Skeletal System

Skeletal System
Framework- support
Protect- organ protection
Blood- produces blood cells (red and white cells)
Storage area of calcium
Acts as a lever- muscle attach to bones to provide movement
Two Parts of Skeleton
Appendicular- arms and legs, shoulders
Axial skeletal- skull, rib, spinal column
Types of Bones
Long- arms and legs
Short- bones in wrist and ankles
Flat- sternum and some cranial bones
Bone imbedded in tissue- knee cap
Irregular- vertebrae
Joints- where bones join together
Ligaments- connective tissue that attach bone to bone
Tendons- connective tissue that connects bone to muscle
Joints Classification
1. Diarthrosis-freely movable- ball in socket (hip and shoulder)
2. Ginglymusinge- hinge joints- elbow and knee
3. Amphiarthrosis- slightly movable- vertebrae to ribs
4. Synarthrosis- immovable- skull
8 cranial bones
Frontal bone- makes forehead
Parietal (2)- back of head
Temporal (2)- side of head
Occipital- lower back of head
14 Facial bones
Maxilla (2)-upper jaw
Zygomatic (2)- cheek bone
Nasal (5)- nose
Mandible- lower jaw
Palatine (2)- roof of mouth
Lacrimal (2)- eye sockets
TMJ- temporal, mandible, joint
Sutures- bones meet together, cracky lines in skull
Soft spot- (fontanels) occurs in ages 18 months of age
Sinuses- air spaces in skull
Sutures- areas where cranial bones meet together
Foramina- openings in bone to allow nerves and blood vessels to enter or leave
Internal disks- acts as a shock absorber (intervertbral disks)
7 Cervical bones
12 Thoracic- corresponds to 12 ribs
5 Lumbar
Ribs –12 pairs and they match thoracic vertebrae
True ribs- first seven attach to sternum
False ribs- last five- first three attach to cartilage of rid above
Last Two- “floating ribs”
Scapula- shoulder bone
Clavicle- collar bone
Sternum- breast bone
Xiphoid process- pointed lower part of breastbone
Bones of Arms/Hands:
1. upper bone- humerus
2. smaller lower bone- radius
3. larger lower bone- ulna
4. wrist bones- carpals (8)
5. palm of hand- metacarpals(5)
6. fingers- phalanges (14)
Os Coxae (pelvic Girdle that joins the Sacrum in back)
Symphysis pubis- woman’s expandable bone (center of lower part)
Ilium- Bowl-like part of hip bone
Ishium- end part
Bones in Legs
Femur- large thigh bone
Patella- knee
Tibia- larger lower bone
Fibula –small lower bone
Ankle- tarsals (7)
Top of foot- metatarsals(5)
Toes- phalanges (14)
Diseases of the Skeletal System
Arthritis- inflammation of joints
Bursistis- inflammation of bursae which are small fluid filled sacs surrounding joints
Fracture- crack or break in bone
Reduction is realignment of bone (closed uses traction and splints and open uses surgery)
Greenstick- bone is bent and splits and incomplete break
Simple or closed- complete break but does not break skin
Compound or open- bone breaks and ruptures through skin
Impacted- broken bone jams into each other
Comminuted- bone fragments or splinters
Spiral- bone twists resulting in one or more breaks
Depressed- a broken piece of skull moves inward
Colles- breaking distal end or radius causing a bulge at wrist
Transverse- break across bone
Oblique- break diagonally across bone
Dislocation- bone is forcibly removed from joint
Sprain- tearing ligaments at a joint
Osteomyelitis- inflammation and infection inside a bone in medullary canal
Osteoporosis- increased porosity and softening of bones
Ruptured Disk- also known as herniated or slipped disk; a laminectomy may be needed
Abnormal curvatures of spine
Kyphosis- hunchback
Lordosis- swayback
Scoliosis- “S” shaped spine
Osteogenesis imperfecta- is a condition causing extremely fragile bones