Scheduling Samples, Secondary Schedule A • The special educator divides time between different classes/instructional periods within same content area. • The special educator follows the same schedule every day and is in each class for the entire period. 8:00-9:00 9:00-10:00 Monday Advisory Co-taught English, 9th 10:00-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:35-12:35 Plan with Co-Teacher B Lunch Co-taught English, 10th 12:35-1:35 Co-taught English, 9th 1:35-2:35 Co-taught English, 10th Tuesday Advisory Co-taught English, 9th Plan Lunch Co-taught English, 10th Co-taught English, 9th Co-taught English, 10th Wednesday Advisory Co-taught English, 9th Plan with Co-Teacher C Lunch Co-taught English, 10th Co-taught English, 9th Co-taught English, 10th Thursday Advisory Co-taught English, 9th Plan Lunch Co-taught English, 10th Co-taught English, 9th Co-taught English, 10th Friday Advisory Co-taught English, 9th Plan with Co-Teacher A Lunch Co-taught English, 10th Co-taught English, 9th Co-taught English, 10th Schedule B • The special educator divides time between different classes/instructional periods within same grade level. • The special educator follows the same schedule every day and is in each class for the entire period. First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Math, 9th Co-taught Math, 9th Co-taught Math, 9th Co-taught Math, 9th Co-taught Math, 9th Plan - science Plan - Math Plan - English Plan Plan Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Co-taught English. 9th Co-taught English. 9th Co-taught English. 9th Co-taught English. 9th Co-taught English. 9th Schedule C • Special educator divides teaching time between different classes in the same class/instructional period each day. First Period Second Period Third Period Fourth Period Monday Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 10th Tuesday Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 10th Wednesday Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 10th Thursday Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 10th Friday Co-taught Science, 9th Co-taught Science, 10th Co-taught Math Co-taught Math Co-taught Math Co-taught Math Co-taught Math Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Co-taught English Co-taught English Co-taught English Co-taught English Co-taught English Schedule D • The special educator divides time between different classes/instructional periods. • The involvement of the special educator varies by days of the week, not within classes in the same day. 8:00-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:35-12:35 12:35-1:35 1:35-2:35 Monday Co-Taught English, 9th Co-Taught English, 10th Co-taught Social Studies or Science Lunch Team Planning Co-taught Social Studies or Science Co-Taught English, 9th Tuesday Co-Taught English, 9th Co-Taught English, 10th Co-taught Social Studies or Science Lunch Team Planning Co-taught Social Studies or Science Co-Taught English, 9th Wednesday Co-Taught Math or Language Arts, 9th Co-Taught Math or Language Arts, 10th Co-taught Social Studies or Science Lunch Team Planning Co-taught Social Studies or Science Co-Taught English, 10th Thursday Co-Taught Math, 9th Co-Taught Math, 10th Co-taught Social Studies or Science Lunch Team Planning Co-taught Social Studies or Science Co-Taught English, 10th Friday Co-Taught Math, 9th Co-Taught Math, 10th Co-taught Social Studies or Science Lunch Team Planning Co-taught Social Studies or Science Co-Taught English, 10th