A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process

A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
Test engineers and test managers for years have been asking the question about how to
estimate the software testing effort in software projects. They have toyed with many theories
and with even more approaches to the subject of quantifying and evaluating the process of how
much testing is enough to ensure a successful product. Many agree that estimation must be
done on a project-by-project basis. However software development has so many common
characteristics that general guidelines can be established and considered in calculating testing
estimates for all projects.
In his article The Testing Estimation Process Antonio Cardoso discusses eight rules that can be
applied to estimating testing. These include:
Rule 1: Estimation shall be always based on the software requirements
Rule 2: Estimation shall be based on the expert judgment
Rule 3: Estimation shall be based on the previous projects
Rule 4: Estimation shall be based on metrics
Rule 5: Estimation shall never forget the past
Rule 6: Estimation shall be recorded
Rule 7: Estimation shall be supported by tools.
Rule 8: Estimation shall always be verified
The following sections explore and expand upon Rule 1, with the understanding that rules two
through eight are equally pertinent to the testing estimation process. This document describes
how estimators can categorize software requirements, how they can apply a weighted
complexity variable, and finally how they can introduce risk factors to provide an accurate
estimate. These are presented under the following headings:
Categorizing Software Requirements
Using a Complexity Constant
Applying Risk Factors
Applying a General Contingency Factor
October 2002
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
Categorizing Software Requirements
Software requirements can be broken into the following categories:
Requirements describing business logic
Requirements specifying functionality
Requirements outlining performance
Technical requirements
The following sections describe these requirements from a “time required to accomplish”
Business Logic Requirements
Business logic testing requirements include the following:
Understanding business goals. To validate business logic the tester needs to
understand the business first. For relatively simple applications this learning curve does
not take a lot of time (but, it must be taken into consideration!). For very complex
applications it could take months to understand the user’s day-to-day operations. The
communication of the business logic from the business user to a tester is large part of
the problem. Client availability, clear understanding of the business rules, precise
documentation and documentation availability and multiple change requests are possible
threads that can not be underestimated and that influence the tester’s learning curve.
Planning the test. Next phase is to plan the test, which will include describing steps of
the following test execution as well as preparation of required data. Usually, these test
cases are being validated (or should be validated) with a client or person, who knows the
client’s business flow. Allowance must be made in this area for review and meetings,
misunderstandings and resulting rework.
Preparing the test data. In many cases, production data is unavailable, requiring that
test data be prepared from scratch. Considering that test data preparation usually
happens at the fist stages of the tester’s involvement, the application may not be as
familiar as it would be later in the development cycle. As a result, inaccurate test data
could be applied, producing skewed results. Because test data preparation is a time
consuming process, allowance for this must be made in the estimate.
Testing. Test execution for business logic scenarios is complex and involves much
concentration from the tester. Testers may get tired faster, which can lead to fewer test
cases executed per day. Business logic bug reporting takes longer time then functional
or technical (even performance). Complete chain of steps, complex description of the
before-execution condition and multiple screen-shuts, bug description sent back and
force for clarification and etc. consume sufficient amount of time from the test team.
Planning a regression strategy. If business test cases were planned carefully,
considering possible positive and negative conditions, possible estimated bug rates
could be set at one for every two or three test cases, especially during initial builds. The
question then is, “What regression strategy will the tester adopt? How many regression
tests must be estimated to validate fixes? “
October 2002
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
Functional Requirements
Functional requirements (assuming that functional testing is a part of the testing scope) does
not require extensive understanding of the application rules. However, such validation requires
precisely documented functional requirements, which in many cases do not exist. Consequently,
the tester must spend time consulting with developers about tested features.
Test Planning. The test planning is much easier than business logic test planning.
Sometimes functional testing is conducted using checklists, which is easier to
prepare and takes less time. Test data preparation usually is not required. However,
there are usually a much larger number of functional tests then business logic tests.
