Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 1 Chapter 10 Statistical Inferences about Two Populations LEARNING OBJECTIVES The general focus of Chapter 10 is on testing hypotheses and constructing confidence intervals about parameters from two populations, thereby enabling you to 1. Test hypotheses and construct confidence intervals about the difference in two population means using data from large samples. 2. Test hypotheses and establish confidence intervals about the difference in two population means using data from small samples when the population variances are unknown and the populations are normally distributed. 3. Test hypotheses and construct confidence intervals about the difference in two related populations when the differences are normally distributed. 4. Test hypotheses and construct confidence intervals about the difference in two population proportions. 5. Test hypotheses and construct confidence intervals about two population variances when the two populations are normally distributed. CHAPTER TEACHING STRATEGY The major emphasis of chapter 10 is on analyzing data from two samples. The student should be ready to deal with this topic given that he/she has tested hypotheses and computed confidence intervals in previous chapters on single sample data. The z test for analyzing the differences in two sample means is presented here with emphasis on large samples. Conceptually, this is not radically different than the z test for a single sample mean shown initially in Chapter 7. In this test, we can use either sample or population variances since sample size is large. If sample sizes are small but Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 2 the population variances are known and the populations are normally distributed, this z test can still be used. However, in many cases, the population variances are unknown. If this is the case and sample sizes are small and it can be assumed that the populations are normally distributed, a t test for independent samples can be used. There are two different formulas given in the chapter to conduct this test. One version of this test uses a "pooled" estimate of the population variance and assumes that the population variances are equal. The other version does not assume equal population variances and is simpler to compute. However, the degrees of freedom formula for this version is quite complex. A t test is also included for related (non independent) samples. It is important that the student be able to recognize when two samples are related and when they are independent. The first portion of section 10.3 addresses this issue. To underscore the potential difference in the outcome of the two techniques, it is sometimes valuable to analyze some related measures data with both techniques and demonstrate that the results and conclusions are usually quite different. You can have your students work problems like this using both techniques to help them understand the differences between the two tests (independent and dependent t tests) and the different outcomes they will obtain. A z test of proportions for two samples is presented here along with an F test for two population variances. This is a good place to introduce the student to the F distribution in preparation for analysis of variance in Chapter 11. The student will begin to understand that the F values have two different degrees of freedom. The F distribution tables are upper tailed only. For this reason, formula 10.16 is given in the chapter to be used to compute lower tailed F values for two-tailed tests. CHAPTER OUTLINE 10.1 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals about the Difference in Two Means using the z Statistic Hypothesis Testing Confidence Intervals Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses and Construct Confidence Intervals about the Difference in Two Population Means Using the z Test 10.2 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals about the Difference in Two Means: Small Independent Samples and Population Variances Unknown Hypothesis Testing Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses and Construct Confidence Intervals about the Difference in Two Population Means Using the t Test Confidence Intervals 10.3 Statistical Inferences For Two Related Populations Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 3 Hypothesis Testing Using the Computer to Make Statistical Inferences about Two Related Populations Confidence Intervals 10.4 Statistical Inferences About Two Population Proportions Hypothesis Testing Confidence Intervals Using the Computer to Analyze the Difference in Two Proportions 10.5 Testing Hypotheses About Two Population Variances Using the Computer to Test Hypotheses about Two Population Variances KEY TERMS Dependent Samples F Distribution F Value Independent Samples Matched-Pairs Data Matched-Pairs Test Paired Data Related Measures SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS IN CHAPTER 10 10.1 a) Ho: