2012-2013 Sra. Williams Phone Number: 920.648.2355 ext. 349 Room Number: 219 Email Address: tara.williams@lakemills.k12.wi.us Website: http://www.lakemills.k12.wi.us/faculty/twilliam COURSE OF STUDY: Through the study of Spanish, students will become independent learners who are knowledgeable about and respectful of differences in world languages and cultures. The Spanish program, in supporting the development of life-long learners, will provide a wide variety of engaging and stimulating activities that emphasize communication, cultural understanding and connections with other disciplines. This course will focus on the 5 C’s: communication, culture, connections, comparisons and communities. Spanish 1, 2 & 3 focus on the development and refinement of basic language structure. Spanish 4 & 5 will fine-tune these language skills with more in-depth study. PRIMARY TEXTS Spanish 1: ¡Expresáte! Level 1 Spanish 2: ¡Expresáte! Levels 1-2 Spanish 3: ¡Expresáte! Level 2 Spanish 4 & 5: Easy Spanish Reader, Galería de Arte y Vida, Repaso : A Complete Review For Spanish 1-3, an online textbook is available to students at my.hrw.com. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS FOR ALL LEVELS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Authentic websites, songs, videos, news articles, blogs, short stories and novels CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: 1) Respect Students will demonstrate respect for other students and the teacher by using appropriate language, being prepared for class, following directions, adhering to all school policies, and by keeping an open mind when learning about different cultures, traditions, beliefs and life styles. 2) Be Prepared Always come to class prepared. This means coming into class and being seated when the bell rings, bringing your materials each day, completing homework on time, watching the assigned videos before class, and reviewing your notes each night. In addition, your presence in the classroom is essential to your success. Tardiness and unexcused absences will have an adverse effect on your grade. 3) Use your resources Advisory time is also a great time to ask questions. Make sure you use it to your advantage. Also learn to use your handouts, the online videos, textbooks (especially online), dictionaries and internet sites. They’re all there to help you. 4) Expect great things from yourself and your peers Your attitude plays an important role in your education. If you believe you can succeed – you can! Encourage your classmates to succeed as well. 5) Take ownership of your education Take personal responsibility for your learning: set goals, evaluate progress towards those goals, adhere to high standards and revise your performance when needed. You can also take responsibility for your learning by asking questions when something is unclear, participating in classroom discussions and asking for extra help if you need it. Take ownership of your classroom. This is your your area to learn; help keep it clean and organized. This is your education–get everything you can out of it! REQUIRED SUPPLIES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) RECOMMENDED SUPPLIES: Something to write with – a pencil or pen 1) Your own pocket dictionary (My favorite is VOX, (black or blue ink or pencils only on tests please) but any dictionary will be fine.) Something to use for your notes & to keep your handouts in Journal: Separate from your notes, a notebook or journal that you will hand in periodically containing your daily writing assignment or reading journal entry. Note that this may transition to an online format. A pack of index cards & something to keep them organized (box, rubberband, etc.). Headphones GENERAL NOTES: My #1 goal is to get you speaking Spanish! While I do believe grammar and written skills are important and will be worked on, the main emphasis this year will be on using Spanish to communicate to be ready for use in the community and the workforce. The class will not be conducted entirely in Spanish “yet,” but we will work towards this goal. We will start out in small chunks of time to build up your confidence and increase your language skills. The Spanish class will be conducted in a “flipped classroom” model, meaning you will be watching grammar and Spanish lesson videos outside of class as your homework. (I understand that not all students have internet access at home. I will work with you those students to develop an alternative plan.) Students will have the opportunity to use the Rosetta Stone software. The district has purchased 1 copy and is available on a laptop that can be checked out overnight. Make sure that your classroom activities and daily oral assessment are finished first if you plan on using it during class time. There may be smaller daily written assignments to practice difficult grammar concepts, but the focus will be on projects where you can demonstrate your knowledge in a more interesting way to mirror “real-life” skills. QUIZZES & EXAMS: Most quizzes and exams will be taken online at the my.hrw.com website. These are graded automatically, so you will have instant feedback on how you did. You will have the opportunity to study after you take the quiz and/or exam, ask me any questions on what you did not understand, and retake a different version a second time. You MUST speak to me before you take the quiz/exam for the retake. The highest score will be recorded. They idea is for you to LEARN and become competent in the language. ELECTRONICS: Electronic devices (iPad, iPod, phones, etc.) used for activities other than Spanish class are not allowed and will be taken away during class. HOMEWORK AND ASSIGNMENT POLICIES: ASSIGNMENTS & SCHOOLOGY.COM: I will be using an online Learning Management System (LMS) to organize the videos and assignments. Here, you can easily see the links to videos, assignments, quizzes, and any other electronic files that are needed for class. All assignments will be listed at http://www.schoology.com, but students should also write them in their assignment notebook. INDIVIDUAL GRADES: Your assignments and assessments will be graded individually, even when completed as part of group work. NOTETAKING: You are expected to take notes using the Cornell Note-Taking system on the videos. During the first quarter, this will be checked daily in class for points as you are learning how to take good notes from the video. (See below.) ORAL ASSESSMENTS: You will be assessed DAILY on the spoken language. The daily topic will be listed at www.schoology.com. You are encouraged to take notes on an index card to prepare in advance, but will not be allowed to use them during the assessment. You will be graded daily on your conversational skills using the rubric below. Communication Rubric 0 2½ 3 You do not seem to understand, and… no response given; respond in English. You seem to understand, and… can respond with one word answers. 