McQuistion School
2014-2015 Parent Student
August 2014
Dear McQuistion Parents :
Welcome to the new school year! I want to take this opportunity to welcome the returning
McQuistion families as well as those new to our school this year.
This handbook provides some information that you will find helpful to begin the year and
also that you can use along the way as questions come up. I hope that you will review it
now and also keep it in a handy place should you need to refer to it as the year progresses.
Best wishes for a terrific school year.
L. Peifer, Principal
McQuistion School
McQuistion Elementary School
210 Mechling Drive
Butler, PA 16001
214-3900 or 214-3902 Fax 287-1119
Linda Peifer
Kathy A. Eamigh
Classroom Teachers
Caitlyn Thomas
Elizabeth Wright
Grade 1 Room
Danielle Conrad Neyman
Tiffany Smith
Lindsay Rahl
Grade 2 Room
Heather Campbell
Jamie Wareham
Amanda Gold
Grade 3 Room
Kathleen Eichner
Carol May
Wendy Laconi
Grade 4 Room
Grade 5
Craig Stewart
Kimberly Trofimuk
Andrea Tigano
Christine Allison
Kristy Gray
Stacy Ellis
Grade 6 Room
Correne Jones
Learning Support
Lena Matteson
Kimberly Thomas
Denise Karenbauer
Sp Ed K
10 1
Casey Sarvey
Staci Kelly
Peggy Tonini
Matthew Martinez
Jennifer Yeager
Remedial Reading
Courtney Young
Lindsey Crummy
Nicole Lewis
Itinerant Staff
Healthroom Technician
Vocal Music
Instrumental Music
Physical Education
Bus Supervisor
Michele Harold
Cara Cudlipp
Diane Kemp
Connie Klugh
Carrie Persichini
Jana Karenbauer
Sandra Augustine
Amy Genkinger
Maggie Mullen
Jamie LeFebvre
Angie Schnur
Dwayne Christy
Randy Johnston
Courtney Young
Mr. Donald Pringle
Mr. William Halle
Mr. Carmen Bianco
Mrs. Karen Callihan
Mr. John Conrad
Mr. James Keffalas
Mr. Neil Convery
Mr. David Korn
Mr. Alvin Vavro
Dr. Dale Lumley
Dr. Brian Slamecka
Dr. Mary Wolf
Ms. Debbie Brandstetter
Mr. Aaron Royhab
Mrs. Cari Boozel
Mr. Jim Pritchard
Assistant Superintendent 7-12
Assistant Superintendent K-6
Supervisor of Business Services
Supervisor of Special Education
Assistant Supervisor of Special Education
Supervisor of Food Services
“Butler Area School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap in its activities,
programs or employment practices as required by Title IV, Title IX, and Section 504.
For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Dr. Dale Lumley, Title
IX Coordinator, or Mr. Aaron Royhab, Section 504 Coordinator, at 110 Campus Lane,
Butler, PA 16001, 724-287-8721. For more information regarding services, activities, and
facilities, that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact Mr. Aaron
Royhab at (724) 287-8721.
Office Hours:
210 Mechling Drive
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
School Day:
9:15-3:30 p.m.
Morning Kindergarten
Afternoon Kindergarten
9:00 a.m. to 11:53 a.m.
12:53- p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
School Colors:
School Mascot:
Blue and White
Golden Tornado
Updating Information
It is important that information provided at enrollment or at the beginning of
each school year be updated as changes occur. Please submit in writing such
changes as a new home address or phone number and persons to be contacted in
the event of an emergency.
Regular Schedule:
9:15 a.m. – 11:53 a.m.
12:53p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
One-hour Delay:
10:15 a.m. - 11:53 a.m.
12:53 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Two-hour Delay:
11:15 a.m. - 12:55 p.m.
1:55 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Students in Grades 1 through 6 begin their day at 9:15 a.m. and
conclude their day at 3:30 p.m. Students will not be permitted into the
school building prior to 8:45 a.m. unless specific permission is given by
the school principal. If your job or other responsibilities require you to
leave home prior to your child’s bus arriving, you will have to make other
arrangements, rather than bringing your child to school early. There are,
at times, obvious exceptions due to emergencies, etc.
Teachers are not required to be in their classrooms until
8:45 a.m. so children that arrive earlier cannot be properly supervised.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Children may enter Kindergarten if they have reached their fifth birthday on or before September 1.
Children may enter Grade one if they have reached their sixth birthday on or before September 1.
No exceptions will be made to this requirement.
Registration--Spring of the preceding school year (March)
Orientation Information Meeting--Spring of the preceding school year (March)
Open House—August before the start of school
Reminder: The B.A.S.D. Transportation Department determines which session
Kindergarten students will attend. If a parent requests that their child be switched to a
different session (ie from AM to PM) this request must be put in writing. If the request is
honored, parents must then be responsible for transportation for the child.
Parents of all new students transferring within the Butler Area School District, or from
another district/state must come to the office to register their child(ren).
School starts at 9:15 a.m. Students should not arrive prior to 8:45. Students who arrive before 8:45
must have permission and may be expected to bring an Accelerated Reading book with them to read
or other work so they can wait quietly until reporting to classrooms at 8:45.
Students who are habitually late for school may be assigned to make up time through after-school
detention. Additionally, tardies may be compiled and recorded as an unexcused absence (BASD
Policy #204).