Ha: Sample 1 Sample 2 x 1 = 51.3 s12 = 52 n1 = 32 x 2 = 53.2 s22 = 60 n2 = 32 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 < 0 For one-tail test, = .10 z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 2 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 z.10 = -1.28 (51.3 53.2) (0) 52 60 32 32 = -1.02 Since the observed z = -1.02 > zc = -1.645, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations b) Critical value method: zc = ( x 1 x 2 ) c ( 1 2 ) 2 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 -1.645 = ( x1 x 2 ) c (0) 52 60 32 32 ( x 1 - x 2)c = -3.08 c) The area for z = -1.02 using Table A.5 is .3461. The p-value is .5000 - .3461 = .1539 10.2 Sample 1 Sample 2 n1 = 32 x 1 = 70.4 s1 = 5.76 n2 = 31 x 2 = 68.7 s2 = 6.1 For a 90% C.I., z.05 = 1.645 2 2 s s ( x1 x 2 ) z 1 2 n1 n2 (70.4) – 68.7) + 1.645 1.7 ± 2.465 -.76 < µ1 - µ2 < 4.16 5.762 6.12 32 31 4 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.3 a) Sample 1 Sample 2 x 1 = 88.23 s12 = 22.74 n1 = 30 Ho: Ha: x 2 = 81.2 s22 = 26.65 n2 = 30 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 0 For two-tail test, use /2 = .01 z = 5 ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 2 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 z.01 = + 2.33 (88.23 81.2) (0) 22.74 26.65 30 30 = 5.48 Since the observed z = 5.48 > z.01 = 2.33, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 2 b) ( x 1 x 2 ) z 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 (88.23 – 81.2) + 2.33 22.74 26.65 30 30 7.03 + 2.99 4.04 < < 10.02 This supports the decision made in a) to reject the null hypothesis because zero is not in the interval. 10.4 Computers/electronics x 1 = 1.96 s12 = 1.018776 n1 = 50 Ho: Ha: Food/Beverage x 2 = 3.02 s22 = .917959 n2 = 50 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 0 For two-tail test, /2 = .005 z.005 = ±2.575 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 2 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 (1.96 3.02) (0) 1.018776 0.917959 50 50 6 = -5.39 Since the observed z = -5.39 < zc = -2.575, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.5 A B n1 = 40 x 1 = 5.3 s12 = 1.99 For a 95% C.I., z.025 = 1.96 2 ( x1 x 2 ) z n2 = 37 x 2 = 6.5 s22 = 2.36 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 (5.3 – 6.5) + 1.96 1.99 2.36 40 37 -1.86 < < -.54 -1.2 ± .66 The results indicate that we are 95% confident that, on average, Plumber B does between 0.54 and 1.86 more jobs per day than Plumber A. Since zero does not lie in this interval, we are confident that there is a difference between Plumber A and Plumber B. 10.6 Managers Specialty n1 = 35 x 1 = 1.84 S1 = .38 n2 = 41 x 2 = 1.99 S2 = .51 for a 98% C.I., z.01 = 2.33 2 2 s s ( x1 x 2 ) z 1 2 n1 n2 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations (1.84 - 1.99) ± 2.33 7 .382 .512 35 41 -.15 ± .2384 -.3884 < µ1 - µ2 < .0884 Point Estimate = -.15 Hypothesis Test: 1) Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 0 2) z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 12 n1 22 n2 3) = .02 4) For a two-tailed test, z.01 = + 2.33. If the observed z value is greater than 2.33 or less than -2.33, then the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. 5) Data given above 6) z = (1.84 1.99) (0) (.38) 2 (.51) 2 35 41 = -1.47 7) Since z = -1.47 > z.01 = -2.33, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 8) There is no significant difference in the hourly rates of the two groups. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.7 1992 1999 x 1 = 190 s1 = 18.50 n1 = 51 x 2 = 198 s2 = 15.60 n2 = 47 H0: 1 - 2 = 0 Ha: 1 - 2 < 0 For a one-tailed test, z = = .01 z.01 = -2.33 ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 2 8 2 (190 198) (0) (18.50) 2 (15.60) 2 51 47 s1 s 2 n1 n2 = -2.32 Since the observed z = -2.32 > z.01 = -2.33, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.8 Seattle Atlanta n1 = 31 x 1 = 2.64 s12 = .03 n2 = 31 x 2 = 2.36 s22 = .015 For a 99% C.I., z.005 = 2.575 2 ( x1 x 2 ) z (2.64-2.36) ± 2.575 .28 ± .10 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 .03 .015 31 31 .18 < < .38 Between $ .18 and $ .38 difference with Seattle being more expensive. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.9 Canon Pioneer x 1 = 5.8 s1 = 1.7 n1 = 36 x 2 = 5.0 s2 = 1.4 n2 = 45 Ho: Ha: µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 0 For two-tail test, /2 = .025 z = 9 ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 2 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 z.025 = ±1.96 (5.8 5.0) (0) (1.7) 2 (1.4) 36 45 = 2.27 Since the observed z = 2.27 > zc = 1.96, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.10 Ho: Ha: A B x 1 = 8.05 s1 = 1.36 n1 = 50 x 2 = 7.26 s2 = 1.06 n2 = 38 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 > 0 For one-tail test, = .10 z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 2 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 z.10 = 1.28 (8.05 7.26) (0) (1.36) 2 (1.06) 2 50 38 = 3.06 Since the observed z = 3.06 > zc = 1.28, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations = .01 df = 8 + 11 - 2 = 17 10.11 Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 < 0 Sample 1 Sample 2 n1 = 8 x 1 = 24.56 s12 = 12.4 n2 = 11 x 2 = 26.42 s22 = 15.8 For one-tail test, = .01 Critical t.01,19 = -2.567 t= 10 ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 = (24.56 26.42) (0) = -1.05 12.4(7) 15.8(10) 1 1 8 11 2 8 11 Since the observed t = -1.05 > t.01,19 = -2.567, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. =.10 df = 20 + 20 - 2 = 38 10.12 a) Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 0 Sample 1 n1 = 20 x 1 = 118 s1 = 23.9 Sample 2 n2 = 20 x 2 = 113 s2 = 21.6 For two-tail test, t = t = /2 = .05 Critical t.05,38 = 1.697 (used df=30) ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (24.56 26.42) (0) (23.9) 2 (19) (21.6) 2 (19) 1 1 20 20 2 20 20 = = 0.69 Since the observed t = 0.69 < t.05,38 = 1.697, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 11 s (n 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 b) ( x1 x 2 ) t 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 = 2 (118 – 113) + 1.697 2 (23.9) 2 (19) (21.6) 2 (19) 1 1 20 20 2 20 20 5 + 12.224 -7.224 < 1 - 2 < 17.224 = .05 df = n1 + n2 - 2 = 10 + 10 - 2 = 18 10.13 Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 > 0 Sample 1 Sample 2 n1 = 10 x 1 = 45.38 s1 = 2.357 n2 = 10 x 2 = 40.49 s2 = 2.355 For one-tail test, = .05 Critical t.05,18 = 1.734 t = t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (45.38 40.49) (0) (2.357) 2 (9) (2.355) 2 (9) 1 1 10 10 2 10 10 = = 4.64 Since the observed t = 4.64 > t.05,18 = 1.734, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.14 Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 0 =.01 df = 18 + 18 - 2 = 34 Sample 1 Sample 2 n1 = 18 x 1 = 5.333 s12 = 12 n2 = 18 x 2 = 9.444 s22 = 2.026 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations For two-tail test, /2 = .005 t = t = Critical t.005,34 = ±2.457 (used df=30) ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 12 2 = (5.333 9.444) (0) = -4.66 12(17) (2.026)17 1 1 18 18 2 18 18 Since the observed t = -4.66 < t.005,34 = -2.457 Reject the null hypothesis s (n 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 ( x1 x 2 ) t 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 b) 2 (5.333 – 9.444) + 2.457 = (12)(17) (2.026)(17) 1 1 18 18 2 18 18 -4.111 + 2.1689 -6.2799 < 1 - 2 < -1.9421 10.15 Peoria Evansville n1 = 21 x1 = 86,900 s1 = 2,300 n2 = 26 x 2 = 84,000 s2 = 1,750 90% level of confidence, /2 = .05 t .05,45 = 1.684 (used df = 40) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 ( x1 x 2 ) t df = 21 + 26 – 2 2 = (2300) 2 (20) (1750) 2 (25) 1 1 (86,900 – 84,000) + 1.684 = 21 26 2 21 26 2,900 + 994.62 1905.38 < 1 - 2 < 3894.62 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 13 = .05 df = 21 + 26 - 2 = 45 10.16 Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 0!= 0 Peoria Evansville n1 = 21 x 1 = $86,900 s1 = $2,300 n2 = 26 x 2 = $84,000 s2 = $1,750 For two-tail test, /2 = .025 Critical t.025,45 = ± 2.021 (used df=40) t = t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 = (86,900 84,000) (0) (2,300) 2 (20) (1,750) 2 (25) 1 1 21 26 2 21 26 = 4.91 Since the observed t = 4.91 > t.025,45 = 2.021, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.17 Let Boston be group 1 1) Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 > 0 2) t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 3) = .01 4) For a one-tailed test and df = 8 + 9 - 2 = 15, t.01,15 = 2.602. If the observed value of t is greater than 2.602, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 5) Boston n1 = 8 x 1 = 47 s1 = 3 Dallas n2 = 9 x 2 = 44 s2 = 3 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 6) t = (47 44) (0) 7(3) 2 8(3) 2 15 14 = 2.06 1 1 8 9 7) Since t = 2.06 < t.01,15 = 2.602, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 8) There is no significant difference in rental rates between Boston and Dallas. 10.18 nm = 22 x m = 112 sm = 11 nno = 20 x no = 122 sno = 12 df = nm + nno - 2 = 22 + 20 - 2 = 40 For a 98% Confidence Interval, /2 = .01 and s (n 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 ( x1 x 2 ) t 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 (112 – 122) + 2.423 t.01,40 = 2.423 2 = (11)2 (21) (12) 2 (19) 1 1 22 20 2 22 20 -10 ± 8.63 -$18.63 < µ1 - µ2 < -$1.37 Point Estimate = -$10 10.19 Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0 Ha: µ1 - µ2 0 df = n1 + n2 - 2 = 11 + 11 - 2 = 20 Toronto Mexico City n1 = 11 x 1 = $67,381.82 s1 = $2,067.28 n2 = 11 x 2 = $63,481.82 s2 = $1,594.25 For a two-tail test, /2 = .005 Critical t.005,20 = ±2.845 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations t = t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 15 = (67,381.82 63,481.82) (0) (2,067.28) 2 (10) (1,594.25) 2 (10) 1 1 11 11 2 11 11 = 4.95 Since the observed t = 4.95 > t.005,20 = 2.845, the decision is to Reject the null hypothesis. 