INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF QUALITY/PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT MONITOR WORKSHEETS Choose Subject o Choose subject to be monitored Height Documentation Weight Documentation Food/Fluid Intake Documentation o Establish a threshold for compliance for each indicator in monitor worksheet Collect Data o Choose a sample of at least 20% of resident population o Complete one worksheet for each resident in sample o Determine the correct answer for each indicator in monitor worksheet Determine Percent Compliance o Calculate percent compliance for each indicator using the following formula: Total # of yes responses x 100 = % compliance Total # of yes + no responses Note: N/A responses are not counted Develop a Plan of Correction o Develop a plan of correction for indicators that do not meet established threshold for compliance 1 Quality/Performance Improvement Monitor Worksheet Height Documentation Resident’s Initials_________ Resident’s Room Number__________ Indicators Yes No 1. Knee height measurement is recorded within 24 hours of admission (if unable to obtain knee height due to amputation or contractures, actual height is measured and recorded) 2. Knee height measurement is accurately converted to estimated standing height 3. Height (estimated or actual) is measured and recorded annually Comments: Date of Review: _______ Reviewer’s Signature: __________________________ 2 N/A Quality/Performance Improvement Monitor Worksheet Weight Documentation Resident’s Initials_________ Resident’s Room Number__________ Indicators Yes No 1. Initial weight is recorded within 24 hours of admission 2. Weekly weights are recorded for 4 consecutive weeks following admission 3. Weekly weights are recorded if on “Intake Watch” 4. Weights are trended on the Body Weight Tracking Graph 5. RD/DTR and Nursing Supervisor are notified by FHA if significant weight change occurred 6. Assessment is completed within 72 hours by the RD/DTR for significant weight change Comments: Date of Review: _______ Reviewer’s Signature: _________________________ 3 N/A Quality/Performance Improvement Monitor Worksheet Food/Fluid Intake Documentation Resident’s Initials_________ Resident’s Room Number__________ Indicators Yes No 1. Food/fluid intake at meals is tallied and trended daily 2. Between meal fluid intake is tallied and trended for residents on “Intake Watch”, I&O monitoring and/or calorie count 3. RD/DTR and Nursing Supervisor are notified by FHA if resident has poor food/fluid intake based on established parameters 4. Assessment is completed by the RD/DTR within 72 hours for referral due to poor food/fluid intake 5. If goal amount for fluid intake at meals is not met, RD/DTR assessed for clinical signs and symptoms of dehydration within 72 hours of notification 6. A visual indicator for “Intake Watch” is posted next to the resident’s name outside of his/her door Comments: Date of Review: _______ Reviewer’s Signature: _________________________ 4 N/A