Curriculum Vitae Full Name: Date&Place of Birth: Office Contact: Telophone & e-mail Academic Titre&Department: Academic Qualifications: Academic Interests: Researchs/Projects: Teaching/Lectures: Administrative Position: Memberships: Publications and Papers): (Books Curriculum Vitae Full Name: Date&Place of Birth: Office Contact: Academic Titre&Department: Academic Qualifications: Academic Interests: Researchs/Projects: Teaching/Lectures: Administrative Position: Memberships: Publications and Papers): Dr Harun Ülger 6 February 1962, Kadirli- Osmaniye, TÜRKİYE Nationality: TC Erciyes University, Talas Campus, Medical Faculty, Department of Anatomy, 38039 Kayseri, Melikgazi-Turkey. Tel:+90.0.352 437 49 01(232 29) e-mail: Office Hours: Associate Professor, Anatomy Department, Medical Faculty, University of Erciyes (Since 1998). 1997 PhD Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Nottingham. 1990 MsC Human Anatomy, University of Erciyes, Kayseri. 1985 BSc General Biology, Science Faculty, University of Ege, İzmir. Vascular anatomy, angiogenic and antiangiogenic growth factors, embryo and endothelial cell culture. As a lecturer, I have had responsibility for teaching and demonstrating a range of undergraduate courses, such as Lover Limp Anatomy, Respiratory System Anatomy, Female Genital System Anatomy, Spinal Cord Anatomy and Aye Anatomy for second year Medical students, General Anatomy for first year Nurse students, and Respiratory System Anatomy, Vascular System Anatomy, Embryo Culture Techniques and Primary Cell Culture Techniques for Postgraduate students. A member of coordinators comity and assistant of first year medical student coordinator. 1995: Anatomic Society of Britain and Northern Ireland. 1997-.........: Turkish Anatomical Society (Books Unur, E.,Ülger, H. ve Ekinci N., Anatomi, Ufuk Kitabevi, Kayseri, 2002 Ulger, H., N. Erdogan, S. Kumanlıoglu and E. Unur, “Effect of Age, Breast Size, Menopausal and Hormonal Status on Mammographic Skin Thickness”, Skin Reasearch and Technology, 9, 284-289 (2003). Ulger H., A. K. Karabulut and M. K. Pratten, “Labelling of Rat Endothelial Cells with Antibodies to vWF, RECA-1, PECAM-1, ICAM-1, OX-43 and ZO-1”, Anatomy Histology Embryology, 31, 31-35 (2002). Karabulut, A. K., H. Ulger and M. K. Pratten, “Teratogenicity of Edeferon Kappa A, a Molecule Deprived from Salicilate, in Cultured Rat Embryos: Differences from Salicilate and Interaction With Oxygen Scavenging Enzymes”,. Anatomy Histology Embryology, 29, 1-10 (2002). Ulger H., A. K. Karabulut and M. K. Pratten, “The Growth Promoting Effects of bFGF, PD-ECGF and VEGF on Cultured Postimplantation Rat Embryos Deprived of Serum Fractions”, Journal of Anatomy, 197 (2), 207-221 (2000). Karabulut, A. K., H. Ulger and M. K. Pratten, “Protection of Free Oxygen Radical Scavenging Enzymes Against Salicylate-induced Embryonic Malformations In Vitro”, Toxicology In Vitro, 14 (4): 297-307 (2000). Özgeçmiş Adı Soyadı: Doğum Yeri ve Tarihi İrtibat Addresi: Telefon ve e-mail Akademik Bölümü: Ünvanı ve Akademik Dereceleri: İlgi Alanları: Araştırma Projeleri: Verdiği Dersler: Aktif İdari Görevleri: Üyelikleri: Yayınları (Kitaplar ve Makaleler): ERCIYES UNIVERSITY MEDICAL FACULTY DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY I. GENERAL INFORMATION ANA 616 Animal Cell Culture Course Title LOCAL CREDIT: ECTS CREDIT: Spring, 2003-2004 Semester DEKAM Department Harun ÜLGER Teaching Staff Faculty Contact Information: Harun Ülger, BSc, MSc, PhD, Associated