10.20 Toronto Mexico City n1 = 11 x 1 = $67,381.82 s1 = $2,067.28 n2 = 11 x 2 = $63,481.82 s2 = $1,594.25 df = n1 + n2 - 2 = 11 + 11 - 2 = 20 For a 95% Level of Confidence, /2 = .025 and t.025,20 = 2.086 s (n 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 ( x1 x 2 ) t 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 ($67,381.82 - $63,481.82) ± (2.086) 3,900 ± 1,641.9 2,258.1 < µ1 - µ2 < 5,541.9 = (2,067.28) 2 (10) (1,594.25) 2 (10) 1 1 11 11 2 11 11 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.21 Ho: Ha: 16 D=0 D>0 Sample 1 38 27 30 41 36 38 33 35 44 n=9 Sample 2 22 28 21 38 38 26 19 31 35 d 16 -1 9 3 -2 12 14 4 9 d =7.11 sd=6.45 = .01 df = n - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8 For one-tail test and = .01, t = the critical t.01,8 = ±2.896 d D 7.11 0 = 3.31 sd 6.45 n 9 Since the observed t = 3.31 > t.01,8 = 2.896, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.22 Ho: Ha: Before 107 99 110 113 96 98 100 102 107 109 104 99 101 D=0 D0 After 102 98 100 108 89 101 99 102 105 110 102 96 100 d 5 1 10 5 7 -3 1 0 2 -1 2 3 1 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations n = 13 d = 2.5385 df = n - 1 = 13 - 1 = 12 sd=3.4789 For a two-tail test and /2 = .025 17 = .05 Critical t.025,12 = ±2.179 d D 2.5385 0 = 2.63 sd 3.4789 t = 13 n Since the observed t = 2.63 > t.025,12 = 2.179, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. d = 40.56 10.23 n = 22 sd = 26.58 For a 98% Level of Confidence, /2 = .01, and df = n - 1 = 22 - 1 = 21 t.01,21 = 2.518 d t sd n 40.56 ± (2.518) 26.58 22 40.56 ± 14.27 26.29 < D < 54.83 10.24 Before 32 28 35 32 26 25 37 16 35 After 40 25 36 32 29 31 39 30 31 d -8 3 -1 0 -3 -6 -2 -14 4 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations n=9 d = -3 df = n - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8 sd = 5.6347 For 90% level of confidence and /2 = .025, t = d t 18 = .025 t.05,8 = 1.86 sd n t = -3 + (1.86) 5.6347 = -3 ± 3.49 9 -0.49 < D < 6.49 10.25 City Atlanta Boston Des Moines Kansas City Louisville Portland Raleigh-Durham Reno Ridgewood San Francisco Tulsa d = 1302.82 = .01 d t sd n Cost Resale d 20427 27255 22115 23256 21887 24255 19852 23624 25885 28999 20836 25163 24625 12600 24588 19267 20150 22500 16667 26875 35333 16292 -4736 2630 9515 -1332 2620 4105 -2648 6957 - 990 -6334 4544 sd = 4938.22 /2 = .005 df = 10 t.005,10= 3.169 = 1302.82 + 3.169 -3415.6 < D < 6021.2 n = 11, 4938.22 = 1302.82 + 4718.42 11 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.26 Ho: Ha: 19 D=0 D<0 Before 2 4 1 3 4 2 2 3 1 After 4 5 3 3 3 5 6 4 5 d =-1.778 n=9 d -2 -1 -2 0 1 -3 -4 -1 -4 = .05 sd=1.716 df = n - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8 For a one-tail test and = .05, the critical t.05,8 = -1.86 t = d D 1.778 0 = -3.11 sd 1.716 n 9 Since the observed t = -3.11 < t.05,8 = -1.86, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.27 Before 255 230 290 242 300 250 215 230 225 219 236 n = 11 After 197 225 215 215 240 235 190 240 200 203 223 d = 28.09 d 58 5 75 27 60 15 25 -10 25 16 13 sd=25.813 df = n - 1 = 11 - 1 = 10 For a 98% level of confidence and /2=.01, t.01,10 = 2.764 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations d t 20 sd n 28.09 ± (2.764) 25.813 = 28.09 ± 21.51 11 6.58 < D < 49.60 10.28 H0: D = 0 Ha: D > 0 n = 27 df = 27 – 1 = 26 d = 3.17 sd = 5 Since = .01, the critical t.01,26 = 2.479 t = d D 3.71 0 = 3.86 sd 5 27 n Since the observed t = 3.86 > t.01,26 = 2.479, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. d = 75 10.29 n = 21 sd=30 df = 21 - 1 = 20 For a 90% confidence level, /2=.05 and t.05,20 = 1.725 d t sd n 75 + 1.725 30 = 75 ± 11.29 21 63.71 < D < 86.29 10.30 Ho: Ha: n = 15 D=0 D0 d = -2.85 sd = 1.9 = .01 For a two-tail test, /2 = .005 and the critical t.005,14 = + 2.977 df = 15 - 1 = 14 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 21 d D 2.85 0 = -5.81 sd 1.9 t = n 15 Since the observed t = -5.81 < t.005,14 = -2.977, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.31 a) pˆ 1 p Sample 1 Sample 2 n1 = 368 x1 = 175 n2 = 405 x2 = 182 x1 175 = .476 n1 368 pˆ 2 x2 182 = .449 n2 405 x1 x2 175 182 357 = .462 n1 n2 368 405 773 Ho: p1 - p2 = 0 Ha: p1 - p2 0 For two-tail, /2 = .025 and z.025 = ±1.96 z ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.476 .449) (0) 1 1 (.462)(. 538) 368 405 = 0.75 Since the observed z = 0.75 < zc = 1.96, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. b) p Sample 1 Sample 2 p̂ 1 = .38 n1 = 649 p̂ 2 = .25 n2 = 558 n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 649(.38) 558(.25) = .32 n1 n2 649 558 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations Ho: Ha: p1 - p2 = 0 p1 - p2 > 0 For a one-tail test and = .10, z 22 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n z.10 = 1.28 (.38 .25) (0) 1 1 (.32)(. 