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shen C, Juhasz C, Janisse J, Ager J, Canady A,
Shah JR, Shah AK, Watson CE, Chugani HT: Multimodality imaging for improved detection of epileptogenic lesions in tuberous sclerosis complex. Neurology 54:
1976-1984, 2000.
Muzik O, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Shen C, Chugani HT: Statistical parametric mapping: assessment of application in children. NeuroImage 12, 538-549, 2000.
97. Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shah A, Shah J, Watson C, Canady A, Chugani HT:
Relationship of flumazenil and glucose PET abnormalities to neocortical epilepsy surgery outcome. Neurology 2001; 56:1650-1658.
98. Lee Js, Asano E, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Pfund Z, Philip S, Behen M,
Chugani HT: Sturge-Weber syndrome: Correlation between clinical course and FDG
PET findings. Neurology 57: 189-195, 2001.
99. Chugani DC, Muzik O, Juhasz C, Janisse JJ, Ager J, Chugani HT : Postnatal maturation of human GABA
receptors measured with positron emission tomography. Annals of
Neurology 49: 618-626, 2001.
100. Chugani HT , Behen ME, Muzik O, Nagy F, Juhasz C, Chugani DC: Local brain functional activity following early social deprivation: A study of post-institutionalized
Romanian orphans. NeuroImage 14:1290-1301, 2001.
Asano E, Chugani DC, Juhasza C, Muzik O, Chugani HT . Surgical treatment of West
syndrome. Brain Dev 23: 668-676, 2001.
Juhasz C, Chugani HT , Muzik O, Chugani DC. Neuroradiological assessment of brain structure and function and its implication in the pathogenesis of West syndrome. Brain
Dev 23:488-495, 2001.
Juhász C, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Bilateral Prefrontal and
Temporal Neocortical Hypometabolism in Children with Epilepsy and Aggression.
Epilepsia 42:991-1001, 2001.
Asano E, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Behen M, Janisse J, Rothermel R, Mangner TJ,
Chakraborty PK, Chugani HT . Autism in tuberous sclerosis complex is related to both cortical and subcortical dysfunction. Neurology 57:1269-1277, 2001.
Juhász C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Shen C, Janisse J, Chugani HT . Prolonged vigabatrin treatment modifies developmental changes of GABAA receptor binding in young children with epilepsy. Epilepsia 42:1320-1326, 2001.
Lee JS, Juhasz C, Kaddurah AK, Chugani HT : Patterns of cerebral glucose metabolism in early and late stages of Rasmussen’s syndrome. J Child Neurol 2001;16:798-805.
Pfund Z, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Juhasz C, Behen ME, Lee J, Chakraborty P, Mangner
T, Chugani HT . [C-11]methyl-L-tryptophan PET in patients with alternating hemiplegia of childhood. J Child Neurol 2002;17:253-60.
Lee JS, Pfund Z, Juhasz C, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Nigro MA, Chugani HT .
Altered regional brain glucose metabolism in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: A PET study. Muscle & Nerve 2002; 26:506-512 .
109. Chander S, Ergun EL, Chugani HT , Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Shields AF, Weaver DW.
High 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose accumulation in a case of retroperitoneal fibrosis following resection of carcinoid tumor. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2002;4:363-368.
110. Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shah A, Asano E, Mangner TJ, Chakraborty PK , Sood
S, Chugani HT . Alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan PET detects epileptogenic cortex in children with intractable epilepsy. Neurology 2003;60:960-968.
Asano E, Muzik O, Shah A, Juhász C, Chugani DC, Sood S, Janisse J, Ergun EL, Ahn-
Ewing J, Shen C, Gotman J, Chugani HT . Quantitative interictal subdural EEG analyses in children with neocortical epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003;44:425-434.
Shah JR, Juhasz C, Kupsky WJ, Asano E, Sood S, Fain D, Chugani HT . Rasmussen encephalitis associated with Parry-Romberg syndrome. Neurology 2003;61:395-397.
Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Does serotonin have trophic effects in temporal lobe epilepsy? (invited peer-reviewed editorial). Neurology 2003;60:736-737.
Pfund Z, Kagawa K, Juhasz C, Shen C, Lee JS, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani
HT . Quantitative analysis of gray and white matter volumes and glucose metabolism in the Sturge-Weber Syndrome. J Child Neurol 2003;18:119-126.
D’Agostino MD, Bastos A, Piras C, Bernasconi A, Grisar T, Gross Tsur V, Snipes J,
Juhasz C, Chugani H , Guerrini R, Cross H, Andermann E, Dubeau F, Montes J, Olivier
A, Andermann F. Posterior quadrantic dysplasia or hemi-hemimegalencephaly: a characteristic brain malformation. Neurology 2004;62:2214-2220.
Juhász C, Chugani DC, Padhye UN, Muzik O, Shah A, Asano E, Mangner TJ,
Chakraborty PK, Sood S, Chugani HT . Evaluation with 11 C]methyl-L-tryptophan
PET for reoperation after failed epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia 2004;45:124-30
Asano E, Muzik O, Shah A, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Kagawa K, Benedek K, Sood S,
Gotman J, Chugani HT . Clinical Neurophysiology 2004;115:2718-2727.
Benedek K, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Metabolic changes of subcortical structures in intractable focal epilepsy. Epilepsia 2004;45:1100-1105.
Asano E, Benedek K, Shah A, Juhasz C, Shah J, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Sood S,
Chugani HT . Is intraoperative electrocorticography reliable in children with intractable neocortical epilepsy? Epilepsia 2004;45:1091-1099.
Chandana SR, Behen ME, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Rothermel RD, Mangner TJ, Chakraborty
PK, Chugani HT , Chugani DC. Significance of abnormalities in developmental trajectory and asymmetry of cortical serotonin synthesis in autism. Int J Devl
Neuroscience 2005;23:171-182.
Chugani HT . Fine-tuning the baby brain. Cerebrum 2004;6:33-48.
Kagawa K, Chugani DC, Asano E, Juhász C, Muzik O, Shah A, Shah J, Sood S, Kupsky
WJ, Mangner TJ, Chakraborty PK, Chugani HT . Epilepsy surgery outcome in children with tuberous sclerosis studied with alpha[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan PET. J Child
Neurol 2005;20:429-38. [ Note : Editorial on this article by E. S. Roach, M.D., p.399 same issue].
Maiti DK, Chakraborty PK, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT .
Synthesis procedure for routine production of [ carbonyl-
C ]desmethyl-WAY-100635.
Appl Radiat Isot. 2005 May;62(5):721-7.
Asano E, Juhász C, Shah A, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Shah J, Sood S, Chugani HT .
Origin and propagation of epileptic spasms delineated on electrocorticography. Epilepsia
Rackhade SN, Yao B, Ahmed S, Asano E, Beaumont TL, Shah AK, Draghici S, Krauss
R, Chugani HT , Sood S, Loeb JA. A common pattern of persistent gene activation in human neocortical epileptic foci. Ann Neurol 2005;58:736-747.
Asano E, Pawlak C, Shah A, Shah J, Luat AF, Ahn-Ewing J, Chugani HT . The diagnostic value of initial video-EEG monitoring in children---review of 1000 cases.
Epilepsy Research 2005;66:129-135.
Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Wu D, Sloan AE, Barger G, Watson C, Shah AK,
Sood S, Ergun EL, Mangner TJ, Chakraborty PK, Kupsky WJ, Chugani HT . In vivo uptake and metabolism of alpha-[(11)C]methyl-L-tryptophan in human brain tumors.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2005 Aug 3; [Epub ahead of print]
Kimiwada T, Juhasz C, Makki M, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Asano E, Chugani HT .
Hippocampal and thalamic diffusion abnormalities in children with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2006 Jan;47(1):167-75.
Benedek K, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Janisse J, Chugani HT . Longitudinal changes of cortical glucose hypometabolism in children with intractable epilepsy. J
Child Neurol 2006; 21:26-31.
Eluvathingal T, Chugani HT , Behen M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Makki M,
Maqbool M. Abnormal brain connectivity in children following early severe socioemotional deprivation: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Pediatrics 2006; 117:2093-
Luat AF, Chugani HT , Asano E, Juhász C, Trock G, Rothermel R. Episodic receptive aphasia in a child with Landau-Kleffner syndrome: PET correlates. Brain &
Development 2006; 28:592-596.
Edwards DJ, Chugani DC, Chugani HT , Chelab J, Malian M, Aranda JV.
Pharmacokinetics of buspirone in autistic children. J Clin Pharmacol 2006; 46:508-514.
Luat AF, Bernardi B, Chugani HT . Congenital perisylvian syndrome: MRI and glucose
PET correlations. Pediatr Neurol 2006; 35:21-29.
Lin F-Y, Gascon GG, Hyland K, Chugani H , Chugani D. Transient non-ketotic hyperglycinemia and defective serotonin metabolism in a child with neonatal seizures. J
Child Neurol 2006; 21:900-903.
Hovda DA, Villblanca JR, Chugani HT , Barrio JR. Metabolic maturation of the brain: a study of local cerebral protein synthesis in the developing cat. Brain Res 2006; 1113:54-
Luat AF, Asano E, Juhasz C, Chandana SR, Shah A, Sood S, Chugani HT .
Relationship between brain glucose metabolism positron emission tomography (PET) and electroencephalography (EEG) in children with continuous spike-and-wave activity during slow-wave sleep. J Child Neurol 2006; 20:682-690.
Sood S, Asano E, Chugani HT . Significance of preserving the vein of Labbé in epilepsy surgery involving temporal lobe resection. J Neurosurg: Pediatrics 2006; 105:210-213.
Wakamoto H, Eluvathingal TJ, Makki M, Juhász C, Chugani HT . Diffusion tensor imaging of the corticospinal tract following cerebral hemispherectomy. J Child Neurol
2006; 21:566-571.
Eluvathingal TJ, Behen ME, Chugani HT , Janisse J, Bernardi B, Chakraborty P, Juhász
C, Muzik O, Chugani DC. Cerebellar lesions in tuberous sclerosis complex: neurobehavioral and neuroimaging correlates. J Child Neurol 2006; 21:846-851.
Juhasz C, Chugani HT . An almost missed leptomenigeal angioma in Sturge-Weber syndrome. Neurology 2007;68:243.
Batista CEA, Chugani HT , Juhasz C, Behen ME, Shankaran S. Transient hypermetabolism of the basal ganglia following perinatal hypoxia. Pediatr Neurol 2007;
Holmes GL, Stafstrom CE, and the Tuberous Sclerosis Study Group . Tuberous sclerosis complex and epilepsy: recent developments and future challenges. Epilepsia
Juhasz C, Batista CEA, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT . Evolution of cortical metabolic abnormalities and their clinical correlates in Sturge-Weber syndrome. Eur J
Paediatr Neurol 2007;11:277-284.
Asano E, Mihaylova T, Juhasz C, Sood S, Chugani HT . Effect of sleep on interictal spikes and distribution of sleep spindles on electrocorticography in children with focal epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol 2007;118:1360-8.
Luat AF, Asano E, Chugani HT . Paroxysmal tonic upgaze of childhood with coexistent absence epilepsy. Epileptic Disord 2007;9:332-6.
Chugani HT , Juhasz C, Behen ME, Ondersma R, Muzik O. Autism with facial portwine stain: a new syndrome? Pediatr Neurol 2007;37:192-199.
P eng F, Juhasz C, Bhambhani K, Wu D, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Assessment of progression and treatment response of optic pathway glioma with positron emission tomography using alpha-[(11)C]methyl-L-tryptophan. Mol Imaging Biol 2007;9:106-9.
Juhasz C, Lai C, Behen ME, Muzik O, Helder EJ, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . White matter volume as a major predictor of cognitive function in Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Arch Neurol 2007;64:1169-1174.
Shah AK, Fuerst D, Sood S, Asano E, Ahn-Ewing J, Pawlak C, Chugani HT . Seizures lead to elevation of intracranial pressure in children undergoing invasive EEG monitoring. Epilepsia 2007;48:1097-1103.