Students are dismissed from school at 3:30. Students who are to be dismissed earlier must bring a
note and be signed out by an adult at the school office.
Regular and punctual attendance at all school sessions is expected of our students. Studies have
shown that absences have a direct relationship to student achievement. Parents are urged to
understand the important role they play in this situation and to establish a good attitude toward school
and foster good attendance habits in their children.
A student absence excuse, which states the exact cause of the absence and is signed by the parent
is required when a child returns to school following any absence. If no written excuse is received
within five days, the absence will be considered as unexcused (illegal).
Regular school attendance is very important to ensure the continuity of our
educational program. Excused absences can include the following:
Family emergency
Prearranged Doctor and Dental appointment
Certain religious holidays not already observed on our Calendar.
Your written excuse, following your child’s absence, must include some
clarification as to the absence.
Please ask the secretary for a Waiver of Compulsory Attendance form before taking your child
out of school for any reason other than those above.
If a child is to be released during the school day, parents are requested to send a written note to
school stating when and why their child is to be excused. Parents are asked to report to the office to
pick up their child or children. Visitors should not go directly to the classroom. We must know the
identity of the person to whom the student is to be released.
Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8:45 and be in their classroom, ready to work,
promptly at 9:15. Those students not in their classroom at 9:15 are considered tardy. Students with
repeated unexcused tardies shall be subject to disciplinary action.
The exact reason for a student's absence from school must be stated on the excuse. Words such as
"ill, sick, etc.," should be clarified. Also, an excuse is to be presented within five (5) school days from
the day of returning to school or the dates for which excuses have not been recorded will be recorded
as unexcused absence.
In situations where excused or unexcused absence determination is in question, the principal will
make the final decision.
Since interruptions from the regular school setting can interfere with the educational process,
parents are encouraged to schedule vacations and recreational trips at times other than on days
when school is in session. If it is necessary that a child be withdrawn from school, even for 1 day,
an "Application For Waiver of Compulsory Attendance" must be completed in full and returned to the
principal two weeks in advance of the date for which approval is requested. For the absence to be
recorded as an excused absence, approval must be granted by the building principal. Application
forms are available in the school office. More than one (1) vacation per year is discouraged. It is
suggested that the absence not exceed five (5) school days in length.
Students are NOT permitted to ride their bicycles, scooters or skateboards to school.
The breakfast program will be offered this year through our food service department. Students may
get breakfast from 8:45-9:15 a.m. Students who are having breakfast at school should go to the
cafeteria as soon as they arrive. The full price for a breakfast is $1.00. Reduced price breakfasts
cost $0.30. Students who qualify for a free lunch also are eligible for a free breakfast. Breakfast is
NOT served on Act 80 days or on days when school is delayed.
When students are transported to school by bus, a bus patrol program is used to assist the driver
with bus safety. Bus Safety Patrols, in most cases, are fifth and sixth grade students who have been
selected by their classroom teachers and bus drivers. The purpose of the patrols, is to assist in the
loading and unloading of each student, assist the driver in emergency situations, and identify and
report to the driver possible problems, discipline or otherwise. Patrols are stationed in the front,
middle, and back of each bus. Each school that utilizes a bus patrol program also has a bus patrol
supervisor who coordinates the program and works with the patrols on a regular basis. (At
McQuistion this is Mrs. Young).
Your child should arrive early at the bus stop the first week. The routes
have been established, but arrival times are estimated and may be
Instruct your child in highway safety habits and insist that the safest and
most direct route to and from the bus stop be taken. Pupils are not to
ride bicycles to the school. They are not to walk home if assigned to a
FRIENDS OR TO RELATIVES HOMES. Instruct them to go directly
home after school. School is dismissed at 3:30 p.m..
The bus drivers have been entrusted with the responsibility of driving
your children to and from school. They are the adults in charge, give
them your support. If your child is reported for misbehavior, you will be
called or notified by mail, a progressive penalty system will be used as a
disciplinary measure. The Policy is available online.
If your child is suspended from using the bus service, you (the guardian)
are responsible for bringing him/her to and from school during the
suspension period.
Parents are reminded that it is necessary to contact Transportation on a
yearly basis if you are asking for any change in your child’s bus stop.
Ex: Baby-sitter, etc. (287-8721, Ext 3136 or 3137).
Students who ride a bus to school are expected to follow the bus driver's directions, obey all safety
rules, and treat others with courtesy while riding the school bus. Students who misbehave and
violate safety regulations may lose the privilege of riding the school bus. If this occurs, parents are
legally responsible for transportation to and from school, even if it causes major inconvenience.
Parents should stress to their children that they expect proper behavior on the bus.
No student is permitted to change busses at any time. Any requests to change a student's bus or
bus stop must be for a full five (5) days and have the approval of the Supervisor of Transportation.
Please do not request a bus change to accommodate a student wanting to visit another student's
house. In this situation, we respectfully ask that parents provide transportation. Students who ride
busses to school are to report directly to their classrooms once they arrive at school.
Cafeteria/ School Lunches
The secretary must call in the number of lunches ordered each day by 9:45 a.m. If
you child has an appointment or will be late, call us to let us know if he/she will be eating a
school lunch, otherwise they will not receive a regular lunch. Lunch including a drink is
$2.00. White or chocolate milk, ice tea, orange drink is $.50. If you pack your children’s
lunches, please be sure to include all the items they need to use such as: utensils, straws,
salt, etc.
