TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarships

2015 Nomination Guidelines
For schools and students
TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarships................................................................................ 3
Eligibility ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Scholarship funds ....................................................................................................................... 4
Selection process ....................................................................................................................... 4
Outstanding leadership qualities ............................................................................................. 4
Academic excellence .............................................................................................................. 4
Tertiary entrance..................................................................................................................... 4
Scholarship offers....................................................................................................................... 4
Information for schools ............................................................................................................... 5
Information for students .............................................................................................................. 5
Nomination process.................................................................................................................... 5
Academic achievement ........................................................................................................... 5
Leadership achievement ......................................................................................................... 6
References ............................................................................................................................. 6
Other supporting documentation ............................................................................................. 6
Key dates ................................................................................................................................... 6
Privacy ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Contact details ........................................................................................................................... 7
The information contained in these guidelines is provided to assist school principals (or their
delegate) along with students being nominated to understand the requirements of the nomination
process. Nominations should be completed collaboratively and submitted online as indicated.
TJ Ryan Medal and Memorial Scholarships
TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarships
The TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarships represents a long-standing tradition of recognising
educational achievement in Queensland.
The award is a memorial to Thomas Joseph Ryan, former teacher, barrister and Queensland
Premier (1915 - 1919), and is awarded to Queensland students who demonstrate a strong
commitment to high academic achievement and outstanding leadership in both their school and the
local community.
The TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarships seek to:
acknowledge students who demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities within their school and
the broader community as well as academic excellence through their achievements in Year 12
to undertake tertiary studies
provide financial assistance for tertiary studies
publicly recognise the efforts of Queensland schools and teachers in supporting their highestachieving students.
Each year the Department of Education, Training and Employment awards up to:
10 Scholarships (valued at up to $10,000 each)
5 High Commendations (valued at $1,000 each)
20 Certificates of Merit.
Students from both state and non-state schools across Queensland are eligible for the awards. A
certificate and commemorative medal will be provided to each scholarship recipient and a certificate
will be provided to their school.
High Commendation awards and Certificates of Merit are awarded at the discretion of the TJ Ryan
Memorial Medal and Scholarship selection panel.
Queensland state or non-state schools are invited to nominate one student for the 2015 TJ Ryan
Memorial Medal and Scholarships who:
will be 18 years of age or younger at 31 December 2014
is currently completing Year 12 and will receive an OP at the end of 2014, OR has completed
Year 12 studies through the International Baccalaureate program and provides an authority to
enable the department to seek an OP conversion of their final results from the Queensland
Tertiary Admissions Centre
is a permanent Australian resident
is applying for entry into a recognised Australian Higher Education Institutions (HEI)
undergraduate degree program for commencement in Semester 1, 2015
the school believes has displayed exemplary academic and leadership attributes during their
senior schooling, particularly Year 12.
Please note that only one nominee per school can be accepted.
Nominees should note that TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarship recipients may also apply for
other relevant Department of Education, Training and Employment awards, grants or scholarships.
However, some programs provided by other government departments or organisations may preclude
recipients of the TJ Ryan Scholarship from their program.
TJ Ryan Medal and Memorial Scholarships
Scholarship funds
The TJ Ryan Scholarship is valued at up to $10,000 and awarded to support the recipient to
undertake an undergraduate degree, including combined or dual degrees at a recognised Australian
Recipients receive an initial payment of $1,000 at the beginning of the first semester of study, with
subsequent payments made following confirmation of academic results for each semester and
evidence of continued enrolment for the following semester.
Subsequent payments are evenly distributed over the minimum length of time necessary to complete
the degree, but not exceeding five years in duration. For example, if the recipient is enrolled in a
Bachelor of Science degree, payments will be made across the three years of study required to
successfully complete the degree.
Students may defer commencement of study until 2016 but must have been accepted into a degree
program in 2015 and sought formal approval to defer commencing study until Semester 1, 2016.
Written confirmation of deferral will be required from the higher education institution, and any
deferral period will be considered to be part or all of the 12 months deferral allowed during the
maximum of five years duration for the scholarship.
Selection process
The TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarships applications will be reviewed and assessed by a
selection panel, including representatives from the state and non-state schooling sectors and a
recent TJ Ryan Medallist. Short-listed applicants may be invited to participate in a short telephone
interview in January 2015.
Scholarship applicants are assessed on the basis of all information presented in their nomination
and with regard to the following selection criteria:
Outstanding leadership qualities
The nominee’s demonstrated leadership qualities in both the school environment and the
broader community, including at the local, state, national and/or international levels. It should be
noted that the panel is seeking strong leaders who have led and/or coordinated others rather
than been a team member or participant only.
Academic excellence
High academic achievement of the nominee including school reports and OP result.
Tertiary entrance
Evidence of offer/acceptance into a recognised Australian HEI undergraduate degree
commencing in Semester 1, 2015.
Scholarship offers
Once the selection process is complete all applicants are notified in writing of the outcome of their
scholarship application. Successful nominees may be notified of the outcome of their application by
phone or email prior to receiving the formal written notification.
