PUBLICATIONS - SUNY Downstate Medical Center

1. Cooper BZ, Flores L, Ramirez JA, Najjar JG, Abir F, Rayham R, Paladino L, Nguyen N,
Panetta TF. Analysis of Nonpenetrating Clips versus Sutures for Arterial Venous Graft
Anastomosis. Annals of Vascular Surgery 2001; 15:7-12.
2. Manoach S, Corinaldi C, Paladino L, Schulze R, Charchaflieh J, Lewin J, Glatter R, Scharf B,
Sinert R.
Percutaneous transcricoid jet ventilation compared with surgical cricothyroidotomy in a sheep
airway salvage model. Resuscitation. 2004 Jul;62(1):79-87
3. Zehtabchi S, Sinert R, Baron BJ, Paladino L, Yadav K. Does Ethanol Explain the Acidosis
Commonly Seen In Ethanol Intoxicated Patients Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2005;43(3):161-6.
4. Manoach S, Paladino L.
Manual In-Line Stabilization for Acute Airway Management of Suspected Cervical Spine
Injury: Historical Review and Current Questions.
Ann Emerg Med. 2007 Sep;50(3):236-45.
5. Paladino L, Silverberg M, Charchaflieh J, Eason J, Wrighta,B, Palamidessi N, Arquilla B,
Sinert R, Manoach
Increasing ventilator surge capacity in disasters: ventilation of 4 adult-human size sheep on a
single ventilator with a modified circuit
Resuscitation 2008 Apr;77(1):121-6. Epub 2007 Dec 31.
6. Paladino L, Sinert R, Wallace D, Anderson T, Yadav K, Zehtabchi S
The Utility of Base Deficit and Arterial Lactate in Differentiating Major from Minor Injury in
Patients with Normal Vital Signs
Resuscitation 2008 Jun;77(3):363-8. Epub 2008 Mar 25.
7. Manoach S, Paladino L.
Trauma airway salvage using an optical stylet with oxygen insufflation
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2008 Jun;20(4):317-8.
8. Paladino L, Silverberg M, Charchaflieh J, Eason J, Wright B, Palamidessi N, Arquilla B,
Sinert R, Manoach S One ventilator multiple patients--what the data really supports.
Resuscitation. 2008 Oct;79(1):172-3. Epub 2008 Jul 23
9. Manoach S, Paladino L.
Laryngoscopy force, visualization, and intubation failure in acute trauma: should we modify
the practice of manual in-line stabilization?
Anesthesiology. 2009 Jan;110(1):6-7.
10. Arquilla B, Paladino L, Reich C, Brandler E, Lucchesi M, Shetty S.
Using a joint triage model for multi-hospital response to a mass casualty incident in New York
J Emerg Trauma Shock 2009; May;2(2):114-6.
11. Morley EJ, Paladino L, Tham E, Gantman M, Carrer A, Yakabov M, Kelly S, Sinert R.
Uncontrolled Hemorrhage in Insulin-dependent Diabetic Rats.
Acad Emerg Med. 2009 Aug;16(8):756-62. Epub 2009 Jul 6.
12. Paladino L, Ducanto J, Manoach S
Development of a rapid, safe, fiber-optic guided, single-incision cricothyrotomy using a large
ovine model: A pilot study.
Resuscitation. 2009 Sep;80(9):1066-9. Epub 2009 Jul 15.
13. Brandler E, Sinert R, Paladino L
Does the early administration of Beta-blockers Improve the In-hospital Mortality Rate of
Patients admitted with Acute Coronary Syndrome?
Acad Emerg Med. 2010 Jan;17(1):1-10.
14. Paladino L, Subramanian RA, Nabors S, Bhardwaj S, Sinert R
Triage Hyperglycemia as a Prognostic Indicator of Major Trauma
J Trauma 2009 Jul;69(1):41-5
15. Nishijima DK, Paladino L, Sinert R.
Routine testing in patients with asymptomatic elevated blood pressure in the ED.
Am J Emerg Med. 2010 Feb;28(2):235-42.
16. Sinert R, Newman DH, Brandler E, Paladino L
Immediate Beta-Blockade in Patients With Myocardial Infarctions: Is There Evidence of
Ann Emerg Med. 2010 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]
17. Paladino L, Subramanian RA, Nabors S, Sinert R.
The utility of shock index in differentiating major from minor injury.
