Name: Nick Smith - Highland Community School District

Name: Nick Smith
Date: Sept 29, 2005
Time: 8:27 A.M-9:09 A.M.
School: Highland High School
Subject: English/Composition
Title: Composition I (KCC)
Activity: Balance Sentence
Period. 1st Period
Tenure X
I observed Mr. Smith during a formal evaluation on October 29, 2005. The class I observed was
a Composition I language arts class, which is a dual credit course for seniors. Students can receive
three hours of college credit and also receive high school graduation credit. Mr. Smith teaches
three dual credit courses at Highland, which include composition I, composition II, and Forms of
Literature. These are Kirkwood College courses that our high school students may take providing
they have passed an assessment test. Mr. Smith teaches nineteen Highland students and six other
students from another high school over the ICN. The Iowa Communication Network is a fiber
optic delivery system that can broadcast and receive throughout the state of Iowa in special
locations. The ICN is a highly technical system that can provide students with many visual and
audio illustrations during the course. Mr. Smith has become skilled in presenting the materials to
students through distant learning.
The lesson I observed was developed as a two-day mini-lesson to help students design and
structure the power of using balanced sentences. Students will use the power of balance sentences
in their observational essay writing. Mr. Smith clearly explained the lesson objectives and the
methods, which the students would use in learning to write powerful sentences. Mr. Smith
communicated his expectations throughout the lesson. Mr. Smith employs opening activities are
purposeful and geared toward establishing a concrete framework for all students to implement
their new skills. Mr. Smith stressed important points and dimensions of using powerful sentences
in their writings. Mr. Smith presented information to the students in an appropriate sequence and
encouraged students to take part in the discussion. Mr. Smith used the ICN media to include the
students in the other school as if the students were in the same classroom. He provided
opportunities for application of acquired skills by using the students in both locations as surrogates
to one another.
Mr. Smith uses strategies to motivate students to learn while using a positive and non-threatening
approach. Mr. Smith provides opportunities for students to experience the processes of discovery
and creativity as students practiced their written sentences. Mr. Smith provided great feedback to
students as they demonstrated what they had written. Everyone passed the balance sentence writing
except Mr. Pundt.
Mr. Smith challenges students to understand the process by which answers are reached and
provides students with opportunities for additional help if needed. Mr. Smith demonstrates highly
professional writing and speaking skills. He provides help to all who ask and gives guidance to
students, teachers and staff members when in need. Mr. Smith assists students in the development
of critical thinking skills and guides them towards accessing information.
Mr. Smith uses activities leading to (or enhancing) the cognitive development of the students to
focus by teaching to the lesson objectives. Mr. Smith assists students in gaining (maintaining)
sound communication skills through emphasis on grammar (vocabulary, listening skills, and
punctuation and reading skills). Mr. Smith assists and challenges students to become self-directed
learners and sets high expectations of his students. Mr. Smith summarizes learning and allows
students sufficient time to internalize the material and also has students practice using forms of
graphic organizers when working in the content areas. Your opening (exercises, demonstration,
statements, etc.) captured the interest of the class. Students demonstrated that they had a clear
understanding of the concept/s (skills, information, procedures, etc.) being presented.
Mr. Smith assesses whether each student is achieving expected goal/s and adjusts the activity
accordingly. He provides parents and students with feedback and personnel comments that keep
them up to date on a student's progress or lack of. Mr. Smith allows for pupil goal setting and selfevaluation by giving them encouragement and extra help if desired. Mr. Smith establishes
classroom policies to help students with greater accountability.
Mr. Smith utilizes current technology to clarify and enhance learning. He provides students that
are visual learners a great opportunity to better understand content information and materials.
Mr. Smith adopts a system of performance-based education in which creative assessment is used
and practiced. Mr. Smith uses class work and/or homework assignments to assess comprehension
of the subject matter while providing practice in the classroom to help correct student errors. Mr.
Smith accurately measures the degree to which student learning (comprehension) meets the
objective/s of the lesson. Students profit from your keen insight into their individual strengths and
weaknesses and your personnel caring of students. Your ability to maintain an excellent record of
student progress is always demonstrated through your complete and prompt subfolder, grade
book, curriculum updates, and messages to parents. You set attainable goals for your students and
motivated them to reach and exceed them. Mr. Smith maintains records that are accurate,
thorough and up-to-date. He supplies materials geared to promote hands-on experiences, which
support curriculum activities. Mr. Smith demonstrates competence and ease during
observation/evaluation sessions. He is committed to providing learning experiences of high
quality, as evidenced by the planning/preparedness for the class. Your planning reflects your
keen awareness of current educational trends. Your students benefit from the professional
maturity you bring to the classroom, which is evident from your preparation and the delivery of the
Mr. Smith maintains an excellent rapport with the students. When students come back to Highland,
they always remark, "I learned to most from Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith maintains a positive feeling
tone with staff, students and administration. Mr. Smith offers praise and encouragement to the
students as well as enhancing positive self-esteem of students.
Standard 1: Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for
implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals.
Mr. Smith has demonstrated competency in the implementation of school districts student
achievement goals. Mr. Smith has implemented and practices Highland's student achievement
goals. He implements reading in the content area and practices the use of graphic organizers in his
classroom as well as practices summarizing in all his classes. Mr. Smith provides parents and
students with assessment data that is meaningful and in a timely manner. Mr. Smith provides
evidence that reading strategies and goals are being implemented in class. Mr. Smith supports a
learning culture and environment to enhance student-learning goals. Mr. Smith uses student data
to evaluate individual student performance. Mr. Smith uses individual student's data to make
decisions about individual student needs as well as maintaining high academic standards that align
with the contents standards and benchmarks. Mr. Smith demonstrates genuine caring and respect
for all students and provides guidance and understanding. Mr. Smith is well known for his
compassion in meeting all students individual learning needs weather the student is an honor
student or a special need student. Mr. Smith communicates with parents and submits the contact
log at the end of each quarter to the principal. He is always communicating with parents through email, phone, progress slips or in person. Mr. Smith meets and exceeds standard 1.
