Specific Sample Interview Questions



April 5, 2007

Introduction of interview panel-

This position is for a 1.0 LTO Resource teacher. It includes teaching Math to students in grade 7-8 who are functioning below grade level.

Each of the 3 applicants will be asked the same questions and the interview should last approximately 20 minutes.

1) Please tells us what you believe makes you a good teacher by describing your qualifications, talents and teaching experiences and how they each relate to children in an educational setting.

2) Our students have a range of abilities. How would you organize, teach and assess a Math program in a grade 7 class of students experiencing difficulties with Math?

3) How would you show visually your understanding of balanced literacy in a classroom?

4) Evaluation and assessment are essential components of the job. Describe your methods of collecting data and how you would link this data to the

Ontario report card.

5)Describe your experience implementing and writing IEPs.

6) Discipline and classroom management are a concern. Some of the students have been identified as having Behaviour, MID, and/or Learning

Disability exceptionalities. Describe how you would handle the following situation. Two male students are having a heated argument in the classroom.

One swears at the other and they become very verbal with threats and accusations being made. What consequences and follow-up would you employ and why?

7) Without using names describe for us how you and a previous teacher or supervisor that you worked with were different.

8) Our school has a very small staff and it is expected that each staff member contribute positively in the school’s culture. What extra-curricular activities, both social and sport, would you be willing to organize?

9) Do you have any questions for us?


August 2006

Introduction of interview panel-

This position is a 0.55 permanent position. The teaching schedule is;

11:00-12:50 Grade 5/6 Math & Social Studies

1:30-2:50 various grades Special Education

Prep time is 2:20-2:40 daily

Each of the 7 applicants will be asked the same questions and the interview should last approximately 20-30 minutes.

1) Please tells us what you believe makes you a good teacher by describing your qualifications, talents and teaching experiences and how they each relate to children in an educational setting.

2) Our students have a range of abilities. How would you organize, teach and assess a differentiated Math program in a split 5/6 class?

3) How would you show visually your understanding of balanced literacy in a classroom?

4) Evaluation and assessment are essential components of the job. Describe your methods of collecting data and how you would link this data to the

Ontario report card.

5) Describe your experience implementing and writing IEPs.

6) Discipline and classroom management are a concern. Some of the students from the grade 5-6 class have been identified as having Behaviour,

MID, and/or Learning Disability exceptionalities. Describe how you would handle the following situation. Two male students are having a heated argument in the classroom. One swears at the other and they become very verbal with threats and accusations being made. What consequences and follow-up would you employ and why?

7) Without using names describe for us how you and a previous teacher or supervisor that you worked with were different.

8) Our school has a very small staff and it is expected that each staff member contribute positively in the school’s culture. What extra-curricular activities, both social and sport, would you be willing to organize?

9) Do you have any questions for us?


October 29, 2007

Introduction of interview panel-

This position is for a 1.0 LTO Grade 7-8 teacher. Each of the 5 applicants will be asked the same questions and the interview should last approximately

20 minutes.

1) Please tell us what you believe makes you a good teacher by describing your qualifications, talents and teaching experiences and how they each relate to children in an educational setting.

2) Our students have a range of abilities. How would you

A)-organize, B)-teach and C)-assess/evaluate a Balanced Literacy program in a grade 7-8 class of students demonstrating differentiated learning abilities in English?

3) How would you demonstrate differentiated teaching in a Math class of grade 7-8 students? Include in your answer how you would assess/evaluate students work in order to meet ministry expectations.

4) Evaluation and assessment are essential components of the job.

Describe your methods of collecting data and how you would link this data to the Ontario report card.

5) Describe your experience implementing and writing IEPs.

6) Discipline and classroom management are a concern. Some of the students have been identified as having Behaviour, MID, Autistic and/or

Learning Disability exceptionalities. Describe how you would handle the

following situation. Two male students are having a heated argument in the classroom. One swears at the other and they become very verbal with threats and accusations being made. What consequences and follow-up would you employ and why?