Juhasz C, Haacke EM, Hu J, Xuan Y, Makki M, Behen ME, Maqbool M, Muzik O,
Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Multimodality imaging of cortical and white matter abnormalities in Sturge-Weber syndrome. Am J Neuroradiol 2007;28:900-906.
Batista CE, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Increased visual cortex glucose metabolism contralateral to angioma in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Dev Med Child Neurol 2007;49:567-73.
Makki MI, Chugani DC, Janisse J, Chugani HT . Characteristics of abnormal diffusivity in normal-appearing white matter investigated with diffusion tensor MR imaging in tuberous sclerosis complex. Am J Neuroradiol 2007;28:1662-1667.
Behen M, Chugani HT , Juhasz C, Helder E, Ho A, Maqbool M, Rothermel RD, Perry J,
Muzik O. Abnormal brain tryptophan metabolism and clinical correlates in Tourette syndrome. Mov Disord 2007;22:2256-62.
Muzik O, Chugani DC, Zou G, Hua J, Lu Y, Lu S, Asano E, Chugani HT .
Multimodality data integration in epilepsy. Int J Biomed Imaging 2007;13963.
Haseeb A, Asano E, Juhasz C, Shah A, Sood S, Chugani HT . Young patients with focal seizures may have the primary motor area for the hand in the postcentral gyrus. Epilepsy
Res 2007;76:131-9.
Luat AF, Asano E, Rothermel R, Sood S, Chugani HT . Psychosis as a manifestation of frontal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior 2008; 200-204.
Chugani HT , Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Lawrenson L, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Sood S.
Increased striatal serotonin synthesis following cortical resection in children with intractable epilepsy. Epilepsy Res 2008; 78:124-130.
G ovindan RM, Chugani HT , Makki MI, Behen ME, Dornbush J, Sood S. Diffusion tensor imaging of brain plasticity after occipital lobectomy. Pediatr Neurol 2008; 38:27-
Sundaram SK, Sivaswamy L, Makki MI, Behen ME, Chugani HT . Absence of arcuate fasciculus in children with global developmental delay of unknown etiology: a diffusion tensor imaging study. J Pediatr 2008; 152:250-255.
Sood S, Asano E, Chugani HT . Role of external ventriculostomy in the management of fever after hemispherectomy. J Neurosurg Pediatrics 2008; 2:427-429.
Kumar A, Chugani HT , Luat A, Asano E, Sood S. Epilepsy surgery in a case of encephalitis: use of 11 C-PK11195 positron emission tomography. Pediatr Neurol 2008;
G ovindan RM, Makki MI, Sundaram SK, Juhasz C, Chugani HT . Diffusion tensor analysis of temporal and extra-temporal lobe tracts in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy
Res 2008; 80:30-41.
Batista CE, Chugani HT , Hu J, Haacke EM, Behen ME, Helder EJ, Juhasz C. Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging detects abnormalities in normal-appearing frontal lobe iof patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome. J Neuroimaging 2008; 18:306-13.
Makki MI, Behen M, Bhatt A, Wilson B, Chugani HT . Microstructural abnormalities of striatum and thalamus in children with Tourette syndrome. Mov Disord 2008; 23:2349-
Wakamoto H, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Kupsky WJ, Chugani HT . Alphamethyl-L-tryptophan positron emission tomography in epilepsy with cortical developmental malformations. Pediatr Neurol 2008; 39:181-8.
Behen ME, Helder E, Rothermel R, Solomon K, Chugani HT . Incidence of specific absolute neurocognitive impairment in globally intact children with histories of early severe deprivation. Child Neuropsychol 2008; 453-69.
Hu J, Yu Y, Juhasz C, Kou Z, Xuan Y, Latif Z, Kudo K, Chugani HT , Haacke EM. MR susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) complements conventional contrast enhanced T1 weighted MRI in characterizing brain abnormalities of Sturge-Weber syndrome. J Magn
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Nishida M, Juhasz C, Sood S, Chugani HT , Asano E. Cortical glucose metabolism positively correlates with gamma-oscillations in nonlesional focal epilepsy. Neuroimage
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Fukuda M, Nishida M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Sood S, Chugani HT , Asano E. Shortlatency median-nerve somatosensory-evoked potentials and induced gamma-oscillations in humans. Brain 2008; 131:1793-805.
Brown EC, Rothermel R, Nishida M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Hoechstetter K, Sood S,
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1. Engel J Jr., Ackermann RF, Caldecott-Hazard S, Chugani HT: Do altered opioid mechanisms play a role in human epilepsy? In Fariello RG, Engel J Jr.,
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Chugani HT, Ackermann RF, Chugani DC, Engel J Jr.: Autoradiographic studies of opioid-mediated epileptogenic phenomena in rats. In Fariello RG, Engel J Jr.,
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Engel J Jr., Caldecott-Hazard S, Chugani HT, Ackermann RF: Neuropeptides, seizures and epilepsy. In Porter RJ, Mattson RH, Ward AA Jr., Dam M (eds):
Advances in Epileptology: XVth Epilepsy International Symposium. Raven Press,
New York, pp. 25-30, 1984.
Chugani HT, Menkes JH: Neurological manifestations of systemic disease. In
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720-763, 1985.
Chugani HT, Olsen RW: Benzodiazepine/GABA receptor binding in vitro and in vivo in analysis of clinical disorders. In: Olsen RW, Venter JC (eds):
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Chugani HT, Engel J Jr.: PET in intractable epilepsy. In Schmidt D, Morselli PL
(eds): Intractable epilepsy: Experimental and clinical aspects. Raven Press,
New York, pp. 119-128, 1986.
Ackermann RF, Chugani HT, Handforth A, et al.: Autoradiographic studies of cerebral metabolism and blood flow in rat amygdala kindling. In Wada JA (ed.):
Kindling III. Raven Press, New York, pp. 73-90, 1986.
8. Chugani HT, Babb TL, Baumgartner F. Capacchione JF: Binding of "inhibitory" receptors by 3H-muscimol and 3H-flunitrazepam in human epileptic hippocampus.
In Nistico G, Morselli PL, Lloyd KG, Fariello RG, Engel J Jr. (eds.):
Neurotransmitters, Seizures, and Epilepsy III, Raven Press, New York, pp. 319-330, 1986.
9. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography: Principles and applications in pediatrics. Mead Johnson Symposium in Perinatal and Developmental Medicine, 1987.
10. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Barnes D: PET in normal and abnormal brain development.
In Messer A, Swann JW (eds): Disorders of the Developing Nervous System: Changing
Views on their Origins, Diagnoses and Treatments. AR Liss, New York, pp. 51-67,
11. Phelps ME, Barrio JR, Huang SC, Keen RE, Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC: Model, assumptions and preliminary results. In Greitz T, Ingvar DH, Widen L (eds): The
Metabolism of the Human Brain Studied with Positron Emission Tomography.
Raven Press, New York, pp. 215-232, 1989.
12. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Metabolic assessment of functional maturation and neuronal plasticity in the human brain. In: Von Euler C,
Forssberg H: Neurobiology of Early Infant Behavior. MacMillan press, pp. 323-330, 1989.
13. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Shewmon DA: Cerebral glucose utilization in intractable neonatal epilepsy and in the developing brain. In: Vert P, Wasterlain C (eds.):
Neonatal Seizures. Raven Press, New York, pp. 169-179, 1990.
14. Crandall PH, Risinger MW, Suterling WW, Chugani H, Peacock W,
Levesque M: Surgical treatment of the partial epilepsies. In: Dam M, Gram L.
Comprehensive Epileptology. Raven Press, New York, pp. 683-714, 1990.
15. Hwang P, Gilday DL, Spire JP, Hosny H, Chugani HT, Garnett ES,
Theodore W, Laxer K: Chronic focal encephalitis of Rasmussen: Functional neuroimaging studies with positron emission tomography and single-photon emission computed tomography scanning. In: Andermann F. Chronic
Encephalitis and Epilepsy (Rasmussen's Syndrome). Butterworth-Heinemann,
Stoneham, MA, pp. 61-72, 1991.
16. Chugani HT, Phelps ME: Editorial: Imaging human brain development with positron emission tomography. J. Nucl Med 32: 23-26, 1991.
17. Chugani HT: Childhood Epilepsy: Anatomical and functional neuroimaging. In:
Ohtahara S, Roger J: New Trends in Pediatric Epileptology. Okayama Med Press, pp. 17-28, 1991.
18. Phelps ME, Barrio JR, Hoffman EJ, Huang SC, Chugani HT: PET: A biochemical image of the brain at work. In: Lassen NA, Ingvar DH, Raichle ME,
Friberg L: Brain Work and Mental Activity. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, pp. 32-49, 1991.
19. Chugani HT, Shields WD, Shewmon DA, Peacock WJ: (letter) Reply to:
Surgical treatment for infantile spasms? Ann Neurol 29: 111-112, 1991.
Engel J Jr., Henry TR, Risinger MW, Sutherling WW, Chugani HT: PET in relation to intracranial electrode evaluations. In: Theodore WH (ed): Epilepsy
Research, Surgical treatment of epilepsy. Elsevier Science BV, pp 111-120, 1992.
21. Chugani HT, Dietrich RB: Sturge-Weber Syndrome: Recent developments in neuroimaging and surgical considerations. In: Fetal and Perinatal Neurology.
Fukuyama Y, Suzuki Y, Kamoshita S, Casaer P (eds): Karger, Basel, pp. 187-196, 1992.
22. Chugani HT: Functional brain imaging in pediatrics. Ped Clinics North America
39: 777-799, 1992.
23. Chugani HT, Dietrich RB: Pediatric Disorders. In: Mazziotta JC, Gilman S:
Clinical Brain Imaging: Principles and Applications. F.A. Davis, Philadelphia, pp. 411-457, 1992.
24. Chugani HT: Functional maturation of the brain. International Pediatr 7: 111-117,
25. Chugani HT: The role of positron emission tomography in childhood epilepsy.
International Pediatr 7: 260-265, 1992.
26. Peacock WJ, Comair YG, Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Shields WD: Epilepsy surgery in childhood. In: Luders H (ed). Epilepsy Surgery, Raven Press,
New York, pp. 589-598, 1992.
27. Shields WD, Shewmon DA, Chugani HT, Peacock WJ: Treatment of infantile spasms: medical or surgical? Epilepsia 33 (suppl. 4): S26-S31, 1992.
28. Chugani HT: The use of positron emission tomography in the clinical assessment of epilepsy. Sem Nucl Med 22: 247-253, 1992.
29. Sankar R, Chugani HT: Strategies for diagnosis and treatment of childhood epilepsy. Current Opinion in Neurology and Neurosurgery 6: 398-402, 1993.
30. Chugani HT: The application of PET and SPECT imaging in pediatric neurology.
In Fejerman N. Chamoles NA (eds.): New Trends in Pediatric Neurology.
Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 13-21, 1993.
31. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography scanning: Applications in newborns.
Clinics in Perinatology 20: 395-409, 1993.
32. Chugani HT: Editorial: PET in preoperative evaluation of intractable epilepsy.
Pediatr Neurol 9: 411-413, 1993.
33. Henry TR, Chugani HT, Abou-Khalil BW, Theodore WH, Swartz BE: Positron emission tomography. In Engel J Jr (ed): Surgical Treatment of the Epilepsies,
2nd ed. New York, Raven Press, pp. 211-243, 1993.
34. Roach ES, Riela AR, Chugani HT, Shinnar S, Bodensteiner JB, Freeman J:
Sturge-Weber syndrome: recommendations for surgery. J. Child Neurol 9:
190-192, 1994.
35. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography (PET) in childhood. Rev Neurol
(Barcelona) 22: 217-220, 1994.
36. O’Tuama LA, Bjornson B, Chugani H , Treves ST: Chapter 6: Brain. In Treves ST (ed):
Pediatric Nuclear Medicine, 2 nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 88-108.
37. Chugani HT: Development of regional brain glucose metabolism in relation to behavior and plasticity. In Dawson G, Fischer KW (eds.): Human Behavior and the Developing Brain. Guilford, New York, pp. 153-175, 1994.