68) 649 558 = 4.83 Since the observed z = 4.83 > zc = 1.28, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.32 a) n1 = 85 n2 = 90 p̂ 1 = .75 For a 90% Confidence Level, ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z p̂ 2 = .67 z.05 = 1.645 pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.75 - .67) ± 1.645 (.75)(.25) (.67)(.33) = .08 ± .11 85 90 -.03 < p1 - p2 < .19 b) n1 = 1100 n2 = 1300 p̂ 1 = .19 p̂ 2 = .17 For a 95% Confidence Level, /2 = .025 and z.025 = 1.96 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.19 - .17) + 1.96 -.01 < p1 - p2 < .05 (.19)(.81) (.17)(.83) = .02 ± .03 1100 1300 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations c) n1 = 430 n2 = 399 x1 275 = .64 n1 430 pˆ 1 x1 = 275 pˆ 2 x2 = 275 x2 275 = .69 n2 399 For an 85% Confidence Level, /2 = .075 and ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z 23 z.075 = 1.44 pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.64 - .69) + 1.44 (.64)(.36) (.69)(.31) = -.05 ± .047 430 399 -.097 < p1 - p2 < -.003 d) n1 = 1500 pˆ 1 n2 = 1500 x1 1050 = .70 n1 1500 x1 = 1050 pˆ 2 x2 = 1100 x2 1100 = .733 n2 1500 For an 80% Confidence Level, /2 = .10 and z.10 = 1.28 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.70 - .733) ± 1.28 (.70)(.30) (.733)(.267) = -.033 ± .02 1500 1500 -.053 < p1 - p2 < -.013 10.33 H0: pm - pw = 0 Ha: pm - pw < 0 nm = 374 For a one-tailed test and = .05, p nw = 481 z.05 = -1.645 nm pˆ m nw pˆ w 374(.59) 481(.70) = .652 nm n w 374 481 p̂ m = .59 p̂ w = .70 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations z ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.59 .70) (0) 1 1 (.652)(. 348) 374 481 24 = -3.35 Since the observed z = -3.35 < z.05 = -1.645, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.34 n1 = 210 n2 = 176 p̂1 = .24 p̂2 = .35 For a 90% Confidence Level, /2 = .05 and ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z z.05 = + 1.645 pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.24 - .35) + 1.645 (.24)(.76) (.35)(.65) = -.11 + .0765 210 176 -.1865 < p1 – p2 < -.0335 10.35 Computer Firms Banks p̂ 1 = .48 n1 = 56 p Ho: Ha: p̂ 2 = .56 n2 = 89 n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 56(.48) 89(.56) = .529 n1 n2 56 89 p1 - p2 = 0 p1 - p2 0 For two-tail test, /2 = .10 and zc = ±1.28 z ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.48 .56) (0) 1 1 (.529)(. 471) 56 89 = -0.94 Since the observed z = -0.94 > zc = -1.28, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.36 A B n1 = 35 x1 = 5 pˆ 1 25 n2 = 35 x2 = 7 x1 5 = .14 n1 35 pˆ 2 x2 7 = .20 n2 35 For a 98% Confidence Level, /2 = .01 and z.01 = 2.33 pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z (.14 - .20) ± 2.33 (.14)(.86) (.20)(.80) 35 35 = -.06 ± .21 -.27 < p1 - p2 < .15 10.37 H0: p1 – p2 = 0 Ha: p1 – p2 0 = .10 p̂ = .09 1 p̂ = .06 2 For a two-tailed test, /2 = .05 and p Z n1 = 780 n2 = 915 z.05 = + 1.645 n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 780(.09) 915(.06) = .0738 n1 n2 780 915 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.09 .06) (0) 1 1 (.0738)(. 9262) 780 915 = 2.35 Since the observed z = 2.35 > z.05 = 1.645, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.38 n1 = 850 n2 = 910 p̂ = .60 1 26 p̂ 2 = .52 For a 95% Confidence Level, /2 = .025 and z.025 = + 1.96 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.60 - .52) + 1.96 (.60)(.40) (.52)(.48) = .08 + .046 850 910 .034 < p1 – p2 < .126 10.39 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 < 22 = .01 dfnum = 12 - 1 = 11 n1 = 10 n2 = 12 s12 = 562 s22 = 1013 dfdenom = 10 - 1 = 9 Table F.01,10,9 = 5.26 F = s2 2 s1 2 1013 = 1.80 562 Since the observed F = 1.80 < F.01,10,9 = 5.26, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.40 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 dfnum = 5 - 1 = 4 = .05 F = 2 s2 2 S1 = 4.68 S2 = 2.78 dfdenom = 19 - 1 = 18 The critical table F values are: s1 n1 = 5 n2 = 19 F.025,4,18 = 3.61 F.95,18,4 = .277 (4.68) 2 = 2.83 (2.78) 2 Since the observed F = 2.83 < F.025,4,18 = 3.61, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.41 City 1 27 City 2 1.18 1.15 1.14 1.07 1.14 1.13 1.09 1.13 1.13 1.03 1.08 1.17 1.14 1.05 1.21 1.14 1.11 1.19 1.12 1.13 n1 = 10 df1 = 9 n2 = 10 df2 = 9 s12 = .0018989 s22 = .0023378 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 = .10 /2 = .05 Upper tail critical F value = F.05,9,9 = 3.18 Lower tail critical F value = F.95,9,9 = 0.314 F = s1 2 s2 2 .0018989 = 0.81 .0023378 Since the observed F = 0.81 is greater than the lower tail critical value of 0.314 and less than the upper tail critical value of 3.18, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.42 Let Houston = group 1 and Chicago = group 2 1) H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 s1 2 s2 3) = .01 2 2) F = 4) df1 = 12 df2 = 10 This is a two-tailed test The critical table F values are: F.005,12,10 = 5.66 F.995,10,12 = .177 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 28 If the observed value is greater than 5.66 or less than .177, the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. 5) s12 = 393.4 6) F = s22 = 702.7 393.4 = 0.56 702.7 7) Since F = 0.56 is greater than .177 and less than 5.66, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 8) There is no significant difference in the variances of number of days between Houston and Chicago. 