Appendix 3 Metacarpal Osteotomy The metacarpal extension osteotomy procedure was first reported by Wilson [11] in 1973 as a treatment for osteoarthritis (OA). The outcomes of eight patients (age range, 54–67 years) were assessed at a followup of 6 months to 9 years. The author reported all patients were “entirely relieved of pain and entirely satisfied.” No other outcome measures were reported. In 1983, Wilson and Bossley [12] published the results of 23 osteotomies in a group of 21 patients (average age, 48 years; range, 38–67 years). At an average followup of 12 years, “all had lasting relief” of pain and only three patients were not completely relieved of pain. All patients “consider they have full function of the thumb.” In 1991, Molitor et al. [6] reported the retrospective results of 12 osteotomies in 11 patients (average age, 64.5 years; range, 53–85 years) and the prospective results of five patients (average age, 63.4 years; range, 49–77 years). All patients were either pain free or had improved pain scores. In the prospective group, grip strength increased for all patients postoperatively. The length of followup was not reported. In 1992, Futami et al. [3] reported the results of 12 thumbs in 10 patients (average age, 58 years; range, 51–68 years). They performed an abduction opposition osteotomy, which is a modification of the Wilson extension osteotomy. Outcomes were graded as satisfactory if patients had increased pinch strength, returned to work, and had increased ROM and were otherwise graded as unsatisfactory. At an average followup of 4 years, 10 of the 12 thumbs were satisfactory. Futami et al. [2] reported on the same series of patients later, with the addition of two more thumbs. No followup timing was given in the second series, and there appeared to be no additional followup on the original 10 patients. In 1996, Pellegrini et al. [8] investigated the biomechanical basis of metacarpal osteotomy in 20 fresh-frozen specimens. Ten joints were nonarthritic, five had moderate arthritis (palmar only), and five had end-stage OA (diffuse eburnation). Specimens were placed in flexion, extension, and lateral pinch, and joint contact pressures were recorded with pressure-sensitive film. This was repeated after extension metacarpal osteotomy. The authors found the primary contact area migrated in a dorsal direction in the nonarthritic and moderately arthritic groups, while no change was detected in the end-stage arthritic group. The authors concluded the biomechanical basis of extension osteotomy is unloading of the palmar compartment of the trapeziometacarpal (TMC) joint. In 1998, Hobby et al. [4] reported the results of 41 thumbs in 33 patients who presented with mild or moderate disease. Average followup was 6.8 years, with 80% of patients reporting either no pain or discomfort only with heavy use. In 2000, Tomaino [10] reported the results of 12 patients (average age, 38 years; range, 24–51 years) with Eaton Stage I disease treated with extension osteotomy. At an average followup of 2.1 years, eight patients were very satisfied, three satisfied, and one dissatisfied. Pain score on average decreased from 5 to 1, and grip and pinch strength increased on average 8.5 and 3 kg, respectively. The author noted stability of the TMC joint was improved after osteotomy. In 2003, Shrivastava et al. [9] simulated extension osteotomy in seven fresh-frozen specimens (average age, 27 years). They reported, in the position of lateral pinch, extension osteotomy reduced joint laxity in all directions, especially dorsal volar (40% reduction), and concluded the benefits of metacarpal extension osteotomy may be due to reduced joint laxity. The mechanism of this increased stability was believed to result from tightening of the dorsal ligaments in the position of lateral pinch, due to the osteotomy. In 2006, Koff et al. [5] compared joint stability and contact areas after permutations of metacarpal extension osteotomy (10° and 15°) and Eaton-Littler type ligament reconstruction (total, volar, dorsoradial). Ligament reconstruction procedures were performed with plastic sheathed steel cables to prevent viscoelastic creep. They reported both 15° osteotomy and EatonLittler reconstruction reduced laxity in all directions, but osteotomy additionally shifted contact area dorsally while ligament reconstruction did not. The authors concluded osteotomy may have a “theoretical advantage” compared to ligament reconstruction in joints with more volar articular wear. In 2007, Badia and Khanchandani [1] reported their technique of combined arthroscopic synovectomy, thermal capsulorraphy, and metacarpal dorsoradial osteotomy for Eaton Stage II basal joint arthritis. The authors treated 43 patients with this technique and reported “satisfactory results in terms of pain relief, stability, and pinch strength,” but no further outcome details were provided. In 2008, Parker et al. [7] reported the outcomes of eight patients treated with extension osteotomy, with an average followup of 9 years. Three patients had Eaton Stage I disease, three Stage II, and two Stage III. Lateral pinch, oppositional pinch, and grip were measured at 5, 3, and 19 kg (129%, 103%, 108% contralateral), respectively, although these did not reflect statistically significant changes. Six of eight patients had “excellent” outcomes as defined by pain and functional limitations. References 1. Badia A, Khanchandani P. Treatment of early basal joint arthritis using a combined arthroscopic debridement and metacarpal osteotomy. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2007;11:168-173. 2. Futami T, Kobayashi A, Ukita T, Fujita T. Abduction-opposition wedge osteotomy of the base of the first metacarpal for thumb basal joint arthritis. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 1998;2:110-114. 3. Futami T, Nakamura K, Shimajiri I. Osteotomy for trapeziometacarpal arthrosis: 4 (1–6) year follow-up of 12 cases. Acta Orthop Scand. 1992;63:462-464. 4. Hobby JL, Lyall HA, Meggitt BF. First metacarpal osteotomy for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1998;80:508-512. 5. Koff MF, Shrivastava N, Gardner TR, Rosenwasser MP, Mow VC, Strauch RJ. An in vitro analysis of ligament reconstruction or extension osteotomy on trapeziometacarpal joint stability and contact area. J Hand Surg Am. 2006;31:429-439. 6. Molitor PJ, Emery RJ, Meggitt BF. First metacarpal osteotomy for carpo-metacarpal osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Br. 1991;16:424-427. 7. Parker WL, Linscheid RL, Amadio PC. Long-term outcomes of first metacarpal extension osteotomy in the treatment of carpal-metacarpal osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Am. 2008;33:1737-1743. 8. Pellegrini VD Jr, Parentis M, Judkins A, Olmstead J, Olcott C. Extension metacarpal osteotomy in the treatment of trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis: a biomechanical study. J Hand Surg Am. 1996;21:16-23. 9. Shrivastava N, Koff MF, Abbot AE, Mow VC, Rosenwasser MP, Strauch RJ. Simulated extension osteotomy of the thumb metacarpal reduces carpometacarpal joint laxity in lateral pinch. J Hand Surg Am. 2003;28:733-738. 10. Tomaino MM. Treatment of Eaton Stage I trapeziometacarpal disease with thumb metacarpal extension osteotomy. J Hand Surg Am. 2000;25:1100-1106. 11. Wilson JN. Basal osteotomy of the first metacarpal in the treatment of arthritis of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb. Br J Surg. 1973;60:854-858. 12. Wilson JN, Bossley CJ. Osteotomy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the first carpometacarpal joint. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1983;65:179-181.