September Minutes - Lander University

F. Mitchell Johnson Board Room
Lander University
Greenwood, South Carolina
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
11:00 a.m.
Mr. Jack Lawrence, Chair
Members of the Board in Attendance:
Ms. Holly Bracknell
Mr. Cary Corbitt
Ms. Linda Dolny
Ms. Catherine Frederick
Mr. Maurice Holloway
Mr. Ray Hunt
Ms. Marcia Hydrick
Mr. Don Lloyd
Mr. Claude Robinson
Mr. George R. Starnes
Mr. Dee Stone
Ms. S. Anne Walker
AbsentMr. Robert Barber
Mr. Bobby M. Bowers
Dr. Ann Hurst
Ms. Mamie Nicholson
Others in Attendance: President Daniel W. Ball; Dr. David Mash, Vice President for
Academic Affairs; Mr. Gary McCombs, Vice President for Business and Administration;
Mr. H. Randall Bouknight, Vice President for Student Affairs; Mr. Adam Taylor, Vice
President for Governmental Affairs; Mr. Ralph Patterson, Vice President for University
Advancement; Mr. Jeff May, Vice President and Athletic Director: and Ms. Sadie Erwin,
Administrative Assistant, President’s Office.
Guests: Dr. Lee Vartanian, Chair, Faculty Senate; Ms. Megan Price, Director, University
Relations and Publications; Mr. Dave Lorenzatti, Office of University Relations and
Publication; Ms. Eleanor Teal, Special Assistant to the President, and Ms. Kimberly
Chitwood, Administrative Assistant, President's Office.
Chair Lawrence stated for the record that the appropriate publicity for the meeting, in order
to comply with the Freedom of Information Act, had been disseminated and this meeting
was in compliance with that Act.
The regular meeting of the Lander University Board of Trustees was called to order at 11:10
a.m. by Chair Lawrence who acknowledged and welcomed all guests. Chair Lawrence
would like to point out that your travel voucher may be signed off and monies dedicated to
The Lander Foundation.
Dates to Remember:
November 13, 2014 - Eleanor Shiflet Teal Scholarship Banquet
December 12, 2014 - December Board Meeting
December 13, 2014 - Commencement Ceremony
February 2-7, 2015 - Homecoming
MINUTES: IT WAS MOVED and seconded that the minutes of the last meeting,
Wednesday, June 11, 2014, be approved. A vote was taken; the motion carried
Chair Lawrence called upon President Ball for
Dr. Ball gave State of the University Address yesterday so today would just
like to briefly announce that on February 21, 2015 on CBS Sports Live, Lander University
basketball team will play at noon against Georgia Regents Jaguars. Dr. Ball thanked Jeff
May for putting that together for Lander. Dr. Ball also requested that they go into
Executive Session at the end of the meeting.
ACADEMIC AFFAIRS: Ms. Anne Walker reported on behalf of the Academic Affairs
Committee. She called attention to the report from the Office of Academic Affairs, which
had been distributed earlier. (A copy of the report will be made a part of the official
minutes.) Ms. Walker highlighted the following:
Academic Affairs Critical Success Factors (Dr. Mash distributed copies). Discussion
Enrollment - As of today, FTE is 2605. Enrollment is down 72 from last years FTE
2677. We budgeted for an enrollment decrease of 125.
International Programs – The academic year 2013-2014 was another strong year for
study tours. In total, ten faculty members led sixty students and studied a wide
variety of subjects in Montana, Italy, Guatemala, China, Korea, London and Ireland
and Honduras.
The EYE Program – Dr. Mash commented on the success of Lander’s experiential
education program, which is a nationally acclaimed program under the direction of
Dr. James Colbert.
Internships – There are many opportunities for this within companies and businesses
of our board members, foundation board members. We would like to look at this and
make a connection with interns from Lander.
Jack Lawrence requested information on number of internships Lander students are
participating in with local businesses, where they are working and getting
compensated while they are in school. Anne Walker commented on the marketing
potential for Lander if these internships were expanded statewide. Dr. Ball
commented that there is great potential and room for improvement in this area.
Discussion about faculty salaries. George Starnes requested information be gathered
for the next meeting on what the total dollar amount will be to bring faculty salaries
up to average with Frances Marion and Winthrop.
On behalf of Academic Affairs, Dr. Mash presented Dr. Dee Stone with a plaque in
recognition of his work with study abroad from 2004 – 2014. Dr. Mash noted that Dr.
Stone took this program as a docent for no pay for 10 years. The value he has added to this
program is incalculable. Round of applause given.
FINANCE AND FACILITIES COMMITTEE: Mr. Don Lloyd called attention to the
report from the Finance and Facilities Committee, which had been distributed earlier. (A
copy of the report will be made a part of the official minutes). He then highlighted the
It was great to hear about the better than expected enrollment numbers as it relates to
the budget, which we budgeted for a worst case scenario. We budgeted for a
projected enrollment decrease of 125 FTE, which ended up more favorably at an
enrollment decrease of 72 FTE. This has resulted in about a $500,000 more
favorable budget than expected.