10.43 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 > 22 dfnum = 12 - 1 = 11 = .05 n1 = 12 n2 = 15 s1 = 7.52 s2 = 6.08 dfdenom = 15 - 1 = 14 The critical table F value is F.05,10,14 = 5.26 F= s1 2 s2 2 (7.52) 2 = 1.53 (6.08) 2 Since the observed F = 1.53 < F.05,10,14 = 2.60, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.44 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 = .01 dfnum = 15 - 1 = 14 n1 = 15 n2 = 15 dfdenom = 15 - 1 = 14 The critical table F values are: F = s1 2 s2 2 s12 = 91.5 s22 = 67.3 F.005,12,14 = 4.43 F.995,14,12 = .226 91.5 = 1.36 67.3 Since the observed F = 1.36 < F.005,12,14 = 4.43 and > F.995,14,12 = .226, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.45 Ho: Ha: 29 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 0 For = .10 and a two-tailed test, /2 = .05 and z.05 = + 1.645 Sample 1 Sample 2 x1 = 138.4 s1 = 6.71 n1 = 48 x 2 = 142.5 s2 = 8.92 n2 = 39 z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 2 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 (138.4 142.5) (0) (6.71) 2 (8.92) 48 39 = -2.38 Since the observed value of z = -2.38 is less than the critical value of z = -1.645, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. There is a significant difference in the means of the two populations. 10.46 Sample 1 x1 = 34.9 s12 = 2.97 n1 = 34 Sample 2 x 2 = 27.6 s22 = 3.50 n2 = 31 For 98% Confidence Level, 2 ( x1 x 2 ) z z.01 = 2.33 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 (34.9 – 27.6) + 2.33 2.97 3.50 34 31 6.26 < 1 - 2 < 8.34 = 7.3 + 1.04 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.47 Ho: Ha: 30 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 > 0 Sample 1 Sample 2 x1 = 2.06 s12 = .176 n1 = 12 x 2 = 1.93 s22 = .143 n2 = 15 This is a one-tailed test with df = 12 + 15 - 2 = 25. The critical value is t.05,25 = 1.708. If the observed value is greater than 1.708, the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. t = t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (2.06 1.93) (0) = 0.85 (.176)(11) (.143)(14) 1 1 25 12 15 Since the observed value of t = 0.85 is less than the critical value of t = 1.708, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. The mean for population one is not significantly greater than the mean for population two. 10.48 Sample 1 x 1 = 74.6 s12 = 10.5 n1 = 18 Sample 2 x 2 = 70.9 s22 = 11.4 n2 = 19 For 95% confidence, /2 = .025. Using df = 18 + 19 - 2 = 35, t35,.025 = 2.042 s (n 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 ( x1 x 2 ) t 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 (74.6 – 70.9) + 2.042 3.7 + 2.22 1.48 < 1 - 2 < 5.92 2 (23.9) 2 (19) (21.6) 2 (19) 1 1 20 20 2 20 20 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations = .01 10.49 Ho: D = 0 Ha: D < 0 n = 21 31 df = 20 d = -1.16 sd = 1.01 The critical t.01,20 = -2.528. If the observed t is less than -2.528, then the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. t = d D 1.16 0 = -5.26 sd 1.01 21 n Since the observed value of t = -5.26 is less than the critical t value of -2.528, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. The population difference is less than zero. 10.50 Respondent Before After 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 47 33 38 50 39 27 35 46 41 63 35 36 56 44 29 32 54 47 d = -4.44 sd = 5.703 d -16 -2 2 -6 -5 -2 3 -8 -6 df = 8 For a 99% Confidence Level, /2 = .005 and t8,.005 = 3.355 d t sd n = -4.44 + 3.355 5.703 = -4.44 + 6.38 9 -10.82 < D < 1.94 10.51 Ho: Ha: p1 - p2 = 0 p1 - p2 0 = .05 /2 = .025 z.025 = + 1.96 If the observed value of z is greater than 1.96 or less than -1.96, then the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations Sample 1 Sample 2 x1 = 345 n1 = 783 x2 = 421 n2 = 896 x1 x2 345 421 = .4562 n1 n2 783 896 p pˆ 1 z 32 x1 345 = .4406 n1 783 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n pˆ 2 x2 421 = .4699 n2 896 (.4406 .4699) (0) 1 1 (.4562)(. 5438) 783 896 = -1.20 Since the observed value of z = -1.20 is greater than -1.96, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is no significant difference in the population proportions. 10.52 Sample 1 Sample 2 n1 = 409 p̂ 1 = .71 n2 = 378 p̂ 2 = .67 For a 99% Confidence Level, /2 = .005 and ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z z.005 = 2.575 pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.71 - .67) + 2.575 (.71)(.29) (.67)(.33) = .04 ± .085 409 378 -.045 < p1 - p2 < .125 10.53 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 = .05 n1 = 8 n2 = 10 dfnum = 8 - 1 = 7 dfdenom = 10 - 1 = 9 The critical F values are: F.025,7,9 = 4.20 s12 = 46 S22 = 37 F.975,9,7 = .238 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 33 If the observed value of F is greater than 4.20 or less than .238, then the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis. F = s1 2 s2 2 46 = 1.24 37 Since the observed F = 1.24 is less than F.025,7,9 =4.20 and greater than F.975,9,7 = .238, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is no significant difference in the variances of the two populations. 