38. Gupta R, Chugani HT: Infantile spasms. In: Burg FD, Ingelfinger JR, Wald ER,
Polin RA (eds.): Gellis and Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy, 15th edition.
Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 106-107, 1996.
39. Chugani HT: Imaging: Anatomical and functional. In Wallace SJ (ed): Epilepsy in Children. Chapman & Hall, London, 483-506, 1996.
40. Chugani HT, Kupsky WJ, Chugani DC: Cortical dysplasia: Surgical treatment and neuropathological findings in infants and children. In Guerrini R, Andermann F,
Canapicchi R, Roger J, Zifkin BG, Pfanner P (eds): Dysplasias of Cerebral Cortex and Epilepsy, 427-433, Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1996.
41. Cummings TJ, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography in pediatric epilepsy. In Adelson PD, Black PM (eds): Surgical management of pediatric epilepsy. Neurosurgery Clin North America, 465-472, 1995.
42. Chugani HT: Infantile spasms. Current Opinion in Neurology 8:139-144, 1995.
43. Functional imaging in cortical dysplasias: positron emission tomography. In
Guerrini R, Andermann F, Canapicchi R, Roger J, Zifkin BG, Pfanner P (eds):
Dysplasias of Cerebral Cortex and Epilepsy, 169-174, Lippincott-Raven,
Philadelphia, 1996.
44. Moore GJ, Chugani HT: Cerebral metabolic imaging in Sturge-Weber syndrome.
In: Gobbi G, Andermann F, Naccarato S, Banchini G. Epilepsy and Other Neurological
Disorders in Coeliac Disease, 195-201, 1996.
45. Chugani HT: Neuroimaging of developmental nonlinearity and developmental pathologies. In Thatcher RW, Lyon GR, Rumsey J, Krasnegor (Eds):
Developmental Neuroimaging: Mapping the Development of Brain and Behavior,
Academic Press, San Diego, 197-195, 1996.
46. Watson C, Moore GJ, Chugani HT: Neuroimaging in epilepsy. The Neurologist,
2: 96-118, 1996.
47. Chugani HT, Muller RA: Plasticity associated with cerebral resections.
Shorvon S, Chauvel P, (eds): In: Advances in Neurology: Plasticity in Epilepsy:
Dynamic Aspects of Brain Function 81, 241-250, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
48. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography (PET) in substance-abuse exposed infants: a preliminary report. In: Konkol RJ, Olsen GD, (eds): Prenatal Cocaine
Exposure. Boca Raton: CRC Press 1, 183-186, 1996.
49. Chugani HT: Pathophysiology of Infantile Spasms. In: Burnham WM,
Carlen PL, Hwang PA, (eds): Intractable Seizures: Diagnosis and Therapy.
New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1997, pp. 111-121.
50. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography. In: Berg, BO (ed): Principles of Child Neurology. New York: McGraw Hill, 113-128, 1996.
51. Chugani HT: The Developing Brain. In: Wagner HN, Szabo Z, Buchanan JW,
(eds): Principles of Nuclear Medicine, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders,
483-491, 1995.
52. Koo B, Chugani HT: Neonatal seizures and infantile spasms. In: Johnson RT,
Griffin JW (eds), Current Therapy in Neurologic Disease, 5th Ed. St. Louis: Mosby
Year Book, Inc., 25-29, 1997.
53. Henry TR, Chugani HT: Positron Emission Tomography in the Epilepsies. In:
Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, Engel J. Jr, Pedley TA, (eds), Raven
Press, New York, 947-968, 1997.
54. Chugani, H.T. Tomografía por emisión de positrones. In: Fejerman, N,
Fernández Alvarez, E, editors. Neurología Pediátrica, 2a edición. Buenos
Aires: Panamerica, 1997: 86-96
55. Chugani HT: Neuroimaging II: Functional Imaging. In: Textbook of Pediatric
Neuropsychiatry, Coffey CE, Brumback RA, (eds), American Psychiatric Press, Inc.,
Washington, D.C., London, England, 289-314, 1998.
56. Chugani HT, da Silva EA, Chugani DC, Mueller R-A: PET in the diagnostic evaluation of children with focal epilepsy, In: Tuxhorn I, Holthausen H, (eds).
Pediatric Epilepsy Syndromes and their Surgical Treatment, London: John Libbey:
592-606, 1997.
57. Chugani HT: Role of PET in detection of cerebral dysgenesis. In: Kotagal P,
Luders H (eds): The Epilepsies: Etiology and Prevention. Academic press,
San Diego, pp. 29-36, 1998.
58. Chugani HT: The ontogeny of cerebral glucose metabolism. In: Garreau B, (ed).
Neuroimaging in Child Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Springer Publications:
89-96, 1998.
59. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography in mitochondrial diseases.
BioFactors. IOS Press: 255-257, 1998.
60. da Silva EA, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: PET – Tomografia por Emissao de Positrons:
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Costa da Costa J, Palmini A, Yacubian EMT, Cavalheiro EA, (eds). In:
Fundamentos Neurobiologicos das Epilepsias, 687-703, 1998.
61. Chugani HT: Metabolic imaging: A window on brain development and plasticity. Neuroscientist, 5: 29-40, 1999.
62. Chugani HT: Biological basis of emotions: Brain systems and brain
development.. In: Warhol JG (ed). New Perspectives in Early Emotional
Development. 1998 Johnson & Johnson Round Table, 5-16, 1998.
63. Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: A PET a normalis agy fejlodesenek es gyermekkori neuropszichiatriai korkepeknek a vizsgalataban. Rudolph C (ed).
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64. Shah JR, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Diagnostic positron emission tomography.
Oxbury J, Polkey C, Duchowny M (eds): Intractable Focal Epilepsy. WB Saunders., pp. 311-321, 2000.
65... Chugani HT, Chugani DC: Abnormal development and catastrophic epilepsies: the
clinical picture and relation to neuroimaging. Engel J, Schwartzkrkoin PA,
Moshe Sl, Lowenstein DH (eds): Brain Plasticity and Epilepsy. Academic Press, pp. 141-155, 2000.
66. Juhász C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Watson C, Shah J, Shah A, Chugani HT : Relationship between EEG and positron emission tomography abnormalities in clinical epilepsy. J
Clin Neurophysiol 2000;17:29-42.
Muzik O, Chugani DC, Shen C, Juhasz C, Von Stockhausen HM, Chugani HT:
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foci in children. Physiological Imaging of the Brain with PET. Academic Press,
pp 381-387, 2001.
68. Chugani DC, Chugani HT: New directions in PET neuroimaging for neocortical epilepsy. In Neocortical Epilepsies, eds, Williamson PD, Siegel AM, Roberts DW,
Thadani VM, Gazzaniga MS. Adv Neurol 84: 447-456, 2000.
69. Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Mapping of serotonin synthesis. In Functional Imaging in the Epilepsies, eds Henry TR, Duncan JS, Berkovic SF. Adv Neurol 83:165-171, 2000.
Chugani HT , Chugani DC: Ancillary Investigations, Section 2: Studies with Positron
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Asano E, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT . Positron emission tomography:
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Juhász C, Chugani HT , Muzik O, Chugani DC: Hypotheses from functional neuroimaging studies. In Schwartzkroin PA, Rho JM (eds.): Epilepsy, Infantile Spasms, and
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Jagadeesan BD, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Pediatric cortical dysplasia: positron emission tomography studies. In: Bioimaging in Neurodegeneration, Broderick PA, Rahni
DN, Kolodny EH (eds.), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2005, pp. 131-140.
Chugani HT , Chugani DC. Imaging of serotonin mechanisms in epilepsy. Epilepsy Curr.
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Asano E, Chugani HT . Temporal lobe epilepsy and cognition: what do we learn from PET studies in children? In Arzimanoglou et al. (Eds): Cognitive Dysfunction in Children with
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, John Libbey, Paris, 2005, pp. 127-140.
Sundaram SK, Chugani HT , Chugani DC. Positron emission tomography methods with potential for increased understanding of mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
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Philadelphia, 2006, Chapter 6, pp. 109-133.
Sood S, Chugani HT . Functional neuroimaging in the preoperative evaluation of children with drug-resistant epilepsy. Childs Nerv Syst 2006; 22:810-820.
Chugani HT . Editorial: What can we learn from functional neuroimaging in children?
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Treves ST, Chugani HT , Bourgeois BFD: Chapter 2: Central Nervous System. Part 1:
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Libbey, Montrouge, France, 2007, pp. 143-151.
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Henry TR, Chugani HT . Positron emission tomography (Chapter 80). In: Engel J Jr. and
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Noebels JL (Ed.) Mapping Epileptic Circuitry. Proceedings from the 26 th Annual Merritt-
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1. Chugani HT, Chugani DC: Altered energy metabolism in manganese toxicity.
Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology,
Washington, D.C., April 1982.
Lavenstein B, Chugani HT, Woo S, Sinks L: Effectiveness of the brainstem auditory evoked response to monitor clinical course and response to chemotherapy in children with brainstem tumors. Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American
Academy of Neurology, Washington, D.C., April 1982.
Chugani HT, Ackermann RF, Chugani DC, Engel J Jr.: Local cerebral glucose utilization and electroencephalographic alterations in enkephalin induced seizures.
Ann Neurol 12: 93, 1982.
4. Chugani HT, Dwyer BE, DeRay M, Shields WD: Effects of valproic acid on local brain protein synthesis in newborn rats. Ann Neurol 12: 208, 1982.
Shields WD, Chugani HT: Amantadine HC1 in the treatment of children with refractory epilepsy. Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the American
Academy of Neurology, San Diego, April 1983.
Chugani HT, Ackerman RF, Chugani DC, Engel J Jr.: Autoradiographic studies of opiate-mediated epileptogenic phenomena in rats. International Symposium on
Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Epilepsy, Montpellier (France), June 1983.
Ackermann RF, Chugani HT, Finch DM, Babb TL, Lear JL, Engel J Jr.:
Autoradiographic studies of stimulation-induced changes in rat hippocampal metabolism and blood flow. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 3: S238-S239, 1983.
8. Barrio JR, Keen R, Chugani H, Ackermann R, Chugani DC, Phelps ME:
L-(1-C-11) phenylalanine for the determination of cerebral protein synthesis rates in man with positron emission tomography. Society of Nuclear Medicine,
St. Louis, June 1983.
9. Chugani HT, Ackermann RF, Engel J Jr.: Uncoupling of rat hippocampal blood flow and metabolism by enkephalins. Ann Neurol 14: 127-128, 1983.
10. Ackermann RF, Chugani HT, Yan HJ, Lear JL, Engel J Jr.: Autoradiographic studies of uncoupling between blood flow and metabolism in rat hippocampus during amygdala-kindled seizures. 15th Epilepsy International Symposium and
American Epilepsy Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., September 1983.
11. Chugani HT, Engel J Jr., Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME: 18F-2-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in medically refractory childhood epilepsy.
Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology,
Boston, April 1984.
12. Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC, Engel J Jr., Phelps ME: Positron emission tomography with 18F-2-fluorodeoxyglucose in infantile spasms. Ann Neurol 16: 376-377, 1984.
13. Ackermann RF, Chugani HT, Caldecott-Hazard S, Engel J Jr.: Postictal cerebral metabolism-blood flow mismatches observed in hippocampus and substantia nigra of amygdala-kindled rats. Soc Neurosci Abstr 10: 3, 1984.
14. Chugani HT, Villablanca JR, Harris CM, Burgess JW: Effects of a single, small dose of morphine on local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) in cats. Soc
Neurosci Abstr 10: 3, 1984.
15. Furman JM, Chugani HT, Baloh RW: Familial cerebellar hypoplasia with
upbeating nystagmus. Ann Neurol 16: 135, 1984.
16. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography in pediatric seizure disorders.
Western Society for Pediatric Research (Plenary Session), Carmel, February 1985.
17. Chugani HT, Phelps ME: Maturational changes of glucose metabolic patterns in the human infant determined by 18F-2-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography. American Academy of Neurology, Dallas, April-May 1985.
18. Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME: Positron emission tomography with 18F-
2-fluorodeoxyglucose in the Sturge-Weber syndrome. American Academy of
Neurology, Dallas, April-May 1985.
19. Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Engel J Jr.: Structural lesions detected by
18F-2-Flurodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in childhood epilepsy.
American Academy of Neurology, Dallas, April - May, 1985.
20. Chugani HT, Phelps ME: Maturational changes of glucose metabolic patterns in the human infant determined by 18F-2-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography. Soc Neurosci Abstr 11: 1125, 1985.
21. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose during brain development. American Academy of Neurology, New Orleans,
April - May, 1986.
22. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Patterns of local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose in children with psychomotor retardation determined with positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol 20: 425, 1986.
23. Ackermann RF, Chugani HT: Relative hypoperfusion in hippocampus and substantia nigra immediately following rat amygdala kindled seizures. J
Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7 (Suppl 1): S436, 1987.
24. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Refractory neonatal seizures: Determination of local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose (LCMRglc) with 2-deoxy-2[18]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) and positron emission Tomography
(PET). J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7 (Suppl 1): S437, 1987.
25. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Human brain functional development:
A study of local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose (LCMRglc) with positron emission tomography (PET). J. Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7 (Suppl 1):
S523, 1987.
26. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Light RK, Mazziotta JC: Metabolic correlates of mental retardation in children determined with FDG positron emission tomography (PET).
J. Cerebral Blood Flow Metabol 7 (Suppl 1): S523, 1987.
27. Chugani HT, Hovda DA, Phelps ME, Villablanca JR: Metabolic maturation of the brain: A study of local cerebral glucose utilization in the cat. Soc Neurosci Abst
13, 1987.
28. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose
(1CMRG1c) following cerebral hemisphrectomy. American Academy of
Neurology, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1988.
29. Chugani HT, Babb TL, Kupfer WR, Pretorius JK: Anatomic-pharmacologic analysis of benzodiazepine receptor binding in human epileptic hippocampus.
Soc Neurosci Abstr 14, 1988.
30. Hovda DA, Chugani HT, Badie B, Phelps ME, Villablanca JR: Cerebral maturation of oxidative metabolism in the cat. Soc Neurosci Abstr 14: 48, 1988.
31. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Positron emission tomography evidence of brain plasticity in children following large cerebral resections. J Cereb Blood
Flow Metab 9: 2-30, 1989.
32. Olson DM, Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Peacock WJ, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME:
Electrocorticography in children with intractable seizures and focal abnormalities on positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S-213, 1989.
33. Kerrigan JF, Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME: Cerebral palsy subtypes: a study of cerebral glucose utilization using PET. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9:
S709, 1989.
34. Hovda DA, Chugani HT, Badie B, Villablanca JR: Metabolic maturation of the brain: A study of oxidative metabolism utilizing cytochrome oxidase histochemistry in cat. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S-27, 1989.
35. Shewmon DA, Olson DM, Peacock WJ, Chugani HT: Nonepileptiform abnormalities in electrocorticography: Utility in pediatric epilepsy surgery.
Presented in EEG Society Meeting, 1989.
36. Sutton RL, Hovda DA, Chugani HT: Time course of local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) alterations after motor cortex ablation in the rat. Soc
Neurosci Abstr 15: 128, 1989.
37. Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC: Metabolic evidence of brain plasticity in children following large cerebral resections. Soc Neurosci Abstr 15: 448,
38. Kerrigan JF, Chugani HT, Hovda DA, Villablanca JR, Huang S-C, Barrio J,
Phelps ME: Local cerebral protein synthesis in the cat during normal development.
Soc Neurosci Abstr 15: 854, 1989.
39. Shewmon DA, Shields WD, Olson DM, Peacock WJ, Chugani HT: Multifocal independent epileptogenicity in children treated by focal cortical resection.
Epilepsia 30: 660, 1989.
40. Chugani HT, Shields WD, Shewmon DA, Peacock WJ, Phelps ME:
Infantile spasms: surgical treatment of focal cortical dysgenesis detected by positron emission tomography. Epilepsia 30: 691-692, 1989.
41. Okonek A, Light R, Chugani H, Phelps M: Neuropsychological correlates of
FDG positron emission tomography (PET) in children. Presented at the 18th
Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, February, 1990.
42. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Phelps ME: Infantile spasms: lenticular nuclei hypermetabolism identified with positron emission tomography (PET).
Neurology 40 (Suppl 1): 407, 1990.
43. Sankar R, Chugani HT, Lubens P, Philippart M, Phelps ME: Heterogeneity in the patterns of cerebral glucose utilization in children with Landau-Kleffner syndrome. Neurology 40 (Suppl 1): 257, 1990.
44. Altman KD, Chugani HT, Phelps ME: Agenesis of the corpus callosum: associated abnormalities detected by positron emission tomography. Neurology
40 (Suppl. 1): 358, 1990.
45. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Phelps ME: Ictal patterns of cerebral glucose utilization in children with epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society 1990, Epilepsia 3:
626, 1990.
46. Kunchandy J, Chugani HT, Nassir Y: Hemidecortication in newborn rat: effects on local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose in adulthood. Child Neurology
Society 1990, Ann Neurol 28: 412, 1990.
47. Peacock WJ, Shields WD, Shewmon DA, Chugani HT: Surgery for intractable infantile spasms. International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery/
18th Annual Scientific Meeting, Paris, September 1990.
48. Philippart M, Chugani HT, Phelps ME: Spielmeyer-Vogt ("Batten") disease: distinctive patterns of cerebral glucose utilization. Neurology 41 (suppl.1):
333, 1991.
49. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Peacock WJ, Vinters H, Phelps ME, Comair Y,
Shields D: Functional imaging with PET in children undergoing epilepsy surgery.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 11 (Suppl 2): S416, 1991.
50. Tatsukawa K, Chugani HT, Brown D, Nassir Y: Chronic cerebral glucose metabolic rates in hemidecorticated rats are dependent on age-at-lesion. J Cereb
Blood Flow Metab 11 (Suppl 2): S794, 1991.
51. Rocha L, Engel J Jr., Nassir Y, Chugani HT: Effect of upregulation of opioid receptors on amygdaloid kindling in rats and its association with 'mu' opioid receptor levels. Eplepsia 32(suppl): 33, 1991.
52. Engel J Jr., Rocha L, Ackermann RF, Chugani HT: Molecular substrates of interictal behavioral disturbances. Workshop on Neuotransmitters in Epilepsy,
Brazil, 1991.
53. Ashwal S, Nadi NS, Huang Y, Chugani HT: Paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis: Cerebrospinal fluid neurochemistry and positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol 30: 503, 1991.
54. Watkins JM, Chugani HT, Elliott TK, Messa C, Lippe B, Phelps ME: Positron emission tomography and neuropsychological correlations in Turner syndrome.
Ann Neurol 30: 454, 1991.
55. Elliott TK, Chugani HT, Messa C, Phelps ME: Developmental dysphasia studied with positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol 30: 483, 1991.
56. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Shields WD, Peacock WJ, Comair Y, Vinters H,
Phelps ME: Positron emission tomographic scanning in pediatric epilepsy operations: UCLA experience in 84 patients. Ann Neurol 30: 483, 1991.
57. Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Phelps ME: Interictal and postictal focal hypermetabolism on positron emission tomography. Epilepsia 32 (suppl 3): 80,
58. Caplan R, Chugani HT, Messa C, Mundy P, Sigman M, Phelps ME: Surgery for early onset intractable seizures: Presurgical PET patterns and postsurgical communication skills. Epilepsia 32 (suppl 3): 38, 1991.
59. Brown D, Chen S, Tatsukawa K, Nassir Y, Hovda D, Villablanca J, Chugani HT:
Muscarinic cholinergic receptor binding following neonatal or adult hemispherectomy in the cat. Epilepsia 32 (suppl l3): 37, 1991.
60. Farrell MA, Vinters HV, Curran J, Chugani HT: Correlation between neuropathological and positron emission tomography findings in refractory childhood focal epilepsy. Epilepsia 32 (suppl 3): 104, 1991.
61. Rocha L, Engel J. Jr., Chugani HT, Tatsukawa K, Ackermann RF: Effect of chronic naloxone treatment on benzodiazepine receptor levels in normal and kindled rats. Soc Neurosci Abstr 17: 512, 1991.
62. Hovda DA, Chugani HT, Villablanca JR: Lack of asymmetry in cerebral glucose metabolism in neonatal as compared to adult cerebral hemispherectomized cats.
Soc Neurosci Abstr 17: 894, 1991.
63. Nassir Y, Tatsukawa K, Brown D, Ebrahim A, Chen S, Hovda D,
Villablanca J, Chugani HT: Increased 3H-flunitrazepam binding in visual structures of adult cerebral hemispherectomized compared to neonatally hemispherectomized cats. Soc Neurosci Abstr 17: 984, 1991.
64. Loopuijt LD, Ebrahim A, Hovda DA, Villablanca JR, Chugani HT: D2 receptor densities of striatum in adult- and neonatal-hemispherectomized cats. 7th
International Catecholamine Symposium, Amsterdam, June 1992.
65. Pascual-Leone A, Chugani HT, Cohen LG, Brasil-Neto JP, Wasserman EM,
Valls-Sole J, Fuhr P, Hallett M: Reorganization of human motor pathways following hemispherectomy. Ann Neurol 32: 261, 1992.
66. Rintahaka PJ, Chugani HT, Sankar R, Phelps ME: Positron emission tomography findings in a patient with Landau-Kleffner syndrome and continuous spike and waves during slow wave sleep. Epilepsia 33
(suppl 3): 55, 1992.
67. Chugani HT, Rintahaka PJ, Shewmon DA, Phelps ME: Three patterns of ictal cerebral glucose utilization in children with epilepsy. Eplepsia 33
(suppl 3): 8, 1992.
68. Rocha L, Engel J Jr., Chugani HT, Tatsukawa K, Ackermann RF: Cambios de los niveles de receptores de benzodiacepinas en ratas con administration cronica de naloxona y <<kindling>> amigdalino. Rev Esp de Epilepsia 7:
58, 1992.
69. Farria DM, Curran JG, Hall TR, Shields WD, Yudovin SL, Chugani HT:
MR imaging in infantile spasms. Radiological Soc of North America, 1992.
70. Brown DM, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Developmental time course of subcortical glucose metabolism in response to hemispherectomy in rats.
American Epilepsy Society. Epilepsia 34 (suppl 6): 63, 1993.
71. Chugani HT, Brown DM: Surgery for intractable infantile spasms: optimum timing of PET scanning for detecting focal abnormalities. American Epilepsy
Society. Epilepsia 34 (suppl 6): 73, 1993.
72. Rintahaka PJ, Chugani HT: Neurofibromatosis: evaluation with PET of glucose utilization in children. American Epilepsy Society. Epilepsia 34 (suppl 6): 98,
73. Caplan R, Curtiss S, Chugani HT, Vinters HV: Thought processing, language, glucose metabolic patterns, and pathology in hemispherectomy patients with
Rasmussen's encephalitis. American Epilepsy Society. Epilepsia 34: (suppl 6):
101, 1993.
74. Chugani HT, Brown DM, Rintahaka P: Infantile spasms: the prognostic implications of bitemporal hypometabolism on positron emission tomography.
Ann Neurol 34: 448, 1993.
75. Tyler R, Chugani HT, Howard J: A pilot study of cerebral glucose utilization in children with prenatal drug exposure. Ann Neurol 34: 460, 1993.
76. Kornblum HI, Chugani HT, Tatsukawa K, Gall CM: Effects of cerebral hemispherectomy on expression of transforming growth factor , brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and neurotrophin-3 mRNAs in developing rat brain. Ann
Neurol 34: 454, 1993.
77. Tatsukawa K, Kornblum HI, Chugani HT: Ontogeny of corticostriatal projections in the rat brain. Soc Neurosci Abstr 23: 674, 1993.
78. Chugani HT, Kornblum HI, Tatsukawa K, Gall CM: Effects of cerebral hemispherectomy on brain derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3 mMRNA expression in developing rat brain. Soc Neurosci Abstr 23: 258,
79. Kornblum HI, Tatsukawa K, Chugani HT, Gall CM: Cerebral hemispherectomy alters expression of transforming growth factor mRNA in developing rat brain.
