AGREEMENT FOR A BI-NATIONALLY SUPERVISED DOCTORAL THESIS between THE UNIVERSITY OF/L’UNIVERSITÉ …………….. and CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE According to the framework agreement between the University of/l’Université……. (………) and Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) signed on …………[Pokud neexistuje bilaterální dohoda s dotyčnou univerzitou, tato část věty se vypustí a pokračuje se velkým písmenem:] a procedure of bi-nationally supervised doctoral thesis (“co-tutelle de thèse”) is signed by: UNIVERSITY OF/ L’UNIVERSITÉ ……………………, represented by the President/Rector, (title, name)………………., at the address……………………………………, concerning the Faculty of…………………, address…………………, represented by its Dean (title, name)………………., and CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE, represented by the Rector Prof. RNDr. Václav Hampl, DrSc, at the address Ovocný trh 3/5, 116 36 Prague 1, Czech Republic, DIC : CZ00216208, IC : 00216208, concerning the Faculty of ……………, address…………………, Czech Republic, represented by its Dean ........................................... . for the doctoral student Mr/Ms ……………………………………. born on………………. . Study at Charles University in Prague abides by the Czech Higher Education Act No. 111/1998 Coll. as amended, especially § 47a, and by the internal regulations of Charles University in Prague and the internal regulations of the respective faculty. Study at the University of/l’Université …………abides by ………….. For this purpose, they agree on the following rules: Article 1: Enrolment 1 Mr/Ms ………………., hereafter called ‘doctoral student’, enrolled in the doctoral programme in “………………….” at the ……………………………………………., hereafter called ‘home university’, is going to take part in a bi-nationally supervised doctoral thesis (‘co-tutelle de thèse’) from the academic year…………………………... . Starting from the day of the signature of the present agreement the doctoral student will be considered regularly enrolled also in the doctoral programme in “………………………………………..” at the …………………… hereafter called ‘partner university’. The student shall enrol in all units of study (semester or year) of the respective doctoral programme. The student will pay the enrolment fees at the home university and will be relieved of paying fees at the partner university. Notwithstanding the joint responsibility for the academic supervision of the doctoral project, the home university will assume the responsibility for all administrative procedures. Article 2: Supervision The doctoral student will carry out his research project under the supervision and responsibility of one supervisor belonging to the home university and one from the partner university who have the joint responsibility of providing the supervision of the doctoral activities under the observance of the respective regulations. The supervisor for the home university will be …………….. of …………………. of Prof. …………………………….. (Faculty/Department…). The supervisor for the partner university will be Prof. …………………………….. (Faculty/Department…). Article 3: Research Activities The duration of Mr/Ms …………………. doctoral programme is three years. An extension can be granted in accordance with the regulations of both universities. The doctoral student will spend at least ………………… [specify duration] at the partner university. Article 4: Thesis The preparation of the thesis will be realized in co-operation between the two universities. The title of the thesis will be the following: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 The thesis shall be written and defended in ………[specify language]. The abstract shall be written in ……………[specify language]. Article 5: Didactic and Financial Support Both universities will provide the doctoral student with the needed teaching and research facilities and guarantee the same services supplied to their own doctoral students. Each university will support the mobility expenses of its own professors. Article 6: Final Examination The final examination, i.e. defence of doctoral dissertation, consists of a single discussion of the thesis before an examination board. The final exam will take place at …….. The examination board will be composed of at least ……. members and will include ……. members of the ………….. [home / partner university] . The examination board is designated by the Dean of the Faculty of ………… , University of/ l’Université ………….., and by the Dean of the Faculty of ……………., Charles University in Prague. Article 7: Doctoral Degree Upon completion of a successful final examination, the two institutions will award a joint doctoral degree to the candidate. The University/ L’Université/ of …………… will issue the title of ................... Charles University in Prague will issue the title of ……………….. The doctoral diploma(s) or diploma supplements will state that the two institutions administered the doctoral procedure jointly. The doctoral document will entitle the recipient to use either the [specify language] or the Czech form of the doctoral title under the respective national legislative. Article 8: Insurance The doctoral student is responsible for adequate insurance coverage (health, accident, liability) during the stay at the partner university. Article 9: Intellectual Property Rights The intellectual property rights of the thesis, the publication, the use and protection of the research results will be copyrighted in accordance with the specific regulations of the two countries and on agreements between the parties involved in the co-operation agreement. The number of copies of the thesis and further requisites to be deposited at each university depends on the respective regulations. 3 Article 10: Final Regulations This agreement is drawn up in ……. originals in English. Each party will receive …. originals, the doctoral students will receive 1 original. This agreement comes into effect on the day of signature of representatives of the two universities. Signatures: For the University of/ l’Université ………… For Charles University in Prague Date: Date: ………………………………………. ……………………………………….. (title, name) Prof. RNDr. Václav Hampl, DrSc. President/Rector Rector Date: Date: ………………………………………. ……………………………………….. (title, name) (title, name) Dean of the Faculty of …… Dean of the Faculty of …… Date: Date: ……………………………………… ……………………………………….. (title, name) (title, name) Supervisor Supervisor Date: ………………………………………. Mr / Ms Doctoral student 4