Guidelines are as follows:
Student lunches must be ordered by 9:45 a.m. If a child is coming to school late (due to a
doctor’s appointment, etc.), please call to order a lunch (724/214-3900).
Each student must sit at his assigned table. Each student is responsible for keeping his
table clean and properly disposing of all trash.
There shall be no food passing and by all means no food throwing.
Unless a child is ill or has a note from a parent, each child is expected to eat a
lunch, either one carried from home or purchased in school.
Conversational voices should be used by students as they socialize. Yelling and noisemaking are not permitted.
Except with special permission, toys and electronic devices are not permitted in the
Cafeteria monitors will maintain orderly control of the students in the lunchroom. Students
creating problems will be reported to the classroom teachers. Repeat violators and violations of a
more severe nature will be reported directly by the school principal.
Students who are required to brush their teeth after lunch are to make arrangements with
their classroom teachers to do so at the conclusion of their lunch period. Students are to be certain
this practice does not detract from the appearance of the restroom facilities.
Students are to remain in the cafeteria for the entire 30 minute lunch period unless
constructively engaged in a supervised activity with the classroom teacher. Students will only be
released from the cafeteria with written permission from a staff member.
Pupils will remain seated until their classroom teacher directs the pupils to line up at the
conclusion of the lunch period.
Section 5323.2 of the Butler Area School District Policy Manual states:
"A student who
misbehaved during lunch time (leaving tray, throwing food, etc.) may be assigned to a specified
table, detentions, cleaning responsibilities or temporary in-school suspension."
Elementary Student Lunches
Reduced Price Lunch
Beverages (white milk, chocolate milk,
ice tea, and orange drink)
Ice Cream and snacks
Reduced Price Breakfast
$ .40
$ .40
$ .50
$ .30
If a student "forgets" his lunch money, he will be given the opportunity to call home for a
lunch or for money to buy the school lunch.
If the student cannot get through to his or her parents, he will be given a one-day grace
period and receive the school lunch for that day. The student still owes the cost of the lunch.
If the situation recurs, the same procedure as above will be followed except the student will
receive an alternate lunch for that day and subsequent days until all back charges are paid in full.
The alternate lunch is a bag lunch containing all of the required meal components, is fully
reimbursable, and the student still owes the cost of these lunches. Also, the name of the student will
be forwarded to the Food Service Office and a letter will be sent to the families owing money.
If the student is in the fourth grade or higher, after the third charged lunch and after the student and
parent have received a written warning, the SFA/Food Service Department can refuse to allow
additional meals until all back charges have been paid.
All matters concerning acceptable student behavior along with the range of consequences for
inappropriate behavior are outlined in the Elementary Discipline Policy for the Butler Area School
District.. Efforts will be made to reinforce the positive aspects of student behavior. However, if a
student chooses to disregard an initial warning concerning an infraction of the Elementary Discipline
Policy, it may result in the loss of certain privileges, after-school detention or suspension. Parents
will be notified whenever detention or suspensions are assigned.
Communication between the home and school is crucial in developing a mutual support system.
Involving a parent/guardian at the beginning of a behavior concern is the goal of the Butler Area
School District. In an effort to develop mutual support between the home and school, please review
the information outlined in the Elementary Discipline Policy with your child and discuss the
importance of self-discipline.
Students have primary responsibility for their actions and behavior. They must be willing to accept
the consequences for their actions and behavior.
McQuistion students:
are responsible for their actions.
follow school rules.
are respectful.
are kind.
use good manners.
A student will not make another student or staff member in the school feel unsafe.
A student will not call any other student or staff member a name that will hurt them.
A student who participates in any destructive act in school will be disciplined accordingly under the
rules of the school’s discipline code. In addition, any student who is involved in the planning of the
act or is aware of an act of destruction that has or may take place without contacting reporting it
immediately will be disciplined accordingly, under the rules of the school’s discipline code.
Make sure you understand the problem.
State your side clearly and calmly--Express your feelings honestly without
putting down others.
Be a good listener--Let others speak without interruption--Listen to the
other person's point of view--Put yourself in their shoes.
Brainstorm solutions--Learn to compromise--Find a "win-win" solution and
agree on it.
Carry out the solution.
Congratulate each other on your success in resolving the conflict.
The possession of paging devices, beepers, and laser pens is prohibited on school grounds, at
school-sponsored events, and on all school buses. Students may posses cell phones but the cell
phone MUST be turned off at all times in the school, on school property, and on school buses. Cell
phones must be kept out of sight and the student is entirely responsible for the phone as well as any
other personal property in his/her possession.
Students are not to bring audio listening devices (for example, CD players and MP3 players, and
ipods), handheld electronic devices or games, digital cameras or other such devices to school. If a
student does bring an item of this nature to school, he or she is entirely responsible for the item.
Items of value should never be brought to school.
Elementary guidance is an integral part of the total educational experience. Academic growth
cannot be separated from the social-emotional growth of a child. A students, parent, or teacher may
request counseling services for a child. The school counselor works with individual students and
classroom groups. All students are invited to talk over school related problems with the counselor.
Students may visit the counselor by appointment or upon the request of a teacher. Parents should
also feel free to consult with the counselor. Please call the school secretary to schedule an
The program is a collaborative effort among students, parents, teachers,
administration, and community.