Eur J Emerg Med. 2010 Sep 13. [Epub ahead of print]
18. Paladino L, L Bonilla E, Subramanian RA, Sinert R.
Leukocytosis as a Prognostic Indicator of Major Injury
West JEM 2010 [In press]
19. Paladino L, Brandler E Sinert R,
A Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies of the Effect and Timing of the Administration of BetaBlockers in Patients with a ST-Segment Myocardial Infarction
Hosp Pract (Minneap). 2010 Nov;38(4):63-8.
20. Secko MA, Diaz M, Paladino L. Emergency Ultrasound Diagnosis of Quadriceps Tendon
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock (In press)
1. Paladino L Section 14 Chapter #27 Tinea Cruris. Text Atlas of Emergency Medicine,
Greenberg. Lippincott Williams and Wlikins; 2005
2. Paladino L Section 14 Chapter #27 Erythema Nodosum. Text Atlas of Emergency Medicine,
Greenberg. Lippincott Williams and Wlikins; 2005
3. Paladino L Section 14 Chapter #27 Vitiligo. Text Atlas of Emergency Medicine, Greenberg.
Lippincott Williams and Wlikins; 2005
4. Pilat E., Paladino L Diphtheria. Emedicine – Online Textbook of Emergency Medicine,
editor J Adler. Boston Medical Publishing. 2006
5. Holder A., Paladino L Sedation. Emedicine – Online Textbook of Emergency Medicine,
editor J Adler. Boston Medical Publishing. 2006
6. Holder A., Paladino L Sedation. Emedicine – Online Textbook of Emergency Medicine,
editor J Adler. Boston Medical Publishing. 2009 update / new-edition
7. Holder A., Paladino L Sedation. Emedicine – Online Textbook of Emergency
Medicine, editor J Adler. Boston Medical Publishing. 2010 update / new-edition
8. Paladino L, Sinert R Selecting and Using Existing Data - Finding, Critiquing and Writing
Systematic Reviews and Meta-anlayses
1. Paladino L, Shetty S, Arquilla B A Disaster Management Plan between Two Financially
Competing Hospitals: Joint Triage
-NYS Regional SAEM
-ACEP Regional Meeting NY, NY
-Mediterranean Emergency Medicine European Congress Barcelona, Spain
Sept 2003
2. Manoach S, Corinaldi C, Schulze R Charchaflieh J, Paladino L, Lewin J, Forestine A,
Mowad M, Glatter R, Scharf B, Sinert R. Comparison of Needle Cricothyrotomy with Manual
Jet Ventilation vs. Surgical Cricothyrotomy in a Can Not Intubate/Can Not Ventilate Sheep
Model. Acad Emerg Med 2003; 10:483.
-6th Annual SAEM Midatlantic Meeting, Washington D.C.
March 2003
-NYS Regional SAEM
-SUNY Annual research day
March 2003
-SAEM Annual Meeting Boston, MA
May 2003
-2nd Mediterranean EM Congress Barcelona, Spain
Sept 2003
3. Paladino L Sinert R, Zehtabchi S, Anderson T, Yadav K, Baron BJ The Utility of Base Excess
and Arterial Lactate in Differentiating Major from Minor Trauma in Patients with Normal
Vital Signs
-Third Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, Hong Kong
Award Best Oral Presentation Trauma Critical Care and Medical Emergencies section
4. Paladino L, MD, Ibrahim J, MD, Yadav K, Shetty S, Bruno RG, Lucchesi M, Sinert, Arquilla
B, A Tiered Response Mass Casualty Plan Between Two Hospitals
-Third Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, Hong Kong
5. Zehtabchi S, Sinert R, Baron BJ, Paladino L, Yadav K, Lucchesi M. Does Ethanol
Intoxication Explain the Acidosis Commonly Seen in Minor Trauma Patients? Acad Emerg
Med 2004 11: 471.
