National Urban Search and Rescue Response System Structure Collapse Technician Training SCT02 Shoring - Student Practical Check List - 1 Student ________________________________ Agency___________________________ Date and Location of Course:_____________________________________________________ Instructor: Under Column “Date Performed or Observed”. Instructor or student must put both the date and skill, and either a “P” for performed or an “O” for observed. Student must then initial the appropriate column to the right. If the instructor believes that although the student has performed the skill he/she s still inadequate because of lack of skill or practice, he/she should indicate under “Remarks" after discussion with the student. Both must sign and date the bottom of the record in order to make it valid. Shoring Skills Date Performed Observed (P/O) Construct Cutting Table & Jig Demonstrate Proper Cutting Techniques Demonstrate Proper Safety Techniques Determine Insertion Point Determine Raker Shore Angle & Length (45 Degree) Determine Raker Shore Angle & Length (60 Degree) Demonstrate Cutting Field Wedges Demonstrate Cutting Gusset Plates Demonstrate Proper Nail Patterns Construct Raker Shore Solid Sole Construct Raker Shore Split Sole Construct Raker Shore With Plywood Backing Construct Anchor Systems Construct Diagonal Bracing Construct Flying Raker Shore Construct Flying Shore Construct Double Raker Shore Construct T Shore Construct T Shore In Racked Structure Construct Window Shore Construct Window Shore In Racked Structure Construct Door Shore Construct Door Shore In Racked Structure Construct Vertical Shore Construct Vertical Shore In Racked Structure Construct Horizontal Shore Construct Horizontal Shore In Racked Structure Construct Laced Post Shore Student Instructor National Urban Search and Rescue Response System Structure Collapse Technician Training SCT02 Shoring - Student Practical Check List - 2 Construct Sloped Floor Shore Hard Surface Construct Sloped Floor Shore Earth Surface Demonstrate The Proper Use Of Pneumatic Shore Demonstrate The Proper Use Of Box Cribbing on Sloped Floor The student and instructor agree that the below-signed student adequately completed skills practice and/or review: or has observed all the above skills. Said student also understands that his/her competency will be in direct relation to the amount of time he/she devotes hereafter to skills practice and further training wit these skills. Said student must successfully perform all skills to be recognized as a Structural Collapse Technician. Instructor Signature:__________________________________Date:______________________ Remarks:_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Student Signature:___________________________________Date:______________________ Remarks:_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________