Assessment of the Skill of the Cmorph Technique in the simulation of Rainfall over Kenya. Okuku C C1 Rarieya O P2 Mutemi J N3 1 Kenya Meteorological department P O Box 30259-00100 Nairobi Kenya 2 IGAD Climate prediction and Application Center P O Box 10304-00100 Nairobi Kenya 3 University of Nairobi, department of Meteorology P O Box 10304-00100 Nairobi Kenya ABSTRACT In this study verification of cmorph rainfall data and the observed were examined. The study was carried out on seasonal time-scale. Graphical comparison of the cmorph rainfall data and the ground observation was used in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The data sets included observed daily rainfall from rain gauge and the daily cmorph rainfall data from satellite. The period of study was from October to November 2005. During the study cmorph data and the observed rainfall data produced a similar graphical presentation showing that the cmorph technique can be used to extract daily rainfall over Kenya. Cmorph rainfall data over coastal area showed a fine graphical presentation with the observed rainfall for some selected stations over the coastal region. Hence it was concluded that there was a strong similarity between the observed rainfall and the cmorph data from the satellite. INTRODUCTION Kenya is located on longitudes 34°-42° E and latitude 3.5°N/S. It experiences two rain seasons i.e. March, April and May long rain season and September, October and November, short rain season. Her economy is mainly dependent on agriculture and agro based industries which heavily rely on the amount and distribution of weather elements such as rainfall, temperature and humidity. Accurate analysis and monitoring of these weather/climate elements is then used in prediction and early warning of the climate extremes to improve planning and management of climate sensitive activities and reduce the associated socio economic miseries that are prevalent in the region. There is sparse ‘instu’ rainfall measurement instruments in developing countries; inadequate data for use in analysis and prediction. See map below. Map of Kenya showing synoptic stations 20 15 october 10 november 5 31 29 0 17 Daily rainfall data over Kenya for October and November for the year 2005 was obtained from Kenya Meteorological department(KMD) Daily Cmorph data for October and November for the year 2005 was obtained from NOAA CPC morphing technique (CMORPH). Daily rainfall during October-November 2005 Most parts of Kenya experienced rainfall during this season. Most stations recorded rainfall less than 50% of their respective October –November total rainfall. The only stations which recorded normal to above normal were Mombasa, Makindu and Machackos. The figures below show the daily rainfall of some chosen stations. The stations were chosen on the basis of having received widespread rainfall. 27 Results and Discussions 25 Data type and source refer to this latter step as "morphing" of the features. 23 It should be noted with a lot of concern that extreme climate events affect the welfare of communities and tend to enhance poverty especially the rain-fed agricultural and hydroelectric power firms, major sources of food and energy respectively. These entire extreme Weather/climate events can be reduced through good understanding of past climate, enhanced monitoring and timely early warning as well as awareness of the usefulness of climate information and prediction products in decision making. This can only be achieved by using a wellanalyzed captured data. In this study we have compared the accuracy of cmorph rainfall data and the observed ones on the ground to create confidence for the users of this rainfall data. Propagation vector matrices are produced by computing spatial lag correlations on successive images of geostationary satellite IR which are then used to propagate the microwave derived precipitation estimates. This process governs the movement of the precipitation features only. At a given location, the shape and intensity of the precipitation features in the intervening half hour periods between microwave scans are determined by performing a time-weighting interpolation between microwave-derived features that have been propagated forward in time from the previous microwave observation and those that have been propagated backward in time from the following microwave scan. We 21 Justification for the study Model description 19 The main objective of this study is to verify the cmorph rainfall data and the rainfall observations made on the ground. Specific objectives include: 1. Assessing the accuracy of the cmorph technique comparing its rainfall output with the observed rainfall at 24hr interval. 2. Determine the spatial variation of rainfall for both the cmorph technique and the observations. Model description, Data generation using GRADS Graphical analysis The verification period was from October 17th to November 25th the year 2005 rainfall Objectives of the study days Methodology The methods used included Figure 1.0 daily rainfall for Makindu 25 raifall 20 15 october 10 november 5 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 0 days Figure 1.1 daily rainfall for Mombasa. Figure 1.4 Figures 1.2 and 1.3, show rainfall distribution on 23 and 24 November. The figures below clearly show that there is a harmonized relationship between cmorph rainfall and the observed. Given that cmorph technique best gives spatial distribution of rainfall of a given place at some period, the peeks below show that there was high amount of rainfall at different regions during the rainfall occurrence. coastal cmorph distribution 6 Figure 1.2 rainfall 5 4 3 2 1 Figure 1.2 shows the spatial variation of rainfall on 24th November 2005. The technique represents well cmorphed spatial distribution of rain. 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 Figure 1.5 Lamu Cmorph 2005 Lamu rainfall 15 10 Series1 5 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 Days Figure 1.6 Lamu Observed coastal cmorph distribution Figure 1.3 6 Figure 1.3 shows the spatial variation of rainfall on 23 November. Similarly during the month of October some days recorded more rainfall as shown below. Cmorph precipitation for 21 October 2005. rainfall 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 Figure 1.7 Voi Cmorph 3 Voi rainfall 15 10 Series1 5 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 days Figure 1.8 Voi Observed Cmorph lon 34 - 38 lat 2S - 2N 6 rainfall 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 Figure 1.9 Dagoretti C-MORPH Daoretti rainfall 60 40 Series1 20 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 days Figure 2.0 Dagoretti Observed Cmorph lon 34 - 38 lat 2S - 2N 6 5 rainfall cmorph technique was well captured. The techniques over and below estimation of rainfall was also observed due to the proxy data obtained from satellite sensors. Cmorph rainfall data over coastal area showed a fine graphical presentation with the observed rainfall for some selected stations over the coast. Hence it was concluded that there was a strong similarity between the observed rainfall and the cmorph data from the satellite creating confidence in the technique. 4 3 2 Recommendations and suggestions for further studies. The present study of the cmorph technique shows that the technique is promising. However it has some weaknesses of overestimation and underestimation of precipitation. It is therefore recommended that improvement on the sensors temporal and spatial resolution is checked. With regard to spatial resolution, the precipitation estimates are available on a grid with a spacing of 8 km (at the equator), the resolution of the individual satellite-derived estimates is coarser than that - more on the order 0f 12 x 15 km or so. Hence it is recommended that a technique with a much finer resolution is used in order to obtain the best precipitation data. 1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 Acknowledgements Figure 2.1 Makindu C-MORPH rainfall Makindu 20 15 10 5 0 1 4 This work was carried out with funding support of WMO and presented to CIMO Russia 2008. The authors are also grateful to Kenya government (KMD) and the University of Nairobi for providing necessary resources. 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 days Figure 2.2 Makindu Observed References Conclusion October-November season had a depressed rainfall due to diffuse ITCZ over the region of study. The spatial distribution of the Ferraro, R. R., 1997: SSM/I derived global rainfall estimates for climatological applications. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 1671516735. Ferraro, R. R., F. Weng, N. C. Grody and 4 L. Zhao, 2000: Precipitation characteristics over land from the NOAA-15 AMSU sensor. Geophys. Res. Ltr., 27, 2669-2672. Joyce, R. J., J. E. Janowiak, P. A. 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