News from Wood Elementary School September

Wood Elementary School
Phone 250 724-1132
Welcome to Wood Elementary School……..
September 10, 2015
I would like to welcome all students and their parents to a new and exciting school year. I am
looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting our new students and their families.
Mr. G. Selva – Principal
Class Organization and Staffing
Grade K
Mrs. L. Milliken
Literacy Support/Special Ed/L.A.
Grade K\1
Ms. J. Finley
Literacy Support
Grade 1\2
Ms. K. Kendrick
Grade 2
Ms. I. Hill/Mrs. S.Coulson Library
Grade 2/3
Mrs. J. Goode
Grade 3/4
Mrs. K. Clark/Mrs. B. West
Grade 4/5
Ms. H. MacLeod
Grade 5/6
Mr. J. Messenger/Ms. T. Rees
Mrs. S. Cox
Ms. T. Blais
Ms. D. McGunigal
Mrs. W. Paruk
Mrs. J.Chase
Mrs .N. Sanders
Mrs. B. West
Mrs. K. Clark
Mrs. S. Roberts
Mrs. D. Farrell
Mrs. M. Dwolinsky
Nuu Chah Nulth Worker – Mrs. I. Sanders Secretary – Mrs. P. Schwager
Noon Hour Supervisors
Mrs. S. Cox
Ms. T. Blais
Ms. D. McGunigal
Mrs. W. Paruk
Mrs. S. Wallman
Mrs. S. Roberts
Mrs. D. Farrell
Custodian – Mrs. S. Wong
Principal – Mr. G. Selva
Vice-Principal – Mr. J. Messenger
From time to time, students may get their names and/or pictures in the local media (Newspaper,
Shaw Cable, school website etc.) related to a school or school district function. If you do not wish
your child’s name or picture to appear in the media, please contact the school.
Agendas (Student Planners)
Thank you to our PAC for purchasing agendas for our grade 2 to 5 students. They are an important
part of classroom daily routines and planning. Students must bring their agenda to and from school
every day.
KEEPING OUR STUDENTS SAFE - School Drop-off and Pick-up:
To ensure that all our students are safe at the beginning and end of the school day, we are asking
you to use the parking loop on the corner of Wallace Street and Wood Avenue. Dropping
students off in front of the school creates congestion and confusion which significantly increases
the chances of a serious accident. If you are late picking up your child, we ask that you come
to the office to collect them. We cannot supervise students safely if they are waiting for rides
at various places around the school.
Bikes, Scooters and Skateboards - Students who ride bikes, scooters or skateboards to school
must wear helmets for safety and legal reasons. Bikes should also be locked up at the bike rack.
Students may not ride bikes or scooters or skateboards on the school grounds until 3:00 when most
students are safely off the school grounds. Students should walk their bikes on to the school
grounds to the bike racks.
Taxicabs - We realize that on occasion some families may need to send a taxi to pick up their child.
Please contact the school to let us know when this will occur. Failure to let us know will result in
our phoning the family to confirm this form of pickup.
Safe Arrival - Parents should make sure students arrive at school safely. Once students are at
school, staff will supervise students in and out of the school during school hours. If a student is
going to be away, please contact the school and let us know. The school may contact parents if we
note a significant number of absences. Student supervision begins at 8:40; students should
not arrive before this time unless there is an extracurricular activity planned.
*Students who arrive late must check in at the office.
Parents who need to pick up children during the school day must sign their children out at the
office. This is another safety measure for your children.
School Roof - Any student found going on a school roof will be given a 3 day suspension. Any
student found to be on a school roof for a second time shall be suspended indefinitely. This is in
accordance with school district regulation 5150.1 (R).
Kids Plus Accident Insurance - We will be sending home information for families to voluntarily
purchase student accident insurance through the Kids Plus Accident Insurance program.
School Meals Program – (Lunch Program) - This program starts September 14. A consent/pay
envelope must be signed by a parent/guardian. The cost for September is $30.00, other months the
cost is $60.00. Information and envelopes will be sent home this week with students historically on
the program, and with those who think they may like to go on the program. Please ensure your
child returns a signed envelope by Friday. We have a limited number of lunches to offer. Any
other parents wishing their child to be on the program, please contact the school right away and we
will see if we can accommodate (if we haven’t reach our maximum yet).
BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program - This program is brought to us by the BC
Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation. BC grown fruits and vegetables are delivered to our
school approximately once a month. They are delivered to classrooms and offered to students.
This program is part of the provincial government’s healthy eating initiative. Please inform the
school if you do not wish your child to participate, or if your child has any allergies.
Run for Fitness - Wood School does a fitness run everyday (weather permitting) at 11:45. The
route follows the path to Echo Centre, then turns at the Lawn Bowling facility where we head back
to the school. All students are expected to participate. Please send a note if your child is to be
excused for any medical reason. Students should always have a pair of running shoes at school.
We will be starting this Friday. (Kindergarten students will start later in the year)
Electronic Devices - We recommend that students do not bring electronic devices such as digital
cameras, cell phones, music players and games to school. They are easily broken, misplaced or go
missing. Students and parents should be aware that staff will not be responsible for these
School Hours *Please note the new start/dismissal times
New Start time:
Fitness Run: 11:45-12:00
New Dismissal: