Boys and Girls Learn Differently® Creating a Gender Friendly Classroom Environment Research Strategies (not all boys or girls, but generally) Space floor space, table space, paper space Boys experience more through physical processing and body movement. 1. 2. Lighting Vision is boys’ best sense in detecting and acquiring information. See best in bright light. 1. 2. Lighting Girls can see equally well in bright and dim light. Girls use all senses to process information. 1. 2. Volume level Boys hear less well than girls. Generally hear better out of right ear. Boys have more ear infections earlier (longer cochlea). 1. 2. Touch Boys less receptive to soft touch due to fewer nerve receptors. 1. 2. Eye contact Boys maintain eye contact for less time than girls. Boys’ chemistry impels them to practice less eye to eye contact and more shoulder to shoulder. Boys focus more on objects moving through space than girls. 1. 2. Developed by Dakota Hoyt Gurian Institute – Learning through a Gender Lens Visual reinforcement Pictures engage more areas of the brain for boys and help the words “stick”. Too much visual stimulation (stuff on the walls) can be distracting for boys. 1. 2. Aggression nurturance – bumping, prodding, pushing Boys build strength, focus, attentiveness and hierarchy through aggression nurturance. It is important to pay attention to less competitive, aggressive boys (pecking order/stress). 1. 2. Empathy nurturance Girls nurture through empathy –comforting and talking. If girls are aggressive it tends to be in a more socially manipulative manner. 1. 2. Transition between activities Boys are more single task oriented. They need time and specific direction to transition. 1. 2. Use of music and art Using music and art with instruction helps engage both sides of the brain (whole brain). 1. 2. Developed by Dakota Hoyt Gurian Institute – Learning through a Gender Lens