Test Execution. Test execution is a quicker process than reporting. The bugs found
/ tests executed ratio is considerably lower than during the business scenarios
verification. However, due to a typically larger number of tests, the number of bugs
could also be high. The same question should be asked as well as in the business
testing “How many regression runs must be estimated to validate fixes?”
Performance Requirements
A single requirement outlining performance can take the longest time to plan, in terms of
preparing for execution, the execution itself, and analysis of results. Many questions must be
asked, such as:
What to test?
When to test?
What tool to use?
Who will test? (In terms of tester’s skills)
Who will prepare the test environment, or will the existing environment be used?
Who will recover everything that could be crashed during the test?
Many other questions should be answered before beginning to estimate hours for performance
test preparation and execution. In fact, if performance testing can be treated as a separate
estimate, this would improve the overall accuracy of the existing estimate.
Technical Requirements.
Technical requirements specify hardware and software supported, as well as details of the
database and user interface.
Planning. Planning for technical requirements takes a relatively short time. Usually a
checklist is used to verify whether the required element exists in the database and
user interface. For compatibility testing, selected chunks of functional test cases are
used, which allows for the shortening of the test-planning period. Possible planning
difficulties include identifying the test infrastructure required to execute selected test
cases on multiple platforms.
Test execution and reporting. The test execution and bug reporting are relatively
simple due to the following: these test cases are being executed after functional and
business runs, that is, on the known application with known test cases. Usually, there
are few issues resulting from the testing of technical requirements and normally a
October 2002
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
single regression test will validate fixes.
A potential exception in the technical category is compatibility requirements that
might require a time-consuming execution and environment preparation process. For
example, one requirement can list multiple software/hardware configurations that an
application should be compatible with. In this case the following should be
o Multi-platform testing requires having knowledge of these platforms. If you do not
have a tester in the group who knows UNIX, for example, consider a sufficient
extension of the learning curve or consider getting another resource. This is
considered as outsourcing with all possible issues affecting previously estimated
o Testing of minimum hardware requirements may result in at least slow test
execution, and sometimes can result in multiple system failures.
o Unavailability of the required number of PCs to test specified configurations may
require software re-installation, usage of swappable hard drives, and other such
solutions, resulting in multiple technical issues that may significantly slow down
planned testing activities.
Compatibility Testing. The only time consuming task could be Compatibility test
execution. Some clients may request an unusual number of hardware/software
configurations. Although estimating such tasks may not seem realistic, the “client is
always right!” and every effort should be made to accommodate client wishes.
However problems such as non-availability of test PC’s for each required
configuration must be considered. In this case swappable hard drives and the
prospect of multiple installing/uninstalling can lead to potential obstacles.
October 2002
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
Using a Complexity Constant
Once requirements have been categorized, it is possible to quantify the time it takes to prepare
and to execute each single requirement within the group. This is done by multiplying the number
of requirements in a group by a complexity constant* (defined below) and summing these
*This constant and other constants listed in this document are guidelines only, provided
with the understanding that detailed analysis will be performed to values that accurately
reflects the task.
Establishing the Complexity Constant
Complexity constants are determined by analyzing tasks and assigning values. These values
become constants in calculating estimates, as in the following table.
Table 1: Complexity constant values
Complexity: Low
Complexity: Medium
Complexity: High
Relatively simple
Moderately complex
Applying the Complexity Constant
An example project identifies 100 requirements consisting of 70 business, 25 functional, 4
technical, and 1 performance. The complexity constants in table 1 are applied. Calculations are
shown in table 2.
Business requirements: Of the 70 business requirements, 30 are high complexity, 10 are
medium complexity and 30 are low complexity. Management has agreed to 1.5 hours for the
learning curve, test preparation and data preparation and .5 hours for test and 3 regression
runs. Also, it was estimated that every second test case would produce one bug, which means a
regression ratio of .5. (For example, the first test run could have 100 test cases while the
second could have 50, resulting in a regression ration between the first and second test run of
.5). The estimate for business requirements is therefore 435 hours (see table 2).
