MSc - Loughborough University

Programme Specification
MSc in Digital Communication Systems
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of
the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning
opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes,
content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found
in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and may
be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution;
Loughborough University
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Teaching institution (if different);
Details of accreditation by a
professional/statutory body;
Name of the final award;
MSc (PGCert and PGDip possible)
Programme title;
Digital Communication Systems
UCAS code;
Date at which the programme
specification was written or
September 2006
1. Aims of the programme:
The Master of Science programme in Digital Communication Systems aims to develop a
thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques required for the design and
development of the next generation of digital communication systems.
The programme:
 Provides opportunities for study in key engineering topics through group and individual
 Permits students to study relevant specialist material
 Permits students to study specialist material that is the result of recent research, often
involving design techniques and basic theories that have been developed at
 Provides the opportunity to undertake an advanced project in association with the
communications research groups at Loughborough, in industry or in a number of
European institutions participating in EU exchange programmes.
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and
internal reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) framework for higher education qualifications for
England, Wales and Northern Ireland, January 2001.
The QAA Final Phase 1 Subject Standards Statements, April 2000 (Engineering).
Loughborough University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy.
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate a
knowledge and understanding of:
Mathematical methods appropriate to digital communication systems
Principles of engineering science appropriate to digital communication systems
Principles of Information Technology and Communications appropriate to digital
communication systems
Design principles and techniques appropriate to electronic and electrical
components, equipment and associated software
Characteristics of electronic and electrical engineering materials and components
Codes of practice and regulatory frameworks relevant to digital communication
Operational practices and requirements for safe operation relevant to digital
communication systems
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Learning and Teaching Methods:
Knowledge and understanding are acquired continually throughout the programme from
a combination of lectures, timetabled and ad hoc tutorials, problem solving classes,
laboratory exercises, coursework exercises and self-study of pre-delivered resources.
All elements are developed and reinforced throughout the programme but particularly
through project work.
Throughout the programme students are encouraged to undertake independent reading
both to supplement and consolidate what is being taught and to broaden their individual
knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Knowledge and understanding are tested and assessed during the programme using a
combination of unseen written examinations, open-book written examinations based on
laboratory or coursework exercises, viva-voce examinations on project work, computer
aided assessments, unseen coursework tests, open-book coursework tests, coursework
assignments, design studies, essays and reports, laboratory logbooks, laboratory formal
reports, project reports and/or papers, project logbooks, oral and visual presentations.
Skills and other attributes:
a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Select and apply appropriate mathematical and/or computer based methods for
modelling and analysing practical and hypothetical engineering problems
Model and analyse engineering systems, processes, components and products
Develop engineering solutions to practical problems
Integrate, evaluate and use information, data and ideas from a wide range of
Develop new systems, processes, components or products by integrating ideas
from a wide range of sources
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Learning and Teaching Methods:
Cognitive skills are acquired continually throughout the programme from a combination
of lectures, timetabled and ad hoc tutorials, problem solving classes, laboratory
exercises, coursework exercises and self-study of pre-delivered resources. All elements
are developed and reinforced throughout the programme, particularly through project
Throughout the programme students are encouraged to undertake independent reading
both to supplement and consolidate what is being taught and to help develop cognitive
Cognitive skills are tested and assessed throughout the programme using a combination
of unseen written examinations, open-book written examinations based on laboratory
exercises, viva-voce examinations on project work, unseen coursework tests, openbook coursework tests, coursework assignments, design studies, essays and reports,
laboratory logbooks, laboratory formal reports, project reports and/or papers, project
logbooks, oral and visual presentations.
b. Subject-specific practical skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Use appropriate mathematical methods for modelling and analysing engineering
problems relevant to computer systems
Use relevant test and measurement equipment
Plan and execute safely experimental laboratory work
Use computational tools and packages (including programming languages where
Design systems, components or processes
Undertake testing of design ideas in the laboratory or by simulation, and analyse
and critically evaluate the results
Search for and retrieve information, ideas and data from a variety of sources
Manage a project and apply appropriate processes
Produce technical reports, papers, diagrams and drawings
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Learning and Teaching Methods:
Practical skills are acquired continually throughout the programme from a combination
of problem solving classes and laboratory exercises. All elements are developed and
reinforced throughout the programme, particularly through project work.
Practical skills are tested and assessed throughout the programme using a combination
of coursework assignments, design studies, laboratory logbooks, project reports and/or
papers, project logbooks and work placement reports.
c. Key/transferable skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Manipulate, sort and present data in a variety of ways
Use scientific evidence based methods in the solution of problems
Use information and communications technology
Be creative and innovative in problem solving
Work with limited or contradictory information
Communicate effectively orally, visually and in writing
Learn effectively, independently and continuously in a variety of environments
Manage time and resources
Work effectively as part of a team
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Learning and Teaching Methods:
Key and transferable skills are acquired continually throughout the programme from a
combination of lectures, problem solving classes, laboratory exercises, coursework
exercises and self-study of pre-delivered resources. All elements are developed and
reinforced throughout the programme, particularly through project work.
Key and transferable skills are tested and assessed throughout the programme using a
combination of unseen written examinations, open-book written examinations based on
laboratory exercises, viva-voce examinations on project work, coursework assignments,
design studies, essays and reports, laboratory logbooks, laboratory formal reports,
project reports and/or papers, project logbooks, oral and visual presentations.
4. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and
The PGCert, PGDip and MSc programmes in Digital Communication Systems are offered in
a full-time or part-time form, with some 40% of the taught material available via distance
The programme runs from October to September of the following year and is taught in three
sections. The first and second sections correspond respectively to semesters 1 and 2 of the
University academic year. The semesters are each 15 weeks long. The third section is used
entirely for project work and runs from July to September.
The programme is divided into teaching units called modules, which are each assigned a
credit weighting. A basic 15-credit postgraduate module requires approximately 150 hours
of student effort, which typically includes 20-30 hours of formal teaching and laboratory
work. The formal teaching is normally completed in a one-week block with laboratory work,
coursework and tutorials occupying the following week. The remaining time is required for
coursework and tutorial completion, self-directed study and assessment. The maximum
credit weighting for any one module in the programme is 60. Each section of the programme
contains the equivalent of 60 credits giving a total of 60 credits for the PGCert, 120 credits
for the PGDip and 180 credits for the MSc.
Section 1 – Core Modules
Digital Signals and Communications Theory
Communication Networks*
Personal Radio Communications
Communication Channels*
* Module available by distance learning.
Section 2
Research Project
Digital Signal Processing
ATM Networks
Communication Network Security and E-Commerce
Mobile Communications*
Audiovisual Communications
* Module available by distance learning.
Section 3 – Masters Project
Project in Digital Communication Systems
The project is a requirement for the award of MSc and is undertaken after the
completion of the taught modules in Section 2.
For the part-time programme:
Modules may be undertaken in either local or distance learning form and local and
distance learning modules may be mixed freely within a programme.
Students may not undertake modules that have the same title but are delivered using
different techniques.
Local modules are delivered at Loughborough in one or two week blocks.
For full details of programme content and restrictions to modular choice refer to the
programme regulations; the regulations for full-time and part-time programmes are
published separately.
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
Candidates must satisfy the general requirements of the University and of the Department of
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, typically in one of the following ways:
A good honours degree (typically first or upper second class honours) in
electronic/electrical engineering or physics or an equivalent qualification. Holders of CEI
Part II are generally accepted.
An honours/pass degree in electronic/electrical engineering or physics or a very good
HND in electronic/electrical engineering. Candidates with sufficient relevant industrial
experience would be considered.
A first degree in electronic/electrical engineering or physics. Other academic or
professional qualifications and/or relevant industrial experience would be considered on
an individual basis.
English Language Requirement:
English language requirements are specified by the University’s general entrance
requirements and can be found at:
6. Information about assessment regulations:
Candidates must achieve the minimum requirements set out in the University’s Senate
Regulation XXI meeting the following requirements:
To be eligible for the award of MSc candidates must have, over a period of not more
than eight years, studied modules with a total weight of 180 credits and achieved at
least 50% in modules totalling 150 credits and not less than 40% in the remaining
To be eligible for the award of PGDip candidates must have, over a period of not more
than five years, studied modules with a total weight of not less than 120 credits and
achieved at least 50% in modules totalling 100 credits and achieved not less than 40%
in the remaining modules.
To be eligible for the award of PGCert candidates must have, over a period of not more
than three years, studied modules with a total weight of not less than 60 credits and
achieved at least 50% in all modules.
Candidates who fail to satisfy these requirements are eligible as of right and on one
occasion only to undergo reassessment in any modules that have prevented progression or
the award of a degree. This reassessment must be undertaken in the following academic
year, optionally with or without tuition.
Candidates who are registered initially for the PGCert and who have successfully completed
the requirements for that award at their first attempt would normally be considered suitable
for transfer to the PGDip programme. The decision to allow transfer or not is taken by the
Review Board convened after the end of semester 1.
Candidates who are registered initially for the PGDip and who have successfully completed
the requirements for the award of PGCert at their first attempt will normally be considered
suitable for transfer to the MSc programme. The decision to allow transfer or not is taken by
the Review Board convened after the end of semester 1.
Candidates who were not allowed to transfer to the MSc programme at their first attempt but
who subsequently qualify for the award of the PGDip may, on request, be considered again.
The decision to allow transfer or not is taken by the Review Board convened after the end of
semester 2. Candidates who ask to be considered for transfer will be allowed to begin their
project on the strict understanding that their studies will be terminated in the project module
should the transfer request be unsuccessful.
For full details of the requirements for progression and award refer to the programme
7. Indicators of quality:
The independent Quality Assurance Agency subject review process of 1997 produced an
Excellent grading of 22 out of 24 points.
The Department achieved a Research Assessment rating of 5 in the UK 2001 Research
Assessment Exercise.
All of the Departments undergraduate programmes are accredited by the Institution of
Electrical Engineers and some of them by the Institute of Measurement and Control, The
Royal Aeronautical Society and the Energy Institute.
Two of the Department’s postgraduate programmes are accredited by the Institution of
Engineering and Technology and The Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
8. Particular support for learning:
Information about the Careers Service, Computing Services, the Counselling Service, the
Disabilities and Additional Needs Service, the Engineering Education Centre, the English
Language Study Unit, the Library and Professional Development can be found at:
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of
Information about the University’s formal quality management processes can be found at: