NURSING, FAMILY, COMMUNITY & WELLNESS DIAGNOSES INTRODUCTION: Creating nursing diagnoses requires the application of detailed assessment skills, critical thinking, and decision making. The formulation of nursing diagnoses is related to competency in diagnostic reasoning which students begin in their first year. DEFINITIONS: A diagnosis is a statement that synthesizes (brings together) assessment data. It is a label that describes a situation (or state) and implies an etiology (reason) and gives evidence to support the inference. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) defines nursing diagnosis as a clinical judgment about individual, community or family responses to community to actual or potential health problems or life processes. All types of diagnoses are similar. A nursing diagnosis limits the diagnostic process to those diagnoses that represent individual responses to actual or potential health problems that nurses are licensed to treat. Outcomes are usually noticeable within a designated time frame. A family nursing diagnosis is an extension of a nursing diagnosis to the family system and/or subsystems and is the outcome of family assessment. It includes actual or potential health problems that nurses are capable and licensed to treat by virtue of their education and experience. A community diagnosis differs in that it is focused on an aggregate or a community (rather than an individual). It requires a multidisciplinary action to address or treat, and multiple determinants must be considered when planning interventions. Outcomes of an action may not be visible for a long time. A wellness diagnosis describes human responses to levels of wellness in an individual, family or community that have the 1 potential for enhancement to a higher state. This document will focus on writing wellness diagnoses for the community. NURSING DIAGNOSIS: A Diagnostic Statement has at least three parts: 1. The first part is the human response of the client to illness, injury or significant change. This response could be an actual problem, an increased risk of developing a problem, or an opportunity /intent to improve the client’s health. 2. The second part of the diagnostic statement names those factors related to the response. Usually there is more than one factor. The diagnostic statement does not necessarily claim a cause & effect link between these factors and the response, ONLY that there is a connection between them. We use the term “related to” to express this section of the statement 3. The third part lists the clues/evidence/cues/data that supports the nurse’s claim that the diagnosis is in fact the case. This portion is expressed by the phrase: “as evidenced by.” EXAMPLE: possible death anxiety related to lack of knowledge about diabetes control as evidenced by patient sobbing and asking how much time she has left. FAMILY DIAGNOSIS: The family diagnosis is basically written like a nursing diagnosis except that it refers to a family system or subsystem. EXAMPLE: Ineffective marital and parental role performance related to arrival of another baby, heavy child-care responsibilities, and inadequate family coping patterns as evidenced by mother stating that she is feeling overwhelmed, is unable to stop siblings from fighting, and husband working overtime every day. 2 COMMUNITY DIAGNOSIS: There are four parts to a community diagnosis; 1. a description of the problem, response, or state (risk, concern, issue, potential or actual), 2. a statement of the aggregate, population, community, or focus (boundaries). THIS DIFFERS FROM THE NURSING DIAGNOSIS, the focus is added 3. an identification of factors etiologically related to the problem ( factors), and 4. those signs and symptoms (manifestations) that are characteristic of the problem. EXAMPLE: a risk of low birth rate among pregnant adolescents in the downtown area related to inadequate income and use of tobacco as evidenced by insecure housing, use of the food bank, unemployment rates, and smoking rates among pregnant teens. NOTE: The italicized area indicates the “focus” portion of the diagnosis (for teaching purposes only). COMMUNITY WELLNESS DIAGNOSIS: a. Characteristics: Sometimes called positive or health oriented diagnoses. Focus is on a community or aggregate. Require multidisciplinary action to address or enhance. Multiple determinants must be considered when planning interventions. Outcomes/ actions may not be visible in the short term. There is usually a desire for a higher level of wellness. Sometimes an effective program or status is present and there is a desire to improve the functioning. Focus is on existing or potential community strengths. 3 b. Nurse’s Role in Wellness Diagnoses: The role of the nurse is basically to facilitate healthy responses in order to reach a higher level of health oriented goals. There is a progression from one level of wellness to a higher level of wellness. For example, the nurse can help clients to complete transitions, to achieve higher levels of wellness or to attain wellness status. Health promotion plays a significant role. c. Components: As stated above, there are four (4) components to any community diagnosis including a wellness diagnosis. a. Issue or State: A description of the response or state. b. Focus: the population, aggregate or community of focus. c. Etiology: Causal factors. The identification of the factors etiologically (causally) related to the desired response or statewritten as “related to”. d. Manifestation: Data that support the etiologic inference. Manifestations or signs & symptoms that are characteristic of the current status or condition – written as: “as evidenced by”. 5. EXAMPLES: A. There is an opportunity to improve the health status (Issue Description) of adolescent pregnant women (Focus) related to effective parenting, stress reduction & smoking cessation (Etiology) as evidenced by maintaining presence at school, receiving social assistance, enrolling in the Best Beginning Program & providing support ( Manifestations). B. There is a potential for healthy life styles in adolescents in the Greater Essex County District School Board related to their expressed desire to learn about nutrition and physical activity as evidenced by their participation in the integrated school curriculum with its emphasis on healthy life style components. 4 C. There is a potential for enhanced parenting skills for mothers of preschool children in the downtown Windsor area related to their information seeking behaviours and their attendance at Parenting Classes as evidenced by staff reports and self assessments. DEVELOPING A DIAGNOSTIC STATEMENT: The following guidelines can be used to develop the statement: 1. State a human response and not a client need. 2. Start the diagnostic statement with the human response. 3. Connect the first part (human response) to the second part (etiology) with the term “related to” not “due to” or “caused by”. 4. Be sure that the first two sections are not just restatements of each other. 5. Do not mention a medical diagnosis in either of the first two parts. 6. Several factors may be involved in the etiology (part two) so you can include them. 7. Select an etiology that can be changed by nursing intervention. 8. Avoid judging the client as bad in any part of the diagnostic statement. 9. Avoid suggesting that any member of the health care team is not doing his/her job. 10. Put the cues that led to the diagnosis in the third part (defining characteristics), preceded by the phrase “as evidenced by”. OTHER KEY POINTS: Since the etiology will drive the nursing interventions, this must be an area in which nursing can intervene. If the client has a knowledge deficit this will be indicated in the etiology section and not stated as a client response to a problem. A knowledge deficit is a reason for a client response. (e.g. Potential risk 5 for falls related to a knowledge deficit of home safety measures as evidenced by……). We would not say, “A knowledge deficit of home safety measures related to potential risk for falls as evidenced by….” The knowledge deficit itself is not a response but rather a reason for a client’s response or lack of response. REFERENCES: Freidman, M.M., Bowden, V.R., & Jones, E.G. (2003). Family nursing: Research, theory, and practice. (5th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Sparks, S.M., & Taylor, C.M. (2001). Nursing diagnosis reference manual. (5th ed.). Pennsylvania: Springhouse. Stammler, L.L. & Yiu, L. (Eds.). (2008). Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective. (2nd.ed.). Toronto: Pearson. Stolte, K.M. (1996). Wellness: Nursing diagnosis for health promotion. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Vollman, A.R., Anderson, E.T. & McFarlane, J. (2004). Canadian community as partner: Theory and practice in nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Prof. M Sutton Fall 2008 Revised September 10, 2012 6