Professor of Human Anatomy, Erciyes University, Kayseri, 38039, TURKEY. Tel: + 90 352 4374901/ 23229 Fax: 00 90 352 4375285 e-mail: Web: II. COURSE INFORMATION COURSE DESCRİPTİON: COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Only postgraduate students are accepted for the course COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of this course is to teach the student the practical aspects of animal cell culture techniques which include, media preparation, aseptic techniques, routine cell maintenance and the freezing of cells for storage. COURSE METHODOLOGY: The emphasis of this course will be on the practical aspects of cell culture techniques. These techniques will involve media preparation, aseptic manipulation of cell culture, routine cell maintenance and cell storage. This will be a laboratory course with 1 hour of lecture and 5 hours on lab day plus 3-4 hours per week to be arranged. Most labs will take over several weeks to complete. COURSE DOCUMENTS: Freshney, R. Ian. 1988. Culture of Animal Cell Culture, A Manual of Basic Technique, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York. Additional lab experiments will be provided. PROPOSED MATERIALS: GRADING INFORMATION AND CRITERIA: Grades A, B, C, and D assigned for, respectively, scores greater than or equal to 90, 80, 70, and 60% correct, and the grade F for below 60%. No intermediate grades are given. Students are provided with their cumulative %50 percent from exam and 50% from term paper. The term paper will be a synopsia dealing with a specific area of cell culture based upon information from at least 5 original research articles from current scientific journals. A photocopy of the first page of each article will be included with the paper. This paper should be no less than 5 typed pages. Projects will be done individually. Each student will develop, complete and write up a special project. Example: Effect of a drug on a cell culture. OTHER INFORMATIONS: Students are expected to attend all scheduled classroom and laboratory activities. COURSE OUTLINE: Week - Topics 1 - Introduction to biology of the Cultured Cell 2 - Equipment, aseptic, technique, media preparation and sterilization. 3 - Desegregations of tissue and Primary Culture 4 - Maintenance of the culture - Cell Lines 5 - Cell Viability, Preservation of Animal Cells by Freezing 6 - EXAM 7 - Primary culture of fibroblast 8 - Discussion on cultured cell and culture period 9 - Preparation of research project 11 - Culture of specific cell types 12 - Project Presentation ATTENTION: Don’t be shy. The best time to seek my help is now. The worst time is at the end of the semester when it will be too late. Above all, participate actively in your education. I. GENERAL INFORMATION Course Title Semester Department Teaching Staff Faculty Contact Information: LOCAL CREDIT: ECTS CREDIT: II. COURSE INFORMATION COURSE DESCRİPTİON: COURSE REQUIREMENTS: COURSE OBJECTIVES: COURSE METHODOLOGY: COURSE DOCUMENTS: PROPOSED MATERIALS: GRADING INFORMATION AND CRITERIA: OTHER INFORMATIONS: COURSE OUTLINE: Week - Topics ATTENTION: I. DERSİN KODU VE ADI YARIYILI EĞİTİM YERİ DERSİ VEREN KİŞİ IRTİBAT VE İLETİŞİM: . TEL: FAX: GENEL BİLGİLER DERSİN KREDİSİ: ECTS KREDİSİ: II. e-mail DERS BİLGİLERİ DERSİN TANIMI: GEREKLİ ŞARTLAR: DERSİN AMACI: DERSİN İŞLENME ŞEKLİ: DERS KAYNAKLARI: ÖNERİLEN MATERYALLER: NOT DEĞERLENDİRME BİLGİSİ VE KRİTERLERİ: EK BİLGİLER: DERS PROGRAMI: Hafta ve Konular 1– 23456789101112DİKKAT: Web: