Parent-Student-Teacher Compact - Mossy Head School

Walton County School District Title I Program
Mrs. Alex Laird
I will:
1. Come to school every
day, on time, and
ready to do my very
2. Complete all work
given to me at school
and home, and study
every day.
3. Understand that the
harder I work, the
better I will do in
4. Share what I am
learning every day
with my family.
Date: ___________________
Date: ___________________
Date: ___________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________________________
Teacher Signature: __________________________________________
Best time to contact teacher: 11:15-11:45 & 2:30-3:00 PM
Phone Number: __(850) 892-1290
We will:
1. Attend all 3 APTT
parent meetings and
1 parent conference
this year.
2. Give our student a
special place to study
at home.
3. Help our student
every day using the
activities we are
given during the
parent meetings.
4. Know our student’s
strengths and
weaknesses by
attending meetings
and talking to our
student’s teacher.
5. Have our student in
school, and on time,
every day.
Student Signature: __________________________________________
E-mail Address:
Teacher’s Name:
Key areas of academic
I will:
development in Kindergarten
1. Always do my very
English Language Arts:
best teaching
 Identify all 26 upper case
students and expect
letters, 26 lower case
my students to do
letters, and 26 letter
their very best every
 Know 60 or more sight
2. Provide all families
with the
information they
 Express an opinion,
need to help their
preference, or thought
student learn at
about a topic, book, or
personal experience /idea
3. Always give my
in writing.
students and
families feedback on
 Count, recognize, and write
the progress of their
numbers up to 20.
learning and help
 Add/ Subtract up to five
them set goals they
can reach.
 Count to 100 by 1’s
4. Create a learning
environment that
meets the needs of
my students.
Meet or Exceed Kindergarten
Academic Standards
Mossy Head School Family-Student-Teacher Compact for Kindergarten
This Parent-Student-Teacher Compact is in effect during school year 2015-2016
Mossy Head School, and parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA), agree that this compact outlines how parents, entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for
improved student academic achievement and the means by which Mossy Head School and parents will build and develop a partnership that will
help children achieve Florida’s high standards. Mossy Head School’s Title I Parent Involvement Plan outlines/describes specific activities and
services required to fulfill the school’s responsibilities.
This compact is a voluntary agreement and a promise of commitment to help ______________________________________ progress in school,
promoting his/her achievement.
(Student Name)
Please note: This is not a legally binding document, but was created with the best educational interests of your child in mind. If you have questions, contact
your child’s school or the district office at 892-1154.
Mossy Head School Family-Student-Teacher Compact for Kindergarten
This Parent-Student-Teacher Compact is in effect during school year 2015-2016
Mossy Head School will:
 Purchase and provide high-quality curriculum and materials and employ highly-qualified staff that enables
students to meet Florida’s student academic achievement standards.
 Hold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually) for this compact to be discussed as it relates to the
individual student’s achievement.
 Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress during each nine weeks.
 Provide parents reasonable access to school staff during non-instructional time.
 Provide parents opportunities to volunteer in the school and participate in their child’s class.
 Provide an atmosphere devoted to teaching the students how to be responsible, respectful, compassionate,
and to use self-control; therefore, becoming better students and better citizens.
 Present a focus on Reading and Math skills to improve academic achievement.
Acronyms that you might see throughout the school year:
 PAC= Parent Advisory Council
 PRC= Parent Resource Center
 APTT= Academic Parent Teacher Training
 SIP= School Improvement Plan
 SIT= School Improvement Team
 IEP= Individualized Education Plan
 PTO= Parent Teacher Organization
 RTI= Response to Intervention
 MTSS= Multi Tiered System of Success
 PLC= Professional Learning Community (teachers)
 AR= Accelerated Reading Program
Please note: This is not a legally binding document, but was created with the best educational interests of your child in mind. If you have questions, contact
your child’s school or the district office at 892-1154.
Walton County School District Title I Program