7) Our Grade 7-8 students are transitioning to Secondary School. What is a positive transition? What would you do to assist with a positive transition?

8) Our school has a very small staff and it is expected that each staff member contribute positively in the school’s culture. As the grade 7-8 teacher you will be the Intermediate Division. What extra-curricular activities, both social and sport, would you be willing to organize?

9) Do you have any questions for us?


February 2005

1) Introduction of interview panel

This position is a 0.3 permanent position. The teaching schedule is;

12:30-1:00 JK/SK prep time gym/health

1:00-1:35 Grade 1-2 Math Resource

1:50-2:30 Grade 7-8 Identified students not taking French

Prep time 50 minutes on Friday 1:25-2:30, recess is 1:35-1:50

Each of the 4 applicants will be asked the same questions and the interview should last approximately 20-30 minutes.

2) Please tells us what you believe makes you a good teacher by describing your qualifications, talents and teaching experiences and how they each relate to children in an educational setting.

3) In the building of a balanced mathematics program, three components are suggested. These include guided mathematics, shared mathematics and independent mathematics. How have you or how would you apply these components in a primary classroom?

4) Discipline and classroom management are a concern. The students from the grade 7-8 class have been identified as having Behaviour, MID, and/or

Learning Disability exceptionalities. Describe how you would handle the following situation. Two male students are having a heated argument in the classroom. One swears at the other and they become very verbal with threats and accusations being made. What consequences and follow-up would you employ and why?

5) Given the group of identified grade 7-8 students as described in the previous question how have you or would you modify or accommodate an intermediate level Science, Geography or History unit?

6) What Physical Education program activities have you found to be effective in developing the basic skills for Kindergarten or primary level students?

7) How would you visually show your understanding of balanced literacy in a classroom?

8) Our school has a very small staff and it is expected that each staff member contribute positively in the school’s culture. What extra-curricular activities do you have experience in or are willing to take on?

9) For the last question, think of three words that best describe you as a teacher. What are they and why?

10) Do you have any questions for us?

Strengths Comments

Interview of 0.5 applicants – February 17 and 18, 2003

1) Introduction of interview panel

2) This position is a 0.5 permanent position for a split 5/6 class. The assignment involves teaching the following subjects: Language Arts,

Science, Music, Art and Information Technology and managing the Ontario

Curriculum expectations for those two grade levels. Presently the class has

33 students, with 8 students withdrawn for math and/or language arts every day for up to half the day. There are 12 identified students in total, 4 have a behavioural identification.

Each of the 7 applicants will be asked the same questions and the interview should last approximately 20-30 minutes.

3) As an icebreaker, please tell us about yourself, your talents, qualifications and teaching experience as they relate to this position.

Primary/Junior qualifications ________________________________

Special Education 1 2 3 Electives ___________________________

Experience at junior level ___________________________________

Split grade experience ______________________________________


Related experience ________________________________________

4) This position requires a strong competency in language arts and science.

It will also involve leading grade 6 students through EQAO testing in May.

Describe your knowledge or expertise in these two subjects and any strategies that will assist you in successfully covering all expectations in these two areas.

Language arts background/experience__________________________

Science background/experience ______________________________

Knowledge of the curriculum ________________________________

Integration of other subjects _________________________________

5) How would you meet the needs of a grade 5 student who currently reads at a grade one level in your classroom? This student is withdrawn for language arts and mathematics; modifications in the regular classroom are required for all other subjects.

Knowledge/experience with IEPs _____________________________

Communication with other staff/resource teacher ________________

Modifications – examples __________________________________

Individual attention _______________________________________

6) Curriculum is an important part of the educational process. Describe how you would implement the grade five and six Ontario curriculum in a split grade classroom. Also give us your method of collecting data for the purpose of evaluation using the Ontario report card.

