Blood Vessel Anatomy

Anatomy & Physiology 34B Lecture
Chapter 19: Anatomy of the Blood Vessels
I. Arteries of the _____________ Circuit
A. The __________________ emerges from the right ventricle, and branches into the
1. L. & R. ___________ arteries, which branch into the
2. ___________ arteries, which branch into the
3. Alveolar _____________ in the lungs
II. Arteries of the _____________ Circuit
A. The ________ is the largest artery in the body, emerging from the left ventricle, then
branching into arteries of the head, arms, trunk, and legs in the following manner
B. Left & right ________ arteries emerge from the ascending aorta
C. The ___________ has three major branches: the brachiocephalic trunk, left common
carotid, & left subclavian arteries (_______)
1. ________________ trunk - first branch, supplies blood to the right shoulder, arms,
and right side of head. This vessel branches into
a. Right ________________ artery - extends to the right neck & head
b. Right _________ artery - carries blood to the right shoulder & arm.
D. Arteries of the Neck & Head
1. Left common ___________ artery - both L. & R. common carotid arteries are found
on each side of the trachea and supply blood to the brain. They branch at the larynx
into the:
a. __________________ artery - enters the skull through the carotid canal to supply
the eye orbit & cerebrum
b. _________________ artery, which branches to the thyroid, larynx, tongue
(lingual), face, scalp, & chewing (maxillary) muscles
2. ____________ arteries branch off the subclavian arteries and also supply blood to
the head, passing through the cervical transverse foramina and foramen magnum
where they join to form the
a. __________ artery, which branches to the cerebellum, pons, inner ear, temporal
& occipital lobes, eventually forming the
b. Cerebral arterial circle (of __________), which surrounds the pituitary gland &
optic chiasma at the base of the brain; this circle unites the ant. & post. blood
supplies from the internal carotid & vertebral arteries.
E. Arteries of the Shoulder & Upper Extremity - major branches of the ______________
arteries include the
1. _________ A. - continuation of subclavian in the axillary region
2. ___________ A. - continuation of axillary through the brachial area; on the medial
humerous, it is the most common site for determining BP. This artery branches into
3. _________ (used to feel the pulse) & ________ arteries, which parallel their
respective bones, then merge to form the
_________ arch, off which the digitals (for each digit)branch
F. Branches of the Descending Thoracic Aorta
1. The _____________ is a continuation of the aortic arch into the thoracic cavity,
superior to the diaphragm. Branches include:
2. Pericardial arteries - to the heart ___________
3. Bronchial arteries - to the ______
4. Esophageal arteries - to the __________
5. Posterior intercostal arteries - to the _____________ muscles and thorax wall
6. Superior phrenic arteries - to the ___________
G. Branches of the Descending Abdominal Aorta
1. The ___________ aorta is the segment between the diaphragm & 4th lumbar
vertebrae, where it branches into the left and right common iliac arteries. From the
diaphragm downward, major branches are
2. _________ trunk - arises just inferior to the diaphragm, divides into 3 arteries:
a. Splenic - to the _______
b. Left gastric - to the ___________
c. Common hepatic - to the ________
3. Superior _______________ artery - arises anteriorly inferior to the celiac trunk;
supplies blood to the small and proximal colon
4. Renal arteries (L. & R.) - supply ___________ with blood
5. _____________ arteries (L. & R.) superior to renals, supply adrenal glands
6. ___________ arteries (L. & R.) - supply blood to the gonads
7. Inferior ______________ - last major branch of the abdominal aorta before the iliac
bifurcation, supplies blood to the colon & rectum
8. ________ arteries branch off the length of the abdominal aorta to serve the muscles
and spinal cord in the lumbar region
H. Arteries of the Pelvis & Lower Extremities
1. The abdominal aorta divides into the L. & R. ______________ arteries, each of
which divides into
2. External & Internal iliac arteries
a. The ______________ branches to supply the gluteal muscles and pelvic organs
b. The _________________ passes out of the pelvic cavity & branches into the
1) ____________ artery, which branches into the
2) __________ femoral artery to the hamstrings
