27th National Conference on Law and Higher

27th National Conference on Law and Higher Education
Emerging Challenges in Immigration
 Advising Internationals: Perspectives on an Enigmatic Profession, Cary M. Jensen. (Immigration)
 Update on Immigration Issues Affecting Foreign Faculty, Margaret A. Catillaz, Esq. (Immigration)
 Recent Legislative and Regulatory Changes Affecting Foreign Students and Scholars, Sylvia H. Kless.
(Immigration) (RecentLegisChangeAffectingForeignStud)
 Promoting Secure Borders and Open Doors: A National-Interest-Based Visa Policy for Students and
Scholars, Sylvia H. Kless. (Immigration) (PromotingSecureBordersOpenDoors)
 Rice-Chertoff Joint Vision: Secure Borders and Open Doors in the Information Age, Sylvia H. Kless.
(Immigration) (SecureBordersOpenDoorsInfoAge)
 Impact of Changing Immigration Policies on Higher Education Institutions and their International
Students and Scholars, Sylvia H. Kless. (Immigration) (ImpactofChangingPoliciesonInstitutions)
 Immigration-Related Issues Facing Colleges and Universities, Russell C. Ford. (Immigration)
Wide Scope of Legal Concerns
 Legal Issues Influencing International Study Abroad Programs, William P. Hoye. (Study Abroad)
 European Critical Case Studies Influencing Study Abroad Programs, Sarah E. Morgan. (Study Abroad)
 Study Abroad Programs in Europe, Tim Kaye. (Study Abroad) (StudyAbroadProgramsinEurope)
Opening Plenary Session: The Sustaining of Expressional Rights
The Sustaining of Expressional Rights Part I: Understanding the Legal Context, Lawrence White.
(Expressional Rights) (UnderstandingLegalContext)
The Sustaining of Expressional Rights Part I: Understanding the Legal Context Power Point
Presentation, Lawrence White. (Expressional Rights) (UnderstandingLegalContextPPT)
Sustaining Expressional Rights: Legislative Threats to Academic Freedom, Ann H. Franke Esq.
(Expressional Rights) (LegislativeThreatsAcademicFreedom)
The Sustaining of Expressional Rights: Responding to the Challege, Melinda Grier. (Expressional
Rights) (RespondingtotheChallenge)
Policy-making Challenges in the Marketplace of Ideas, Pete Kushibab. (Expressional Rights)
The Sustaining of Expressional Rights: A British Perspective, David Palfreyman. (Expressional Rights)
Concurrent Sessions Main Conference
 Managing Campus Security and the Rule of Law in an Era of Terrorism, John D. Marshall and Oren R.
Griffin. (Campus Security) (ManagingSecurityLawinEraofTerrorism)
 Managing Campus Security and the Rule of Law in an Era of Terrorism Power Point Presentation, John
D. Marshall and Oren R. Griffin. (Campus Security) (ManagingSecurityLawinEraofTerrorismPPT)
Campus Security and the Rule of Law, Dennis Farrington. (Campus Security)
Trading Cyberspaces: A Preview of the Season in Cyberlaw, Steven J. McDonald. (Cyberlaw)
Trading Cyberspaces (Season II): An Update of Cyberlaw Relating to Surveillance, Privacy, Security
and Domain Names Disputes, Nancy Tribbensee. (Cyberlaw) (UpdateonCyberlaw)
Federal Law and Recruitment, Outreach, and Retention: A Framework for Evaluating Diversity-Related
Programs (An Excerpt), Scott R. Palmer. (Admissions) (FederalLawandRecruitment)
Who Are You? Fraudulent Credentials and Background Checks in Academe, Barbara A. Lee.
(Background Checks) (FraudulentCredentialsBackgroundChecks)
Understanding the Analytical Approaches of Courts in Negligence Cases, William P. Hoye. (Risk
Management) (ApproachesofCourtsinNegligenceCases)
Understanding the Analytical Approaches of Courts in Negligence Cases, Kimberly Novak. (Risk
Management) (ApproachesofCourtsinNegligenceCases2)
Appendix 1: Risk Management Team, Kimberly Novak. (Risk Management) (RiskManagementTeam)
Appendix 2: Student Organization Advisor Letter, Kimberly Novak. (Risk Management)
Appendix 3: Risk Management Officer Information Sheet, Kimberly Novak. (Risk Management)
Appendix 4: Core Competencies for Risk Managers, Kimberly Novak. (Risk Management)
Diversity and Inclusion: Policy, Practice, and Legal Implications, Lawrence White. (Diversity)
Experiences After Grutter & Gratz, Melinda Grier. (Diversity) (ExperiencesAfterGrutterGratz)
What is Academic Freedom, Who Has It and When?, Barbara A. Lee. (Academic Freedom)
Political and Religious Belief Discrimination on Campus: Faculty and Student Academic Freedom and
The First Amendment, Ann Springer. (Academic Freedom) (PoliticalReligiousDiscrimination)
Academic Freedom: A UK Perspective, Tim Kaye. (Academic Freedom) (AcademicFreedomUK)
Back On TRAC (Treatment, Responsibility & Accountability on Campus) Day (Drugs, Alcohol & You)
IV Program, Lisa A. Miller. (Substance Abuse) (BackonTRAC)
Back On TRAC: Treatment, Responsibility & Accountability on Campus, Randy Monchick and Don
Gehring. (Substance Abuse) (BackonTRAC2)
Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Claims Under Title IX, William Kaplin. (Sex Discrimination)
Sexual Harassment on Campus Addressing Claims of Faculty, Students and Staff, Wendy S. White.
(Sex Discrimination) (SexualHarassmentonCampus)
Sexual Harassment on Campus Addressing Claims of Faculty, Students and Staff Power Point
Presentation, Wendy S. White. (Sex Discrimination) (SexualHarassmentonCampusPPT)
Understanding Access to Higher Education, Holiday Hart McKiernan. (Access to Higher Education)
Understanding Access to Higher Education: The Federal Tax Angle, Ben W. Blanton. (Access to
Higher Education) (FederalTaxAngle)
Understanding Access to Higher Education: The Lessening Impact of Federal Efforts to Address
Accessibility through Financial Aid, Diversity, and Disability, Paul Lowell Haines. (Access to Higher
Education) (AccessibilityFinaidDiversityDisability)
Understanding Access to Higher Education: Policies and Practices to Consider, Howard W. Bell, Jr.
(Access to Higher Education) (PoliciesPracticestoConsider)
Understanding Access to Higher Education: How Laws, Policies, Culture, Administration, and Money
Influence Accessibility and What Colleges and Universities Can Do to Have an Impact, Tim Birtwistle.
(Access to Higher Education) (WideningParticipationAgendaEngland)
Understanding Access to Higher Education: How Laws, Policies, Culture, Administration, and Money
Influence Accessibility and What Colleges and Universities Can Do to Have an Impact Power Point
Presentation, Tim Birtwistle. (Access to Higher Education)
Background Checks for Students and Employees: Should You and, If You Do, How Do You Comply
With the Law?, Russell C. Ford and Sarah H. Braughler. (Background Checks)
Background Checks for Students and Employees: Should You and, If You Do, How Do You Comply
With the Law? Power Point Presentation, Russell C. Ford and Sarah H. Braughler. (Background
Checks) (BackgroundChecksEmployeesStudentsPPT)
Private College & University Forum, Governing Board Issues: What Should Administrators Keep in
Mind?, Sheila Trice Bell. (Private College/University) (PrivateCollegeUniversityForum)
Private College & University Forum, Governing Board Issues: What Should Administrators Keep in
Mind? Charles F. Carletta. (Private College/University) (GoverningBoardIssues)
Private College & University Forum, Governing Board Issues: What Should Administrators Keep in
Mind? Power Point Presentation, Beverly E. Ledbetter. (Private College/University)
Group Discussions
 The Responsibility and Accountability of Governing Boards: Recent Developments, Holiday Hart
McKiernan and Peter H. Ruger. (Governing Boards) (GoverningBoardsRecentDev)
Post Conference: Student Privacy Revisited
 Privacy in the University Setting, Beth E. Cate. (Privacy) (PrivacyUniversitySetting)
 Student Privacy Revisited: The Fundamentals of Fundamental FERPA, Steven J. McDonald. (Privacy)
 Preventing Violence and Promoting Safety in Higher Education Settings, Linda Langford. (Privacy)
 Putting Your Best Face Forward: Tips for Being Web-savvy and Web-safe, Linda Langford. (Privacy)
 Environmental Management: An Approach to Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, Linda Langford.
(Privacy) (EnvironmentalManagement)
 Stalking, Cyberstalking, Obscene Calls & Threatening Emails, Linda Langford. (Privacy)