MINUTES OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2010 Present: Councillor Mrs Taylor JP (in the Chair) Councillors N Best Houldsworth Mrs Ridyard Coleman Lee Wynne Mrs Rowson Co-opted Members: Canon Durham and Mr J Dooley In attendance: Councillor P Collins, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Mr D Lund, Executive Director, Children Adults and Family Services Mrs S Harrison, Assistant Director Learning and Schools, Children Adults and Family Services Directorate Ms J Hambly, Assistant Director Safeguarding, Looked After Children and Additional Needs, Children Adults and Family Services Directorate Mr A Lowe, Children Adult and Families Directorate Mr D Garrett, Goal Champion, Blackpool Strategic Partnership Mrs L Latham, Resources Directorate Also Present: Mrs F Greaves and Mrs C Ridgeway, Collegiate High School 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Mrs Ridyard declared a personal interest with regard to Item 11 - Building Schools for the Future. The nature of the interest being that she was a member of the school’s governing body. 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24 JUNE 2010 The Committee agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2010 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 3. DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE EXECUTIVE AND CABINET MEMBER The Committee noted that there had been no decisions taken by the Executive and Cabinet Member appertaining to the Children’s Services portfolio. MINUTES OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2010 4. FORWARD PLAN The Committee considered the proposed key decisions included in the Forward Plan which fell within the remit of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services. With regard to decision reference 25/2009 Permission to Proceed with planning for a Studio School in Blackpool, the Committee was informed that funded had been curtailed and that alternative options to deliver the type of education and work based programmes proposed for the Studio School were being investigated. A question was raised regarding decision reference 11/2010 - Revised school organisational issues required following the cessation of the Building Schools for the Future Programme. The Committee agreed to note the key decisions included within the Forward Plan. Background Papers: None 5. COLLEGIATE HIGH SCHOOL OFSTED INSPECTION REPORT The Committee considered the inspection report for Collegiate High School. Mrs S Harrison, Assistant Director Learning and Schools, addressed the Committee regarding the content of the report. She explained that the school had been given a notice to improve but that the inspection team had recognised the school had developed its capacity to sustain improvements relating to achievement, the quality of teaching and learning and attendance. She noted that the appointment of a new headteacher would continue to build on progress made by the previous interim headteacher. Mrs C Ridgway, Headteacher, Collegiate High School explained that it was her intention to ensure continuous improvements in teaching and learning were made at the school alongside improvements in attendance. The teaching team was noted to be stable, experienced and focused on providing the best opportunities for learning for the pupils. Mrs F Greaves, Chairman of Governors explained that the partnership with Blackpool Sixth Form College was working well, both in terms of sharing staffing resource and in raising aspirations of children at the school to continue into higher education. The School would receive a further follow up inspection from Ofsted to monitor progress within a 12 month period. Mrs Harrison reported that the Local Authority would continue to support the school, particularly in implementing strategies for improved teaching and learning. She explained that the unvalidated headline results at Key Stage 4 had indicated a significant percentage rise in pupil’s achievement at GCSE. The Committee agreed: 1. To note the report. MINUTES OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2010 2. To forward a letter to the school that would express its support for continuing progress and improvements at the school and thanks in conjunction with the hard work undertaken by all staff, pupils and parents. Background Papers: None 6. HAWES SIDE PRIMARY SCHOOL OFSTED INSPECTION REPORT The Committee considered the Ofsted inspection report for Hawes Side Primary School. Mrs S Harrison, Assistant Director Learning and Schools, addressed the Committee regarding the content of the report. She noted that the school had been graded as good, with considerable areas of improvement made since the last inspection. She noted that independent learning and performance monitoring undertaken by pupils themselves were particular strengths of the school. The areas highlighted for improvement had been fully acknowledged by the school in particular increasing the consistency of good or better teaching. She explained that the challenge for the school was to develop further and move from a good to an outstanding judgement when inspected in future. The Committee agreed: 1. To note the report. 