Merrylee Primary School June 2009 Dear Parent / Carer Staff news With much selfish regret we anticipate the retirement of Ian McAulay, our very popular janitor. Ian has decided to hang up his keys after 16 years in Merrylee. Many of us had great fun celebrating his retirement Friday night in Newlands Tennis Club. The children will also give Ian a huge send off on his last day. I know you will all join me in thanking Ian for his caring attitude towards all of us in Merrylee. He will now need to pass on his skills to the new janitors, Mr Douglas and Mr Miller of ringing the bell with his nose, how to sing the sausage song and how to remember all our birthdays to give us our dumps and sing ‘happy birthday’. We will all miss Ian and dearly hopes he continues to play some part in the life of Merrylee after he retires. Goodbye With regret we must bid farewell to Miss Lisa Leiper, Miss Christine Gallagher and Mr Colin Sinclair. All three teachers have been with us all year and have worked tirelessly as part of our very dedicated team of teachers. I wish to thank them for their commitment to the life of our school and wish them luck in their new posts. It also looks as though we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Sandra Thornton who has been a PE teacher in Merrylee for 10 years. Unfortunately my staffing allocation does not allow me to keep her. This will be a huge loss for us all. I would like to thank her for her fabulous contribution to the health and well being of our pupils and staff in Merrylee. She gives the pupils amazing opportunities to express themselves through physical activity. I have requested additional staffing to allow us to retain Sandra but within this current financial climate… who knows. Welcome Many of you will know Mr John Douglas, janitor, who has been working alongside Mr McAulay since we moved into this building. John has fitted in beautifully to the Merrylee ethos and already plays a very active role in the school community. He has been a great help in settling us into our fabulous new school. I thank you for this John and look forward to continuing to work with you. Welcome to Mr Tommy Miller who has joined us this week as Mr McAulay’s replacement. Tommy is looking forward to getting to know us all and I am sure he will become a valued member of our team also. I am delighted to report that Mrs Murray from the school office has returned to work following her back injury. Its great to have her back and looking so much better. Closure of Merrylee Nursery Class With much regret our nursery class closes on Wednesday 24th June for the last time. This is a sad time for our school community. I would like to thank Mrs Caroline Deans who established the original Holmlea Nursery Class many years ago. She has maintained a service to pupils over the years which has been recognised by both Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education and the Care Commission. Mrs Deans has enjoyed the support of very able and caring staff, Kevin Edgar, Janice Barbour, Eileen Martin and Marie Anderson. I would like to thank them all very much indeed and wish them luck in their new posts. The ladies will join the staff of Lime Tree Nursery and Kevin is to join the pre 5 peripatetic team. 1 Natural Play Site Growth on the site has been slow due to the very dry weather. If there is any further news it will be posted on the Parent Council website. Planting of the Lime Tree Many thanks to Rolf and Felicity, parents of Rowan in P2/3 who planted the lime tree which was donated by Cathcart and District Community Council. The tree has been planted in the nursery garden adjacent to Our Lady of the Annunciation Primary School. The position was chosen as the best as it is in the middle of our schools representing the schools/nursery at the heart of our community. Parents Association Many thanks to all in the PA for all their fabulous efforts this year. Despite all the delays in moving into the new school, the PA still managed to raise fabulous sums for the benefit of all in the school, arrange many social events and also support the work of the school. I would like to wish the Hemmings family best wishes as they leave Merrylee to move to England due to work relocation. Gillian has been on the PA for the past 5 years with 3 in the role of secretary. Thank you for all your support. Pupil Council Update The Pupil Council have been involved in many initiatives lately. The most recent to support Mrs Shona MacRae, Pupil Support Assistant, in her quest to collect toys to take to an orphanage in Kenya. Shona has been overwhelmed by the support she has been given and looks forward to seeing the delighted faces on the children of the orphanage in the outskirts of Nairobi. I am sure you will join me in wishing Shona luck on her trip to Kenya at the end of the month. Eco committee Much of the work of the eco committee has centred around the allotment and the filming of the television programme for the BBC. The children have been recording the progress of their produce and also their many activities. Please look on the BBC website to view their photos. The group visited an organic farm in Fife with the television producer where they learned more about organic farming and enjoyed a lovely meal in the organic restaurant. The group welcomed members from the North Glasgow Asylum growing project to the school plot. The two groups worked together, shared ideas and looked forward to the time in July when they will help each other harvest their produce and then