Familiarity with the Ontario Curriculum _______________________

Integration using themes/units _______________________________

Use of rubrics ____________________________________________

Levels of achievement _____________________________________

Experience with electronic report cards ________________________

Balanced literacy program __________________________________

7) Discipline and classroom management are a concern with this group, because of its size and also with four identified behavioural students.

Describe how you would handle the following situation and include any follow-up you feel is required. Two male students are having a heated argument in the classroom. One swears at the other and they become very verbal with threats and accusations being made.

Classroom management strategies __________________________

Immediate response to situation ____________________________

Disciplinary measures ____________________________________

Office involvement ______________________________________

Parental contact _________________________________________

8) Our school has a very small staff and it is expected that each staff member contribute positively in the school’s culture. What extra-curricular activities do you have experience in or are willing to take on?

Sports _________________________________________________

Clubs/committees ________________________________________

Others __________________________________________________

9) For the last question, think of three words that best describe you as a teacher. What are they and why?


10) Do you have any questions for us?

Thank you. We hope to make a decision later on this week, after verification of references.

Strengths Comments


Grade 6 – LTO

Name: ______________________________

1. Briefly review your qualifications and experience. Describe the attributes which you feel make you the best candidate for this position.

2. Explain what and how you would contribute to Ferris Glen Public School.



Overall impressions




- collaboration / team planning

/ flexibility / extra-curricular

6. How do you keep students focused and on task and how do you manage your classroom for maximum pupil progress and minimal disruption?

3. Describe the Balanced Literacy program is in your class.

Listen for:

- How candidate establishes routines

- communicates and reinforces classroom expectations

Four blocks

Reading, writing, visual / oral communication

Uninterrupted time

Guided / shared / read alouds / literature circles etc

5. How would you accommodate the diversity of abilities in a classroom, where reading levels range from grade 2 to 10 th grade. 2 students have been identified exceptional (behavioural) and 4 students are identified LD?

4. What assessment strategies would you use with your students?

7. Describe a situation where you have had to deal with a serious behavioral issue. What was the situation and how did you deal with it. Would you do anything differently today?

8. Students are our clients. But parents are their advocates. What can parents expect from you as their child’s classroom teacher?

9. Think of three words that best describe you? What are they and why?

- differentiated learning / MI /

Learning styles, etc…

- individual student accommodations

- appropriateness of the task assigned to the student

- student engagement

Formative, summative, ongoing, rubrics, variety …

Diffusing techniques

Reward system

Speaking to child individually

Reinforcing classroom expectations

Remove privileges

On-going communication through phone calls, letters, etc

10. Is there anything else which you feel has not been covered that you feel we should know?

Interview Grade 4/5

1. Briefly review your qualifications and experience. Describe the attributes which you feel make you the best candidate for this position.

2. Based on your experiences working as a

Teacher, outline one thing that you feel is a challenge and how you will work to overcome it.

3. Describe what Balanced Literacy looks like in your class.

4. What assessment strategies would you use with your students?

6. Students are our clients. But parents are their advocates. What can parents expect from you as their child’s classroom teacher?

5. How do you keep students focussed and on task and how do you manage your classroom for maximum pupil progress and minimal disruption?

6. Describe, with specific examples, the management strategies you would employ to address the range of student behaviours in the class, including those identified as


7. Describe a situation where you have had to deal with a serious behavioral issue. What was the situation and how did you deal with it.

8. Explain what and how you would contribute to (Name of school)

9. Think of three words that best describe you? What are they and why?



Overall impressions




- collaboration / team planning

/ flexibility / extra-curricular

Expectations / activities / resources / strategies / modifications / assessment -

Variety …

On-going communication through phone calls, letters, etc

- establishing routines

- communicate and reinforce classroom expectations

- clear expectations / communication with parents /

6 step approach etc.

Problem-solving strategies with students

Polite and respectful student interactions

10. Is there anything else which you feel has not been covered that you feel we should know?
