Miller Junior High School Music Department Bands and Ethnic Music 2011 – 2012 Handbook Miller Junior High School Music Department Lauren McLaren, Director of Bands and Ethnic Music 100 E. Lindstrom, Aberdeen WA 98520-5290 School Office: (360) 538-2100 School Fax: (360) 538-2107 Music Room: (360) 538-2107 Miller Junior High School Music Department Lauren McLaren; Director of Bands and Ethnic Music September 6, 2011 Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the Miller music program! In this handbook you will find expectations, policies, and other important information that can help our program run smoothly. This year’s calendar is full of performance opportunities for students in all ensembles, from concerts at Miller to festivals and contests throughout the area. All performances are mandatory for the members of the group performing so it will be important to refer to your copy of the 2011-2012 Concert Calendar and this handbook throughout the year to help keep track of the many obligations. This will be my first year teaching at Miller Junior High. My predecessor, Mr. Dyer, has created a remarkable program here and I am fully committed to upholding the same standard of greatness that he worked to achieve in his time at Miller. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Music Composition as well as my Master’s Degree in Teaching Music from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. While a student there, I was a member of the Trojan Marching Band and performed on clarinet at a number of football games and in other “gigs” around LA, including performances at the Hollywood Bowl and a TV appearance on “How I Met Your Mother.” I also worked at a number of non-profit organizations promoting arts education for public school students in LA County, including the LA Phil and the LA County Arts Commission. I am excited to share my passion for music with the students here at Miller. Whether you are new to the program or returning for another year, please read each section thoroughly and sign the acknowledgement form at the end. Feel free to contact me via phone or email with any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you for supporting Miller music. Sincerely, Lauren McLaren Miller Junior High Music BANDS There are three bands at Miller Junior High School: • The White Band consists primarily of eighth grade band members who have played for at least two years. • The Blue Band consists primarily of seventh grade band members who have played for at least one year. • The Jazz Ensemble is for band members who play the saxophone, the trombone, the trumpet, the drum set, the bass, the electric guitar, or the piano. Auditions for this group will take place before school on September 14, 15, and 16. All groups meet during regular school hours except for the Jazz Ensemble, which will meet each morning from 6:50 to 7:50 am. Regular attendance is required to be a member of the Jazz Ensemble, as it is a graded class. Band Students Will Be Responsible For Learning the Following Skills: • Demonstrate proper care and maintenance of musical instruments. • Play using correct playing position, embouchure, and breath support to produce appropriate tone quality. • Perform scales, arpeggios, and chords in all major key signatures. • Perform chromatic scale in one octave. • Assess individual, class, and concert participation. • Apply the elements of music to performance, including expression, phrasing, dynamics, and articulation. • Play music written in basic and complex time signatures and meters. • Understand and apply concepts of proper intonation, both as an individual and in an ensemble setting. • Participate as a member of a team, making a contribution to the group effort. (From Performance Standards for Music, Music Educators National Conference, and the Washington State Standards for Music Education) Miller Junior High Music WORLD RHYTHMS PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE Through our performing ensemble the World Rhythms Percussion Ensemble, students will explore traditional music from non-European cultures using a wide variety of drums and percussion instruments. Students will learn music from around the world, and perform on traditional ethnic percussion instruments. All instruments are supplied by Miller. This ensemble will perform concerts at local venues throughout Western Washington. World Rhythms Percussion Ensemble Students Will Be Responsible For Learning The Following Skills: • To understand and apply the fundamental concepts of rhythm (time, cycle, beat, rest, meter, tempo, subdivision, on-beat off-beat). • To acquire tools for working with rhythm (keeping time, clapping, stomping, counting, reciting rhythmic vocabulary). • To understand the role of rhythm and drumming in music from several non European cultures (West Africa, Brazil, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago). • To acquire rudimentary instrumental techniques on a variety of drums and percussion instruments. • To experience playing together examples of percussion ensemble music from diverse cultures. • Play using correct playing position to produce appropriate tone quality. • Demonstrate