10.54 Term Whole Life x t = $75,000 st = $22,000 nt = 27 x w = $45,000 sw = $15,500 nw = 29 df = 27 + 29 - 2 = 54 For a 95% Confidence Level, /2 = .025 and s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 ( x1 x 2 ) t t.025,40 = 2.021 (used df=40) 2 (75,000 – 45,000) + 2.021 (22,000) 2 (26) (15,500) 2 (28) 1 1 27 29 2 27 29 30,000 ± 10,220.73 19,779.27 < µ1 - µ2 < 40,220.73 10.55 Morning 43 51 37 24 47 44 50 55 46 n=9 Afternoon 41 49 44 32 46 42 47 51 49 d = -0.444 For a 90% Confidence Level: d 2 2 -7 -8 1 2 3 4 -3 sd =4.447 /2 = .05 and t.05,8 = 1.86 df = 9 - 1 = 8 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations d t 34 sd n -0.444 + (1.86) 4.447 = -0.444 ± 2.757 9 -3.201 < D < 2.313 10.56 Let group 1 be 1990 Ho: Ha: p1 - p2 = 0 p1 - p2 < 0 = .05 The critical table z value is: n1 = 1300 p z n2 = 1450 z.05 = -1.645 p̂1 = .447 p̂2 = .487 n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 (.447)(1300) (.487)(1450) = .468 n1 n2 1300 1450 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.447 .487) (0) 1 1 (.468)(. 532) 1300 1450 = -2.10 Since the observed z = -3.73 is less than z.05 = -1.645, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 1997 has a significantly higher proportion. 10.57 Accounting Data Entry n1 = 16 x 1 = 26,400 s1 = 1,200 n2 = 14 x 2 = 25,800 s2 = 1,050 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 dfnum = 16 – 1 = 15 dfdenom = 14 – 1 = 13 The critical F values are: F.025,15,13 = 3.05 F.975,15,13 = 0.33 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations F = s1 2 s2 2 35 1,440,000 = 1.31 1,102,500 Since the observed F = 1.31 is less than F.025,15,13 = 3.05 and greater than F.975,15,13 = 0.33, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. 10.58 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 dfnum = 6 = .01 n1 = 8 n2 = 7 S12 = 72,909 S22 = 142,512 dfdenom = 7 The critical F values are: F = s1 2 s2 2 F.005,6,7 = 9.16 F.995,7,6 = .11 142,512 = 1.95 72,909 Since F = 1.95 < F.005,6,7 = 9.16 but also > F.995,7,6 = .11, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is no difference in the variances of the shifts. 10.59 Men Women n1 = 60 x 1 = 631 s1 = 100 n2 = 41 x 2 = 848 s2 = 100 For a 95% Confidence Level, /2 = .025 and z.025 = 1.96 2 ( x1 x 2 ) z 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 1002 1002 (631 – 848) + 1.96 = -217 ± 39.7 60 41 -256.7 < µ1 - µ2 < -177.3 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.60 Ho: Ha: 36 = .01 df = 20 + 24 - 2 = 42 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 0 Detroit Charlotte n1 = 20 x 1 = 17.53 s1 = 3.2 n2 = 24 x 2 = 14.89 s2 = 2.7 For two-tail test, /2 = .005 and the critical t.005,42 = ±2.704 (used df=40) t = t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (17.53 14.89) (0) (3.2) (19) (2.7) 2 (23) 1 1 42 20 24 2 = 2.97 Since the observed t = 2.97 > t.005,42 = 2.704, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.61 Ho: Ha: With Fertilizer Without Fertilizer x 1 = 38.4 s1 = 9.8 n1 = 35 x 2 = 23.1 s2 = 7.4 n2 = 35 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 > 0 For one-tail test, = .01 and z.01 = 2.33 z = ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) 2 2 s1 s 2 n1 n2 (38.4 23.1) (0) (9.8) 2 (7.4) 35 35 = 7.37 Since the observed z = 7.37 > z.01 = 2.33, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.62 Specialty Discount n1 = 350 p̂ 1 = .75 n2 = 500 p̂ 2 = .52 For a 90% Confidence Level, /2 = .05 and ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z 37 z.05 = 1.645 pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.75 - .52) + 1.645 (.75)(.25) (.52)(.48) 350 500 = .23 ± .053 .177 < p1 - p2 < .283 10.63 H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 dfnum = 27 - 1 = 26 = .05 F = 2 s2 2 s1 = 22,000 s2 = 15,500 dfdenom = 29 - 1 = 28 The critical F values are: s1 n1 = 27 n2 = 29 F.025,24,28 = 2.17 F.975,28,24 = .46 22,000 2 = 2.01 15,500 2 Since the observed F = 2.01 < F.025,24,28 = 2.17 and > than F.975,28,24 = .46, the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.64 Name Brand 54 55 59 53 54 61 51 53 n=8 Store Brand 49 50 52 51 50 56 47 49 d = 4.5 d 5 5 7 2 4 5 4 4 sd=1.414 df = 8 - 1 = 7 For a 90% Confidence Level, /2 = .05 and d t 38 t.05,7 = 1.895 sd n 4.5 + 1.895 1.414 = 4.5 ± .947 8 3.553 < D < 5.447 10.65 Ho: Ha: = .01 df = 23 + 19 - 2 = 40 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 < 0 Wisconsin Tennessee n1 = 23 x 1 = 69.652 s12 = 9.9644 n2 = 19 x 2 = 71.7368 s22 = 4.6491 For one-tail test, = .01 and the critical t.01,40 = -2.423 t = t = ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (69.652 71.7368) (0) = -2.44 (9.9644)( 22) (4.6491)(18) 1 1 40 23 19 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 39 Since the observed t = -2.44 < t.01,40 = -2.423, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.66 Wednesday 71 56 75 68 74 n=5 Friday 53 47 52 55 58 d = 15.8 sd = 5.263 d 18 9 23 13 16 df = 5 - 1 = 4 = .05 Ho: D = 0 Ha: D > 0 For one-tail test, = .05 and the critical t.05,4 = 2.132 d D 15.8 0 = 6.71 sd 5.263 t = n 5 Since the observed t = 6.71 > t.05,4 = 2.132, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.67 Ho: P1 - P2 = 0 Ha: P1 - P2 0 pˆ 1 p = .05 Machine 1 Machine 2 x1 = 38 n1 = 191 x2 = 21 n2 = 202 x1 38 = .199 n1 191 pˆ 2 x2 21 = .104 n2 202 n1 pˆ 1 n2 pˆ 2 (.199)(191) (.104)(202) = .15 n1 n2 191 202 For two-tail, /2 = .025 and the critical z values are: z.025 = ±1.96 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations z ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) ( p1 p 2 ) 1 1 p q n1 n (.199 .104) (0) 1 1 (.15)(. 