27th may 2014 - Gillingham Town Council

The Town Hall, School Road, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4QR
Tel: 01747 823588 Email: GTC@gillinghamdorset-tc.gov.uk
Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on Tuesday 27th May 2014
commencing at 7.30 pm in the Civic Hall Town Hall, School Road, Gillingham.
Cllr Mrs V Pothecary (Mayor),
Cllr D Milsted (Deputy Mayor),
Cllr Mrs A Beckley, Cllr Mrs E Booton, Cllr R Evill,
Cllr A Frith, Cllr Mrs Hunt, Cllr S Joyce, Cllr Ms Phillips,
Cllr Mrs B Ridout, Cllr Mrs J Robson, Cllr B Von Clemens,
Cllr D Walsh and Cllr D White.
Cllrs R Arnold and R Monksummers.
Also present:
Invited guests. Town Crier Mr David Wathen.
Town Clerk Mrs S Dobie, Clerks Mrs J Hansford and Mrs J Ezzard.
421. To receive apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr R Arnold, Cllr D Griffin and Cllr R Monksummers.
Cllr Mrs Pothecary, the retiring mayor, gave the following outgoing speech:
‘I can’t believe that a whole year has passed since I stood up to address this gathering. I have
had the most brilliant 12 months. I have attended 75 civic events, 41 in Gillingham and 34
around the county. Many wonderful memories. It has been such an honour and I sincerely
thank you, my fellow councillors, for giving me the opportunity to represent the town, and the
council, in its 40th year. I am also grateful for the very warm welcome that I’ve received from
the people of Gillingham wherever I have gone. I gave a very comprehensive PowerPoint report
of my mayoral year at the Annual Council meeting on 30th April, so I am not going to spend
time reviewing it again. I would just say that in my year of service I wanted to hold an event to
recognise the unsung heroes of our town, the people who unselfishly give their time and energy
for the wellbeing of others. And I was truly delighted that in September last year 14 members of
our community, nominated by the public, were given a small recognition of our thanks. This
was the highlight of my year. However, in my opinion there was one community hero missing.
As my last act as your Mayor I would like to redress this and present a community hero award
to Julie Hansford, who year on year shows her dedication to the community in so many ways.
I would like to thank my daughter Amanda for all her support, and my dear friend Anne Kings,
who over the last 8 months has escorted me to all the civic events and really looked after me. I
would also like to thank our town crier, Mr David Wathen, for his support throughout the year.
I would like to thank the Town Hall team. We are so fortunate here in Gillingham, to have such
dedicated professionals who do their absolute best for the councillors and townsfolk alike, I
have been really grateful for their support.’
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Annual Council Meeting – Tuesday 27th May 2014 – continued:422. To elect the Mayor for the Council Year 2014-2015 and to formally ask the member
elected to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office following the election.
Cllr Frith proposed “that Cllr Milsted should be elected as Mayor of Gillingham for the
Council Year 2014 - 2015” Cllr Walsh seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Cllr Milsted accepted the badge of office from the retiring Mayor, Cllr Mrs Pothecary, and duly
signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as the Mayor of Gillingham for 2014 -2015.
Cllr Milsted’s first duty was to present a ‘Past Mayor’s’ badge to the retiring Mayor, Cllr Mrs
423. To elect the Deputy Mayor for the Council Year 2014 -2015 and to formally ask the
member elected to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office following the election.
Cllr Frith proposed “that Cllr Walsh should be elected as Deputy Mayor of Gillingham for
the Council Year 2014 - 2015”. Cllr Mrs Hunt seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Cllr Walsh accepted the badge of office from the Mayor, Cllr Milsted, and duly signed the
Declaration of Acceptance of Office as the Deputy Mayor of Gillingham for 2014 -2015.
In Cllr Milsted’s opening speech he expressed his thanks to the outgoing Mayor, Cllr Mrs
Pothecary. He welcomed his wife, Mrs Annie Milsted as Mayoress of Gillingham for 2014 –
2015 and Cllr Walsh as his Deputy Mayor.
Cllr Milsted stated that it was a huge honour and privilege to be elected as Mayor of Gillingham
and expressed his gratitude to his fellow councillors and thanked them for their dedication and
hard work.
Cllr Milsted informed the meeting that the Mayor’s Charity will be raising funds for a ‘Viking
Super Rope End Swing’ as part of the Gillingham Recreation Ground Refurbishment Project
and aims to raised £8,995.00 for the piece of equipment. Cllr Milsted explained that he will also
be raising funds for two sets of ‘Seca 635 Bariatric Digital Scales’ at a cost of £740.00 each for
use at the Barn Surgery and Peacemarsh Surgery in Gillingham.