Functional requirements: Of the 25 functional requirements 10 are low complexity, 5 are
medium complexity, and 10 are high complexity. Management has agreed to 30 minutes for test
preparation execution, and for issue reporting at ¼ (or .25) test case ratio and 4 regression
runs. Also, it was estimated that every second test case would produce one bug, which means a
regression ratio of .5. The estimate for functional requirements is therefore 31 hours (see table
Note: From my personal experience, there are usually many more functional requirements than
business requirements.
Technical requirements: Of the four technical requirements, each is estimated separately.
Two requirements concerned the look of user interface (UI) elements, so 15 minutes were
October 2002
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
assigned to create a checklist, verify them and report issues if any. One requirement was to list
operating systems that the program should support, but it was decided not to plan to test this
requirement separately, but instead assign these operating systems to the test machines for
regular execution. The final technical requirement was to specify the minimum hardware
configuration that an application should support, but it was decided that no test planning would
be required; instead, it was decided that the 20 functional test cases could verify this
requirement at 15 minutes each with 1/10 re-run ratio and one regression run. An estimate of
5.6 (rounded to 6 for ease of calculation) hours was made for technical requirements
Performance requirements: The performance requirement is estimated at 40 hours to prepare,
execute, analyze and recover if needed. Management has agreed to a second regression run,
which is estimated at 20 hours. The final for performance is 60 hours.
Table 2: Example Detailed calculation of Estimated Time to Complete Project (hours)
Number of
1 (20)**
5.5 (6)
* Basic Hours – minimum Test Execution and Test Preparation hours assigned to Requirement Category.
** 20 test cases from Functional area will be used
The total Estimated Time to Complete (ETC) is therefore 532 hours (435 hours for business
requirements, 31 hours for functional requirements, 6 hours for technical requirements, and 60
hours for performance requirements).
Requirements are thus identifiable, measurable elements that must be analyzed to be reflected
in the testing process. Estimates for each requirement, as well as allowance for the time for
learning, test planning, test data preparation, test execution and regression runs should be
added to each estimate, based on the identified requirement category and its complexity.
Cardoso’s first rule can then be renamed “Estimation shall be always based on the explored
software requirements”.
October 2002
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
Applying Risk Factors
Another aspect of the estimation process cannot be ignored: the need to assess risk factors and
plan for contingencies. The following scenarios demonstrate project risk situations.
Scenario 1. An estimated number of person/hours required to complete all testing tasks was
agreed upon. Shortly before the start of the project, a new technology was selected to produce
the code. To management, the new technology was a step ahead and supposed to be better
and produce better results. To developers, the new technology had adverse effects, generating
longer development time. As a result, more re-work was generated due to the lack of
development tool knowledge. So, at the end of the project, developers were rushed to meet a
deadline. Unit testing was not done properly and the test team received an unstable product.
Consequently, test execution was postponed and myriad problems resulted.
Scenario 2. A well-qualified team was assembled for a project. A well-known technology was
selected, and the test team was carefully chosen and got involved from the project’s early
stages. Everything had the appearance of an ideal situation until the client decided that since a
lot of money was being paid out, they should not be involved. As a result, the requirements were
unclear, nobody really knew what should be produced, and it was taking one to two weeks to
book an appointment with a manager to verify the design. A lot of coding was based on
assumptions and not on facts. The end result of these problems was infinite rework, much
frustration, and unstable builds.
Staff Seniority Level can also be factored as a source for project risk. Staff Seniority Level ratio
is the sum of developers’ seniority divided by the total number of developers. For example, six
developers are selected for a project. Two developers are classified as senior, three as
intermediate, and one as junior. Constants can be applied according to experience, such as 1
for the senior developer, which means that no hours increase would be recorded if only senior
developers were involved. A constant of 2 would be attached to the intermediate developer, and
3 to the junior. The calculated Staff Seniority Level ratio would be 11 (2 x1 + 3 x 2 + 1 x 3)
divided by 6 (the number of developers) or 1.83. Therefore for only one risk the ETC based on
579 hours would be 579 x 1.83, for a total of 1059.6 hours as a final estimate for testing
Other risk factors are listed in table 3 and possible risk constants attached.