Soc Neurosci Abstr 23: 259, 1993.
80. Rintahaka PJ, Chugani HT: Tuberous sclerosis: evaluation with PET of glucose utilization in children. Neurology 43: A274, 1993.
81. Chugani HT, Pascual-Leone A, Cohen LG, Brasil-Neto JP, Valls-Sole J,
Hallett M: Preoperative assessment of motor plasticity using transcranial magnetic stimulation in children with intractable epilepsy. Neurology 43:
A418, 1993.
82. Hovda DA, Chugani HT, Villablanca JR, Tan L: Sustained cerebral glucose metabolism following neonatal cerebral hemispherectomy in the cat. XVIth
International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism: Brain 93,
Sendai, Japan. J. Cereb Blood Flow Metab.
83. Jacobs B, Chugani HT, Allada V, Chen S, Phelps ME, Pollack DB, Raleigh MJ:
Metabolic brain development in non-human primates: a quantitative PET study.
XVIth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism:
Brain 93, Sendai, Japan. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab.
84. Chugani HT, Brown DM: An analysis of crossed cerebellar diaschisis in children with porencephaly. XVIth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood
Flow and Metabolism: Brain 93, Sendai, Japan. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab.
85. Rintahaka PJ, Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography findings in children with chronic focal encephalitis (Rasmussen's syndrome). 20th International
Epilepsy Congress, Oslo, Norway. Epilepsia 34 (suppl 2): 171, 1993.
86. Chugani HT, Rintahaka PJ, Shewmon DA, Vinters HV: Hemispheric cortical dysgenesis: a new syndrome? 20th International Epilepsy Congress. Oslo,
Norway. Epilepsia 34 (suppl 2): 77, 1993.
87. Philippart M, Chugani HT, Bateman JB: A new Spielmeyer-Vogt variant with granular inclusions and early brain atrophy. Presented at the 5th International
Conference on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, May 19-21, 1994.
88. Shamoto H, Dabrowski ER, Kurdunowicz BC, Rothermel RD Jr., Chugani HT:
Positron emisssion tomograpy of cerebral glucose metabolism in traumatic brain injury. Presented at the First Conjoint Meeting of the Child Neurology Society and International Child Neurology Association, San Francisco, October 2-6, 1994.
89. Shamoto H, Chugani DC, Lee ML, Chugani HT: Expression of neural and glial intermediate filament proteins after injury in rat brain. Presented at the First Conjoint
Meeting of the Child Neurology Society and International Child Neurology
Association, San Francisco, October 2-6, 1994.
90. Chugani DC, Mangner TJ, Muzik O, Chakroborty PK, Behrendt DB, Chugani HT:
[C-11]flumazenil PET in children with intractable epilepsy. Ann Neurol 36:
525-526, 1994.
91. Chugani DC, Shamoto H, Lee ML, Chugani HT: Fibronectin expression in developmental brain injury. Ann Neurol 36: 525, 1994.
92. Nigro MA, Michon AM, Rothermel R, Chugani HT: Cerebral positron emission tomography in Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. Ann Neurol 36: 462, 1994.
93. Chugani HT, Conti JR: Classification of infantile spasms in 139 cases: the role
of positron emission tomography. Epilepsia 35 (suppl 8): 19, 1994.
94. Chugani DC, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Chakroborty PK, Behrendt DB, Verma NP,
Chugani HT: [C-11]flumazenil PET in patients with partial epilepsy: Effects of sedation. Epilepsia 35 (suppl 8): 21, 1994.
95. Chugani HT: PET scanning of cortical dysplasias. Presented at the 5th
International Cleveland Clinic-Bethel Epilepsy Symposium, Cleveland,
May 22-25, 1994.
96. Chugani HT: Brain metabolism studies in young children. Presented at:
Intervening to enhance adaptive child development, Santa Fe, October 1994.
97. Chugani HT: Infantile spasms, PET and tuberous sclerosis. Presented at the
International Tuberous Sclerosis Symposium, Arlington, VA, October 1994.
98. Rintahaka PJ, Chugani HT: Clinical role of positron emission tomography
(PET) in children with tuberous sclerosis. Presented at the International
Tuberous Sclerosis Symposium, Arlington, VA, October 1994.
99. Muller RA, Chugani HT, Muzik O, Rothermel RD, Nigro MA, Mangner TJ,
Chakraborty PK: Presurgical functional brain mapping in children by means of 15-0-water positron emission tomography. Neurology 45 (suppl 4):
A295-296, 1995.
100. Chugani HT: Evolution of mitochondrial oxidative mass. Presented at the
2nd Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and
Lipids, NIH, Bethesda, MD, June 9, 1995.
101. Chugani DC, Chugani HT, Mangner TJ, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK:
Localization of epileptic foci with [11-C]flumazenil PET in children.
Presented at the XVII International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and
Metabolism, Cologne, Germany, July 2-6, 1995. Published in J Cereb
Blood Flow Metab 15 (Suppl 1): 179, 1995.
102. Muller RA, Chugani HT, Muzik O, Rothermel RD, Chakraborty PK: Localization of language functions after early perisylvian lesion: A 15-0-water PET study with children and adolescents. Presented at the XVII International Symposium on
Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Cologne, Germany, July 2-6, 1995. In:
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 15 (suppl 1): 691, 1995.
103. Muller RA, Chugani HT, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Nigro MA: Involvement of non-motor cortex in motor control after early unilateral lesion: A 15-0-water PET study. Presented at the XVII International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Cologne, Germany, July 2-6, 1995. In: J Cereb Blood Flow
Metab 15 (suppl 1): 692, 1995.
104. Muzik O, Chugani DC, Ding C, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT: Automated operator- independent assessment of extent and localization of seizure foci in children with epilepsy using PET imaging. Presented at the XVII International Symposium on
Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Cologne, Germany, July 2-6. In: J Cereb
Blood Flow Metab 15 (suppl 1): 778, 1995.
105. Chakraborty PK, Mangner TJ, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT: A high yield and simplified procedure for the synthesis of -[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan.
Presented at the 11th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry,
Vancouver, August, 1995.
106. da Silva E, Chugani HT: Landau-Kleffner syndrome: Glucose metabolism patterns in 17 children. Child Neurology Society, Baltimore, October 1995.
In: Ann Neurol 38: 510, 1995.
107. Shamoto H, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Fibronectin expression measured by
Western blot following unilateral hemidecortication and frontal decortication in developing rat brain. Child Neurology Society, Baltimore, October 1995.
In: Ann Neurol 38: 542-543, 1995.
108. Shamoto H, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Ontogeny of glucose metabolism in the human cerebellum. Child Neurology Society, Baltimore, October 1995.
In: Ann Neurol 38: 543, 1995.
109. Chugani HT, Chugani DC, Nigro MA, Bawle EV: Lissencephaly: Fetal pattern of glucose metabolism on positron emission tomography? Child Neurology
Society, Baltimore, October 1995. In: Ann Neurol 38: 543, 1995
110. Awaad Y, Nigro MA, Chugani HT: Alternating hemiplegia of childhood and beneficial effects of baclofen. Child Neurology Society, Baltimore, October 1995.
In: Ann Neurol 38: 550, 1995.
111. Smietana S, da Silva E, Bhambhani K, Aronin P, Chugani HT: Positron emission tomographic evaluation of glucose metabolism in childhood brain tumors. Child
Neurology Society, Baltimore, October 1995. In: Ann Neurol 38: 551, 1995.
112. da Silva E, Chugani HT, Chugani DC: Identification of epileptic foci in frontal lobe epilepsy with high resolution positron emission tomography and [F-18] fluorodeoxyglucose. In: Epilepsia 36 (suppl 4): 24, 1995.
113. Muller RA, Chugani HT, Chakraborty PK, Mangner TJ: Activation of calcified hemisphere in Sturge-Weber patients during motor and language functions: A positron emission tomography study. American Epilepsy Society, Baltimore,
December 1995. In: Epilepsia 36: (suppl 4): 109, 1995.
114. Chugani DC, da Silva, E, Chez M, Smith M, Morrell F, Chugani HT: [C-11]
Flumazenil PET demonstrates focal abnormalities in Landau-Kleffner syndrome.
American Epilepsy Society, Baltimore, December 1995. In: Epilepsia 36 (suppl 4)
123, 1995.
115. Shah A, Watson C, Chugani HT, Chugani DC: Comparison between [C-11] flumazenil PET demonstrates focal abnormalities in Landau-Kleffner syndrome.
American Epilepsy Society, Baltimore, December 1995. In: Epilepsia 36
(suppl 4) 165, 1995.
116. Muller RA, Rothermel, Chugani HT: Distributivity of language functions in the child brain: evidence from clinical PET studies. Presented at the International
Neuropsychological Society's 24th Annual Meeting, Chicago, February 1996.
117. Moore GJ, Slovis TL, Chugani HT: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of
Sturge-Weber syndrome. Presented at the IPR 3rd Conjoint Meeting, Boston,
MA, May 1996.
118. Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chakraborty P, Mangner T, Chugani HT: Brain serotonin synthesis rate measured with [C-11]a-methyl-tryptophan positron emission tomography in normal and autistic subjects. Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, September 1996.
119. Shankaran S, Mantaring J, Kumar P, Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography at 36 mo following acute perinatal asphyxia. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Research
Meeting, 1996.
120. Chakraborty PK, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT: The synthesis of non-carrier-added
[C-11]urea from [C-11]carbon dioxide. Presented at the Society of Nuclear
Medicine 43rd Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, June 1996.
121. Chugani HT, da Silva EA, Shah A, Mueller RA, Chugani DC, Shah J, Watson C:
Cerebral blood flow changes associated with photic driving response: a [150]- water PET study. Presented at the American Epilepsy Society 50th Anniversary
Meeting, San Francisco, December 1996.
122. Shah A, Watson C, Chugani HT, Chugani DC, Shah JR: Comparison between
[C-11]flumazenil (FMZ) and [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET scanning in extratemporal epilepsy (ETE). American Epilepsy Society, 1996.
123. Chugani DC, Muzik O, Rothermel R, Behen M, Chakraborty PK, Mangner TJ,
Chugani HC: [C-11]a-methyl-tryptophan PET demonstrates increased brain serotonin synthesis rate in autistic adults. IASSID, July 1996.
124. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomography in the study of childhood cognitive disorders. Presented at 101 World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Helsinki, Finland, July 1996.
125. da Silva EA, Moore GJ, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Glucose hypometabolism on
PET correlates with the 1H-MRS neuronal marker in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome. American Epilepsy Society, San Francisco,
126. Selcen D, Chugani HT: Cerebral glucose utilization in two patients with Menkes
Disease. Neurology 46: A144-145, 1996.
127. da Silva EA, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: Alternating hemiplegia of childhood: clinical findings, brain glucose metabolism, and glucose transport studies. Child
Neurology Society. Minneapolis, 1996.
128. Muller R-A, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT: Functional organization of hand motor control in children and adults. Neuroimage 3: S402, 1996.
129. Muller R-A, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Chugani HT: Plasticity of the language network in children and adults: differential effects of early versus late lesions.
Neuroimage 3: S585, 1996.
130. Muller R-A, Rothermel RD, Chugani HT: Determination of language dominance by 150-water PET in pediatric patients: a comparison with the WADA test.
Neurology 46: A399, 1996.
131. Watson CE, Moore GJ, Shah JR, Chugani HT, Fuerst D, Shah A, Chugani DC:
Bilateral findings in hippocampal sclerosis: comparison of volumetric MRI and
1H MRS. Presented at the 1997 American Academy of Neurology Annual
Meeting, Boston, April 1997.
132. DeLuca J, Moore GJ, Muller R-A, Slovis TL, Chugani HT: Right hemisphere learning disability syndrome: differential findings from PET and MRS. Presented at the 8th Annual American Neuropsychiatric Association, February 1997.
133. Muller R-A, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Muzik O, Chugani HT: Stronger right- hemisphere language involvement in children with early than in adults with late left lesion: a PET study. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 3:
47, 1997.
