End results of a prospective trial on elective lateral neck dissection vs type III modified radical neck dissection in the management of supraglottic and transglottic carcinomas Brazilian Head and Neck Cancer Study Group1 1Participants in the Brazilian Head and Neck Cancer Study Group: Ricardo R. Brentani, Luiz P. Kowalski, José F. Soares, and Humberto Torloni (Principal investigators, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and Hospital A. C. Camargo, São Paulo, Brazil); Raimunda N. Pereira (Data processing, Hospital A. C. Camargo, São Paulo, Brazil); Mauro K. Ikeda, Roberto P. Andrade, Jose Magrin, Roberto E. V. Miguel, Carlos R. Santos, Leda M. B. Saba, Joao V. Salvajoli (Hospital A. C. Camargo, São Paulo, Brazil); Maria P. Curado, José C. Oliveira, Paula O. Montandon, Márcio M. Machado, Giovana F. Denofrio, Waldyr C. Quinta, Rene B. Alvarez, Rita C. G. Alencar (Hospital Araújo Jorge, Goiânia, Brazil); Benedito V. Oliveira, Gil Ramos, Lysandro S. Antunes (Hospital Erasto Gaertner, Curitiba, Brazil); Jozias Andrade Sobrinho, Abrão Rapoport, Marcos B. Carvalho, Antonio S. Fava, José F. Gois Filho, José F. S. Chagas, Jossi L. Kanda, Flavio M. Gripp, Marcelo H. Ribas, Ivan S. Castro (Hospital Heliópolis, São Paulo, Brazil); Joni M. S. Oliveira, José A. M. Oliveira, Ricardo C. Carvalho, Laércio B. Araújo (Hospital Napoleão Laureano, João Pessoa, Brazil); Paulo A. L. Pontes, Luiz C. Gregório, Márcio Abrahão, Onivaldo Cervantes, Marcos B. Paiva, Werner S. Hebbel, Reginaldo R. Fujita, Pedro H. H. Motta, Roberto A. Segreto (Hospital São Paulo-Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo, Brazil); Roberto S. Camargo, Marcos S. Menten, Eugênio A. B. Ferreira, Celson Chassot (Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil). Head and Neck Surgery Department, Hospital A. C. Camargo, Rua Professor Antonio Prudente, 211, 01509-010 - São Paulo, Brazil. Presented at the Fifth Research Workshop on the Biology, Prevention, and Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer, McLean, Virginia, Aug 26-30, 1998. Funded by: Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, São Paulo branch Keywords laryngeal cancer; surgery; neck dissections; clinical trial; survival analysis Abstract Background Either modified type III radical neck dissection (MRND) or lateral neck dissections (LNDs) are considered valid treatments for patients with laryngeal carcinoma with clinically negative neck findings (N0). The object of this prospective study was to compare complications, neck recurrences, and survival results of elective MRND and LND on the management of laryngeal cancer patients. Patients and Methods This prospective randomized study began in 1990, and patient accrual was closed on December 1993. A total of 132 patients was included in the trial. All patients had previously untreated T2T4 N0 M0 supraglottic or transglottic squamous cell carcinoma. No significant imbalance was found between groups with respect to demographic, clinical, pathologic, and other therapeutic variables. Seventy-one patients were given MRNDs (13 bilateral) and 61 were given LNDs (18 bilateral). Results The false-negative rate was 26%, and most positive nodes were sited at levels II and III. Complications and period of hospitalization were similar in both groups. There were 6 ipsilateral neck recurrences (4 in the MRND group, and 2 in the LND group). The 5-year actuarial survival calculated by Kaplan-Meier method was 72.3% in the MRND group and 62.4% in the LND group (log-rank test p = .312). Conclusions The rate of false-negative nodes in supraglottic and transglottic carcinomas was 26%, and most positive nodes were at levels II and III. The rates of 5-year overall survival, neck recurrences, and complications were similar in both groups. These results confirm the efficacy of lateral neck dissection in the elective treatment of the neck in patients with supraglottic and transglottic carcinomas. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Head Neck 21: 694-702, 1999. Accepted: 11 May 1999 References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ogura JH, Biller HF, Wette R. Elective neck dissection for pharyngeal and laryngeal cancers: an evaluation. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1971;80: 646-651. Medline Lindberg R. Distribution of cervical lymph node metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts. Cancer 1972;27: 1446-1449. Fayos JV. Carcinoma of the endolarynx: results of irradiation. Cancer 1975;35: 1525-1532. Medline Bocca E. Supraglottic cancer. Laryngoscope 1975;85: 1318-1326. Medline Hansen HS. Supraglottic carcinoma of the aryepiglotic fold. Laryngoscope 1975;85: 16671681. Medline Smith RR, Caulk R, Frazell E, et al. Revision of the clinical staging system for cancer. Cancer 1973;31: 72-80. 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