Cllr Milsted spoke of the hard work carried out by all the town councillors, officers and grounds
staff. Finally, Cllr Milsted thanked his friends and family for attending the evening.
Deputy Mayor, Cllr Walsh thanked his fellow Councillors for bestowing the honour upon him.
He was extremely proud to be an ambassador for Gillingham. Cllr Walsh informed the meeting
that his consort will be Cllr Mrs Belinda Ridout.
424. To approve the minutes of the last meeting of the Full Town Council held on 28 th April
2014 and Extraordinary Full Council 19th May 2014.
Cllr Mrs Robson proposed “that the minutes of the Full Town Council meeting held on the
28th April 2014 should be approved as a correct record of the meeting”. Cllr Frith
seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Cllr Mrs Pothecary proposed “that the minutes of the Extraordinary Full Council meeting
held on the 19th May 2014 should be approved as a correct record of the meeting”. Cllr
Evill seconded and the vote was unanimous.
425. Questions. There were no questions.
426. Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.
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Annual Council Meeting – Tuesday 27th May 2014 – continued:427. Appointment of Committees and Chairman/Deputy Chairman (each Committee will
include, ex-officio, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, with the exception of the Development
Management Recommendations Committee, when they are already members of the NDDC
Development Management Recommendations Committee).
The Town Clerk explained to the meeting the procedure for the appointment of members to the
committees and also gave a summary of the tasks each committee was responsible for. A draft
list of committee membership, compiled from the preference slips submitted by members, was
issued with the agenda for the meeting.
General Purposes:
The Members as listed below are appointed to the General Purposes Committee reporting
to Full Council”.
Cllr R Arnold
Cllr D Griffin
Cllr D Walsh
Cllr Mrs V Pothecary
Cllr S Joyce
Cllr B Von Clemens
Cllr Mrs A Beckley
Cllr Mrs S Hunt
Cllr R Evill
Cllr D Milsted
Cllr Mrs B Ridout
General Purposes - Election of Chairman:
Cllr Joyce proposed “that Cllr Milsted should be elected as the Chairman of the General
Purposes Committee for the Council Year 2014 -2015”. Cllr Mrs Beckley seconded and the
vote was unanimous.
The members of the Committee unanimously appointed Cllr Milsted as Chairman of the
General Purposes Committee. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Chairman of The
General Purposes Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015 was duly signed.
General Purposes Committee - Election of Deputy Chairman:
Cllr Milsted proposed “that Cllr Walsh should be elected as the Deputy Chairman of the
General Purposes Committee for the Council Year 2014 -2015”. Cllr Joyce seconded and
the vote was unanimous.
The General Purposes Committee unanimously appointed Cllr Walsh as Deputy Chairman of
the General Purposes Committee. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Deputy Chairman
of General Purposes Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015 was duly signed.
Development Management Recommendations Committee:
The Members as listed below are appointed to the Development Management
Recommendations Committee reporting to Full Council.
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Annual Council Meeting – Tuesday 27th May 2014 – continued:427. Appointment of Committees and Chairman/Deputy Chairman continued:
Cllr R Evill
Cllr A Frith
Cllr S Joyce
Cllr Mrs B Ridout
Cllr Mrs A Beckley
Cllr D White
Cllr Mrs J Robson
Cllr D Griffin
Mrs E Booton
Cllr B Von Clemens
Cllr David Walsh
Development Management Recommendations Committee - Election of Chairman:
Cllr Mrs Robson proposed “that Cllr Evill should be elected as the Chairman of the
Development Management Recommendations Committee for the Council Year 2014 2015”. Cllr Frith seconded and the vote was unanimous.
The members of the Committee unanimously appointed Cllr Evill as Chairman of the
Development Management Recommendations Committee. A Declaration of Acceptance of
Office for Chairman of Development Management Recommendations Committee for the
Council Year 2014 - 2015 was duly signed.
Development Management Recommendations Committee - Election of Deputy Chairman:
Cllr Evill proposed “that Cllr Mrs Ridout should be elected as the Deputy Chairman of the
Development Management Recommendations Committee for the Council Year 2014 2015”. Cllr Frith seconded and the vote was unanimous.
The Development Management Recommendations Committee unanimously appointed Cllr
Mrs Ridout as Deputy Chairman of the Development Management Recommendations
Committee. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Deputy Chairman of Development
Management Recommendations Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015 was duly signed.
Policy and Resources:
The Members as listed below are appointed to the Policy and Resources Committee
reporting to Full Council.