134. Muller R-A, Muzik O, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Downey R, Chakraborty PK,
Chugani HT: Finger movement in children: less distinct neocortical activation profiles and reduced cerebellar involvement compared to adults. Neuroimage 5:
S11, 1997.
135. Muller R-A, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Mangner TJ,
Chugani HT: Language and auditory perception in autistic adults: atypical hemispheric dominance and reduced cerebellar activation. Neuroimage 5:
S299, 1997.
136. Muller R-A, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Chakraborty PK,
Chugani HT: Receptive and expressive language activations for sentences.
Neuroimage 5: S545, 1997.
137. Chugani DC, Chugani HT, Niimura K, Muzik O: Differences in brain serotonin synthesis capacity during development in autistic and non-autistic children. Annual
Meeting of Child Neurology Society, 1997.
138. Shah J, da Silva EA, Muller R-A, Shah A, Chugani DC, Watson C, Chugani HT:
Cerebral blood flow changes during driving and photoconvulsive responses: an
[0-15] PET study. Epilepsia, 38:3, 217, 1997.
139. da Silva EA, Muller R-A, Chugani DC, Shah J, Shah A, Watson C, Chugani HT:
Cerebral blood flow changes during intermittent photic stimulation and photo- convulsive response. Epilepsia, 38:3, 219, 1997.
140. Chugani HT, Chugani DC: Identification of epileptogenic tubers in children with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC): Brain serotonin synthesis imaging with PET. Child
Neurology Society, Phoenix, October 1997.
141. Chugani DC, da Silva EA, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT:
Abnormal serotonin synthesis in epileptic foci of children: An in vivo study with alpha[C-11]methyl-tryptophan and positron emission tomography. Epilepsia 38:3,
45, 1997.
142. Watson C, Moore GJ, Shah JR, Chugani HT, Fuerst D, Shah A, Chugani DC:
Bilateral MRS findings in unilateral HS: Comparison with volumetric MRI.
Epilepsia, 38:3, 209, 1997.
143. Shah A, Watson C, Chugani HT, Chugani DC, Shah JR, Fuerst D: Comparison between [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and [C-11]flumazenil PET scanning in temporal lobe epilepsy due to hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Epilepsia, 38:3,
12, 1997.
144. Chakraborty PK, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT: Synthesis of [2-11C]thymidine from
[11C]thymidine from [11C]carbon dioxide. J Labeled Compds Radiopharm, in press.
145. Chugani DC, Chaturvedi S, Niimura K, Chugani HT: Whole brain serotonin synthesis in patients with migrainous cerebral infarction: A positron emission
tomography study. Neurology 50 (suppl 4): A305, 1998.
146. Chugani HT: Positron emission tomographic imaging in children: New
approaches. J Child Neurol 13:9, 1998.
147. Chugani HT, Muller RA: Developmental brain plasticity studied with positron emission tomography. Experimental Neurology 151:1, 1998.
148. Chugani DC, Chugani HT, Shah J, Muzik O, Canady A, Mangner T,
Chakraborty PK: Identification of epileptogenic tubers in children with tuberous sclerosis complex: brain serotonin synthesis imaging with PET. Brain and Development 20:6,
149. Ricker JH, Muller RA, Black K, Zafonte R, Millis SR, Chugani HT: Verbal recall following traumatic brain injury: a [150]-water positron emission tomography study. Clin Neuropsychol 12, 279, 1998.
150. Niimura K, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT: Comparison of [ 11 C]flumazenil
PET activity images with parametric images for the detection of extratemporal lobe epileptic foci. Epilepsia 39:6, 1998.
151. Shah J, Watson C, da Silva EA, Nagy F, Juhasz C, Fuerst D, Reddy R,
Chugani HT: Lateralizing value of abdominal aura in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsia 39:6, 1998.
152. Nagy F, Juhasz C, da Silva EA, Shah J. Muzik O, Watson C, Chugani HT:
Decreased [ 11 C]flumazenil and glucose PET scanning in extratemporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 39:6, 1998.
153. Juhasz C, Nagy F, Muzik O, Watson C, Shah J, Chugani HT: [ 11 C]-flumazenil
PET in epileptic patients with dual pathology. Epilepsia 39:6, 1998.
154. Watson C, Moore G, da Silva EA, Shein N, Shah JR, Shah A, Fuerst D,
Chugani HT: Normalization of proton MRS abnormalities in the unoperated temporal lobe after surgery for unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE).
Epilepsia 39:6, 1998.
155. Chugani HT: Infantile spasms, dysphasia and autism: Relationship to bitemporal abnormalities. J Child Neurol, 14:5, 1999.
156. Mohamed IS, Asano E, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT: Cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with Angelman’s syndrome. Ann Neurol 46:3,
157. Kaddurah AK, Juhasz C, Chugani HT: Predilection of frontotemporal cortex
involvement in early Rasmussen’s syndrome: A positron emission tomographic study. Ann Neurol 46:3, 1999.
158. Chugani HT, Juhasz C, Behen ME. Children with epilepsy and aggression:
A distinct pattern of positron emission tomography glucose metabolism.
Ann of Neurol 46:3, 1999.
159. Asano E, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shen C, Juhasz C, Canady A, Shah JR, Shah AK,
Watson C, Chakraborty PK, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT: Epileptogenic lesions in children with tuberous sclerosis complex studied with [ 11 C ] methyl-L-tryptophan and 2-deoxy-2 [ 18 F ] fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance maging. Epilepsia 40:7, 1999.
160. Watson C, Chen W, Kupsky W, Shah J, Fuerst D, Shah A, Chugani HT: The characteristics of microscopic dual pathology: A volumetric MRI and histopathologic study. Epilepsia 40:7, 1999.
161. Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Shah J, Canady A, Shah A, Watson C,
Gates J, Frost M, Ritter F, Chugani HT: Non-restricted [ 11 C ] flumazenil
PET abnormalities predict poor outcome in extratemporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia 40:7, 1999.
162. Krajewski K, Shein N, Watson C, Fuerst D, Kamholz J, Garbern J, Shah J,
Shah A, Chugani HT: The genetic of hippocampal sclerosis. Epilepsia 40:7,
163. Chugani HT: PET scanning studies of human brain development and plasticity. developmental neuropsychology 16:3, 379-381, 1999.
164. Juhasz C, Watson C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shah J, Shah A, Chugani HT:
Epileptogenicity of ‘metabolic borderzones’ in human neocortical epilepsy. American
Academy of Neurology 52 nd Annual Meeting, San Diego. Neurology 54 (3) A107-A108,
165. Pfund Z, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani HT, Wilds IB, Seraji-Bozorgzad N,
Moore GJ: Evidence for coupling between glucose metabolisma and glutamate cycling
using FDG PET and 1 H MRS in epilepsy patients. Epilepsia 41:7, 67, 2000.
166. Watson C, Fuerst D, Poore Q, Shah J, Shah A, Hutchinson, Johnson R, Canady A,
Chugani HT: Is hippocampal sclerosis (HS) a progressive disorder? Epilepsia 41:7, 68,
167. Asano E, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Philip S, Shah J, Shah A, Watson C,
Canady A, Chugani HT: Epileptogenic zones in tuberous sclerosis complex: subdural
EEG versus MRI and FDG PET. Epilepsia 41:7, 128, 2000.
168. Lee J, Asano E, Juhasz C, Pfund Z, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani HT. Sturge-Weber
syndrome with unilateral leptomeningeal angioma: Degree and extent of glucose
hypometabolism are related to epileptiform pattern. Epilepsia 41:7, 188, 2000.
169. Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani HT: GABA
A receptors in epileptic children:
age related changes and effect of antiepileptic drugs: Epilepsia 41:7, 83, 2000.
170. Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Rothermel RD, Behen ME, Chugani HT: Ontogeny of
human GABA
receptors studied by positron emission tomography: Ann Neurol 48:3,
517, 2000.
171. Lee JS, Asano E, Juhasz C, Pfund Z, Behen M, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani DC:
Sturge-Weber syndrome with unihemispheric involvement: Correlation between clinical
characteristics and positron emission tomography flurodeoxyglucose findings. Ann
Neurol 48:3, 531, 2000.
172. Joshi CN, Shah A, Asano E, Juhasz C, Canady A, Watson C, Muzik O, Chugani HT :
Multimodal localization of the sensorimotor cortex in pediatric epilepsy surgery patients.
American Academy of Neurology, Philadelphia, May 2001.
173. Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shah A, Shah J, Chugani HT : (2001) Role of alpha[C-11]methyl-L-tryptophan PET in localization of epileptic foci in intractable partial epilepsy. American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, May 2001.
174.Asano E, Husk C, Muzik O, Shen C, Shah A, Shah J, Canady A, Chugani HT , Chugani DC:
(2001) Detection of epileptogenic zones in tuberous sclerosis complex using voxel analysis of AMT and FDG PET scanning. American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia,
December 2001.
175.Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Asano E, Shah A, Shah J, Canady A, Chugani HT :
(2001) Increased cortical uptake of [11C]methyl-L-tryptophan detected by PET in chidren with intractable epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia,
December 2001.
Chugani HT , Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O: (2001) Increased ipsilateral striatal serotonin synthesis following frontal cortical resection in children with epilepsy. American
Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, December 2001.
177.Pfund Z, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Lee JS, Chugani HT : (2001) Sturge-Weber syndrome: quantitative MRI and FDG PET correlations. American Epilepsy Society
Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, December 2001.
178.Pfund Z, Chugani DC, Behen ME, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Lee J, Chugani HT : (2001)
Abnormalities of GABA-A receptors measured with [C-11]flumazenil PET in autistic children. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, November 2001
179.Chandana S, Pfund Z, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Behen M, Chugani H , Chugani D: (2001) Reevaluation of brain glucose metabolic abnormalities in autistic boys. International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, November 2001
180.Muzik O, Chugani DC, Juhász C, Chugani HT . Effect of chronic vigabatrin treatment on benzodiazepine receptor binding in children with epilepsy.
Epilepsia 2001;42(Suppl. 2):125.
(24th International Epilepsy Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 13-18, 2001).
181.D’Agostino MD, Bastros A, Piras c, Bernasconi A, Grisar T, Zur VG, Andermann E, Snipes
J, Juhasz C, Guerrini R, Chugani H , Olivier A, Andermann F. Posterior quadrantic dysplasia: A surgical approach to a characteristic brain malformation. American Academy of Neurology, Denver 2002.
182.Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shah A, Asano E, Chugani HT . Decreased GABAA
Receptor Binding and Increased Uptake of alpha-[11C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan on PET Can
Independently Identify Human Epileptogenic Cortex. American Academy of Neurology
Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, May 2002.
183.Juhász C, Chugani DC, Asano E, Shah A, Shah J, Muzik O, Sood S, Chugani HT .
[ 11 C]Methyl-L-tryptophan (AMT) PET scanning in 176 patients with intractable epilepsy,
Annual Child Neurology Meeting, Oct 2002 Washington DC., Ann Neurol 2002;53 (suppl.
184.Jiang H, Serajee FJ, Chugani HT , Huq AHM. Mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme deficiencies: Report of five unique cases. Annual Child Neurology Meeting, Oct 2002
Washington DC., Ann Neurol 2002;53 (suppl. 1):S149.
185.Juhász C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Asano E, Shah A, Sood S, Mangner T, Chakraborty PK,
Chugani HT . [ 11 C]Methyl-L-tryptophan (AMT) PET can detect residual epileptic cortex following failed cortical resection in children with intractable epilepsy. American Epilepsy
Society Meeting, Seattle, Dec 2002. Epilepsia 2002;43 (suppl 7):126-127.
Chugani HT , Juhász C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shah A, Asano E, Mangner T, Chakraborty
PK. Surgery for intractable infantile spasms: the role of [ 11 C]Methyl-L-tryptophan (AMT)
PET scanning. American Epilepsy Society Meeting, Seattle, Dec 2002. Epilepsia 2002;43
(suppl 7):75-76..
