
Explanation of footpedal (1min-5mins)
Explanation of moniters (5mins-10mins)
08jan21_dr_ajeet_gordhan (office interview [full version])
Explanation and drawing of accessing the groin arteries
Needle/wire insertion/ sheath (1min)
Drawing sheath (2mins)
Salinger technique (3mins)
Discussing needles used (3mins)
Cycling through images of different parts of the body involved in the surgery (5mins)
Explaining 3D imaging/angiogram (6mins)
Explaining selection of neck muscle for angiogram
Imaging vessel
Identifying target aneurism (10mins)
Explaining the measuring of the aneurism width and neck width
And explaining coiling process
Identifying the neck
Angle of visualization
Wide versus/thin necks
Microcatheder insertion explanation (20mins)
Choosing the right shape
DSA roadmaps (22mins)
deciding what coiling wire to use (29mins)
walking through the storyboard powerpoint (33mins)
detachable coils (37mins)
balloon coiling (39mins)
discussing common treatments for ischemic strokes (42mins)
discussing angio suite (45mins)
discussing and displaying how a roadmap is constructed and what is being seen in the
roadmap (48mins)
discussing radiation (51mins)
step by step creation of roadmap (53mins)
moving through virtual lab (58mins)
Process of accessing the groin artery *activity 1 (1mins)
Drawing of the beginning of the surgery (2mins)
Drawing the needle entering the vessel, the sheath, the hub,
Salinger technique (1min50sec)
Pictures of computer of the camera moving around brain, and producing 3D images of
the skull and the vessels in the brain while xray dye has been injected (2mins)
3D animated reconstruction of the blood vessels (2mins40sec)
Ajeet’s definition of an aneurism (3min20sec)
3D animation of aneurism in blood vessel with virtual catheter inserted (4mins)
Discussing timeline of lab (4min20sec)
Discussing reference animation for wires entering brain vessels during lab (5mins)
Discussing microcatheter insertion (6min)
Discussing roadmaps and how they are used and the equivalent lab activity (6min20sec)
Road map image on computer (6min35sec)
Discussing usage of the 3D models in the virtual lab (7mins)
Discussion of technology the students will learn about in lab: Ct scan, DSA, roadmapping
Explaining the major cause of death due to strokes/aneurisms = razor spasm(8mins30sec)
Ajeet talking about the key things he thinks the virtual lab should teach (9mins 30sec)
Essential concepts in hemerragic stroke, diagnostic, coil deposits, and dsa
Ajeets slide show (10min30sec)
What is an aneurism slide (10:50)
Subarachnoid hemerrage image slide (11:05)
Aneurism clipping slide (11:15)
Guliemi’s clip in slideshow (motivation for stroke treatment) (11:40)
Different images of different types of coils (13mins)
Animation of wire being introduced to the aneurism, microcatheter introduction,
wire removal, coil insertion, electrolytic detachment, and thrombus formation
Animation of wide neck aneurism, and ballooning (16mins)
Animation of stint (not for public use), and the coiling procedure for wide neck
aneurism (16:20)
Ischemic Stroke slides( 19:20)
Ajeet talking about most common forms of strokes and most common treatments and
where they are in development (20:30)
Second power point (22:30)
Animation, example images, and explanation of DSA digital subtraction angiography,
and explanation and example images of road mapping (23:30)
Real time imaging and overlay onto the constructed 3D image explanation (26mins)
Talking about radiation risks (27:20)
Images showing timeline of the roadmap creation (29mins)
Discussing “activity 1”  Identification of subarachnoid Hemorrhage on a noncontrasted CT scan (opening)
Viewing real CT scan & CT angiogram, manipulated on computer screen (1min3D map of blood vessels in brain (1min15sec)
Activity 2 Identification of aneurism (2mins)
Rotating 3D CT images (3min30sec)
DSA digital subtraction angiogram – blood vessel contrast (4min40sec)
Creation of 3D model of DSA (6mins30sec)
Activity 3 the surgery (9mins)
Angiographic procedure discussion (11mins30sec)
Discussing aspect ratio (13mins)
Microcathedar insertion and coiling procedures (15mins30secs)
Discussion of how to construct the wire insertion part of the surgery with accurate
interactive imaging the student uses to guide wire. (21mins)
Ajeet talking about being part of the medical field and the history of humanistic
medicine. (26mins) *the ART of MEDICINE
Viewing and discussing CT readouts and CTA readout, also talking about at which plain
to slice the image of the brain (29mins)
3D constructed angiogram images of brain blood vessels (31mins)
What medicine means to ajeet (32mins30secs)
Begins with discussion about the activity of making the CT scan, CT scan storyboarding