prepare healthy food in our school kitchen on July 30th. Health Committee Update Thank you so much to the Heath Committee and Mrs Haddock for a fabulous Health Week. Although health and well being is always important to us in school it was fabulous to be able to highlight all the good work going on in the school, to enjoy visits from various experts and to invite the local community in to share it with us. 2 Chess club Well done to the chess team who gained third place in the Glasgow Chess League. Many thanks to Miss Leiper and often Mr Sinclair for leading the chess club. Football club The Saturday football club grows from strength to strength with even more parents willing to become involved. They offer a fabulous session of fitness, football and fun to pupils from P1 –P7. Many thanks to all of you who have helped offer this great opportunity to our pupils. Football Team Once again our pupils have enjoyed great fun when involved in our school football team. This would not be possible without the tireless efforts of our football mad Principal Teacher, Mrs Irene Sutherland. Occasionally it is forgotten how much she does to develop football in the local community so I would like to extend a very sincere thanks to her at the end of another busy season. This year Irene has been most ably supported by her son David. Many thanks also to him. Badminton Club Mrs May Bennie continues to be the champion of badminton development in Glasgow. We are very lucky to have her promoted the sport amongst our pupils. The team has been very successful throughout the season. Kane Henderson recently represented Glasgow at an Anglo Scottish tournament weekend at the National Sports Centre at Inverclyde. Well done to Kane and many thanks again to May. After school clubs Once again our after school clubs this term have been full and very popular. Currently we offer 4 lots of football, golf, badminton, art, cooking, technology, chess and craft. If you would be interested in being involved in or running an after school activity next session, please do not hesitate to contact me at the beginning of term. Traffic management Thank you for your comments in relation to the traffic management around the school. The Parent Council will write to Education Headquarters on your behalf. I do however realise that many of you still have concerns. Can I suggest that you contact the Parent Council which is most anxious to take up this cause on behalf of us all? You can do this by emailing via the Parent Council web site at the e-mail You will also be able to access contacts for individual members on the web site. Please also feel free to leave any written communication with our school office staff who will ensure that it is passed to the Parent Council. Potted Sports Apologies for the cancellation of Potted Sports due to the rain. Hopefully they will be held on Thursday afternoon. That is the only time left within a very busy week. 3 Classification for session 2009-10 Although very late once again, I can advise you of the classification for next year as I have received confirmation of my staffing quota. There will be 11 classes due to the numbers at several stages. Mrs Sloan will continue to work 0.5 of the week in the area of support for learning. At this moment I will not be able to employ Mrs Sandra Thornton to deliver PE as I do not have enough staffing entitlement. I have requested 0.4 extra (2 days) but in this financial climate I have my doubts if this will be granted. This will be a huge loss to our school as she has been with us now for ten years. Sandra is a gifted PE teacher who gives our children fabulous experiences in the gym. I am pleased to welcome Miss Julie Matheson and Mrs Veronica Gray who have been appointed to two of our vacant posts in school. The 3rd vacancy has yet to be filled. I will await instruction from Headquarters. P1a P1b P1/2 P2 P2/3 25 pupils 25 pupils 12/8 pupils 30 pupils Miss Julie Matheson in room 4 Mrs Helen Pattie in room 2 Mrs Anne Fishwick in room 1 Mrs Hilary Thomson in room 6 Mrs Janet Stephen Mon/Tue in room 5 Mrs Myra Young Wed –Fri P3 Mrs Marlene Anderson Mon-Tue in room 7 Mrs Lynne Crichton Wed-Fri P4 Vacancy I n room 8 P5 Mrs Caroline Campbell in room 9 P 5/6 Mrs Colette Haddock in room 12 P6/7 Mrs Veronica Gray in room 10 P7 Mrs Irene Sutherland in room 11 Mrs Stephanie McKillop will continue to deliver French throughout the school and give some teachers their planning and preparation time. (McCrone). The remainder to relief and support will be offered by Mrs Caroline Deans, DHT and I. Where the children have been moved into composite classes, they have been allocated according to maths groups. Happy holidays! On behalf of all staff may I thank you for your fabulous support again this year. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful summer and I look forward to welcoming you back in August. Dates for your diary Wed 24th June 10am Leavers assembly All friends & family welcome at Cathcart Trinity (Please note this is not a religious service. The venue is being used as our school hall is not large enough.) Pm P2,2/3,3/4,4 to watch P7 perform Cinderella Pm Both P1 to Cathcart trinity for a mock Christian baptism th Thurs 25 June 10am P1, 6/7, 5, 5/6 to watch P7 perform Cinderella. P7 parents most Welcome 1pm P4-7 potted sports 2pm P1-3 potted sports Thurs 25th June P6 & P7 Ceilidh 7-9.15pm in school hall th Fri 26 June 1pm School closes for the summer holiday Mon 17th August 9am School resumes Yours faithfully Mrs Liz Mahindru Head Teacher 4