The selection panel may also award High Commendations and Certificates of Merit to eligible
To ensure the equitable distribution of awards between state and non-state schools, the ratio of
nominations from non-state schools and state schools will determine the number of awards to each
sector. For example if 40% of nominations are from non-state sector and 60% of nominations from
the state sector, four awards would be assigned to non-state school nominees and six to state sector
TJ Ryan Medal and Memorial Scholarships
Information for schools
All Queensland secondary schools are invited to nominate one high achieving 2014 Year 12 student.
Schools should ensure that all eligible Year 12 students are fairly considered for nomination and it is
recommended that each school’s nomination process include:
providing all Year 12 students with information about the TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and
Scholarship and the process the school will undertake to select its nominee
consider all interested and eligible Year 12 students
a selection process that ensures that the nominated student has achieved academic excellence
in relation to their OP, demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities and strong leadership roles
held in the school and the wider community
seeking the support of the parent or guardian of the nominated student
an opportunity for the school principal and the nominated student to collaboratively complete the
online TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarship nomination process.
If more than one nomination is received from an individual school, the school will be required to
identify their preferred nominee to progress through the selection process. Multiple nominations from
the school will not be considered.
Information for students
High achieving Year 12 students who intend to commence undergraduate studies at a HEI in 2015
should discuss their interest in being considered as the school’s nominee for a TJ Ryan Memorial
Medal and Scholarship with a relevant school staff member.
If selected as their school’s nominee, the student must ensure they are able to clearly demonstrate
to the selection panel, their:
academic excellence – including providing official school results and a list of any academic
awards during Years 11 and 12
outstanding leadership qualities both at school and within the local or broader community,
including lists of significant leadership positions:
at school during Years 10, 11 and 12. This can include formal leadership positions such
as School Captain, Vice-Captain, House Captain or Committee Chair, as well as those
within community organisations or at events attended as an official representative of the
within the local or broader community during Years 10, 11 and 12, such as positions held
in sporting teams or community organisations and events that are external to school.
Nomination process
The school principal and their nominee should collaboratively complete the online TJ Ryan Memorial
Medal and Scholarship nomination process, available at:
The closing date for nominations is 5pm Monday, 8 December 2014.
All sections of the online nomination form should be completed and only the requested supporting
documentation submitted to ensure the nominee has the best opportunity when being considered by
the selection panel.
Academic achievement
Copies of official school result transcripts for Years 11 and 12 should be included with the
nomination as evidence of academic achievement.
The department will be able to obtain nominee’s senior schooling results, including OP score from
the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA), when it is released.
TJ Ryan Medal and Memorial Scholarships
A list of academic awards that acknowledge specific academic achievement, including a brief
explanation of awards that may be unique to the school and why they are awarded, will also assist
the selection panel.
Leadership achievement
Detailed information about the nominee’s leadership achievements, both within and external to
school, are required to support the nomination.
Two brief summaries of the leadership positions held by the nominee and the key achievements in
these positions should be included with the nomination. Please limit details to a maximum of 50
words per leadership role.
One summary should focus on the leadership positions in the school environment or in situations
where the nominee has represented the school.
The second summary should focus on leadership roles in the wider community and external to
the school, including local, state, national or international opportunities.
Please note that in either instance, the panel is looking for demonstration of strong leadership skills
in regards to the nominee leading and/or coordinating others or activities, rather than participation or
being a member of a team.
Two written references are required as follows:
A reference from the school principal providing an overview of the student’s suitability for the
award, including high academic achievement, strong leadership qualities and achievements,
personal traits and characteristics, communication skills, involvement in extra-curricular activities
within the school, local community and broader community.
A second reference can be provided by an individual who can speak with authority on the
student’s leadership skills and abilities outside of the school environment. Suitable referees
include, but are not limited to, church/youth leaders, sport coaches, representatives of
community organisations and employers.
References should be provided on the official letterhead of the school or organisation.
Other supporting documentation
It is recommended that nominations also include a Resume/Curriculum Vitae that details the
educational achievements, work experience opportunities (if any) and any other achievements such
as sporting accomplishments, volunteer and citizenship service, cultural activities, and nominations.
It should also list any awards or scholarships received by the nominee.
Do not enclose copies of any awards listed in the Resume/Curriculum Vitae. These are not required
in the initial submission but the selection panel may request them at a later stage if required.
Key dates
8 December 2014
Scholarship applications close
31 January 2015
Selection process completed
28 February 2015
Conditional offers made to successful nominees
14 March 2015
Last date for acceptance of offer
TJ Ryan Medal and Memorial Scholarships
The department collects personal information in order to assess nominations for the TJ Ryan
Memorial Medals and Scholarships program.
Your information will be used to administer the scholarship program, assess your nomination, for
verification and assessment purposes and may involve disclosure of some information to external
agencies outside of the department, such as QCAA , Queensland College of Teachers, your HEI or
persons/agencies mentioned in your nomination. Otherwise your personal information will not be
disclosed to any other person/agency without your express permission or we are required by law.
Should you accept an offer of a scholarship, you should note that the information provided may also
be used for promotional activities carried out by the department. Your profile may be printed in
presentation ceremony programs and other media/web activities.
Personal information collected by the department is handled in accordance with the Information
Privacy Act 2009.
Contact details
Should you require further assistance or information regarding the TJ Ryan Memorial Medals and
Scholarships, please contact:
Workforce Initiatives, Human Resources Branch
Department of Education, Training and Employment
Tel: 3055 2991
TJ Ryan Medal and Memorial Scholarships