85) 191 202 40 = 2.64 Since the observed z = 2.64 > zc = 1.96, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.68 Construction Telephone Repair n1 = 338 x1 = 297 pˆ 1 n2 = 281 x2 = 192 x1 297 = .879 n1 338 pˆ 2 x2 192 = .683 n2 281 For a 90% Confidence Level, /2 = .05 and z.05 = 1.645 ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z pˆ 1qˆ1 pˆ 2 qˆ 2 n1 n2 (.879)(.121) (.683)(.317) = .196 ± .054 338 281 (.879 - .683) + 1.645 .142 < p1 - p2 < .250 10.69 Aerospace Automobile n1 = 33 x 1 = 12.4 s1 = 2.9 n2 = 35 x 2 = 4.6 s2 = 1.8 For a 99% Confidence Level, /2 = .005 and z.005 = 2.575 2 2 s s ( x1 x 2 ) z 1 2 n1 n2 (12.4 – 4.6) + 2.575 6.28 < µ1 - µ2 < 9.32 (2.9) 2 (1.8) 2 33 35 = 7.8 ± 1.52 Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.70 Ho: Ha: Discount Specialty x 1 = $47.20 s1 = $12.45 n1 = 60 x 2 = $27.40 s2 = $9.82 n2 = 40 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 0 = .01 41 For two-tail test, /2 = .005 and zc = ±2.575 ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) z = 2 2 (47.20 27.40) (0) s1 s 2 n1 n2 (12.45) 2 (9.82) 2 60 40 = 8.86 Since the observed z = 8.86 > zc = 2.575, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.71 Before 12 7 10 16 8 n=5 After 8 3 8 9 5 d = 4.0 sd = 1.8708 d 4 4 2 7 3 df = 5 - 1 = 4 = .01 Ho: D = 0 Ha: D > 0 For one-tail test, = .01 and the critical t.01,4 = 3.747 t = d D 4.0 0 = 4.78 sd 1.8708 n 5 Since the observed t = 4.78 > t.01,4 = 3.747, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10.72 Ho: Ha: 42 = .01 df = 10 + 6 - 2 = 14 µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 0 A B n1 = 10 x 1 = 18.3 s12 = 17.122 n2 = 6 x 2 = 9.667 s22 = 7.467 For two-tail test, /2 = .005 and the critical t.005,14 = ±2.977 ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) t = t = s1 (n1 1) s 2 (n2 1) 1 1 n1 n2 2 n1 n2 2 2 (18.3 9.667) (0) = (17.122)(9) (7.467)(5) 1 1 14 10 6 4.52 Since the observed t = 4.52 > t.005,14 = 2.977, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. 10.73 A t test was used to test to determine if Hong Kong has significantly different rates than Bombay. Let group 1 be Hong Kong. Ho: Ha: µ1 - µ2 = 0 µ1 - µ2 > 0 n1 = 19 S1 = 12.9 n2 = 23 S2 = 13.9 x 1 = 130.4 x 2 = 128.4 = .01 t = 0.48 with a p-value of .634 which is not significant at of .05. There is not enough evidence in these data to declare that there is a difference in the average rental rates of the two cities. 10.74 H0: D = 0 Ha: D 0 This is a related measures before and after study. Fourteen people were involved in the study. Before the treatment, the sample mean was 4.357 and after the Chapter 10: Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 43 treatment, the mean was 5.214. The higher number after the treatment indicates that subjects were more likely to “blow the whistle” after having been through the treatment. The observed t value was –3.12 which was more extreme than twotailed table t value of + 2.16 causing the researcher to reject the null hypothesis. This is underscored by a p-value of .0081 which is less than = .05. The study concludes that there is a significantly higher likelihood of “blowing the whistle” after the treatment. 10.75 The point estimates from the sample data indicate that in the northern city the market share is .3108 and in the southern city the market share is .2701. The point estimate for the difference in the two proportions of market share are .0407. Since the 99% confidence interval ranges from -.0394 to +.1207 and zero is in the interval, any hypothesis testing decision based on this interval would result in failure to reject the null hypothesis. Alpha is .01 with a two-tailed test. This is underscored by a calculated z value of 1.31 which has an associated p-value of .191 which, of course, is not significant for any of the usual values of . 10.76 A test of differences of the variances of the populations of the two machines is being computed. The hypotheses are: H0: 12 = 22 Ha: 12 22 Twenty-six pipes were measured for sample one and twenty-six pipes were measured for sample two. The observed F = 1.79 is not significant at = .05 for a two-tailed test since the associated p-value is .0758. There is no significant difference in the variance of pipe lengths for pipes produced by machine A versus machine B.