proper care and maintenance of musical instruments. • Play music written in basic and complex time signatures and meters. • Assess individual, class, and concert participation. • Participate as a member of a team, making a contribution to the group effort. (From Performance Standards for Music, Music Educators National Conference, and the Washington State Standards for Music Education) Miller Junior High Music CONCERT ATTIRE The following is the concert attire for each ensemble. If there is a hardship in purchasing a uniform, please contact Ms. McLaren and she will make arrangements with you to get one. Blue Band, White Band, and Jazz Ensemble Gentlemen White long- or short-sleeved dress shirt Black dress pants Black socks Black dress shoes Please no athletic shoes or jeans Ladies White long- or short-sleeved shirt or blouse Black skirt (below the knee) or black dress pants Black hose (with skirt) or black socks (with pants) Black dress shoes (closed-toe if possible) Please no athletic shoes or jeans Miller will also supply each student with a Royal Blue Blazer to be worn over their uniform as described above. Students will be responsible for their numbered blazer for the entire year, and should return it clean and in excellent condition. World Rhythms Percussion Ensemble All Members Dark-colored (black, navy, etc.) shirt Dark-colored pants Dark shoes Students will wear African-styled attire supplied by Miller over their dark shirt and pants. Miller Junior High Music GRADING Performance Attendance: 40% Attendance at all performances is essential to our groups’ success. When a student attends a performance, they will receive an A for that given performance. If a student fails to attend a performance and has not been excused by Ms. McLaren, they will receive an F for that performance. Students will only be excused for absences due to illness, family emergency, etc. with a note from a parent describing the reason for the absence. Classroom Participation: 10%-Bands, 30%-W.R.P.E. Classroom participation includes a student’s attendance in class, attitude, discipline, responsibility, etc. Students are encouraged to practice positive social skills while involved in my music classes. Disrespect will not be tolerated. A student should expect to be treated fairly by me, and in turn I ask that they do so to others. Also included in this grade is a student’s general preparation in class. It is necessary for a student to always have his or her music, a pencil, their instrument and all that goes with it (reeds, mouthpiece, sticks, etc.). Exams, Assessments, Critical Listening: 20% Band students can expect frequent playing evaluations that will be in the form of recorded excerpts and in-class exams. All students can expect to have worksheets on reading and writing music. Worksheets may also accompany video presentations. Practice Journals will be assigned at least once a grading period. Performance critique following our concerts, rehearsal recordings, and students own recorded excerpts will also be assigned. Independent Projects: 20% Please see projects sheet for choices. Two projects are to be completed for each quarter. Home Practice Records: 10% (Band students only) Band students are expected to turn in weekly practice records. Practicing is necessary to improve one’s playing, and will be included in each student’s final grade. Students are expected to practice at least 120 minutes per week to receive credit. Blank practice records are available in the music room. Practice records are turned in weekly and must be signed by a parent to earn credit. Miller Junior High Music CLASS EXPECTATIONS All students are expected to work hard and follow directions at all times. This includes observing the following classroom rules: 1. Be on time. 2. Be prepared with all necessary materials... pencil, instrument, music, reeds, mouthpieces, valve oil, etc. 3. Respect yourself, others, and the equipment. 4. Listen. Talking, if any, should be kept to a minimum, and should never interfere with the class activity. 5. No food, drink (except for water), or gum is allowed in the music room, or at performances. It ruins school property, and damages school and private instruments. If a student chooses not to follow one or more of these class expectations, they can expect the following consequences: First offense: Verbal warning. Second offense: Loss of participation points for the day. Third offense: Removal from class. Fourth offense: Conference with school administrator. Fifth offense: Conference with parent. Miller Junior High Music MUSIC BOOKS All band members at Miller Junior High School are responsible for purchasing a band book. Books have been made available for purchase at Rosevear’s Music, located in Aberdeen. If you have trouble finding your particular book please notify one of the salespeople as I have made arrangements with them to have Miller band books set aside. The books to be used for the 2011-2012 school year are as follows: Miller White Band Accent on Achievement; Book 3 (Green Cover) for your instrument. Miller Blue Band Standard of Excellence; Book 2 (Blue Cover) for your instrument. Miller Jazz Ensemble Standard of Excellence: Jazz Ensemble Method. (Please wait to purchase these until after auditions have finished and students have been assigned parts.) Please get your book as soon as possible, as we will be playing out of them regularly. Miller Junior High Music PHOTOGRAPH / MUSIC VIDEOS / VIDEO PERMISSION From time to time age appropriate videos may be used in my instruction relating to music. All videos are available for review by parents and guardians. Students are frequently videotaped during rehearsals and performances. Afterward, they are shown their performance in order to assess any improvements needed and monitor their progress as performers. Students can only participate in these activities with parent permission. (Language relating to photograph/videos/videotaping is included in the permission form at the end of this handbook). Miller Junior High Music INSTRUMENTS All students are responsible for having their own instrument in order to participate in the Miller Junior High Band program. Students are encouraged to rent an instrument from a music store or purchase one, especially if they plan on participating in music at the high school. Alternatively, Miller has instruments (listed below) available for use should a student show interest in learning a second instrument. The instruments listed in bold are greatly needed in our ensembles, and therefore students are strongly encouraged to try them. The following school instruments will be loaned based upon their availability: Tuba Bassoon Bass Clarinet Tenor Saxophone Baritone Trombone Bari-Saxophone Clarinet French Horn Oboe Piccolo Miller Junior High Music PARENT VOLUNTEERS There will be numerous opportunities for involvement by student’s parents/guardians in the music program. We will need volunteers to help with the following: • Chaperone trips • Fund raisers • Accompanists • Help with programs • Lessons There is already a group organized for parent volunteers in the Aberdeen School District Music program, called the BOBCAT MUSIC BOOSTERS. They meet monthly at the Aberdeen High School music room. Dates of meetings may vary. If you are interested in participating, give me a call or contact the A.H.S. Music department for more information. This group of dedicated parents works tirelessly to enhance student’s musical experience, and welcomes any and all adults who wish to volunteer their time for music. Miller Junior High Music LOCKERS/INSTRUMENT STORAGE All students are responsible for their own instrument. Miller will provide storage for instruments in the following areas: 1. All White Band students will receive a “band locker” in which to store their instrument. These are located outside the music room, in the hallway on either side of the music room. 2. All other instrumentalists will be provided a “cubby” in a storage area located in the music room. This room is locked whenever I leave the room; however, it is not a totally secured room and does not have locks for each “cubby”. Students are encouraged to take home their instrument whenever possible, however, it is understood that it is sometimes not possible due to a lack of transportation, extra-curricular activities, etc. Students should check to make sure that their instrument is located in a safe area, and that it at least be secured in the storage room which is locked at the end of the day. Because of the possibility of loss, parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to keep a copy of the serial number of their student’s instrument, and clearly label their instrument case with their student’s name and address. It is also a good idea to check with your insurance provider as to replacement due to loss, etc. While we do our best to watch over student’s belongings, it is impossible for us to know the constant whereabouts of several hundred instruments. The Aberdeen School District is not responsible in any way for your student’s instrument, so please encourage responsibility in your student so that we don’t have any lost or misplaced instruments. Please sign and return the following agreement by Friday, September 9, 2011 I have read the Miller Junior High 2011-2012 Band and Ethnic Music Handbook and understand the class expectations, consequences, etc. I give permission for my student to watch appropriate video presentations in class relating to music. I give permission for my student to be photographed / videotaped at school or during school related activities. I understand the purpose of such photographs will be to illustrate school programs. These pictures may be used for school use, civic groups, or in publications. I also understand that it is crucial for Miller Junior High Music students to attend their performances. Student Name (please print): ______ Student Signature: Instrument(s): ___________ _ _____ Parent/Guardian Name (please print): _______ Home phone number: _ Parent/Guardian work phone number: Email address: _ _ _ _ If your student is in White Band, Jazz Ensemble, or World Rhythms Percussion Ensemble, they will be performing in concerts away from school. Please include a medical information form with this contract. Students cannot attend performances away from school without a form on file.