2. Assist the Management Plan Expert and participate in

Consolidation of the nature protected areas´ network for biodiversity protection and sustainable
development in the Danube Delta and Lower Prut river region– PAN Nature- code MIS-ETC 1716
Project MIS ETC 1716 (CBC)
“Consolidation of the nature protected areas network for biodiversity protection and
sustainable development in the Danube Delta and Lower Prut river region – PAN Nature”
Terms of Reference
for studies and research for development Joint Management Plan for Tripartite Danube Delta
Biosphere Reserve
1. Job Title: Studies and research for development Joint Management Plan
2. Job level: Expertise and research;
3. Organization: Agency „Moldsilva”;
4. Lead Partner: “Danube Delta” Biosphere Reserve Administration (DDBRA);
5. Location(s) of the action: Republic of Moldova, Cahul County;
6. Duration of Employment: 9 months;
7. Project description:
The action is part of a larger CBC programme in the area of environment protection in the DD and
Lower Prut, initiated by public authorities in the 3 countries, through the establishment of the
“Lower Danube” Euroregion, in August 1998. Actually, the Commission for Environmental
Protection and Emergency Management was set up in the framework of the Euroregion, whose
presidency has been ensured for a substantial amount of time by the Governor of the DDBRA. The
current application, as shown above, is not an individual action but part of a larger program aimed
at, on the one hand, strengthening CBC in the environment protection field in the given region and,
on the other hand, stimulating SD of the cross-border area, at the same time providing decent living
conditions for the local communities in the region. This project is, somehow, a continuation of
previous actions financed by different environmental programmes at European or international
level. Thus, the application is in line with a previous TACIS – CBC project “Management plan for
biodiversity protection and SD in natural protected areas of Lower Danube Euroregion”, “the
project for DD biodiversity”, within which the UA reserve was created, as well as the projects
TACIS CBC “CBC in natural protected areas of DD and Lower Prut. To reduce the loss of
biodiversity and to improve the local people´s livelihoods through introducing an integrated
approach to the management of natural resources in the transboundary DD and LPRR, and
strengthening community involvement in the sustainable development of the region. Due to the
different status of the three countries in the respect of EU, the harmonization of environmental
legislation in these countries has not been achieved so far. There are solutions for reducing
biodiversity loss, which cannot have effects only by unilateral action (eg, banning sturgeon fishing
by the RO side only, different general prohibition period of time in the 3 countries, etc.) This
Consolidation of the nature protected areas´ network for biodiversity protection and sustainable
development in the Danube Delta and Lower Prut river region– PAN Nature- code MIS-ETC 1716
project is trying to solve some of the common environmental problems of the protected wetlands by
the activation/reactivation of the existent instruments or by new instruments introduction in
environmental cooperation between the eligible regions of the three countries.
Specific objective(s):1.To improve institutional framework for the transboundary management of
protected areas in the region by fostering activities of the JTC; 2.To assist MD with establishing a
Biosphere Reserve in the Lower Prut area- There is, for a long time, the interest in the creation of a
cross-border biosphere reserve between RO, UA and MD. The actual area does not meet the needed
requirements for obtaining this status and, in addition, the MD part needs its colleague’s know-how
in biosphere reserves dealing. The project offers the opportunity to create pre-requisites for
establishment of a reserve. Documentation preparing in order to obtain the status of biosphere
reserve by the MD party and a management plan elaboration for future trilateral biosphere reserve
contribute to this harmonized environmental management in the cross-border area; 3.To extend
protected areas in the UA part of the DD and make a pilot rehabilitation of degradated wetland
ecosystems; 4.To strengthen cooperation in the management of “DD” Cross-Border Biosphere
Reserve (RO/UA); 5.To set up a joint fire prevention and warning system in the “DD” CrossBorder Biosphere Reserve (RO/UA), Creation of the fire prevention and warning system in the
Cross-Border Biosphere Reserve “DD” (RO/UA) will allow to reduce the risk of wetland and forest
fires, the loss of valuable natural resources and biodiversity, ensure that people living in and around
the DD Biosphere Reserve are protected from such kind of emergency situations, and protect jobs.
8. Objectives:
The overall objective of the activity is to consolidate all the necessary information needed for the
development of the Lower Prut Biosphere Reserve Management Plan (LPBRMP) as part pf the
Joint Management Plan with Romanian and Ukranian Danube Delta Biosphe Reserves.
9. Scope of work and responsibilities
The service provider, under the direct supervision and in close collaboration with Management Plan
Expert will be responsible for:
1. Analyse the results, ideas and site information/data resulted from published and unpublished scientific and
other data related for the development of the 10 years LPBRMP. The data should provide a factual
introduction of the area, highlighting its legal status, its environmental and ecological properties and its socio
economic context, as follows:
National and International designations affecting the territory of the LPBRMP (list all Protected areas part of
the site and sites of international importance);
Tenure and management rights (forest management plans; pasture and other natural resources management
plans (if available); other mandates and rights holders (e.g. active leases));
Main Stakeholders (relation with biosphere reserve and level of interaction);
Current and proposed management resources and infrastructure (management structure and staffing, equipment
and infrastructure);
Consolidation of the nature protected areas´ network for biodiversity protection and sustainable
development in the Danube Delta and Lower Prut river region– PAN Nature- code MIS-ETC 1716
Recent management history;
Environmental description (geology, lithology, geomorphology/landforms, hydrology and hydrography,
climate, soils/substrates, vegetation classification, flora, fauna);
Human environment (archaeology and history, local communities and populations, local culture, livelihoods
and the local economy, land and natural resource use, infrastructure and development, recreation and tourism,
research use);
Spatial strategy (Zoning);
Assist legal expert of the project in drafting Lower Prut Biosphere Reserve functioning regulation;
Financial management (needed financial resources for sustainable functioning of the biosphere reserve,
financing options and mechanisms).
2. Assist the Management Plan Expert and participate in workshops/working sesions with protected area
administration for defining the chapters of the Management Plan which clarifies the key values of the
protected area and identifies the threats it faces, outlines the overall approach for future management of the site
and define the administrative and logistical requirements for the implementation of the management plan:
Values, assets and opportunities;
Issues requiring management (threats and problems) and their causes;
Long-term strategic management framework (programmes, goals, strategic objectives and desired
Management plan implementation arrangements (governance, general administrative procedures, planning
monitorintg and reporting, budgets and financial plan).
3. Assist the Management Plan Expert in defining the Joint Management Plan with Romanian and Ukranian
Danube Delta Biosphe Reserves based on the developed Lower Prut Biosphere reserve management plan.
10. Specific condition to fill the job:
Requirements for experience and qualification of the company:
Existing staff with:
University degree in environmental sciences, knowledge of both theoretical and practical aspects of
project management; training courses in project management; direct work experience in project
management capacity;
Financial management skills; ability to prioritize activities and process multiple tasks as required;
capacity to identify efficient and cost effective options; computer or technical knowledge
Specific and advanced knowledge in the field of biodiversity conservation in the Republic of
Moldova (incl. Trainings);
Minimum 5 years experience in Management Plan for protected natural areas;
Experience working in projects funded by international donors will be an advantage;
Knowledge of project management techniques and tools;
Experience of interaction with central and local authorities and other stakeholders;
Experience in people management;
Consolidation of the nature protected areas´ network for biodiversity protection and sustainable
development in the Danube Delta and Lower Prut river region– PAN Nature- code MIS-ETC 1716
Experience in strategic planning;
Experience in risk management;
Experience in change management
Strong interpersonal skills, communication and diplomatic skills, ability to work in a team;
Good organizational, time management and facilitation skills;
Knowledge and skills of MS Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Language requirements:
Fluent in written and oral communication in English and Romanian;
Good drafting skills in Romanian and/or English.
11. Deliverables:
The Company will provide the following deliverables for Project Manager written in Romanian:
1. Report on the current status of the pilot area (state of the environment, socio-economic context,
management practices, use of natural resources, zoning) until 30 November 2014;
2. The report of draft regulations of the Lower Prut Biosphere Reserve until 31 December 2014;
3. Study regarding the sustainable financing of the Lower Prut Biosphere Reserve until 31
December 2014;
4. Report on assisting in the completion of Biosphere Reserves Management Plan until 31 May
5. Report on assisting in finalizing the Joint tripartite Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
Management until 30 June 2015.