Coil Embolization storyboarding (2mins)
Discussing catheter animation (3mins)
Discussing animation for coiling wire entering the aneurism
Microcatheder animation, entering the aneurism(4mins)
Discussing how to animate the magnified views (5mins)
Discussing the closing of the wound (7mins)
Discussing the final print out/reward/certificate of completion information ( 9mins)
Discussing the two different sections of the catheter guiding of the wire (15mins)
Drawings of the catheter and the microcatheter
Discussing how the wires and catheters are moved up through the arteries, how the wires
mechanics and catheter mechanics allow it to move through body successfully (18mins)
Print out of what the 3D angiogram of the brains arteries
ajeet_gordhan_78sec/ ajeet_gordhan_80sec
explanation of how the foot pedal controls the xray pictures (0-30sec)
drawings and images of 360degree xray process (30-40sec)
ajeet talking about what medicine means to him (45sec)
just a combination of
Surgery intro
o Lab overview
 Explanations of different instruments
 Shorts of different mechanical devices used during surgery
o Footpedal
 Explanation of footpedal (1min-5mins) 0
o Monitors
 Explanation of moniters (5mins-10mins) 0
(26mins) close up on 3D image of
heart/arteries and blood vessels
o Xray machine
 discussing angio suite (45mins) 0
o Surgery devices
o 08jan21_dr_ajeet_gordhan
o Needle/wire insertion/ sheath (1min)
o Drawing sheath (2mins)
o Discussing needles used (3mins)
o Coiling wires
o detachable coils (37mins)
o balloon coiling (39mins)
 Sheath
 Catheters
 Microcatheters
 Needles
 Etc.
Meet Ajeet
 What medicine means to ajeet (ajeet_gordhan_2feb08)
 Salinger technique (gordhan_highlights_08jan21_v2)
 Ajeet talking about being part of the medical field and the history
of humanistic medicine. (26mins) *the ART of MEDICINE
o ajeet_gordhan_16feb08
o Discussing how the wires and catheters are moved up through the
arteries, how the wires mechanics and catheter mechanics allow it
to move through body successfully (18mins)
o Discussing the closing of the wound (7mins)
o gordhan_highlights_08jan21_v2
 Ajeet’s definition of an aneurism
 Talking about radiation risks (27:20)
 Ajeet talking about most common forms of strokes and most
common treatments and where they are in development (20:30)
 Explaining the major cause of death due to strokes/aneurisms =
razor spasm(8mins30sec)
 Guliemi’s clip in slideshow (motivation for stroke treatment)
Animation of wire being introduced to the aneurism, microcatheter
introduction, wire removal, coil insertion, electrolytic detachment,
and thrombus formation (13:30) (8b)
o ajeet_gordhan_16feb08
 Begins with discussion about the activity of making the CT
scan, CT scan storyboarding (opening)
 Discussing the final print out/reward/certificate of completion
information ( 9mins)
 Coil Embolization storyboarding (2mins)
 Discussing catheter animation (3mins)
 Discussing animation for coiling wire entering the
 Microcatheder animation, entering the aneurism(4mins)
o ajeet_gordhan_2feb08
 Discussing “activity 1”  Identification of subarachnoid
Hemorrhage on a non-contrasted CT scan (opening)
 Activity 2 Identification of aneurism (2mins)
 Activity 3 the surgery (9mins)
 Discussing aspect ratio (13mins)
 Discussion of how to construct the wire insertion part of the
surgery with accurate interactive imaging the student uses to
guide wire. (21mins)
o gordhan_highlights_08jan21_v2
 Process of accessing the groin artery *activity 1 (1mins)
 Drawing of the beginning of the surgery (2mins)
o Drawing the needle entering the vessel, the
sheath, the hub,
 *Discussing timeline of lab (4min20sec)
 Discussing roadmaps and how they are used and the equivalent
lab activity (6min20sec)
 Discussing usage of the 3D models in the virtual lab (7mins)
 Discussion of technology the students will learn about in lab:
Ct scan, DSA, roadmapping (7min30sec)
 Ajeet talking about the key things he thinks the virtual lab
should teach (9mins 30sec)
o Essential concepts in hemerragic stroke, diagnostic, coil
deposits, and dsa roadmapping
3D angiograms
 08jan21_dr_ajeet_gordhan
o Explaining 3D imaging/angiogram (6mins)
o Explaining selection of neck muscle for angiogram
 Imaging vessel
o Identifying target aneurism (10mins)
o Pictures of computer of the camera moving around brain, and
producing 3D images of the skull and the vessels in the brain while
xray dye has been injected (2mins)
o 3D animated reconstruction of the blood vessels (2mins40sec)
o 3D animation of aneurism in blood vessel with virtual catheter
inserted (4mins)
o Discussing usage of the 3D models in the virtual lab (7mins)
o Real time imaging and overlay onto the constructed 3D image
explanation (26mins)??