The committee also heard a very favorable report from Adam Taylor based upon the
years legislative activities. As a result of that, the committee is bringing its first
budget amendment for the fiscal year, which will reflect the receipt of $141,000 in
additional funds.
Mr. Lloyd stated that the Finance and Facilities Committee had action items to bring before
the Board for approval. He then presented the following action items:
1. Proposed Amendment #1 to the E&G, Restricted, and Auxiliary Enterprise
Budgets: Mr. Lloyd presented the motion out of committee for approval of amendment #1
to the E&G, Restricted and Auxiliary Enterprise Budgets.
IT WAS MOVED that the proposed amendments be approved as presented. The
motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Lloyd also commented that we continue to monitor expenses very closely. We
are on track with our expense management relative to those significant issues that
we have on our watch list. We seem to be doing very well in achieving those
appropriate targets.
Mr. Lloyd thanked Lee Vartanian and his colleagues for their presentations at the
retreat yesterday. As a committee, they have asked Tom Covar and Gary McCombs
as they begin to initiate projections for the next fiscal funding year--Is there ways to
look at methodologies that could help address the issues presented yesterday as they
relate to budgeting issues, particularly regarding the retention, recruitment and
faculty salary issues that were addressed.
Mr. Lloyd would like to publicly recognize Jeff Beaver and the facilities
management team who gave a very detailed facilities presentation relative to the
work on the multitude of capital and facilities projects that are going on and that
team did an incredible amount of work over the summer to get the facilities ready
for the students. Jeff himself is serving as the construction manager for the new
residence hall, which is a great financial benefit to the institution, as a project of size
would usually go to an outside management consultant.
The Starbucks project is slightly delayed due to some bureaucratic issues.
The Plaza project is about to start.
Genesis and Barrett Hall roofing projects are very close to bid.
TD Bank Building – demolition started for remodel.
GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS: Mr. Don Lloyd called attention to the report from
Governmental Relations, which had been distributed earlier. (A copy of the report will be
made a part of the official minutes).
He then highlighted that Adam Taylor’s work with the legislators and his representation of
Lander has assisted in the acquisition of:
$110,000 in additional recurring funds, an adjustment to the base.
$300,000 designated allocation, at least for this year, for the Equestrian Center and
support of that program.
$272,000 in energy allocation management. We asked for $800,000 because that is
our need, however, Adam and Gary are discussing ways to fill that gap.
$56,000 to an effectiveness and accountability review, but this is pass through
$308,000 from the lottery funds for technology funds and $153,000 for critical
maintenance needs.
We finished the legislative year without any legislation being passed that would be
perceived to be detrimental to higher education.
Anne Walker asked, with the destruction of Coleman Hall, which was named after Ms.
Mabel Coleman, what is the plan when the building goes down, does the name go away?
Dr. Ball commented that is in discussion now and a proposal has been made to place her
name somewhere else on campus. It has not been decided where or what but it is in
Jack Lawrence stated that Ray Hunt has agreed to chair a subcommittee to examine a policy
on how, when, why we should award honorary doctoral degrees and about how, when,
where on naming rights on buildings and facilities at Lander. Goal is to have a policy
statement on record that can be referred back to as needed.
attention to the report from the Office of University Advancement, which had been
distributed earlier. (A copy of the report will be made a part of the official minutes.) She
then highlighted the following:
3 new board members serve on the committee – Cary Corbitt, Marcia Hydrick and
Dee Stone.
We do have a larger number of individuals giving this year.
Our annual giving numbers are down just a little bit from last year.
Largest number of scholarships started that we have had in 7 years, however, the
relationship of endowed to funded scholarships has really begun to take a turn to a
larger percent of funded than endowed. Hopefully this is something that can be
supplemented with the start of a campaign.
We are looking forward to the foundation board, and the executive committee doing
focus work in campaign clarity. They are looking to recreate some charity and
validation for this quiet phase we are in, a reasonable time frame for a feasibility
study and a general time frame, which depends on the dollars received when you
trigger a timeframe for public
The real goal the committee feels is important for the foundation to focus on is the
creation of some building blocks that once our new president comes in; they have
the building blocks in place to be able to put legs to the campaign.
Second, importance of balancing the campaign against our annual giving and the
importance of every one of our board members participates actively in the campaign
to come but also in annual giving.
The committee also discussed balancing local manpower and reaching out for a
strategic market plans. There is a need to at least take a look at what that might look
like prior to budget plans for the following year. There is a need for marketing to
not only be home grown, but a combination of that along with some strategic
Ralph Patterson commented that he would like this year to be a great year of activity
for us in trying to raise money. He would like this to be Dan and Marge Ball’s best
year at Lander.
Eleanor Shiflet Teal Scholarship Banquet – November 13, 2014.
