Class 2 3 4 Teacher Teaching Assistants Mrs Holmes Mrs Ford & Mrs Broadbent Mrs Davies & Mrs Huddleston Mrs Quigley Miss Collins Mrs Bretherton We welcome Mrs Orton to the team who will be working with children across the classes every day. In class 2 Mrs Ford will teach Monday to Thursday. Mrs Broadbent will teach the class every Friday. In class 3 Mrs Davies will teach every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Mrs Quigley will teach the class every Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Melling will teach class 4 every Thursday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon the children will enjoy a range of enrichment activities such as sewing, photography and cooking etc. P.E We ask that the children have their P.E kits in school on their pegs at all times. They can take their kits home at the end of every half term for washing. P.E will take place every Tuesday and Friday. Earrings MUST not be worn. School policy states children are only allowed to wear a wrist watch and one plain stud in each ear. As part of our healthy schools policy we offer fresh fruit during break time. Children do need to bring in their own water bottles every day. The children may have the opportunity to use the outdoor areas in all weathers. Please make sure they come to school with the appropriate clothing to do so. Our Golden Charter During the first week of this half term we have worked with the children to establish our rules and routines. Rights We have the right to be safe. We have the right to be happy. We have the right to learn. We have the right to speak. We have the right to work in a clean and tidy classroom. Responsibilities We have the responsibility to look after ourselves and each other. We have the responsibility to be polite and kind to each other. We have the responsibility to always try our best. We have the responsibility to listen to everyone carefully. We have the responsibility to tidy up after ourselves. We always use positive praise and a sticker chart system to motivate the children however; there are consequences such as missing a playtime if your child does not follow their responsibilities as a learner. If your child does miss a play time we will always endeavour to inform you. The activities that the children will enjoy will be planned from the 2014 National Curriculum. The topic for this term is Marvellous Me and Fire and Ice. In English we will be focusing on basic sentence construction and in Maths the focus will be on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction. Other Subjects Science Computing Topic R.E P.S.H.C.E Music Art P.E Using Our Senses Internet Safety Where I Live Exploring Stories Me & My School New Beginnings Ourselves/Exploring Sounds Self Portraits Gymnastics Reading We expect your child to read at home every day. (This does not have to just be their reading book.) Please sign and comment the reading diary at least once a week. Reading books need to be brought in to school every day. The children will also bring home a class library book every Friday. Homework Maths or Phonics homework will be given every Friday. The children must return it by the following Wednesday Other Information As always, the priority of all staff is the happiness, welfare and academic success of all of our pupils. To this end teachers will always meet any parent/carer who has a query or concern about any aspect of their child’s welfare or progress in school. However, we politely ask you to make an appointment with the office if you wish to speak to a member of staff, in order to arrange a mutually convenient time for a private conversation. General messages may be passed on before school to staff members on the gate as the children arrive in the morning. Please be assured that in the event of any problem, we will contact you. Therefore, please inform us, as soon possible, of anything which may affect your child’s well-being or performance at school so that your child may be supported as necessary. Please also ensure that all contact details are up to date. School opens to pupils at 8.45am, to allow the children to come in and settle down in preparation for the start of school at 8.55am. Please be aware that school does not have a responsibility to provide supervision for any child arriving before 8.45am unless they are attending Breakfast Club (details of which are available from the school office) and we ask that you remind your child to wait sensibly at the door until admission time if they arrive at school a little early. Lessons end at 3.15p.m. Children get ready to go home following the bell. Please wait for your child to be handed over by a member of staff outside the ‘Rainbow Gates.’ Please do not cross the marked area as it makes it difficult to for staff members to see parents/carers.