o Viewing real CT scan & CT angiogram, manipulated on computer
screen (1mino 3D map of blood vessels in brain (1min15sec)
o Rotating 3D CT images (3min30sec)
o Angiographic procedure discussion (11mins30sec)
o Viewing and discussing CT readouts and CTA readout, also
talking about at which plain to slice the image of the brain
o 3D constructed angiogram images of brain blood vessels (31mins)
o Begins with discussion about the activity of making the CT scan,
CT scan storyboarding (opening)
o Print out of what the 3D angiogram of the brains arteries
o Viewing real CT scan & CT angiogram, manipulated on computer
screen (1min- ajeet_gordhan_2feb08)
o Rotating 3D CT images (3min30sec) ajeet_gordhan_2feb08)
o Viewing and discussing CT readouts and CTA readout, also
talking about at which plain to slice the image of the brain
(29mins) ajeet_gordhan_2feb08
o Begins with discussion about the activity of making the CT scan,
CT scan storyboarding (opening) ajeet_gordhan_16feb08
o Explanation and drawing of accessing the groin arteries
o Needle/wire insertion/ sheath (1min)
o Drawing sheath (2mins)
o Cycling through images of different parts of the body involved in the surgery
(5mins) 08jan21_dr_ajeet_gordhan
o Process of accessing the groin artery *activity 1 (1mins)
o Drawing of the beginning of the surgery (2mins)
o Drawing the needle entering the vessel, the sheath, the hub,
o ajeet_gordhan_2feb08 (#5d)
o Activity 3 the surgery (9mins)
o Angiographic procedure discussion (11mins30sec)
o DSA roadmaps (22mins)
o discussing and displaying how a roadmap is constructed and what is being
seen in the roadmap (48mins)
o step by step creation of roadmap (53mins)
o 3D animated reconstruction of the blood vessels (2mins40sec)
o Discussing roadmaps and how they are used and the equivalent lab activity
o Road map image on computer (6min35sec)
o Discussion of technology the students will learn about in lab: Ct scan, DSA,
roadmapping (7min30sec)
o Animation, example images, and explanation of DSA digital subtraction
angiography, and explanation and example images of road mapping (23:30)
o Real time imaging and overlay onto the constructed 3D image explanation
o Images showing timeline of the roadmap creation (29mins)
o 3D map of blood vessels in brain (1min15sec)
o Rotating 3D CT images (3min30sec)
o DSA digital subtraction angiogram – blood vessel contrast (4min40sec)
o Creation of 3D model of DSA (6mins30sec)
o 3D constructed angiogram images of brain blood vessels (31mins)
o Print out of what the 3D angiogram of the brains arteries
o Cycling through images of different parts of the body involved in the surgery
o Microcatheder insertion explanation (20mins)
o Choosing the right shape
o 3D animation of aneurism in blood vessel with virtual catheter inserted (4mins)
o Discussing reference animation for wires entering brain vessels during lab
o Discussing microcatheter insertion (6min)
o Animation of wire being introduced to the aneurism, microcatheter introduction,
wire removal, coil insertion, electrolytic detachment, and thrombus formation
o Angiographic procedure discussion (11mins30sec)
o Microcathedar insertion and coiling procedures (15mins30secs)
o Discussion of how to construct the wire insertion part of the surgery with accurate
interactive imaging the student uses to guide wire. (21mins)
o Coil Embolization storyboarding (2mins)
o Discussing catheter animation (3mins)
o Discussing animation for coiling wire entering the aneurism
o Microcatheder animation, entering the aneurism(4mins)
o Discussing the two different sections of the catheter guiding of the wire (15mins)
o Drawings of the catheter and the microcatheter
o Discussing how the wires and catheters are moved up through the arteries, how
the wires mechanics and catheter mechanics allow it to move through body
successfully (18mins)
Coiling the aneurism
o Identifying target aneurism (10mins)
 Explaining the measuring of the aneurism width and neck width
 And explaining coiling process
o deciding what coiling wire to use (29mins)
o detachable coils (37mins)
o Animation of wide neck aneurism, and ballooning (16mins)
o Animation of stint (not for public use), and the coiling procedure for wide
neck aneurism (16:20)
o Angiographic procedure discussion (11mins30sec)
o Microcathedar insertion and coiling procedures (15mins30secs)
o Discussion of how to construct the wire insertion part of the surgery with accurate
interactive imaging the student uses to guide wire. (21mins)
o Coil Embolization storyboarding (2mins)
o Discussing catheter animation (3mins)
o Discussing animation for coiling wire entering the aneurism
o Microcatheder animation, entering the aneurism(4mins)
o Discussing how the wires and catheters are moved up through the arteries, how
the wires mechanics and catheter mechanics allow it to move through body
successfully (18mins)