JORDAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Medicine - DEPT. of Public Health. EPIDEMIOLOGY (PH 760) - 3 Credit Hours Coordinator: Professor Anwar Batieha COURSE DESCRIPTION This course describes the principal epidemiological concepts and their role to improve public health program delivery. The core epidemiological functions are substantiated by the main uses of epidemiology in health services. The course would also include identifying those components of the applied epidemiology training that are relevant to public health problems in Jordan. The course covers: sources of epidemiological data; dynamics of disease transmission; types of epidemiological methods; measuring disease occurrence; assessing the natural history of disease; identifying the cause of disease; assessing the efficacy of preventing and therapeutic measures; examining validity and reliability of diagnostic tests 2. GENERAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this course, trainees are expected to: - Summarize epidemiological approach to address public health problems. - Explain the core epidemiological functions - Describe the role of applied epidemiology in support of MoH mission and goals - Discuss main uses of epidemiology - Identify sources of epidemiological data - Describe dynamics of disease transmission - Assess indices used in measuring disease occurrence - Examine potential uses of different types of epidemiological methods - Examine methods to identify the cause of disease - Assess the validity and reliability of diagnostic and screening tests - diagnosis assessing the natural history of disease - prognosis assessing the efficacy of preventing and therapeutic measures – therapy Using epidemiology in health service evaluation and in evaluation of screening 3. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Emphasis is on case-based instruction, with students actively participating in their learning. Instructional methods include: - Lectures - Group discussion - Group projects - Homework assignments - Library meetings and reviewing literatures 4. RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOKS Epidemiology by Leon Gordis, 3rd. edition Principles of epidemiology 2nd. Edition, US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, Epidemiology Program Office. 5. COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES No. Title Learning Objectives 1 Epidemiological concepts 2 Uses of epidemiology 3 Sources of epidemiology data Explain foundation of role of epidemiology in improving population health Describe functions of epidemiologist Describe epidemiology approach to disease and intervention Explain use of epidemiology in identifying disease causation Discuss the use of epidemiology in health service evaluation and policy Explain concept and application of clinical epidemiology list main sources of epidemiology data Differentiate between routine and survey data No. Title Learning Objectives 4 Dynamics of disease transmission Identify modes of transmission Differentiate between clinical and sub clinical disease Differentiate between endemic, epidemic and pandemic status Define herd immunity 5 Measuring disease occurrence 6 Descriptive Epidemiological methods Differentiate between incidence and prevalence Identify problems with incidence and prevalence Describe relationship between incidence and prevalence Describe measures of mortality Identify proportional rates Describe years of potential life lost Summarize problems with mortality data Calculate direct and indirect age adjustment Identify measures of quality of life Describe the different types of descriptive epidemiological studies List uses of descriptive studies Describe the differences between a survey and surveillance 7 Analytic Epidemiological studies Describe the differences between descriptive and analytic studies Describe characteristics of a cohort (prospective) study Describe characteristics of a case control (retrospective) study 8 Association and causation 9 Validity and reliability of diagnostic tests Explain the differences between the various models of causation State the relationship between association and causation Explain the different types of causal inference List Hill's causal criteria Identify: Bias, confounding and interaction Describe concept of sensitivity and specificity Discuss Bayes' rule Compute predictive value of a test Calculate likelihood ratio Describe trade off between sensitivity and specificity Identify uses of Receiver operator characteristic Describe relation of prevalence to PVP Discuss multiple testing Calculate reliability indices of tests No. Title Learning Objectives 10 Natural history of disease – Expressing prognosis 11 Efficacy of preventive and therapeutic measures Compute case fatality rate compute person – years Discuss survival measures Calculate a life table Describe the Kaplan – Meier method Describe randomization in clinical trails Discuss measurement of outcome Describe crossover design Describe factorial design Discuss ethical considerations in clinical trails 12 Evaluation of health service and evaluation of screening programs Differentiate: Efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency Identify measures of outcome Evaluation using individual data Natural history of disease and disease progression Study designs for evaluation of screening programs