-SAEM Regional Meeting
New York, NY
-SAEM Annual Meeting
Orlando, FL
-Third Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine
Hong Kong
6. Arquilla B Paladino L, Ibrahim J, Tiered Multi-hospital Response and Joint Triage for
Disaster: A Model for Resource Allocation and Surge Capacity Pre hospital and Disaster
Medicine Volume 23, no2 March-April 2005
-Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress,
Nice, France
-14 World Congress on Disaster and EM
May 2005
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
-10th International Conference on Emergency Medicine, Cairns, Australia
June 2004
7. Reich C, Paladino L, Shetty S, Ibrahim J, Elhussein K, Bruno RG, Lucchesi M, Celentano J,
Sinert, Arquilla B. An Example of Resource Allocation in a Disaster Scenario Using Joint
-Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress,
Nice, France
8. Paladino L, Morley E, Tham E, Carrer A, Kelly S, Yakubov M, Gantman M Sinert R.
Uncontrolled hemorrhage in insulin-dependent diabetic rats. European Journal of Emergency
Medicine. Oct 2006 13(5):A1-A2.
9. Paladino L, Sinert R. The Utility of Shock Index in Differentiating Major from Minor
-Society for Critical Care Medicine 37th congress
Honolulu, Hawaii Feb
-4th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress
Sorrento, Italy
-Fourth Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
-Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress
Nice, France
10. Sinert R, Paladino L, Morley E, Tham E, Carrer A, Kelly S, Yakubov M, Gantman M. The
Effect of Insulin Dependent Diabetes on Uncontrolled Hemorrhage in a Rodent Model. Acad
Emerg Med 2007 14: S139.
11. Nishijima D, Paladino L, Sinert R. Stat Routine Laboratory Testing for Emergency
Department Patients with Asymptomatic Hypertension Acad Emerg Med. May 2008, Vol. 15,
No. 5, Suppl. 1 S59.
12. Paladino L, Silverberg M, Charchaflieh J, Eason J, Wright B, Palamidessi N, Arquilla B,
Sinert R, Manoach
Increasing ventilator surge capacity in disasters
-5th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine
Busan, Korea
May 2009
13. Sinert R, Patel N, Bright L, Gupta V, Miller A, Paladino L. Strong-Ion Gap Compared to
Anion Gap in Critically Ill Patients,
-Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La. May
14-17 2009
-5th Mediterranean Emergency medicine Congress
Valencia, Spain
14. Sutijono D, Paladino L, Sinert R. Triage Serum Glucose Levels as a Prognostic Indicator of
Major Injury.
Acad Emerg Med April 2009, Vol. 16, No. 4, Suppl. 1 S577.
-Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La. May 1417 2009
-5th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine
May 2009
Busan, Korea
15. Brandler E, Paladino L, Sinert R. Does the Early Administration of Beta-blockers Improve
the Outcome of
Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome? Acad Emerg Med April 2009, Vol. 16, No. 4, Suppl. 1
-Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La. May 1417 2009
-5th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine
May 2009
Busan, Korea
16. Brandler E, Sinert R, Paladino L. Does the early administration of Beta-blockers Improve
the In-hospital
Mortality Rate of Patients admitted with Acute Coronary Syndrome? European Journal of
Emergency Medicine. 2009; 16(5): 288-889
-5th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress
Valencia, Spain
17. Paladino L, Ducanto J, Manoach S Development of a rapid, safe, fiber-optic guided, singleincision
cricothyrotomy using a large ovine model: A pilot study.
-5th Mediterranean Emergency medicine Congress
Valencia, Spain
-American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Meeting Baltimore, MD
May 2010
-International Conference on Emergency Medicine
June 2010
18. Paladino L. Lucchesi M. Joint Military and NGO vaccination campaign in remote areas in
Haiti. Pre hospital and Disaster Medicine 2011 Volume 26, Sup 1 s129
- 17th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency medicine
June 2011
Beijing, China
19. Paladino L. Lucchesi M. Remote Access and Extrication, the Haiti Experience. Pre hospital
and Disaster Medicine 2011 Volume 26, Sup 1 s29
- 17th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency medicine
Beijing, China June
1. Paladino L, Birrer R B. Endotracheal Intubation for the Emergency Room Physician.
Resident and Staff
Physician. Vol. 43, No.1. January 1997:11-18.
2. Secko MA, Diaz M, Paladino L. Emergency Ultrasound Diagnosis of Quadriceps Tendon
Emergency Ultrasound Section Newsletter - September 2010, Vol 14, #3.