Table 3: Other project risks and example risk constants
Requirements Effectiveness
Project Organization
October 2002
Levels of Complexity
Clear and understandable
Understandable, but not clear
Ambiguous and difficult to
All procedures documented, clear,
and followed by team
Procedures present but not being
No procedures – management
relies on team member
Risk Constant
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
Knowledge of the
Management Knowledge
and Cooperation
Documentation availability
Meeting Milestones
Familiar to all team members
Half the team members are new
to the adopted technology
New technology known by only a
Complete understanding of
development cycle by the client,
full cooperation, fast reply,
Basic understanding of
development, hard to get
attention, but possible
No cooperation (“we pay and you
do” attitude)
Documents exist, are updated
regularly, and are accessible
Documents exist, but are not
updated regularly and are difficult
to locate
Documents do not exist
Milestones achieved 100 percent
of projected estimate
Some milestones slip but are still
achieved 80 percent on time
Nobody cares about milestones
For example, after calculating a number of hours based on the explored requirements, multiply
all percentages from all possible risks together then multiply estimated number of hours by the
(multiplied) percentage figure. If 5 risk factors are identified, constant ratios could be 1.1, 1.4, 1,
1.6, and 1.2. These constants correspond to the following percentage that should be added: 1.1
(10 percent), 1.4 (40 percent), 1 (zero percent), 1.6 (60 percent) and 1.2 (20 percent), total 130
percent. This percentage (130%) is added to the estimated number of hours. Assuming the ETC
is 532 hours, the result would be 532 x 1.3 = 691.6, total 1331.7 hours.
Applying a General Contingency Factor
General Contingency is a new term. The main idea is “the early the project the less risks are
known”. What if I am called to provide my estimates not at the Coding stage where majority of
risks are visible or can be predicted based on the previous project performance, but at the
Project Initiation stage?
I believe that the above is a very valid question. As early on the project we are as more difficult
to come up with a valid number. In this case I recommend using a General Contingency
percentage. What does General Contingency mean? General contingency – is a percentage
that should be added to the estimated time based on the project stage. For example, estimates
based on a project at the coding stage, where the majority of risks are visible, are different from
estimates based on a project at its initiation stage. A General Contingency factor can be applied
depending on stage of maturity of the project and is a flat percentage that should be added to
the overall estimate. For example, if the project is at the coding stage, add a contingency
percentage such as 15 percent to the estimated figure. Therefore if the number of hours
estimated based on analyzed requirements is ETC (532), risks identified (130%) this total is
October 2002
A Closer Look at Estimating the Testing Process
by Iouri Kroukov
multiplied by the General Contingency factor (15% or 1.15). Other project stages include the
project initiation stage, post coding, alpha and beta testing. These would have a proportionate
contingency factor applied.
While the process of estimating testing in the software industry may be different for each
project, all share the common thread of Requirements. This article has attempted to introduce
guidelines to simplify this process. In addition to Cardoso’s rules for testing estimation, it is
recommended that requirements be categorized into Business, Functional, Performance, and
Technical. Requirements within each category are then divided into complexity groups with a
complexity constant attached to each group. This can be a simple value corresponding to low,
medium, and high complexity. Detailed requirements can then be calculated and an initial
estimate of time to complete (ETC) given. To the initial ETC, project Risks corresponding to the
vagaries of the business environment must be factored. Examples of such vagaries are
illustrated in table 3. To do this, risks are identified and an appropriate risk constant applied to
produce a final ETC. Then, based on the project stage, a General Contingency should be
Other external factors may also exist, and should also be considered for inclusion in the
estimate. Hours spent leading and managing, for example, is particularly relevant if three or
more testers form part of the team.
In addition, project risks and complexities can be used as a negotiating tool. For example, if the
requirements management process cannot be improved, the testing team will require more time.
Or if the documentation strategy is not improved, more resources will be required.
With these estimation principles in place, you are in a good position to present an accurate
estimate and at the same time help the client to better understand the needs of the development
October 2002