April 2, 2014 – Dan and Marge Ball Appreciation Dinner. This will be a fundraiser,
probably $100 a plate. The money raised will go back to the students in the form of
Adam Taylor and Sadie Erwin are helping now with focused and intentional asks
with assigned donors. This will really help us. Ralph plans to have sit down
meetings with each board member over next few months to discuss giving and
Even though the campaign launch has not been announced to the public, this does
not mean they are not working, but we have to have lead gifts to announce. You
usually don’t do a public kickoff until half of the goal has been raised.
STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: Mr. Holloway called attention to the report from
Student Affairs, which had been distributed earlier. (A copy of the report will be made a
part of the official minutes.) He then highlighted the following:
To begin, he asked for a moment of silence to remember board member Ann
Hurst, who recently passed away.
Mr. Holloway asked the board to join him in saying in the future we are
going to have a student center and commented on the great need for one.
The board shares that dream with Dr. Ball and we will have a student center
one day.
University 101 has been implemented for all freshmen. The purposes of
University 101 are to provide first-year students with an understanding of the
resources and tools available to them for making a successful transition from
high school to college; to ensure that they become active, responsible
members of the community; to help them acquire basic academic survival
skills; to encourage active participation in student activities and campus
recreation programs and to assist them in becoming a successful college
student. Mr. Bouknight commented that this course is off to a good start. We
have 27 sections of the course offered this semester and we have positive
comments coming back from students and faculty thus far. This is a
mandatory course for incoming freshman. We do hope it will help with
Residence Life – The committee said to the board we would have 1600 beds
on campus and we are pretty much there. Construction on the new residence
hall is proceeding on schedule.
Meetings continue with the attorney regarding the sexual assault case.
The Campus Safety walk was conducted September 10th.
Student Activities Department has had some adjustments in staff for various
reasons, however, they have worked hard to keep everything on track and
our welcome back activities have been successful.
Career Services continues to support our students in every way it can. We
are looking for as many internships as we possibly can and seek to help our
students obtain gainful employment.
The behavior intervention team supports our students with counseling and
drug and alcohol problems.
the report from Intercollegiate Athletics, which had been distributed earlier. (A copy of the
report will be made a part of the official minutes.) He then highlighted the following:
There are no head coach changes this year.
We have an excellent website to keep abreast of Lander Athletics. Bob
Stoner has done an excellent job with this site.
The Van Taylor Soccer Stadium dedication was held yesterday and Jeff May
and his staff did an excellent job recognizing such a fine person who has
done so much for Lander University.
The 11th Annual Martin-Sims Golf Tournament will be held October 16th at
the Greenwood Country Club, which helps raise funds in support of the
Lander Men’s and Women’s Golf programs.
Jeff May distributed copies of the athletics marketing brochure and the
Bearcat Club.
Lander had four baseball players that were accepted into the Major League.
Dr. Ball and Chair Lawrence on behalf of the Board of Trustees sent letters
of congratulations to each player.
Lander men’s and women’s soccer to be streamed nationally October 18th.
As far as NCAA compliance, we have never been sanctioned.
Jeff May commented on adjustments with athletic travel, bus use and bus
driver payments due to Affordable Care Act. Discussions will take place
with Dr. Ball and Gary McCombs to look at options and future uses for 2 of
the 3 buses if we opt to charter buses for future travel vs. cost of paying bus
drivers hourly rate and benefits if using the shuttle buses.
Homecoming is the week of February 2-7, 2015.
Ralph Patterson commented that he would like to publically recognize and thank Megan
Price and her staff in University Relations, who have been down two full time employees
this semester. Russell Martin left to accept director position at another institution and Bryan
Webster, who ran the website.
FACULTY SENATE: On behalf of the Faculty Senate, Dr. Lee Vartanian, Chair of the
Faculty Senate, commented how much he and the faculty appreciated the opportunity to
address the Board of Trustees at the retreat yesterday. Dr. Vartanian looks forward to
returning to the faculty to share with them the Board’s openness and engagement in the
process and thoughtful questions.
This year the faculty senate will be doing a lot of work and one of the areas they will
be looking at is what he refers to as “The Third Rail” in higher education politics,
which is General Education.
Jack Lawrence commented that he would like to arrange a Board of Trustees and
Faculty function where we can all get to know each other just a little better. Dr. Ball
commented that such a function used to take place and is a good idea to start
planning that again.
Box lunches provided today are from the new vendor on campus “Which Wich.”
Parents Day is October 18th, 2014.
Fine Arts Events Calendar distributed to the Board of Trustees. Dr. Ball commented
that all of these events are free.
Dr. Ball commented that Sadie Erwin has been his assistant for the past eight years
and wanted to thank her for the great job she has done for him and the Board of
Trustees, as she moves into her new role on campus in University Advancement.
Round of applause from Board of Trustees showing appreciation.
Motion made to go into executive session - Motion approved.
Motion made to adjourn the executive session – Motion approved.
Chair Lawrence presented question if there were any motions as a result of the executive
committee meeting.
DeWitt Stone motioned, Maurice Holloway seconded, that Lander University award
an honorary degree – Doctor of Humanities to Professor Roger C. Richardson at our
December 2014 Commencement Ceremony.
A vote was taken; the motion carried, all in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Friday, December 12, 2014