3) ____________ artery passes posterior to the knee, then divides into the
4) Anterior & Posterior _________ arteries, which supply blood to the lower
leg and foot
IV. Principal Veins of the Body
A. Veins from the pulmonary circulation include
1. ___________, which emerge from the alveolar capillaries, then converge to form the
2. ____________ veins, which return oxygenated blood to the L. atrium
B. Veins from systemic circulation converge into the superior & inferior
________________, which empty into the R. atrium
C. Veins may be superficial and deep
1. ______________ veins may be seen through the skin
2. _______ veins often parallel principal arteries of the same name
D. Veins Draining the Head & Neck
1. _____________________ veins (L. & R.) on lateral sides of the neck; they drain
blood from the scalp, face, and superficial neck, and empty into the
2. L. & R. ______________ veins (posterior to the clavicles)
3. ______________________ veins (L. & R.) drain blood from the brain, meninges, and
deep face & neck; adjacent to common carotid arteries and vagus nerve, all 3 are
surrounded by a carotid sheath. Internal jugulars converge with the
4. _______________ veins (L. & R.), which merge to form the
5. Superior ______________, which drains into the R. atrium
E. Veins of the Upper Extremities
1. Toward the arm, the ________________ veins become the
2. R. & L. _____________ veins, which branch to form the
3. ___________ (medial) & cephalic (lateral) veins; the axillary branches into the
4. Basilic (medial) & _________ vein, which branches to form the
5. Radial & _________ veins
6. The median ________ vein courses diagonally across the inner elbow from the
cephalic vein (lateral) to the basilic vein (medial). The median cubital is often the site
of blood withdrawal
F. Veins of the Thorax
1. The superior ____________ also drains blood from the
2. ____________ vein that extends superiorly along the posterior abdominal & thoracic
walls on the right side of the vertebral column. Tributaries of the azygous include the
3. ___________ veins, which form the major tributaries to the left of the vertebral
G. Veins of the Lower Extremities
1. Posterior & anterior _________ veins originate in the foot and pass upward behind
the knee to form the
2. _____________ vein, above the knee this becomes the
3. _____________ vein, which continues up the thigh and receives blood from the
4. ________ femoral vein near the groin. Above this point, the femoral vein receives
Great _______________ vein, and then becomes the
External _________ vein, which merges with the
Internal _________ vein to form the
____________ iliac vein, left & right merge to form the
Inferior _____________, which returns blood to the R. atrium
H. Veins of the Abdominal Region
1. The inferior vena cava parallels the abdominal _________
2. As the inferior vena cava ascends, it receives tributaries that correspond to adjacent
arteries previously described. These tributaries include
3. 4 paired _________ veins drain the posterior abdomen
4. __________ veins - drain blood from the kidneys & ureters
5. ____________ veins drain blood from the gonads
6. Inferior ____________ veins receive blood from the inferior diaphragm
7. R. & L. _________ veins originate from the liver and join the inferior vena cava
immediately below the diaphragm
8. Blood from the GI tract, pancreas, & spleen must pass through capillaries in the
_______ (hepatic portal system) before passing to the vena cava
I. Hepatic ________ System - consists of veins that drain blood from capillaries in the
intestines, pancreas, spleen, stomach, and gall bladder, into liver capillaries (sinusoids) &
the R. & L. hepatic veins that drain the liver and empty into the vena cava
1. Absorbed products of digestion must first pass through the ____ to be processed
before entering general circulation
2. The hepatic _________ vein receives blood from the digestive organs; it is formed
by the union of the
a. Superior _____________ vein (from the small intestine)
b. __________ vein (from the spleen). The splenic vein has 3 tributaries:
1) Inferior ____________ - from the large intestine
2) Pancreatic vein - from the ____________
3) Gastroepiploic (_________) vein - from the stomach
4. Note that the liver receives blood from 2 sources:
a. The hepatic _______ supplies oxygen rich blood to the liver
b. The hepatic __________ vein transports nutrient rich blood from the digestive
organs for processing