2. To forward a letter that would express its congratulations and thanks in conjunction with the hard work undertaken by all staff, parents and pupils at the school. Background Papers: None 7. NORBRECK PRIMARY SCHOOL INSPECTION REPORT The Committee considered the Ofsted inspection report for Norbreck Primary School. Mrs S Harrison, Assistant Director Learning and Schools, addressed the Committee regarding the content of the report. She explained that the school had been graded as good overall with particularly positive comments regarding the vibrant curriculum and high aspirations and ambitious target setting of the school leaders and governors. Inspectors had commented that the school knew itself well and had made consistent progress since the last inspection despite building works on site. Areas for improvement had been incorporated into the School Action Plan, with the aim of moving the school towards an outstanding judgement following the next inspection. The Committee agreed: 1. To note the report. MINUTES OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2010 2. To forward a letter that would express its congratulations and thanks in conjunction with the hard work undertaken by all staff, parents and pupils at the school. Background Papers: None 8. BLACKPOOL ATTAINMENT 2009 - 2010 Mrs S Harrison, Assistant Director Learning and Schools, provided the Committee with an overview of the unvalidated Blackpool 2009 - 2010 attainment results for children aged four, seven, eleven and sixteen. The Committee was informed that results relating to the Early Years Foundation Stage were extremely pleasing, particularly the percentage of children achieving six or more in the areas of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication, Language and Literacy. Summary Statements based on teacher assessments at Key Stage One had shown some percentage decreases across a number of areas. Improving standards at Key Stage One was a key focus area for the 2010 - 2011 year and it was anticipated that outcomes for children would be improved through using staff trained as part of the Every Child a Talker programme. A detailed discussion took place regarding the Key Stage Two Summary Results and the number of schools within Blackpool which did not administer the national tests in 2010. She explained that the figures were therefore indicative and had been separated into those for teacher assessment and test based results. Mr D Lund, Executive Director Children, Adult and Family Services informed the Committee that all schools had been advised prior to May 2010 to comply with the law and administer the tests. Mrs Harrison advised the Committee that achievements at Key Stage Four had been the highest recorded and the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A* - C had risen to 46.3% with all schools showing improvement in their results. She noted that Maths would remain a key focus for 2010 - 2011 to continue progress in narrowing the gap between attainment in English and Maths with St Mary’s Catholic College acting as the lead school. The Committee agreed to: 1. Note the report. 2. To receive a report at a future meeting detailing the breakdown of the validated results by school. Background Papers: None MINUTES OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2010 9. PRESENTATION ON DOMESTIC ABUSE This item was deferred to a future meeting of the Committee. 10. YOUTH OFFENDING TEAM INSPECTION 2009 ACTION PLAN UPDATE Mr A Lowe, Children, Adult and Families Directorate, provided an update report on the areas for improvement highlighted in the core case inspection of Blackpool Youth Offending Team in 2009. He explained that steady progress had been made in implementing systematic approaches to core practice, including significant staff training programmes to improve knowledge and expertise within the team. Case loads for workers still remained high in Blackpool, although in line with national trends, the numbers of young people entering the youth criminal justice system were reducing. Youth Justice had recently become a responsibility of the Ministry for Justice and implications regarding future work within the area had not yet been confirmed. The Committee agreed: 1. To note the report. 2. To receive an update regarding the future of the Youth Offending Team and youth justice operations when the implications of work under the new government department funding streams were known. Background Papers: None 11. BUILDING SCHOOLS FOR THE FUTURE Mr D Lund, Executive Director Children, Adult and Family Services, provided the Committee with an update on the Building Schools for the Future Programme. He reported that following the Government’s review of the Building Schools for the Future and Academies programmes in August 2010, the Local Authority was notified that the sample schools redevelopment could progress. Plans for the remaining secondary schools, Studio School and special school realignment had all been ’stopped’, with future schools capital requirements linked to a Department of Education review on capital spending and the outcome of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review in late October 2010. The Committee was informed that the statutory consultation had commenced to defederate Bispham and Beacon Hill High Schools and would be finally determined by the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services. The Primary School element in place at Beacon Hill High School would remain, making the school a through school for pupils aged 5 to 16 years. MINUTES OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2010 A question was raised regarding the redevelopment of Snow Heights, listed as part of work to be undertaken by the Eric Wright Charitable Trust. Mr Lund reported that Snow Heights was an outdoor activity facility situated in the Lake District which had been purchased by Trustees for use by children and young people in Blackpool a number of years ago. The facility required maintenance and had fallen into disrepair. The Committee agreed to note the report. Background Papers: None 12. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS IN TERM TIME The Committee considered an update on the proposed Holidays in Term Time Policy for all schools. Mrs J Hambly, Assistant Director Safeguarding, Looked After Children and Additional Needs, reported that the School Term Time Leave Policy would become an appendix to the Blackpool Attendance Strategy due to be launched in the Autumn Term. It was anticipated that the document would be a tool for Headteachers to utilise when informing and negotiating with parents regarding taking their children out of school for a family holiday. She explained that all Governing Bodies would be encouraged to adopt the policy. In response to questioning, the Committee was informed that supplementary guidance was also provided by the Authority to define ’exceptional circumstances’ as referred to in the Policy. The Committee agreed to note the update report. Background Papers: None 13. BLACKPOOL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP GOAL CHAMPIONS REPORT The Committee received a brief update from Mr D Garrett, Blackpool Strategic Partnership’s (BSP) Goal Champion for Improving Skill Levels and Educational Achievement. He highlighted the overall context surrounding the operation of the BSP moving forward, particularly in the light of recent announcements by the Coalition Government. The Committee was informed that Mr Garrett had continued to meet regularly with officers from the Children, Adult and Families Directorate and with the Chairman of the Committee. The Committee was informed that as Goal Champion Mr Garrett sat on the Children’s Trust Board and would endeavour to work more closely with the Board in future. Mr Garrett noted that due to potential changes in the organisation of the Enterprise Board, of which he was Chairman, he may not continue in the role of Goal Champion in the future. MINUTES OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2010 The Committee agreed to note the update report. Background Papers: None 14. SCRUTINY UPDATE AND BLACKPOOL YOUTH SERVICES PROVISION SCRUTINY REVIEW FINAL REPORT Mrs L Latham, Resources Directorate, addressed the Committee regarding the final report of the Youth Services Provision Scrutiny Working Group. The review had focused on the role and types of work undertaken by a youth worker in Blackpool Young People’s Services and provision (places to go and positive activities) available across the whole of Blackpool, including Leisure Services, The Third and private sectors. She explained that the investigations of the Working Group had been significantly impacted upon by announcements from Central Government regarding immediate reductions in Area Based Grant funding. The report therefore contained a number of service priorities alongside more traditional scrutiny recommendations. The Committee was requested to consider potential topics for review. Mr D Lund, Executive Director Children, Adult and Family Directorate suggested that the Music Service could be the subject of a future scrutiny review. The Committee agreed: 1. To approve the Blackpool Youth Services Provision Scrutiny final report. 2. To forward the report to the Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee for consideration. Background Papers: None 15. COMMITTEE WORKPLAN Mrs L Latham, Resources Directorate, presented Members with an updated Committee Workplan for 2010 - 2011 and a brief overview of the proposed schedule of arrangements for joint working with the Adult Social Care and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year. She explained that following the first joint workshop which had taken place on 24 June 2010, feedback from Members had been extremely positive. It had been agreed that opportunities for joint working between both Committees should be maximised, particularly focusing on areas of transition. The schedule included both joint workshops and some separate committee meetings. The Committee agreed: 1. To note the updated Workplan. MINUTES OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2010 2. To note the report from the Joint Workshop for members of the Adult Social Care and Housing and Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 24 June 2010. 3. To note the programme of scheduled committees and joint workshops for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2010 - 2011. Background Papers: None 16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The Committee noted that the date of the next meeting was Thursday 7 October 2010, to be held at 4.45pm and followed by a joint workshop at 5pm. Both meetings would take place at Blackpool Town Hall. Chairman (The meeting ended at 6:48 pm) Any queries regarding these minutes, please contact: Laura Latham,Senior Democratic Services Adviser Tel: 01253 477123 E-mail: laura.latham@blackpool.gov.uk