Central 12-11-14

Regional Parent Mentor
Meeting Minutes
Date: 12/11/2014
Parent Mentor’s in attendance: Jacqueline Howley, Elaine Hamilton, Lauri Kaplan
,Laura Glenn, Dee Marks, Heather Smith, Nancy Banks, Joe Farry SST Region 11, Brad
Pritts, Amanda Chiles, Sam McMillan, Jennifer Sims, Marilyn VanGilder, Lee Ann
Derugen OCECD, Jane Seaton OCECD, Carolynn Head OCECD
Parent Mentor’s absent: Fran Gardner, LeRae Nesbitt
District Representatives: None
Visitors: None
(If this meeting contained a presentation for professional development, please include a
very brief narrative of the professional development):
Updates for PM Guidelines and reminders of upcoming deadlines for PDP, and Mid-Year
Reports also Committee Reports.
Were certificates of participation given? No
OCECD: The mid-year report being due at the end of January and if PDPs were
complete to submit them at any time. Lee Ann let people know of some of the regional
conferences that will go on after the first of the year and that our new web page is still in
the works and she hopes to have it up and live soon.
SST Region 11: Joe Farry talked about the parent series, and that Carolynn Head
presented Also explained the new comprehensive monitoring that OEC will be doing in
the future. Gave information about the upcoming IEP Clinic/Resource fair on March 14,
we will be reaching out to the Hispanic community for this event. The Regional Advisory
Council will be meeting on January 7.
Council: 2 COPM will be coming off of council this fall we will need at least one person
from COPM to fill that spot. The wording in our PM Guidelines needs to be changed
from scope of work to project requirements so that we are aligned with ODE. We need to
talk more about PM input on grant; we need to take a look at the language in the PM
guidelines. If anything comes in regard to your grant have your DR contact Kelly or
Mark at ODE.
Skills & Knowledge: Fall conference overview, issues at Cherry Valley Lodge. S&K
looking for other places to have the conference next year
Old business: Fall Conference, Partnering for Progress, PM updates.
New business: Look at the language in the PM Guidelines need feedback from COPM,
Spring Conference
Next meeting date/location: OSSB on February 12th. Sue Beck and Donna Owens will be
presenting a 2 hour training on Ohio's Employment First Initiatives and updates since
our last training with Sue in Newark.
If local schools are closed that day due to bad weather (i.e. Columbus City) please know
that we won't meet, but have a snow date planned on March 12th.
Adjourned: 1:00 pm