Our school guidance counselor (Mrs. Schnur) has developed a lunchtime program for McQuistion
School students. The purpose of the program is to assist students in developing the communication
and behavioral skills, which are conducive to learning. The teacher, parent, student, or counselor
can make referrals to the lunchtime program. The focus of these lunchtime discussions will be to
review and celebrate the progress that students have made in achieving academic and behavioral
goals and to provide students with strategies for meeting those goals. Goals could include such
things as: volunteering an answer in class once a day, completing assigned homework, speaking to
one new classroom friend or improving scores on assessments. Parental permission is obtained
before a child is permitted to participate in this program. This may be done through a permission
letter or it may be noted as part of a parent-approved Student Support or guidance plan. In all
situations, parents will have full knowledge of the nature of the program and will have given
permission prior to student involvement.
The safety of our children is our greatest concern. The school holds regular drills to help each child
to respond calmly in the event of an emergency.
Fire drills, weather drills, and other emergency situation drills are conducted regularly. Detailed
escape plans are posted inside the door of each classroom. Each classroom has an escape route
to an outside area a safe distance from the building.
During weather drills, each classroom goes to an assigned area within the school and sits in a tuck
position with hands covering their head.
At the beginning of each school year parents or guardians are to complete a Student Data Sheet for
each child. These must be complete with local names and telephone numbers. It is necessary that
the persons listed are persons available during the school day in case a student becomes ill. It is
advised that you obtain permission from the individuals to be provided on the emergency data form
before listing them as contacts for emergency situations. These sheets are to be returned on the
second day of school and updated during the school year as needed.
Parents are responsible for keeping student information current. Please be sure to update as
phone numbers or address changes.
The Butler Area School District could be subjected to a variety of natural hazards (winter storms,
hurricanes, tornadoes, wind storms, etc.) and man made disasters (fire, hazardous materials
accidents, acts of vandalism/terrorism, enemy attack, etc.). As such, in order to provide for the
safety and welfare of the students it might be necessary to employ an emergency operation's plan
as prepared for each individual school. *Specific details of the district’s emergency plans can
be found at the district website:
Depending upon the type of hazard, one of the following conditions will exist for safely housing
1. Students will be sheltered at McQuistion School.
2. Students will be transported to and sheltered at the Northwest or the Intermediate
High School.
3. Students will be transported to and sheltered at the Knoch High School.
If an evacuation from the school is required, and McQuistion School is located
within the disaster area, students will be evacuated from McQuistion School to host schools. They
will be retained under school officials' custody until they are picked up by their parents, guardians,
and/or other properly authorized individuals.
If McQuistion School is outside the disaster area, students will be retained at School until they are
picked up by their parents, guardians, and/or other properly authorized individuals.
The school will not send children home early when their homes are inside the disaster area and an
evacuation is imminent. Students will not be sent home at any time when an evacuation is in
You will be kept informed on the location where you can regain custody of your children through
local radio and television announcements. *In the event that the district’s phone system
becomes inoperative, the emergency number for McQuistion School is 724-297-1119. This
number is only available when regular phone access has been interrupted.
*** Children will only be released to the custody of
those individuals for whom proper authorization
has been granted as provided on the BUTLER
Please have an Emergency Plan in place in case the children must be released from school due to an
unexpected emergency (example) power failure. It is impossible for us to make many phone calls at
this time - so please, talk with your child(ren) and give them some direction(s) to follow should an
early dismissal occur.
Return home as usual.
Go to a neighbor, if parent is not home.
Remain at school until parent/relative picks them up
English Language Learners (ELL’s) will receive instruction in the same curriculum areas as the
district’s English speaking students. Equity in providing these students’ successful achievement of
the standards and graduation requirements will be addressed by the regular classroom teachers
and/or the ESL teacher. The amount and type of ESL instruction provided will depend upon the
student’s level of language development and proficiency as determined by an appropriate English
Language Proficiency assessment. Instruction will take place as a “pull out” activity or in the
mainstream classroom with supportive services.
Evening Open House
This year’s open house is scheduled for: Thursday, September 18, 2014 (6:30 – 8:30 P.M.)
This evening is not intended for individual parent conferences. Teachers will review their classroom
procedures, the curriculum and expectations for the school year. In grades 4, 5, and 6, teachers may
decide to work together with the other teachers in their grade level for this presentation. Two
sessions are held for each Teacher/Parent on this evening so that parents with more that 1 child in
school can attend both.
The Butler Area School District provides an extended-day kindergarten program for students
who could benefit from additional reading support. Students eligible for the extended day
program are identified through a screening process the first few weeks of school. With
permission from their parents, these students begin attending the extended-day program in
October. Extended-day kindergarten occurs daily from 11:45 – 12:45 and is in addition to
the morning and afternoon kindergarten sessions. The extended-day program provides
additional reading instruction to a small group of students. This helps ensure that these
students experience greater success as they move into the elementary school grades.
Parents will be notified if their child is recommended for this program.
NOTE: Extended day kindergarten is NOT in session on school delay days, Act 80 days, or
during PSSA testing.
Field trips within our area and to nearby points of interest are scheduled by classroom teachers
throughout the school year. These trips are designed to supplement different aspects of the
classroom curriculum and to introduce students to the resources of the community. Field trips count
as a regular day of student attendance. It is possible that students may be expected to participate in
curriculum-related activities while on the field trip Parents will receive notices of field trips well in
advance of the scheduled trip date and will be asked to sign field trip permission forms. Sometimes
a fee may be requested from each student to help defray admission or transportation costs.
