Working Group on New Diagnostics Quiz []

WG Community Representative Nominee TB Quiz (Working Group on New
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Quiz: Please mark a ‘X’ in the front of the correct answer from the choices
1) What is the name of the bacteria that causes TB?
a. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
b. Streptococcus
c. Neisseria Meningitis
d. Agrobacterium
2) What is the most common TB skin test?
a. Tine test
b. Mantoux or PPD test
c. Skin biopsy
d. None of the above
3) What test is commonly used to confirm that a person has TB disease in the lung?
a. Lumbar puncture
b. X-ray of any part of the body that there is an infection
c. Sputum smear test
d. All of the above
4) TB is the leading killer of what group worldwide?
a. Children under 5
b. Rich people in industrialized countries
c. People living with HIV/AIDS
d. All of the above
5) Approximately how much of the world’s population is infected with TB?
a. 5%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 50%
6) What is a WHO recommended strategy followed by TB programs globally to ensure
completion of TB treatment?
a) Quarantine of all TB patients
b) Directly Observed Therapy
c) Structured Therapy Interruptions
d) None of the above
7) What is the lifetime risk for a healthy person (who does not have any immune
deficiency) infected with latent TB to develop TB disease?
a. 1%
b. 10%
c. 30%
d. 50%
8) Which of the following is not a research priority for TB programs and activists?
a. Develop shorter treatment courses that can be also be used with HIV medications
and effective against MDR TB
b. Develop better and cheaper diagnostics that can accurately identify people with
TB disease and also whether the TB is drug resistant
c. Develop a vaccine that will prevent people from developing TB
d. Identify places to quarantine all people with TB to keep others protected.
9) TB is most commonly a _______ disease
a. Airborne
b. Waterborne
c. Sexually transmitted
d. All of the above
10) What is the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease?
a. Latent TB infection is contagious; TB disease is not contagious
b. TB disease is contagious; latent TB infection is not contagious
c. Latent TB infection has signs and symptoms associated with it
d. TB disease is inactive
11) What is the BCG vaccine?
a. A weakened form of the tuberculosis bacterium
b. A live form of the tuberculosis bacterium
c. A vaccine for TB that prevents the most severe forms of childhood TB, but
doesn't protect adults from TB infection or disease
d. All of the above
12) What is Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis?
a. A strain of tuberculosis that is resistant to at least two of the most powerful antiTB drugs (Rifampin and Isoniazid)
b. A strain of tuberculosis that may develop resistance when TB is mistreated with
only one anti-TB drug
c. Both a and b
d. A strain of tuberculosis that is resistant to a TB drug called "Multidrug"
13) When is World Tuberculosis Day?
a. March 24
b. May 18
c. November 28
d. December 1
14) TB is curable.
a. True
b. False
15) TB is a disease only occurs in the lungs.
a. True
b. False
16) If you have been successfully treated for TB disease, you will have lifetime immunity
to it.
a. True
b. False
17) If you have received a BCG vaccination you have lifetime immunity to TB?
a. True
b. False
18) Having a positive skin test always means you have TB disease.
a. True
b. False
19) A cough that will not let up for more than two weeks, feeling tired all the time, high
fever, night sweats, coughing up blood, unexplained weight loss, and loss of appetite are
the most common symptoms of TB disease.
a. True
b. False
20) People living with HIV are at greater risk than non-HIV infected people for
developing TB disease.
a. True
b. False
21) Current tools commonly used to diagnose TB do not work as well in people with
HIV/AIDS and children with TB, two of the communities most vulnerable to death due to
a. True
b. False
22) Treatment for drug susceptible TB generally last 6-8 months and cannot be used
easily with common HIV medications.
a. True
b. False
23) Mark the answer that is False. The Stop TB Partnership:
a. Is a partnership that includes funders, TB programs staff, researchers, and community
activists that aim to coordinate the global fight against TB.
b. Has 12 Working Groups including the MDR-TB WG, 3 I’s WG, and Vulnerable
Populations WG
c. Is also know as the Global Fund for TB and is the largest external funder for TB
programs internationally
d. Is the same as the TB department of the World Health Organization and creates all the
TB policy guidelines.
24) Which of the following is not a major set of activities that is included in WHO Policy
on Collaborative TB/HIV Activities:
a. Establish the mechanisms for TB/HIV collaboration
b. Reduce the burden of tuberculosis in people living with HIV/AIDS
c. Promote research that develops tools specifically to eradicate TB amongst PWH
d. Decrease the burden of HIV in tuberculosis patients
25) MDR TB and TB/HIV are two of the biggest challenges facing TB control today.
a. True
b. False
26. The most common TB diagnostics test currently used, the Sputum Smear test is more
than 125 years old.
a. True
b. False
27. What is False about newer TB diagnostic tests?
a. Do not require electricity, running water and can be used easily in low resource
b. Include a method of growing TB in a liquid media and is much faster than growing
bacteria in solid media.
c. Some new tests amplify the genetic materials of the bacteria thereby making it easier
to identify even small amounts of TB in a matter of hours.
d. Are poorly funded.
28. Which of the following is not accurate about why new TB diagnostics are needed?
a. Most commonly used sputum smear test is not very accurate and misses nearly 50% of
all TB cases.
b. Sputum test and chest X-ray often fail to detect TB disease in people with HIV/AIDS.
c. Culture tests in solid media can take between 4-6 weeks to confirm TB disease and
nearly 8 weeks to provide information about drug susceptibility.
d. The presence of abnormality on chest X-ray alone can confirm without a shadow of
doubt the presence of TB disease.
29. What is False about the purpose of Informed Consent, Institutional Review Boards,
Data Safety Monitoring Committees in the research process?
a. They create barriers for research participants to get involved in research.
b. They protect the research participants from unethical research practices.
c. They help ensuring that the research is not harming the research participants.
d. All of the above.
30. What is not an advocacy priority for TB diagnostics research?
a. There is urgent need to develop easy to use diagnostics that can confirm TB disease.
b. A diagnostic tool that can provide information about whether the TB bacteria is
resistant or susceptible to TB is critical to provide appropriate care for drug resistant TB.
c. To only develop TB diagnostics for urban hospitals where rural patients can be sent to
get their diagnoses.
d. Because commonly used TB diagnostics are not very accurate and the ones that are
accurate take a long time, often people with HIV (PWH) die of TB while waiting for a