1. American Medical Student Association Intro to Emergency Medicine 1 hour lecture given
to Brooklyn College students AMSA chapter for recruitment to Academic Associates program.
Given once a year in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
2. Blast Injuries 2 hour lecture to medical students, residents, attendings and hospital
administration at INDO-US 2009 conference Coimbatore, India
3. Disaster Management 8 hour lecture and workshop for nursing, attending physicians and
hospital administration at INDO-US 2009 conference Coimbatore, India
4. Emergency Ultrasound 2 day lecture and hands on workshop for resident and attending
physicians at INDO-US 2009 conference Coimbatore, India
5. Evidence Based Medicine 4 hour lecture on biostatistics and its application toward clinical
research and critical appraisal of the literature given for attendings and Deans of local medical
schools at INDO-US 2009 conference Coimbatore, India
6. Survival curves 1.5 hour lecture for Brooklyn college students, Downstate medical students
and emergency medicine residents. Given once a year to each group. 2005-present.
7. Correlation and Regression Analysis 1.5 hour lecture for Brooklyn college students,
Downstate medical students and emergency medicine residents. Given once a year to each group.
8. Evidence Based Medicine 4 hour lecture on biostatistics and its application toward clinical
research and critical appraisal of the literature given for attendings and Deans of local medical
schools at INDO-US 2010 conference Vadodara Gujarat India
9. Disaster Table Top Drill 4 hour workshop for nursing, attending physicians and hospital
administration at INDO-US 2010 conference Vadodara Gujarat India
10.Trauma Update: Airway management in Trauma 1 hour lecture for medical students,
nurses, residents and attendings. INDO-US 2010 conference Vadodara Gujarat India
11.Trauma Update: Trauma in pregnancy 1 hour lecture for medical students, nurses,
residents and attendings. INDO-US 2010 conference Vadodara Gujarat India
12. Trauma Update: Trauma in elderly 1 hour lecture for medical students, nurses, residents
and attendings. INDO-US 2010 conference Vadodara Gujarat India
13. Trauma Update: Trauma 1 hour lecture for medical students, nurses, residents and
attendings. INDO-US 2010 conference Vadodara Gujarat India
14. Trauma Update: Thermal Injuries 1 hour lecture for medical students, nurses, residents and
attendings. INDO-US 2010 conference Vadodara Gujarat India
15. Trauma Update: Head and Spinal Trauma 1 hour lecture for medical students, nurses,
residents and attendings. INDO-US 2010 conference Vadodara Gujarat India
16. Blunt Trauma Resuscitation 1 hour lecture for Downstate medical students and emergency
medicine residents. Given once a year. 2004-present.
17. Burns, thermal, electrical, and chemical Medical Students and EM Residents 1 hour
lecture for Downstate medical students and emergency medicine residents. Given once a year.
2004 – present
18. Airway lecture Medical Students and EM Residents 1 hour lecture for Downstate medical
students and emergency medicine residents. Given once a year. 2004 – present
19. DVT lecture Medical Students and EM Residents 1 hour lecture for Downstate medical
students and emergency medicine residents. Given once a year. 2004 – present
20. Journal club for medical students Once a year. 2005 – present
21. ATLS entire course content For anesthesia, surgery, critical care, and emergency medicine
residents and attendings. Given once a month at Cornell Medical College. 2005 – present
22. Biostatistics small groups sessions 3 hour lecture and small group question/answer for
Brooklyn college students and Downstate medical students. 4 sessions a year, 2005 – present
23. Disaster Table Top Drill 2nd 4 hour workshop for nursing, attending physicians and
hospital administration EurAsian Emergency Medicine Congress Antalya Turkey 2010
24. Evidence Based Medicine 4 hour lecture on biostatistics and its application toward clinical
research and critical appraisal of the literature given for residents and attendings at 2nd EurAsian
Emergency Medicine Congress Antalya Turkey 2010
25. Ultrasound 2 day lecture and hands on workshop for resident and attending physicians at
2nd EurAsian Emergency Medicine Congress Antalya Turkey 2010
26. Beta Blockers in Acute Myocardial infarction, an EBM perspective
6th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine Bangkok, Thailand July 2011