3½ You see to understand and respond… but answer incorrectly. with lots guidance and support. in broken speech or w/English interference. 4 You understand and respond… appropriately, but minimally. with some hesitation, but clearly. with some repetition/guidance. 4½ 5 You did not do the assessment. You understand fully and respond… appropriately and sufficiently and correct yourself when you speak. You understand fully and… respond appropriately. are able to correct yourself as you speak. elaborate and extend your response. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Please review pages 7 & 8 of your student handbook regarding the Lake Mills High School Academic Integrity policy. This policy includes the usage of language translators. If you choose to use a language translator, 1) I will be able to tell that you have done this, 2) this violates our school’s policy on academic integrity and 3) I will follow the consequences stated. (Please see separate World Language Department policy on language translators for further clarification.) The only acceptable computer vocabulary assistance is www.wordreference.com (an online Spanish/English dictionary). NOTE: There may be the rare assignment when you are allowed to use a translator, but this will be posted in writing on the assignment. NEVER assume it is OK. GRADES: Grades will be categorized as follows: Category Classroom Work & Participation Daily Oral Assessments & Notes Written Quizzes & Exams Projects A = 100%-93% B+ = 89%-87% C+ = 79%-77% A- = 92%-90% B = 86%-83% C = 76%-73% B- = 82%-80% C- = 72%-70% Weight 20% 20% 30% 30% D+ = 69%-67% F = 59%-0% D = 66%-63% D- = 62%-60% The final course grade is calculated by combining the percentages for each of the two quarters with the midterm/final exam grade. Each quarter is worth 45% of the final grade, and the final exam grade is worth 10% of the final course grade. Examples of points: Daily “Mini-Oral Assessment” pts. Oral Assessment Exam Written Assessment Quiz or Unit Exam Small Project Pts. Large Project Pts. 0-5 points (see rubric above) 25 points (at least one per unit) 20-50 points (at least one per unit) 25 (done in 2-3 classes) 50 points (done over a unit; at least 3 projects/ semester) I am looking forward to this year, the new format, and all that we can accomplish together! I’m excited that you will be speaking more! You will need to learn to take more responsibility for your own learning in this new format. All students learn at different rates and in different manners. Your grade will primarily be assessed on your “language competency” – can you understand, speak, read, and write to communicate? You are either learning and becoming more proficient or you are not. You either are taking responsibility for your own learning, as you will soon have to do in life, or you are not. Just remember that you need to EARN your grade – it is NOT given to you. ¡Vamos! September 4, 2012 Dear Parents: I am so excited for the 2012-2013 school year! I have worked hard to create a curriculum and format for the Spanish classes that will challenge the students and help them become more fluent in Spanish. My classes this year will be conducted in a new format, which is called a “flipped” classroom. Since this will be new for the students, I wanted to explain it early in the school year so I can answer any questions that you might have. A “flipped” classroom format is defined as a class that does what has been traditionally thought of as classwork as homework, and what has been traditionally thought of as homework as classwork. This is not a new idea, or even my idea. This is being used in many types of classrooms across the country. An introductory video to this format is available at http://vodcasting.ning.com/video/the-flipped-classroom . Students will be able to use computers, iPads, iPods, or Smartphones to watch videos on various topics. This format enables students to watch lectures at their own pace, replay lectures when they need additional help, and helps students that miss class keep up with their classmates. So if I am no longer giving a “formal lecture” in class, what will be going on in the classroom? At the beginning of each day, students will view the day’s objectives, assignments and assessments – which will also be listed on www.schoology.com for student and parent use. During regular class time, students will be completing classroom activities that help them put into practice the concepts that were learned in the videos at home. Additionally, students will work on culture, reading, listening and speaking activities in class. Students will be able to work in small groups to accomplish their assigned tasks. Since I am not giving a formal lecture during class time, students will be able to complete more activities to increase their knowledge and fluency. In this format, not only will the students be working hard, but I will be too. I will be able to answer more questions during class time and interact more with each student. In fact, I will be giving doing a daily assessment of their language skills and having a conversation both individually and in small groups in Spanish to help them become more fluent. I will be able to do more checks for comprehension and be able to address any problems that students are having with the material quickly. I am looking forward to making this school year fun for our students and really getting them speaking. I’m sure there will be some “Kinks” to work out with this new format, so I think you in advance for your patience. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Tara Bradley Williams Lake Mills High School Spanish Teacher Please read the attached syllabus and parent letter and initial two of the statements. _______ I understand that my child will be expected to watch online videos daily outside of classtime as homework. ________We have internet access at home. OR _______We do NOT have internet access at home. _____________________________________________________ Student Signature ____________________ Date _____________________________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________ Date