Participation in school-sponsored field trips require that students are able to control themselves and
manage their behavior very well. Field trips involve a change in regular daily routine and students
who have difficulty behaving at school will most likely have an even more difficult time off campus. It
is a legitimate concern that if a student cannot control himself at the school site, he will not be able
to behave off sight. Children who have experienced discipline problems of such a magnitude that
they have been suspended from school during the current school year will be unable to attend offschool field trips except with special permission from the building principal. Students who do not
attend field trips should still be at school on the day(s) of the field trip. Alternate assignments will be
provided for them from the regular grade level curriculum.
If a student has ANY prevailing medical conditions related to food, please complete a medical
statement form available from the school office. Medical conditions can include, but are not limited
to, a specific food allergy, lactose intolerance and/or any food ingredient that could cause a medical
reaction. Please inform the school health staff and/or the classroom teacher of these food-related
medical concerns at the beginning of each school year or as soon as the condition is diagnosed.
Certain group tests will be administered to your child by grade level during the year. Parents are
urged to insure that their child is in school when these tests are given. The results constitute
important data relative to the student's education. Information will be sent home to parents prior to
the administration of any group standardized test.
The following health services are required for students by Pennsylvania Law. Any parent or
guardian who does not wish their child to receive the services and examinations in school by the
school nurse, school physician, or school dentist must notify the school nurse in writing.
Height, Weight and Vision Screening--all students
Hearing Screening--grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, special education,
students referred by teachers or other school staff.
Physical Examinations--grades K, 6, 11
Dental Examinations--grades K, 3, 7
Tuberculin Skin Testing--(every third year)--grades K and 9
Visual Scoliosis Screening--grades 6 and 7.
If a parent or guardian elects not to have the school provide the above services, they must provide
the school with the results of examinations by their own family physician or dentist, prior to the date
they are scheduled at school.
Students who experience extended illness or injuries that result in long term absences from school
may apply for homebound instruction. Information concerning homebound instruction may be
obtained from the school office. A recommendation for homebound instruction must be completed
by the child’s physician.
Homework is a vital part of the educational process. When the child is doing homework, he/she is
reinforcing the skills learned at school. Homework also helps develop self-reliance and study skills.
You, as parents, are an integral part in this process. Below are a few ways you can help with
Provide a quiet, well-lighted place for your child to work. Establish a regular homework time in your
home. During this time, there should be no TV, no radio, and no other distractions.
Encourage and support your child's efforts. Be available for questions, but remember--the
homework is the child's responsibility, not the parent's.
HOMEWORK DURING STUDENT ABSENCES--It is not our policy to send student assignments
home on the first day of absence for any illness. We feel that recovery is the first priority. However,
should it appear that the absence will extend beyond two school days, you may call the school office
in the morning (8:00 - 9:00 a.m.) to allow us time to prepare the necessary materials for the end of
the day.
If your child complains of headache, stomachache, sore throat, etc. before coming to school, please
check his/her temperature. If feverish, please do not send your child to school. If your child
becomes ill in school, the school nurse assess the problem and will decide if he/she should be sent
home. If your child needs to go home, you will be contacted so that the proper arrangements can be
All textbooks and other instructional materials deemed necessary to carry on the educational
program approved by the District are loaned to students free of charge. Individual students are held
responsible for the materials they receive and will be expected to pay for lost or damaged textbooks
and/or other instructional materials.
A lost and found area is maintained at the school for lost items. Children and parents are
encouraged to inquire at the school office if any articles are lost. Items are periodically discarded;
and all items are discarded at the end of the school year.
The Butler Area School District does not supply ANY prescription or non-prescription medication, but
we will cooperate with parents and their medical practitioners when prescribed medications must be
given during school hours. The following procedure MUST be followed:
Written orders signed by a physician must be provided indicating that the medication is to be
administered at school.
The parent or guardian MUST complete the Medical Information form for either prescription or nonprescription medication. (Forms are available in the school office.) UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES
The container for the medication MUST be the container from the pharmacy and shall carry the
following information:
Name of the student
Name of the physician
Name of the medication
Dosage amount
Time to be given.
The parent should bring the completed form and medication to the school and give it to the school
nurse, the secretary, or the principal.
The medication will be kept in a secure place and dispensed in the office by the appropriate
personnel. (Exception: special education self-contained classrooms.)
Parents are responsible for coming to the school at the end of the school year to pick up any
medication not dispensed. Medication will not be released to students.
NOTE: A NEW completed Medication form MUST be submitted EACH school year.
Students in the Butler Area School District participate in the Olweus Anti-bullying program. Students
in each grade have six (or more) Olweus lessons each year. Students learn ways to help one
another in bullying situations.
Students at McQuistion School learn and see posted in the halls and classrooms the following antibullying rules:
“I am a good student and I do not want bullying in my school. To stop bullying in my school, I
will always be at my best and follow these four rules.
Rule 1:
Rule 2:
Rule 3:
Rule 4:
I will not bully others
I will try to help students who are bullied
I will try to include students who are left out
If I know that someone is being bullied, I will tell a teacher or trusted adult.
Bullies are not nice. I do not want to be a bully and I do not want to have bullies
around me!
Each elementary school has a parent-teacher organization, which works very hard to improve our
school. Each year this organization sponsors fund-raising projects. With the proceeds from these
projects, the organization sponsors and funds school parties, assembly programs, field trips, and
many other important activities. All parents are urged to become a member of their school's parent
organization and to actively participate.
