FACILITY NAME COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF CARE PROBLEM/NEED Potential for complications associated with diagnosis of Chronic renal failure. GOAL(S) Will maintain optimal quality of life within limitations imposed by disease process as evidenced by: __ Maintaining activity involvement as desired __ Participating with selfcare daily __ Participating with therapy as ordered by/through review date. Will maintain optimal fluid balance, with no s/sx of dehydration or fluid overload through review date. Will maintain adequate level of comfort, as evidenced by no indications of unrelieved pain, itching, muscle cramps through review date. APPROACHES Assess/record/report to MD prn: Blood pressure changes Confusion Fatigue Edema Hair/skin/nail texture changes Itching or burning of skin Nausea/vomiting Joint pain Muscle spasms/cramping Restless leg syndrome N See care plans for related problems: __ Dialysis __ Altered cardiac output __ Delirium __ Fluid imbalance __ Infection __ Nutrition __ Skin integrity ALL Monitor weight and record as ordered or per protocol. Notify MD, RD of significant weight changes. N,C Monitor and record intake and output as ordered. N,C Diet as ordered: ____________________ Resident Name www.careplans.com Med Rec# DEPT N,C,DM Monitor meal intake and record. Notify nurse if intake <50% of 2 or more meals. C Vital signs as ordered or per protocol and record. Notify MD of significant abnormalities. N For itching: cool oatmeal bath, skin lotion, use of fat-based soaps. N,C Room # REVIEW MD Name _ FACILITY NAME COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF CARE PROBLEM/NEED GOAL(S) Chronic renal failure (continued) APPROACHES Discuss with resident and/or family any concerns, fears, issues regarding dx or treatment. SW Obtain and monitor lab/ diagnostic work as ordered. Report results to MD and follow up as indicated. N Administer medications as ordered and monitor for side effects, effectiveness. N Fluid restriction as ordered. Coordinate with dietary dept to ensure fluid intake is within ordered range. N Ensure that snacks and beverages offered comply with all dietary and fluid restrictions. ACT Patient/resident education: N Resident Name www.careplans.com Med Rec# DEPT REVIEW Disease process Encourage small meals Fluid restriction Foods to avoid (potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, oranges) Grief/coping mechanisms Skin care Room # MD Name _