
The Sixteen Roles
1. Mrs. Green, Library Assistant
2. Mr. Periwinkle, Husband
3. Mr. Rose, English Teacher and Friend
4. Mr. Black, Chemistry Teacher but not a Friend
5. Mrs. Cornflower, Newspaper Editor
6. Mr. Ivory, Principal
7. Mr. Gray, Police Officer
8. Mr. White, District Administrator
9. Mr. Coral, Guidance Counselor
10. Pat Violet, Parent
11. Jamie Blue, Student and Library Club President
12. Max Golden, Student and Gang Member
13. Chris Brown, Student and Drug Addict
14. Terry Jade, Student and School Newspaper Editor
15. Charlie Tan, Foreign Exchange Student
16. Sam Rust, Honor Chemistry Student
The Clues
Mrs. Green, Library Assistant. Loves Mrs. Periwinkle and will miss working with her.
She wants to protect the Periwinkle family from any more hurt and will lie to the police if
need be. She knows that Mrs. Periwinkle had some sort of secret and has been acting
strange lately. Second person on the scene, helps hide what she thinks is evidence,
two test tubes.
Mr. Periwinkle, Husband. Married to Mrs. Periwinkle for 30 years and is heartbroken
over the loss. He is angry that the police are treating him as suspect and thinks that
someone at the school is involved. Speaks at the funeral.
Mr. Rose, English Teacher and Friend. Was a good friend and knows about Mrs.
Periwinkle acting strange lately. He spoke to Mr. Ivory, the principal to see if there was
something bothering her about her job. Writes a speech for the funeral.
Mr. Black, Chemistry Teacher but not a Friend. Found the body when he came to
work. Called the police, is hiding evidence (two test tubes from his lab) that he found in
the library. Does not know why there were there.
Mrs. Cornflower, Newspaper Editor. Writes the article about the murder and give the
community the details. Interviews the Police Officer, Mr. Gray for the article. Also
writes about the safety issues at the school and blames Mr. White the District
Administrator for not keeping schools safe for staff and students.
Mr. Ivory, Principal. Helps the staff and students deal with the crisis. Talks to the
Police and cooperates. Sends email memos to the staff to update the situation.
Suspects the gang members, but does not have any evidence.
Mr. Gray, Police Officer. Suspects that the gang and drug member students are
involved in the murder but does not have a motive. Has not ruled out Mr. Periwinkle
and knows that there is a secret. Finally discovers that Mrs. Periwinkle knew about
some students selling drugs in school.
Mr. White, District Administrator. Upset about losing a staff member, but is thinking
about not hiring a replacement to save the district money. Official spokesperson for the
school district to the newspaper.
Mr. Coral, Guidance Counselor. Helps the upset students deal with the death. Knows
that Mrs. Periwinkle was acting strange, because Jamie Blue had talked to him. Sets
up a scholarship fund in memory of Mrs. Periwinkle.
Pat Violet, Parent. Has complained to the school board about books in the library and
would like Mrs. Periwinkle fired. Always writes letters to the newspaper to complain.
Feels this is just another example of schools not doing their job.
Jamie Blue, Student and Library Club President. Works closely with Mrs. Periwinkle in
the library, talked to Mr. Coral, the guidance counselor about her strange behavior.
Max Golden, Student and Gang Member. Gang life is everything to him and Max
would rather not be in school. He is upset about being a suspect because he looks
different and hangs with a tough crowd. Does not take drugs and has heard from Chris
Brown that a student is the killer. He leaks an anonymous email to the local newspaper
that a student is the killer.
Chris Brown, Student and Drug Addict. Buys drugs from Sam Rust at school and is
afraid of being caught. Saw Mrs. Periwinkle talking loudly to Sam one night after school
in the parking lot and fears that she will tell. Does not like her
Terry Jade ,Student and School Newspaper Editor. Is upset about the death, but
never liked Mrs. Periwinkle. Thinks Max Golden is the killer and suggests it in the
school paper.
Charlie Tan, Foreign Exchange Student. Mrs. Periwinkle helped Charlie keep in touch
with family in China. Charlie is very upset about her death. Mrs. Periwinkle talked to Mr.
Coral the guidance counselor when Charlie was homesick and helped to deal with other
personal problems.
Sam Rust, Honor Chemistry Student. Knows so much about chemistry, but is from a
poor family. Sells homemade drugs to the drug and gang members to make money.
He is the killer. Mrs. Periwinkle had found out that he was selling drugs at school and
threatened to turn him into the Police. He asked her to wait one week and he would
stop. During that week, he poisoned her coffee and stole test tubes from the Chemistry
lab to make it look like a teacher has committed the crime. Lies to the police.