Cllr Mrs J Robson
Cllr Mrs V Pothecary
Cllr R Evill
Cllr Ms L Phillips
Cllr D Milsted
Cllr Mrs S Hunt
Cllr Mrs E Booton
Cllr D Griffin
Cllr B Von Clemens
Cllr D Walsh
Cllr R Monksummers
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Annual Council Meeting – Tuesday 27th May 2014 – continued:427. Appointment of Committees and Chairman/Deputy Chairman continued:
Policy and Resources Committee – Election of Chairman:
Cllr Walsh proposed “that Cllr Mrs Hunt should be elected as Chairman of the Policy and
Resources Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015”. Cllr Mrs Phillips seconded and
the vote was unanimous.
The members of the Policy and Resources Committee unanimously appointed Cllr Mrs Hunt
as the Chairman of the committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015. A Declaration of
Acceptance of Office for Chairman of Policy and Resources Committee for the Council Year
2014 - 2015 was duly signed.
Policy and Resources Committee – Election of Deputy Chairman:
Cllr Mrs Phillips proposed “that Cllr Mrs Pothecary should be elected as the Deputy
Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015”. Cllr
White seconded and twelve members voted in favour. Cllr Mrs Robson abstained from voting.
Ten members of the Policy and Resources Committee supported the appointment of Cllr Mrs
Pothecary as the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015. Cllr
Mrs Robson abstained from voting. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Deputy
Chairman of Policy and Resources Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015 was duly
Staff and Salaries Committee:
The members listed below are appointed to the Policy and Resources Committee reporting
to Full Council.
Cllr D Milsted
Cllr D Walsh
Cllr Mrs V Pothecary
Cllr Ms L Phillips
Cllr Mrs J Robson
Cllr A Frith
Cllr R Monksummers
Staff and Salaries – Election of Chairman:
Cllr Mrs Robson proposed “that Cllr Frith should be elected as the Chairman of the Staff
and Salaries Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015”. Cllr Mrs Pothecary seconded
and the vote was unanimous.
The members of the Staff and Salaries Committee unanimously appointed Cllr Frith as the
Chairman of the Staff and Salaries Committee. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office for
Chairman of Staff and Salaries Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015 was duly signed.
Staff and Salaries Committee – Election of Deputy Chairman:
Cllr Frith proposed “that Cllr Mrs Robson should be elected as the Deputy Chairman of the
Staff and Salaries Committee for Council Year 2014 - 2015”. Cllr Walsh seconded and the
vote was unanimous.
The members of the Staff and Salaries Committee unanimously appointed Cllr Mrs Robson as
the Deputy Chairman of the Staff and Salaries Committee. A Declaration of Acceptance of
Office for Deputy of Policy and Resources Committee for the Council Year 2014 - 2015 was
duly signed.
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Annual Council Meeting – Tuesday 27th May 2014 – continued:428. To determine the Appointments to Other Organisations and Outside Bodies - 2014/15
Cllr Mrs Robson proposed “that the following members should be appointed to Other
Organisations and Outside Bodies”. Cllr Frith seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Gillingham Youth Centre
Gillingham Youth Assembly
Cllr Mrs E Booton, Cllr Von Clemens, Cllr Mrs
Cllr Mrs S Hunt, Cllr R Evill, Cllr Von Clemens
Gillingham Day Club
Cllr Mrs J Robson
Read’s Charity
Cllr Mrs J Robson, Cllr Mrs S Hunt,
Cllr D Milsted, Mrs Sylvia Dobie, Ms J Hansford
Cllr Mrs A Beckley
History Society
Cllr Mrs A Beckley
Footpath Liaison
Mr B Millichamp
Transport Liaison
Cllr D Griffin, Cllr Mrs B Ridout
Tree Wardens
Cllr Mrs B Ridout, Ms Trudi Green and Mrs
Elizabeth Kendall (Advisory)
10. Gillingham Neighbourhood Plan Group
Cllr D Walsh, Cllr Mrs S Hunt
11. Pact Panel
No longer running.
12. Stour Vale Hydro Group
Cllr Mrs A Beckley
13. Education Liaison
Cllr Mrs J Robson
14. Gillingham In Bloom
Cllr Mrs S Hunt, Cllr Mrs V Pothecary,
Cllr Mrs E Booton
15. Dorset Association of Parish and Town
Councils (DAPTC)
Cllr Mrs A Beckley, Cllr Mrs Pothecary
16. Blackmore Vale Tourism &
Development Company Limited
Cllr D Milsted
17. Dorset Age Partnership
Cllr Mrs J Robson
18. Citizens Advice Bureau
Cllr D Walsh
19. Flood Wardens
Mr M Lodge, Ms J Hansford, Cllr D Walsh, Cllr Mrs
E Booton, Cllr Mrs S Hunt (Milton-on-Stour).