187. Asano E, Muzik O, Shah A, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Sood S, Janisse J, Ergun EL, Ahn
Ewing J, Shen C, Gotman J , Chugani HT . Quantitative interictal subdural EEG analyses in children with neocortical epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society Meeting, Seattle, Dec
2002. Epilepsia 2002;43 (suppl 7):43-44
188.Kagawa K, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Chugani HT . Maximal reduction of Nacetylaspartate in metabolic border zone of fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography in nonlesional extratemporal lobe epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society Meeting,
Seattle, Dec 2002. Epilepsia 2002;43 (suppl 7):76.
Chugani H . Relationship between autism and epilepsy. Satellite Symposium of the Joint
Congress of ICNA & AOCNA, August 2002, Hong Kong. Brain & Development
Chugani HT . PET studies of human brain development, impoverishment and plasticity.
Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, May 2002.
191.Kagawa K, Asano E, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Janisse J, Shah A, Sood S, Mangner TJ,
Chakraborty PK, Chugani HT , Chugani DC. Surgical treatment and outcome in children with tuberous sclerosis complex and intractable epilepsy in relation to [ 11 C]methyl-Ltryptophan PET. American Academy of Neurology, March 29-April 5, Honolulu.
Neurology 2003 (Suppl. 1);60:A448-9.
192.Asano E, Muzik O, Shah A, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Benedek K, Shah J, Sood S, Gotman J,
Chugani HT . Quantitative ictal subdural EEG analysis in children with intractable neocortical epilepsy. American Academy of Neurology, March 29-April 5, Honolulu.
Neurology 2003 (Suppl. 1);60:A450.
193.Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Heyes M, Muzik O, Chander S, Ergun EL, Sloan A, Sood S, Shah A,
Watson C, Chugani HT . Tryptophan metabolism in epileptogenic brain tumors: a PET study using alpha[ 11 C]methyl-L-tryptophan (AMT). American Academy of Neurology,
March 29-April 5, Honolulu. Neurology 2003 (Suppl. 1);60:A6-7.
194.Ho A, Chugani HT , Juhasz C, Behen ME. PET scanning of tryptophan metabolism in
Tourette syndrome (TS). American Academy of Neurology, March 29-April 5, Honolulu.
Neurology 2003 (Suppl. 1);60:A211.
195.Benedek K, Lee JS, Chugani HT . Clinical importance of functional imaging in
Rasmussen’s syndrome. Second International Symposium on Rasmussen’s Syndrome,
Montreal Neurological Institute, December 13-14, 2002, Montreal.
Chugani HT . Positron Emission Tomography Localization for Epilepsy Surgery.
International Symposium of Developmental Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. Hershey,
Pennsylvania, June 8, 2002.
197.Asano E, Muzik O, Shah A, Juhasz C, Chugani D, Kagawa K, Sood S, Chugani H.
Quantitative analysis of intracranial EEG changes during epileptic spasms. Presented at the
57 th Annual Meeting of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, San Francisco, Sept
16-20, 2003. Published in Muscle & Nerve 2003(suppl 12):S33-34, 2003.
Chugani HT , Juhasz C, Behen M, Ondersma R, Muzik O, Chugani DC. Autism with facial port-wine stain: a new syndrome? Child Neurology Society, Miami, October 1-4, 2003.
Published in Ann Neurol 54(suppl 7);2003:S129.
199.Phillipart M, Chugani HT . Pharmacological insights into NCL pathophysiology. Presented at the 9 th International Congress on Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses, Chicago, IL, 2003.
200.Asano E, Benedek K, Shah A, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Sood S, Chugani HT . Is intraoperative electrocorticography reliable in children with intractable neocortical epilepsy?
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Boston, MA, December
5-10, 2003. Published in Epilepsia 2003;44(suppl 9):163-4.
201.Babb TL, Jaskowiak SM, Asano E, Pfent C, Sharma P, Shah A, Sood S, Chugani H . In vivo paired-pulse cortical evoked potentials in children with focal epilepsies: correlations with glutamate and GABA receptor populations with immunoblots. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Boston, MA, December 5-10, 2003. Published in Epilepsia 2003;44(suppl 9):190.
202.Doss RC, Gates JR , Chugani HT . The relationship between [ 11 C]flumazenil PET temporal lobe abnormality and neuropsychological performance in epilepsy patients. Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Boston, MA, December 5-10, 2003.
Published in Epilepsia 2003;44(suppl 9): 300-1.
203.Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Asano E, Shah A, Shah J, Sood S, Kagawa K, Benedek K,
Chugani HT . Cortical GABA
receptor-binding abnormalities remote from the primary epileptic focus: What is their electrophysiologic and clinical significance? Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Boston, MA, December 5-10, 2003.
Published in Epilepsia 2003;44(suppl 9):311-2.
204.Maiti DK, Chakraborty PK, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT . An improved synthesis procedure for routine production of [ carbonyl 11 C]desmethyl-WAY-
100635. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on Radiopharamaceutical
Chemistry, Sydney, Aug 10-14, 2003. Published in the Journal of Labeled Compounds and
Radiopharmaceuticals 2003;46(suppl 1):S233.
205.Jagadeesan BD, Behen M, Makki M, Muzik O, Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Chugani HT.
Abnormal brain connectivity in children with early severe social deprivation: Diffusion tensor imaging study. Ann Neurol 56: S91; Suppl. 8, 2004
206. Kagawa K, Chugani DC, Behen M, Chandana SR, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani HT .
Altered brain growth in children with tuberous sclerosis complex and autism. Ann Neurol
56: S93-S94 Suppl. 8, 2004
207. Chandana SR, Behen ME, Rothermel R, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani HT, Chugani DC.
Serotonergic abnormalities in caudate nucleus in autism. Ann Neurol 56: S94-S94 Suppl. 8,
208. Behen ME, Solomon K, Phan KL, Makki M, Fitzgerald DA, Muzik O, Juhasz C,
Jagadeesan BD, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Brain activation during emotional face recognition in children with early social deprivation. Ann Neurol 56: S94-S94 Suppl. 8,
209. Behen ME, Chandana SR, Rothermel R, Muzik O, Juhasz C, Chugani HT , Chugani DC.
Lateralized cortical serotonergic abnormalities in autistic children are associated with social subtypes. Ann Neurol 56: S95-S95 Suppl. 8, 2004
210. Maiti DK, Chakraborty PK, Mangner TJ, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Role of tertiary amine in the condensation reaction of C-11-DWAY and C-11-way synthesis. Am Chemical
Society National Meeting, March 28-April 1, 2004, Anaheim, CA. Abstr Am Chem 227:
U54-U55 261-MEDI Part 2, MAR 28 2004
211.Juhász C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Asano E, Shah A, Shah J, Sood S, Chugani HT .
Flumazenil PET in children with intractable partial epilepsy or infantile spasms: does it provide additional localizing information? Epilepsia 2004;45(suppl 7):366. (Platform presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, New Orleans, LA,
Dec. 3-7, 2004)
212.Asano E, Juhász C, Shah A, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Shah J, Sood S, Chugani HT . Analysis of intracranial electrocorticography in children with epileptic spasms. Epilepsia
2004;45(suppl 7):249. (Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society,
New Orleans, LA, Dec. 3-7, 2004)
213.Kimiwada T, Juhász C, Makki M, Jagadeesan BD, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani HT .
Thalamic and hippocampal diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) abnormalities in children with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 2004;45(suppl 7):295. (Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 3-7, 2004)
214.Eluvathingal T, Juhász C, Chugani DC , Kagawa K, Muzik O, Shah A, Asano E, Sood S,
Chugani HT . -[ 11 C]Methyl-L-tryptophan (AMT) PET can localize epileptogenic tubers when scalp EEG is poorly localizing in children with tuberous sclerosis. Epilepsia
2004;45(suppl 7):296-7. (Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy
Society, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 3-7, 2004.)
215.Shah AK, Sood S, Fuerst D, Asano E, Ahn-Ewing J, Chugani HT . Effects of seizures on intracranial pressure in children undergoing invasive EEG monitoring. Neurology
2004;62(suppl 5):A390.
216.Shah AK, Asano E, Juhasz C, Sood S, Chugani HT . Epilepsy surgery in multifocal
(multilobar) partial epilepsy. Epilepsia 2004;45(suppl. 7):170.
217.Luat AF, Asano E, Juhasz C, Chugani HT . Relationship between brain glucose PET and
EEG in children with continuous spike and wave during slow-wave sleep. Epilepsia
2004;45(suppl. 7):273.
218.Karkare S, Chugani HT . Functional abnormalities of cerebral cortex in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. Presented at the Child Neurology Society Meeting, Oct 2004,
Ottawa, Ontario.
219.Asano E, Pawlak C, Shah A, Shah J, Ahn-Ewing J, Luat AF, Chugani HT. The diagnostic value of long-term video-EEG monitoring in children: review of 1090 cases. Presented at the 58 th Annual Meeting of the American Clinical Neurophsysiology Society, Montreal,
Canada, October 2004.
220.Sood S, Asano E, Shah A, ChuganiH. Is it safe to sacrifice vein of Labbe during temporal lobe surgery for intractable epilepsy? Presented at the 28 th Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Pediatric Neurosurgeons, Maui, Hawaii, Jan 30-Feb 3, 2005
221. Chugani HT , Pappas A, Aranda J, Jones T, Muzik O. MicroPET scanner within the intensive care nursery for evaluation of neonatal seizures. Epilepsia 2005; 46(suppl 8): 48-
222. Juhasz C, Chugani, DC, Chugani HT . Longitudinal changes of brain glucose metabolism in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome and epilepsy. Epilepsia 2005; 46(suppl 8): 50-51.
223. Asano E, Rothermel R, Behen M, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Pawlak C, Janisse J, Ager J,
Chugani HT . Occiptal alpha peak frequency during quiet wakefulness is an independent predictor of cognitive function in children with focal epilepsy. Epilepsia 2005; 46(suppl 8):
224. Luat AF, Asano E, Sood S, Chugani HT . Epilepsy surgery in children with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. Epilepsia 2005; 46(suppl 8): 156.
Asano E, Juhasz C, Shah A, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Sood S, Chugani HT . Quantitative analysis of ictal electrocorticography in children with tuberous sclerosis complex. Epilepsia
2005; 46(suppl 8): 313.
226. Wakamoto H, Eluvathingal T, Makki M, Behen ME, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Senthil S,
Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Diffusion tensor imaging of the corticospinal tracts after cerebral hemispherectomy. Annals of Neurology 2005; 58 (Suppl. 9): 94.
227. Eluvathingal TJ, Behen ME, Makki M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani
HT .
Abnormal language network is associated with language dysfunction in children subjected to early social deprivation: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Annals of Neurology 2005;
58(Suppl. 9):94-95.
228. Behen ME, Eluvathingal TJ, Bernardi B, Janisse J, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Chugani DC,
Chugani HT . Cerebellar lesions in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex:
Neuroimaging and neurobehavioral findings. Annals of Neurology 2005; 58 (Suppl. 9):
229. Behen ME, Rothermel R, Geenen E, Eluvathingal T, Chugani DC , Chugani HT .
Incidence of specific neurocognitive impairment in a sample of children with history of early severe social deprivation. Annals of Neurology 2005; 58 (Suppl. 9): 128.
Muzik O, Sundaram S, Mu F, Mangner T, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Semi-quantitative assessment of brain protein synthesis using L-[1-11C]-leucine PET. Presented in World
Congress of Neurology, September 2005, Sydney, Australia. J Neurol Sci 2005; 238:
Luat AF, Bernardi B, Chugani HT. Congenital perisylvian syndrome: correlation between
MRI and glucose metabolism PET findings. Annals of Neurology 2005; 58 (Suppl. 9): 98
Juhasz C, Chugani DC, Muzik O, Shah A, Asano E, Sood S, Chandana S, Chugani HT .
Increased white matter GABA-A receptor binding in children with intractable epilepsy.
Neurology 2005;64(Suppl 1): A314.
Mu F, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT . Facile synthesis of L-[1-11C]leucine as a PET radiotracer for the measurement of cerebral protein synthesis. Presented at the 16 th
International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, 2005.
Muzik O, Chugani DC, Juhasz C, Sundaram S, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT . A simplified approach for the estimation of an index of brain protein synthesis using C-11 leucine PET.
J Nucl Med 2005; 46: 124P.
Chugani HT . Invited plenary lecture “Epilepsy surgery for neonatal or infantile onset seizures: use of PET scanning.” Presented at the 10 th International Child Neurology
Congress, June 11-16, 2006, Montreal, Canada. Published in Neuropediatrics 2006; 26
(Suppl 1): S6.
Chugani HT , Aranda J, Jones T, Muzik O. MicroPET scanning within the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU): feasibility studies. Presented at the 10 th International Child
Neurology Congress, June 11-16, 2006, Montreal, Canada. Published in Neuropediatrics
2006; 26 (Suppl 1): S65.
Haseeb A, Asano E, Shah A, Juhász C, Sood S, Chugani H . Children with focal seizures may not have the primary motor cortex for the hand in the precentral gyrus. Presented at
the 10 th International Child Neurology Congress, June 11-16, 2006, Montreal, Canada.
Published in Neuropediatrics 2006; 26 (Suppl 1): S136-7.
Muzik O, Sundaram S, Chugani DC, Mu F, Mangner TJ, Chugani HT . Determination of an index of protein synthesis (IPS) in brain using 1-[11C]-leucine PET: Effect of large neutral amino acid plasma levels and recycled tissue amino acids. J Nucl Med 2006; 47(1):
Chakraborty PK, Maiti DK, Mangner TJ, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . High yield and semi-automated synthesis procedure of (R)-[11C]PK11195. J Nuclear Med 2006;
Sundaram S, Chugani D, Govindan RM, Asano E, Juhasz C, Chakraborty P, Muzik O,
Sood S, Chugani HT . Alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan positron emission tomography (AMT-
PET) predicts surgical outcome in children with intractable neocortical epilepsy. Ann
Neurol 2006; 60 (Suppl. 3):S137. Presented at the 35 th Annual Meeting of the Child
Neurology Society, Oct 18-21, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
Haseeb A, Asano E, Shah A, Juhasz C, Sood S, Chugani HT . Children with focal seizures may not have the primary motor cortex for the hand in the precentral gyrus. Ann
Neurol 2006; 60 (Suppl. 3):S137. Presented at the 35 th Annual Meeting of the Child
Neurology Society, Oct 18-21, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
Behen ME, Juhasz C, Batista CA, Rothermel R, Geenen E, Chugani HT . Cognitive function in Sturge-Weber syndrome: effect of side and extent of severe unilateral hypometabolism on PET scanning. Ann Neurol 2006; 60 (Suppl. 3):S122. Presented at the 35 th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, Oct 18-21, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sivaswamy L, Kumar R, Juhasz C, Maqbool M, Chugani DC, Makki M , Chugani HT .
DTI tractography detects abnormal corticospinal tract in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome and absence of severe motor deficit. Ann Neurol 2006; 60 (Suppl. 3):S125-6.
Presented at the 35 th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, Oct 18-21, 2006,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Batista CA, Juhasz C, Chugani HT . Glucose metabolism in contralateral cortex in children with unilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome. Ann Neurol 2006; 60 (Suppl. 3):S144-5.
Presented at the 35 th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, Oct 18-21, 2006,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Batista CA, Juhasz C, Chugani HT. Dynamic changes of cortical glucose hypometabolism in children with unilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome. Ann Neurol 2006;
60 (Suppl. 3):S145. Presented at the 35 th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society,
Oct 18-21, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
Asano E, Juhász C, Sundaresan K, Korzyukov O, Gumenyuk V, Sood S, Chugani HT . In vivo animation of pathologic and physiologic gamma discharges on a three-dimensional brain MRI. Presented at the 36 th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neurosciences,
Atlanta, GA, October 2006.
Juhász C, Haacke M, Hu J, Xuan Y, Muzik O, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Susceptibility weighted imaging in Sturge-Weber syndrome: relation to cortical hypometabolism and seizures. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Dec 1-5,
2006, San Diego, CA.
Asano E, Mihaylova T, Juhász C, Sood S, Chugani HT . Does sleep alter the spatial pattern of interictal epileptiform activity on electrocorticography? Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Dec 1-5, 2006, San Diego, CA.
Govindan RM, Sundaram SK, Muzik O, Chakraborty PK, Chugani HT , Chugani DC.
Kinetic analysis of alpha-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan (AMT) abnormalities in PET studies of children with intractable epilepsy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Epilepsy Society, Dec 1-5, 2006, San Diego, CA.
Wakamoto H, Chugani DC, Juhász C, Muzik O, Chugani HT . Alpha-[11C]methyl-Ltryptophan uptake on PET in intractable childhood epilepsy with cortical developmental malformations. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Dec 1-
5, 2006, San Diego, CA.
Rothermel RR, Behen ME, Geenen E, Fish A, Chugani HT , Chugani DC. Pilot efficacy of treatment with buspirone in autistic children: A randomized double blind study in children 2 to 6 years of age. International Meeting for Autism Research, Montreal,
Canada, June 1-3, 2006.
Williams MT, Eluvathingal TJ, Behen ME, Chugani DC, Chugani HT . Abnormal asymmetry in the arcuate fasciculus of autistic children: A DTI study. International
Meeting for Autism Research, Montreal, Canada, June 1-3, 2006.
Muzik O, Hua J, Pai D, Zou G, Makki M, Chugani D, Asano E, Chugani H . EPITOOL - a software for integrative analysis of functional, anatomical and electrophysiological data in epilepsy. BrainPET 2007, Osaka, Japan, May 18-22.
Muzik O, Hua J, Makki M, Chugani D, Asano E, Chugani H . A multimodality framework for integrative analysis of functional, anatomical and electrophysiological data in epilepsy.
SNM 2007, Washington DC, June 2-6.
Batista CEA, Juhasz C, Hu J, Xuan Y, Behen ME, Helder EJ, Chugani DC, Chugani HT.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of the frontal lobe in children with Sturge-
Weber syndrome. Ann Neurol 2007; 62 (Suppl. 11):S101. Presented at the 36 th Annual
Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, Oct 10-13, 2007, Quebec City, Canada.
Behen M, Helder E, Perry J, Rothermel R, Thompson R, Chugani HT . Incidence of absolute and relative neurocognitive impairment in a sample of children with Tourette syndrome. Ann Neurol 2007; 62 (Suppl. 11):S120. Presented at the 36 th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, Oct 10-13, 2007, Quebec City, Canada.
Behen ME, Helder E, Perry J, Stano C, Chugani HT . Preliminary validation of a subclassification scheme for children with Tourette syndrome based on co-morbid symptomatology. Ann Neurol 2007; 62 (Suppl. 11):S120. Presented at the 36 th Annual
Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, Oct 10-13, 2007, Quebec City, Canada.
Luat AF, Juhasz C, Asano E, Huq M, Chugani HT . Childhood epilepsy associated with
SCN1A gene mutations: clinical, EEG and FDG PET correlations. Ann Neurol 2007; 62
(Suppl. 11):S134. Presented at the 36 th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society,
Oct 10-13, 2007, Quebec City, Canada.
259. Batista CE, Juhasz C, Kupsky WJ, Chugani HT , Barger G, Muzik O, Chugani DC.
Tryptophan metabolism in brain tumors associated with epilepsy: imaging and
immunohistochemistry analysis of low and high-grade tumors. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
260. Govindan RM, Makki MI, Sundaram SK, Chugani HT . Diffusion tensor analysis of temporal lobe tracts in temporal lobe epilepsy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Epilepsy Society, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
261. Fukuda M, Asano E, Nishida M, Muzik O, Juhasz C, Pawlak C, Schaefer KA, Sood S,
Chugani HT . In-Vivo Animation of Median-Nerve Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials
(SEPs) and Gamma-Oscillations in Children with Intractable Focal Epilepsy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2007,
Philadelphia, PA.
262. Nishida M, Asano E, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Sood S, Chugani HT . Cortical glucose metabolism correlates negatively with delta-slowing and spike-frequency in epilepsy associated with tuberous sclerosis. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Epilepsy Society, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
263. Brown EC, Asano E, Rothermel R, Nishida M, Juhasz C, Muzik O, Sood S, Chugani HT .
In-Vivo Animation of Auditory-Language-Evoked Gamma-Oscillations in Children with
Intractable Focal Epilepsy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy
Society, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
264. Asano E, Nishida M, Rothermel R, Juhasz C, Sood S, Chugani HT . In-Vivo Animation of Visual-Evoked Gamma-Oscillations in Children with Intractable Focal Epilepsy.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2007,
Philadelphia, PA.
265. Juhasz C, Brady PD, Batista CE, Chugani HT . Hippocampal and Cortical GABA
Receptor Abnormalities in Children with Recent Onset Epilepsy. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
Luat AF, Chugani HT , Asano E, Juhasz C, Sood S. Epilepsy Surgery in Children with
Malformations of Cortical Development. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Epilepsy Society, Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2007, Philadelphia.
Asano E, Nishida M, Juhasz C, Sood S, Chugani HT . Cortical glucose metabolism positively correlates with gamma-oscillations in nonlesional focal epilepsy. Presented at the 6 th Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum, July 2008, Geneva,
Batista C, Kupsky W, Chugani D, Chugani HT , Juhász C. Endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis in Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Ann Neurol 2008;64(suppl12):119-120.
Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, November 5-8,
2008, Santa Clara, CA.
Kumar A, Sundaram SK, Sivaswamy L, Behen ME, Makki MI, Chugani HT , Chugani
DC. A DTI study of frontal lobe association tracts, corpus callosum and corticospinal tract in children with autism spectrum disorder. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the
Child Neurology Society, November 5-8, 2008, Santa Clara, CA.
Munian GR, Makki MI, Behen M, Wilson B, Chugani HT . Tract-based spatial statistics of diffusion tensor images in children with Tourette syndrome. Presented at the 37th
Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society, November 5-8, 2008, Santa Clara, CA.
Dias A, Muzik O, Pai D, Makki M, Hua J, Chugani HT . Quantitative assessment of the connectivity pattern between caudate nucleus and frontal cortex in children with Tourette syndrome. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society,
November 5-8, 2008, Santa Clara, CA.
Behen ME, Munian GR, Helder E, Makki MI, Bhatt A, Wilson B, Chugani HT . Tractbased spatial statistics of diffusion tensor images in children with histories of early social deprivation. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society,
November 5-8, 2008, Santa Clara, CA.
Kumar A, Asano E, Sundaram SK, Juhász C, Makki MI, Janisse J, Chugani DC, Sood S,
Chugani HT . Evaluation of the cortical origin of corticospinal tract and its location in the posterior limb of internal capsule in children.
Epilepsia 2008; 49(suppl. 7): 407-8.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA,
December 5-9, 2008.
Govindan RM, Juhász C, Behen M, Helder E, Batista C, Chugani HT . Abnormal diffusion of specific white matter regions in children with unilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome: correlation with epilepsy and cognitive functions.
Epilepsia 2008;49(suppl. 7):
409. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA,
December 5-9, 2008.
Juhász C, Asano E, Batista C, Sood S, Chugani HT . Cortical seizure foci and hypometabolism on PET: When do they not match well?
Epilepsia 2008;49(suppl. 7):
416-7. Presented at the Pediatric Highlights Session at the Annual Meeting of the
American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA, December 5-9, 2008.
Chugani HT , Govindan RM, Juhász C, Makki MI. Tract based analysis of cerebral white matter in children with recent onset epilepsy.
Epilepsia 2008;49(suppl. 7): 484. Presented as a Platform presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society,
Seattle, WA, December 5-9, 2008.
Tapos D, Asano E, Sood S, Chugani HT . EEG changes following anatomical hemispherectomy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society,
Seattle, WA, December 5-9, 2008.
Thampratankul L, Asano E, Sood S, Chugani HT . Hemispheric cortical dysplasia revisited. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA,
December 5-9, 2008.
1. Dulac O, Chugani HT, Dalla Bernardina B (eds): Infantile Spasms and West
Syndrome. Saunders, London, 1994.
2. Chugani HT (Editor): Neuroimaging in Epilepsy. Oxford University Press, in preparation.