As a parent of a student in the Butler Area School District, you have the right to know the
professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you
to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires us to give you this
information in a timely manner if you ask for it. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the
following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers.
*Whether the Pennsylvania Department of Education has licensed or qualified the teacher for the
grades and subject he/she teaches.
*Whether the Pennsylvania Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a
classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special
*The teacher’s college major; whether the teacher has any advance degree and, if so, the subject of
the degree.
*Whether any teacher’s aides or similar paraprofessional provide services and, if they do, their
If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact the administration building.
Parties in elementary grades are limited to three per year. Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's
Day have been selected as the holidays for which parties may occur. As a general practice, the
Parent-Teacher Organization, through room parents, plan the parties. Anyone wishing to be a room
parent should contact the PTO. You will be contacted at a later date about the responsibilities.
Treats may be brought to school for student birthdays after the date and time are cleared with the
classroom teacher. Unless an entire class is invited, invitations to private parties cannot be
distributed at school.
No pets, of any kind, are allowed at school without permission. Teachers may give special
permission for pets to be brought to school as part of a special activity or display. Of course, under
no circumstances is a potentially dangerous pet to be brought to the school.
Additionally, parents are asked to refrain from bringing animals into the school when dropping off or
picking up children.
Weather permitting, classes may go outdoors for a brief playground period. Parents desiring their
children to be excused from this recreation should send a written note to the teacher stating the
reasons for the request and the length of time likely to be involved. Children should be dressed for
outdoor activities during cold weather. Students may have supervised free time in the classroom on
days when weather prevents outside recess. Quiet games, talking with friends, playing music, etc.,
may be permitted by the classroom teacher.
Students are expected to avoid muddy areas of the playground at all times. Tackle football is not
permitted. Other dangerous activities such as skateboarding, piggyback riding, rock throwing, and
snowball throwing are not permitted. Misuse or destruction of playground equipment will not be
Students who are going to play on the playground must wear appropriate footwear. Flip flops are
NOT considered as appropriate attire for the playground. For safety reasons, students wearing flip
flops will not be able to participate in playground recess.
The Butler Area School District has a strong commitment to keeping parents well informed about
their child's progress in school. Report cards for students in grades K-6 are issued four (4) times
each year. Please refer to the school calendar for dates of report cards.
The reporting of pupil progress is supplemented by parent-teacher conferences. Two ACT 80 Days
are established each year for this purpose. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 Noon on these days
to allow for parent conferences/teacher in-service on the days as listed on the school calendar.
Teachers may request a conference at any time during the school year for students not making
desirable progress. Parents are urged to make themselves available for such conferences. Any
time an issue of concern arises, parents are encouraged to contact the school office to schedule a
conference with your child’s teacher. It is important that open communication occur about the
achievement and welfare of our students.
Grade Interpretation: A
90 - 100%
80 - 89%
70 - 79%
60 - 69%
59% and below
The subjects to be graded are:
Grade One--Reading, English, Mathematics, and Spelling--3rd and 4th nine weeks
Grade Two--Reading, English, Mathematics, and Spelling
Grade Three--Reading, English, Mathematics, Spelling, and Social Studies during the 3rd and 4th
nine weeks.
Grades Four through Six--Reading, English, Mathematics, Spelling, Social Studies, and Science /
If conditions arise that cause school to be closed, announcements will be made over local radio or
TV stations. Local stations airing such announcements are WISR, WBUT, WTAE, and KDKA.
Information about school closings is also available on the district web site (
We respectfully request that you not call the school office so that phone lines can be kept clear for
emergency information from our central office.
School pictures will be taken early in the school year. Information regarding packets and prices will
be sent home with each child. If parents are dissatisfied with the pictures they may be returned for a
full refund or re-taken during the picture make-up.
The District recognizes that the use of student photographs, videotape, or other images can be used
to promote students and School District activities in a positive manner and can be a part of an
effective public relations program with the community.
Whenever student images are used or displayed as part of any school activity or publication, care is
taken to protect the privacy of individual students. Certain publications such as yearbooks, student
newspapers, and public performances of school activities use student names to identify individuals
who appear in that publication or performance. At all times, the use of student images in any
display, publication or broadcast must promote the student, activity, and the District in a positive
Parents who do not want their child’s Image used in any District publication, display, or
broadcast must provide a written request to that effect to the child’s teacher at the beginning
of each school year. The District cannot guarantee that a student’s image will not
inadvertently appear as part of a school-related activity.
In an effort to provide for the safety of our students, we will be adhering to the following security
All adults who enter the school building must enter through the main door. The doors of the
school building remain locked during regular school hours. To gain admission into the school,
please ring the bell, the school secretary will ask you to identify yourself and the nature of your visit.
Visitors will be admitted by use of an electronic lock/unlock system. Upon entering the building,
visitors are requested to report directly to the office to sign in. All visitors will be required to wear a
"Visitor's Pass." Parents are asked not to go directly to the classrooms or other areas within the
building. Either the secretary or the principal will take care of your needs.
All parents who must pick up children for dental or doctor appointments during the school
day must sign out and meet the student at the school office.