20. Rotary
Mayor of the Day
21. Community Resilience Officer
Cllr R Monksummers, Mrs Sylvia Dobie, Ms Julie
22. Gillingham Chamber of Commerce &
Industry (GCCI)
Cllr D Walsh, Cllr Mrs B Ridout
23. Gillingham Job Club
Cllr D Walsh, Cllr Mrs B Ridout
24. Rural Sounding Board (Rural Services
Cllr A Frith
25. Gillingham Town Team
Mayor of the Day or their nominated representative
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Annual Council Meeting – Tuesday 27th May 2014 – continued:429.
To receive the following committee reports:
Development Management Recommendations interim Committee dated 22nd April 2014
and Development Management Recommendations Committee dated 12th May 2014
Cllr Evill proposed “that the Development Management Recommendations Committee
interim minutes dated 22nd April 2014 and the Development Management Committee
minutes dated 12th May 2014 should be received and adopted”. Cllr White seconded and the
vote was unanimous.
General Purposes Committee dated 6th May 2014
Cllr Milsted proposed “that the General Purposes Committee minutes dated 6th May 2014
should be received and adopted”. Cllr Walsh seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Policy and Resources Committee dated 19th May 2014
Cllr Mrs Hunt proposed “that the Policy and Resources Committee minutes dated 19th May
2014 should be received and adopted”. Cllr Mrs Pothecary seconded and twelve members
voted in favour. Cllr Mrs Robson abstained from voting.
Staff and Salaries Committee dated 19th May 2014
Cllr Frith proposed “that the Staff and Salaries Committee dated 19th May 2014 should be
received and adopted”. Cllr Mrs Robson seconded and the vote was unanimous.
430. Finance.
To receive the audited accounts for the financial year 2013 - 2014
The Town Clerk informed the meeting that the balance in hand at the end of the Financial Year
2013-2014 was as follows:
Balance as at 31st March 2014: £375,890. 85p
Less earmarked reserves: £ 249,900.66p
Less earmarked reserves from balances in hand: £119,230.53p
Leaving a total of £6,759.66p in the General Reserves.
Currently there is £64,351.80 earmarked in the National Savings and Investment Account for
additional Burial/Allotment Land and £185,548.89 towards the continued maintenance of all
Open Spaces, Play Areas and Amenity Land in the Town Council ownership
Held in the General Reserve is £65K towards the Harding’s Lane Project, Town Hall
Refurbishment £16,500, High Street Enhancement £10K, Green Gym Grant - £6,130, Gillingham
Neighbourhood Group - £16,600, provision of large machinery £5 and two donations by monies
raised by Mr G Hill of £300 towards the provision of a BMX track and £250 from ‘Party in the
Rec’ towards the Provision/Maintenance Refurbishment Project within the Recreational Ground.
An over spend on the Financial Year 2013/14 totalled £31,838.32p. This was mainly made up of
expenditure used against balances held in the General Reserve 2012/13 and included £2,150 for
the mezzanine floor at the council workshop, £11,223.77p towards the new carpets and lighting
within the town hall building, Emergency Lighting and Sounder Bell and up-grade of the town
hall car park . £11,614.72 to the Town Meadow Site to complete phase 2 and additional tree
work - (£7,347.35 accrued interest in the earmarked reserve was transferred towards the cost of
phase 2 for the Town Meadow Site). A sum of £1,760.00 was spent on additional tree work, due
to the bad winter storms and £1,999.52 towards a new street barrow for the Town Orderly.
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Annual Council Meeting – Tuesday 27th May 2014 – continued:430. Finance continued.
Due to there being £138,489.29 in the General Reserve at the end of the Financial Year 2012/13
the council ear marked £25K towards additional Burial/Allotment Land, £25K towards the Town
Hall Refurbishment and £50K towards the Provision/Maintenance Refurbishment Project within
the Recreational Ground, Harding’s Lane.
Cllr Mrs Hunt thanked the Town Clerk for her hard work in providing the account and thanked
her for the support and guidance she had given to the council over the past year.
Cllr Mrs Hunt proposed that “the audited accounts for the financial year 2013–2014 as
presented by the Town Clerk as the proper financial officer for the council should be
accepted”. Cllr Mrs Robson seconded and the vote was unanimous.
b) Completion of the Statement of Assurance Section 2 of the Annual Return to the External
A blank copy of section 2 of the Annual Return to the External Auditor was circulated to
members with the agenda for the meeting. Members were asked to individually consider items 1
– 8 as listed in the Statement of Assurance, and to confirm that to the best of their knowledge and
belief they have complied with.
Cllr Mrs Hunt proposed that “the completion of the Statement of Assurance Section 2 of the
Annual Return to the External Auditor, as circulated to members, be approved”. Cllr Frith
seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Closure :
The meeting closed at 8.12pm.
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