Lunch Program - Hardisty School

Hardisty School Lunch Program 2011-2012
As a service to parents, Hardisty School operates a supervised Lunch Program for students staying at school during the
lunch hour. Parents who choose to have their child/children participate in this lunch program pay for this service.
Note: Edmonton Public Schools Board Policy IH.BP states:
Schools shall provide lunch-time supervision at school for elementary and junior high students whose parents request
the service and pay the required fees.
Edmonton Public School Board Policy IH.AR states:
If parents fail to pay the required fees, the principal may:
a) Withdraw privileges normally available to students during the lunch hour. Or
b) Discontinue the service after informing the parents that they will be required to make alternative
In order to pay for the costs of the lunch program, one of the following options will be charged:
Elementary: $15.00 per month or $150.00 per year
Junior High: $10.00 per month or $100.00 per year
Family rate: $200.00 per year (two or more students - no monthly family rate)
Note: Lunch fees cover the salary for our eight lunch supervisors, incidentals provided to students as well as
for custodial set up and clean up.
A student who attends the Lunch Program on a “drop-in” basis is responsible for a $2.00 drop-in charge to be
presented to the Lunchroom Supervisor or office. A registration form/contract must also be completed and handed in
for all occasional and regular drop-in students.
Please make cheques for the Lunch Program payable to: Hardisty School.
Be advised that we also accept Visa/MasterCard and Interac.
If you have any questions regarding the Lunch Program please contact the office at 780-469-0426.
Students participating in the Lunch Program are governed by the Lunch Program Behavior Expectations for the
students and that disciplinary steps will be taken when students choose to not follow the rules set out for them.
Lunch Program
Expectations of Student Behavior
Supervision and Respect:
 Lunch supervisors are in charge of students during the noon hour. They are to be treated with the same respect
given to your teachers.
 Students will demonstrate respect for one another.
 Students will eat their food tidily, and will remain seated while inside.
 Students will walk in the hallways and other areas of the school building.
Meal Areas:
Students will eat at the designated desk or table.
Students are responsible for keeping their area clean – use the garbage cans provided
Students will remain seated during the period designated for eating.
Students will use the washroom before starting to eat, or on being dismissed to go outside.
 Microwave ovens are provided for student use.
 No glass containers are to be brought to school because of the safety factor.
 Food must not be taken out onto the playground, reducing the risk of choking as well as school yard litter.
Expectations for Student Behavior:
Students are not to return to classrooms unsupervised after the lunch period.
Respect your supervisors, classmates and room that you are eating in.
Use the washroom before you eat or on your way outside.
Eat lunch at your designated desk or table.
Stay at your table – you are not to ‘wander about’ socializing.
Keep your hands off other people’s lunches or personal property.
Behavior and conversation must be appropriate for lunch time.
Use ‘inside voices’ while in the lunch rooms.
You may not go outside until your area is clean and permission has been given.
Sign out equipment to play with outside from your classroom’s recess equipment and be responsible for
returning it at the end of lunch.
Behavior Consequences:
 All school rules and regulations are to be obeyed during the lunch period.
 Any misbehavior will be dealt with in the same manner as during class time.
The lunch supervisor and the lunch aides are in charge.
Lunch Room Program Participant(s) Registration
Please return this form and the signed contract form below to the office with payment no later than the end of
Please print:
First Child’s Name
Gr. _____
Rm. _____
Second Child’s Name
Gr. _____
Rm. _____
Third Child’s Name
Gr. _____
Rm. _____
Fourth Child’s Name
Gr. _____
Rm. _____
Mother’s Name ____________________________
Work Phone No. __________
Father’s Name ____________________________
Work Phone No. __________
Family Address ____________________________
Home Phone No. __________
My child will be participating in this program:
(please check off the appropriate box(s))
all year
drop in only
Lunch Program Contract
Elementary: $15.00 per month or $150.00 per year
Junior High: $10.00 per month or $100.00 per year
Family rate: $200.00 per year (two or more students - no monthly family rate)
By signing this contract:
 I am requesting that my child/children (listed above) participate in the lunch program as provided at Hardisty
 I recognize that I am responsible for the user fees to pay for the required lunch supervisors.
 I have discussed with my student(s) that they are responsible for appropriate behavior during the lunch period,
and that if they are not able to abide by the lunch program behavior expectations they may have their lunch
privileges at school removed.
Print parent’s name
Signature of parent