If, for whatever the reason, it is necessary for a student to arrive at school after class begins,
a parent should "check in" the student at the office. Often, a student enters alone assuming a lunch
can be ordered. Depending upon the time, it might be too late to order one. If the parent leaves
without knowledge of this, the student might not receive a lunch. We want to prevent this from
happening. If you know your child will be late, please either phone the school office or notify the
classroom teacher the previous day to order a lunch.
Children may not be dismissed early without a signed note from the parent. This includes
medical appointments, etc. The child must be picked up at the office, and the person getting the
student must record his/her name and the reason for the dismissal in the "sign-out" book.
Unusual circumstances that may affect the safety of the child should be reported to the
school by parents. For example, pending divorce and/or custody conflicts, which indicate that there
may be a question about who has authority to pick up the child, should be reported to the principal,
secretary, and/or teacher so that we are aware of the problem. This information will be kept in the
strictest confidence.
Students will not be released to anyone other than the parents or persons designated on the
student data sheet unless the school has a signed note from the parent authorizing this action. This
means that grandparents, uncles, aunts, baby-sitters, etc., must have a signed statement from the
parents. Other arrangements may be made only at the discretion of the principal.
The Butler Area School District will not tolerate any behavior, which constitutes sexual harassment.
Such conduct shall include, but is not limited to, threats or other acts that may intimidate others,
verbal or physical sexual advances and sexual innuendoes during the school day or during school
sponsored activities, functions, or events. Harassment occurs when such conduct has the
purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's academic environment, including any and
all school-related activities, by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Gifted Program
Teachers and parents may refer students thought to be eligible for the
gifted program to the principal. The following guidelines have been
established for referrals:
I.Q. 125 - above
90th percentile (Achievement Tests)
3.25 grade average (all subjects)
Teacher/parent recommendation
L.S. (Learning Support)
Students with average or above intelligence who have problems
processing information may be eligible for this program. Students are
first referred to the Student Support team for possible
interventions, in the regular classroom. Failure to see or make any
progress after this may result in a child being referred to the school
psychologist for a multi-disciplinary evaluation. (Parent permission must be
obtained before this can occur).
C. Emotional SupportStudents whose behaviors are interfering with his/her education or with the education
of others may be referred for emotional support services. This process also involves a
multi-disciplinary evaluation completed by the school psychologist.
All desks and student storage spaces are and shall remain the property of the Butler Area School
District. As such, students shall have no expectation of privacy in them.
Desks and storage areas are provided to students for storing school-related items and clothing. The
school has an obligation to insure that desks and storage areas are properly used and that no item
or substance that is placed in the desk or storage area jeopardizes the protection of the health,
safety, and welfare of students, faculty, school property, and the educational process. To fulfill this
obligation and to insure safety, security, and general cleanliness, school officials have the right to
conduct desk and/or storage space inspections.
An administrator may seize any evidence indicating that a student is violating or has violated the law
or a school rule, that the administrator may find as a result of a search of a student’s use if the
search is proper and reasonable.
A student who refuses the request for a search by an administrator that is proper and reasonable
may be disciplined under the district’s discipline policy. Action may include suspension or referral to
the board for an expulsion hearing.
Students who experience academic difficulties and/or social and emotional concerns may be
referred to our Student Support Team. This team meets to discuss and plan intervention strategies
that will assist in providing each child referred an effective educational program, as well as other
school services that will meet their learning needs.
The Team is comprised of the building principal, referring teacher, school psychologist, school
counselor, referred student’s parents, and any additional staff members who may be able to assist
with the concern. Requests for assistance may be initiated by parents, teachers, administration, or
So that students can continue to dress appropriately for school as they change
their seasonal attire, parents should please be reminded of the following Butler Area School
District dress code requirements.
An individual's dress, personal appearance, and cleanliness, like his/her behavior,
should reflect a sensitivity to and a respect for others. The fact that the school will permit a
wide variety of school clothes does not mean that we necessarily feel that all styles are equally
appropriate. This is a decision that the student must make in conjunction with his/her parents
or guardian, always keeping in mind that his/her appearance must not present a clear and
present danger to the student's health and safety, not cause an interference with work, nor
create classroom or school disorder.
Guidelines for Acceptable Dress
Although this is no attempt to include all items, the following types of clothing
will be excluded from what is considered acceptable dress by Butler Area
Articles which are soiled with grease, oil, paint, and dirt.
Articles that could cause damage to other students or property.
Torn or ragged clothing.
Articles of clothing, such as muscle shirts and abbreviated
tops/blouses that expose the midriff and other partial recreational
clothing are prohibited for both boys and girls.
Articles of clothing which are inappropriately designed, contain
offensive and/or inappropriate logos, emblems, iron-ons, or other such
decorations and words.
Footwear must be worn by all students and must fit snugly on the feet. In
special areas, such as shops and gymnasium, a full type shoe must be worn.
Footwear must fit snugly for the general safety of the individual student as well
as those around him/her. Sandals must have a back strap, which secures the
shoe to the foot.
Clothing should be worn in the manner for which it has been designed. For example:
Shirts and blouses must be tucked in if they were designed to be worn tucked
Shirts and blouses must be properly buttoned.
Pants should fit appropriately. Loose fitting clothing must be secured
with a belt and be worn above the hips. Pant legs are not to be worn
below the students’ footwear.
Students representing the school at extra curricular activities should wear clothes appropriate for the
Shorts are permitted to be worn by students provided they meet the following guidelines.
Shorts must:
Reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one's sides. If a
student wears a combination of layers of clothing, the length of the outer garment
must reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one's sides.
Be designed and sold as walking shorts such as Bermuda shorts, jams, and culottes;
but shall not include swim suits, cut-offs, gym shorts, or other such clothing.
Not have frayed, split-legged bottoms.
Be appropriately designed and worn within acceptable community standards and not
contain offensive or inappropriate logos, emblems, iron-ons, or other such
decorations and words.
Skirt/Dress Length Guidelines
Shirts and dress length should reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended
at one's sides to a point at least midway between the fingertips and knees.
Students are expected to remove caps or other "headgear" while in the building.
Camouflage clothing and tear-away pants are not permitted.
Chains (even those attached to wallets) are not permitted.
Sunglasses (unless medically perscribed) are not permitted during the school day.
Coats must be placed in lockers or on coat hooks during the school day.
Midriff, lower back, chest, and sides of the upper body must be clothed.
may not be exposed.
Penalties for violation of the student dress code:
First Offense: Student will be sent home or retained in office (or in-school suspension) until
a parent or guardian provides a proper change of clothing.
A student who wears an inappropriate shirt may be asked to turn it inside out for the day.
Second Offense: Student will be assigned detention.
Third Offense: Student will be assigned in-school suspension.
Fourth Offense: Principal will determine appropriate consequence.
In situations of questions about appropriateness of attire, the principal's decision will
be final.
Occasionally it is necessary for parents to either bring their children to school or pick them up after
school. When this occurs, please follow these procedures:
Bringing Students to School:
Parents should be careful that their vehicles do not obstruct the arrival of buses
between 8:45 -9:15 a.m.
Since proper supervision of the students cannot be provided prior to 8:45 a.m.,
students should not arrive at school prior to 8:45 a.m. If a family emergency or situation arises
which requires an arrival prior to this time, please call the school office and every effort will be made
to make arrangements to assist with your situation.
If a student arrives after the start of school, the parent should escort the child to the
office, explain why the child is late for school, and make the necessary arrangements for the child to
receive a lunch for that day.
Picking Students Up After School:
Occasionally, it is necessary for parents to pick up students at dismissal time. During this time, the
office is a very busy place in which the secretary is attempting to answer the phone, use the
intercom system to dismiss students, provide for the last minute needs of students, teachers, and
parents, etc. In order to provide for an orderly and safe dismissal for the students, it is necessary
that parents utilize the following procedure.
Please send a note with your child in the morning. By doing so, we will not have to
keep interrupting classrooms to inform the teachers that children are not to follow
regular procedures.
Parents should arrive by approximately 3:15, identify yourselves in the
office, and sign the "Student Dismissal Book" in the office.
Parents should wait for your children in the office area or in the hall just outside the
library door. Parents should not go to the children's rooms to meet them. Students will not
be sent outside the building to meet parents.
Parents who choose to transport their children to or from school must use extreme
caution. For the safety of our students, all vehicles either picking up or dropping off children
at the school should avoid the bus lane.
The Butler Area School District is committed to the goal of providing quality education for every child
in the District. We recognize that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and
family. The School, parents/guardians, and communities must work together as knowledgeable
partners in meeting this responsibility.
At the beginning of the school year, Title I buildings in the district are identified and the Title I
program is explained at evening open house. If you have any questions about the eligibility of your
school/child for this program, please call the building principal.
Common sense and consideration is the best guide in determining whether or not to bring personal
possessions to school. The school administrators and staff are not responsible for valuables, which
students bring to school. It is recommended that students leave all valuable items at home.
Video camera are used on the premises of certain schools to monitor the playground and building
exterior during and after school hours. Videotapes are turned over to the police as needed.
On rare occasions, the school is notified by police that an individual who has been designated by the
courts as a “sexually violent predator” (as defined in Title 42, Judiciary and Judicial procedure of the
Pennsylvania Consolidated Statues, Chapter 97 (Megan’s Law), is residing in this area. If and when
that occurs, it is the responsibility of the local police department to provide information to the
community. A copy of the notification will be kept in the school office. Parents are able to review the
copy of the notice upon request and should either contact the local police or refer to the
Pennsylvania State Police website as, for information.
Visitors to our building are always welcome. We do, however, have to monitor visitation closely to
insure the safety of our children. We ask that ALL VISITORS please adhere to the following
All visitors should enter the building through the front entrance near the office. They
will be asked to show a photo ID and to pass through the metal detector.
All visitors should report to the office and provide the secretary with their
rationale for being in the building.
All visitors should register in the visitors' log.
Visitors will be provided with a visitor's pass, which is to be clearly displayed on their
shirt. Staff members will ask every visitor without a pass to immediately report to the
Upon the completion of their duties all visitors should return to the office, remit their
pass to the secretary, sign themselves out, and exit through the front entrance.
So that we can continue to utilize the services of community members in a secure setting in school,
it is necessary that all visitors please cooperate and assist us in school by adhering to these
The District's School Board Policy No. 218.1 states that weapons are forbidden on school property.
The possession or use of any instrument to harm, threaten, or harass another person could result in
suspension, expulsion, and involvement with local police. The School Board and staff are serious
about maintaining a safe environment for everyone. Parental support is a must, so please monitor
what your child brings to school.
A copy of the detailed policy is available online.
Please feel free to contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns
about your child’s education. Students benefit most when teachers and parents work
together! 724-214-3900.