Post-Operative Instructions

Post-Operative Instructions
Missouri Sports Medicine
Richard A. White, M.D.
Carrie Lucas, FNP-BC
1100 Virginia Ave
MOI 4th Floor
Columbia, MO 65212
Office Phone: (573) 884-8484
Fax: (573) 884-9063
Office Hours: 8-5, Monday-Friday
After hours call (573) 882-4141, ask for Ortho
Resident on call
Open-Reduction Internal-Fixation of a Scaphoid
1. Take pain medication routinely for the first night and the next day, then begin to take as
needed and wean off. The pain medication given after surgery may cause constipation and it
may necessitate the use of an over the counter stool softener or laxative.
2. Elevate operative extremity above heart to decrease swelling. Ice operative extremity up to 20
minutes every hour as needed for swelling control.
3. Keep splint clean and dry.
4. Wiggle fingers. No lifting, pushing or pulling.
5. Return clinic appointment will be scheduled at the time of surgery and will be approximately
10 to 14 days post-operative.
6. If you feel that your splint is too tight or experience symptoms of decreased circulation to your
operative extremity such as numbness, tingling, excessive pain, coolness to touch, or any other
symptoms of concern you should go to the emergency room and be seen IMMEDIATELY!
7. If any questions arise regarding fever, redness, swelling, drainage from incision, numbness,
tingling, or uncontrolled pain, or any other concerns call office at (573) 884-8484 Monday
through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If an evening or weekend call (573) 882-4141 and ask to
speak to the orthopaedic resident on call.