Standard 2: Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position.
Mr. Smith combines textbook knowledge with practical experiences when presenting concepts
and their relationships to the content area. He supports and implements current standards and
benchmarks throughout all his courses. His curriculum guides and maps are used and up-to date.
Mr. Smith stays current with new ideas, strategies, and methods to help meet student learning
needs. Mr. Smith's classroom activities and homework assignments provide students with
appropriate materials and knowledge. Mr. Smith knows when it is appropriate to use adaptations
and accommodations to meet individual student needs, including curriculum new trends,
enrichment, and acceleration. The instructor provides personal and practical experiences of his
knowledge to help enhance the lesson. His use of technology is integrated appropriately to student
intellectual and physical development. Mr. Smith uses United Streaming in his classes to help
students better understand the materials. Mr. Smith relates ideas and information within and across
content areas by using different strategies in teaching. Mr. Smith meets and exceeds standard 2.
Standard 3: Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Mr. Smith is one
of the best-prepared and planning teachers in the district. His lessons are well planned and his
preparation is well documented. Mr. Smith's lessons align with his curriculum map and the
Language Arts standards and benchmarks. He provides students with a course syllabus and course
expectations in each of his classes. Mr. Smith uses student assessment data in developing lesson
plans as well as meeting each student different learning needs. Mr. Smith organizes content in a
manner that facilitates each student's construction of his/her learning and incorporates inquiry
methods to encourage critical and creative thinking. Differentiated instruction is included and
practiced in all his lessons. Classroom rules and regulations are posted and explained to all students.
Each student is provided a course syllabus that explains course requirements and rules. Mr. Smith
meets and excess standard 3.
Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of
students. Evidence shows that Mr. Smith aligns classroom instruction with local standards and
curriculum. Research based instruction strategies were demonstrated and implemented during the
lesson. Mr. Smith uses questioning techniques that foster classroom discussion to increase student
knowledge and skills and monitors student learning. Mr. Smith provided a classroom setting and
activities that are mentally, visually, aurally, and kinesthetically stimulating and uses resources that
are appropriate to the content, and to students' prior learning. Mr. Smith adjusts instructional
strategies as needed to meet student-learning needs for remediation, differentiation, and extension
for standards and benchmarks attainment. Mr. Smith meets and excess standard 4.
Standard 5. Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning.
Mr. Smith uses data from multiple sources when determining the educational needs of students.
The data is provided through student progress reports, student grade reports, parent logs, and daily
classroom performance to students, parents, and administrators. Mr. Smith works well with other
teachers and administrators to help analyze student data. Mr. Smith monitors student progress and
adjusts instruction to meet the needs of students. Mr. Smith does an outstanding job working with
students, while taking extra time explaining materials or procedures they don't understand. Mr.
Smith shares information about student learning with students, families and school personnel who
are responsible for the student success. Mr. Smith uses best teaching practices to determine if more
time is needed to re-teach, abandon, extend, or move on to another concept. Mr. Smith uses a
variety of assessment tools when measuring a student's progress.
Standard 6. Demonstrates competence in classroom management.
Mr. Smith provides students with a positive and helpful learning environment in all his classes. He
provides students with a course syllabus that clearly defines the course expectations and classroom
behavior. Mr. Smith has established good communication with his students and parents. Mr. Smith
has always had outstanding classroom management and a learning environment that keeps students
academically engaged in his classes. He uses instructional time effectively. He emphasizes the safe
and learning environment. Mr. Smith meets standard 6. Nick, you do a super job as a teacher.
Standard 7. Engages in professional growth.
Mr. Smith has taken an active part in all our in-service activities that are provided for staff
development. He has submitted three professional growth plans, which include a one-year, two year,
and three-year plan. Mr. Smith successfully completed his one-year growth plan last year. Mr. Smith
plans emphasize multi-level curriculum for each of the courses he teaches. He will work on
developing differentiated instruction strategies, techniques and methodologies for the courses he
teaches. Mr. Smith's two-year plan is to develop strategies for reading across the curriculum through
his active participation in the reading leadership team. The goal is to increase student performance
on standardized tests. Mr. Smith has been a teacher mentor for several new teachers over the last
few years. Mr. Smith has worked with other staff members regarding curriculum projects and
differentiated instruction. Mr. Smith is our secondary curriculum facilitator who works with our
teachers and administrators. He has done an outstanding job as our CSIP coordinator for the district,
which entails the many state forms, and data that needs to be put together. Mr. Smith meets standard
Standard 8. Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district. Based on school
policies and regulations Mr. Smith has complied with those requirements. He also fulfills the
requirements laid out in the teacher's handbook on required duties. Mr. Smith is an outstanding
teacher and contributes endless hours to Highland both academically and the many activities for the
students. Mr. Smith has been a valued member of the educational team. He has served on the
following committees: School Improvement, Student Handbook, Reading Leadership Team, Study
Skills/Reading, Drug Free Committee, Crisis Support Team, Curriculum In-service, Iowa Behavior
Initiative, Child Study Team, Student Review Team, Alternative School Committee, Mr. Smith meets
or exceeds the eight Iowa Teaching Standards. He provides Highland students a positive, caring
learning environment.