貧血的診察 男人 <4.5 女人 <4.0 紅血球數 (red blood cells) (×106 per mL) 血色素 (Hemoglobin; gm/dl) <14 血球容積比(Hematocrit) <41 <12 <37 貧血 MCV <80 Figure 2. Figure 3. Microcytic anemia Normocytic anemia Iron def. Anemia(RBC↓, Cirrhosis of liver ferritin↓,SI↓,TIBC↑) Acute bleeding Chronic diseases Sideroblastic anemia Lead poisoning Thalassemia(RBC↑) >100 80-100 Figure 4. Macrocytic anemia Hemorrhage Hemolysis Chr. renal insuff. Hypothyroidism Addisson`s disease RA,SLE Folic deficiency Vit.B12 deficiency Chronic inflammation Hemolytic anemia(hepatoglobin↓,LDH↑, indirect bilirubin↑,Coombs’test +) Bone marrow disorders Figure 1. 貧血的診察原則以 MCV 值來鑑別貧血的可能原因,history taking 也 是 很 重 要 ; 需 看 morphology, reticulocyte, 或 排 除 leukemia 時請送 CBC-H Microcytic and/or hypochromic anemia Serum iron Decreased Normal Increased Hemoglobin electrophoresis Thalassemia Hemoglobinopathies Bone marrow sideroblastic Fe increased Sideroblastic anemia Ferritin Increased Decreased Iron deficiency Chronic disease Congenital Acquired Figure 2. Flow sheet for diagnosis of hypochromic, microcytic anemia. Dashed line indicated that hyperferremia may be found in thalassemia. Normocytic,normochromic anemia Increased Reticulocyte decreased History,course,blood smear, bile pigmens Screen for renal,hepatic and endocrine disease Serum iron Endocrine Uremia Cirrhosis Negative Normal Disease of liver screen or high Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism Addison’s disease Eunuchoidism Panhypopituitarism Chronic disorders Early iron deficiency Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy Hypoplastic Infiltration Anemia Heomolytic Hemorrhagic Anemia anemia Low Masked megaloblastic anemia Leukemia Myeloma Dyserythropoiectic Myelofibrosis anemia Metastasis Myelodysplastic anemia Figure 3. Algorithm for ivestigation of a patient with normocytic, normochromic anemia. By means of a reticulocyte count, anemia associated with a increased rate of erythropoiesis can be detected. When the rate of erythropoiesis is normal or low, screening tests for disease of the kidneys, liver and endocrine system as well as iron metasbolism studies are recommended. If these procedures are not helpful, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are indicated. Macrocytic anemia Blood and marrow morphology Megaloblastic Non- megaloblastic Clinical data, serum vitamins B12 Normal Deficiency Congenital disease Drug Reticulocyte increased decreased Folate Deficiency Hemolytic Hemorrhage Diet Good Schilling test with intricnsic factor Corrected Pernicious anemia Gastric resection Ingestion of corrosives Inert intrinsic Drug-induced malabsorption Jejunal resection Not corrected Tropical sprue Gluten sensitivity Small bowel bacteria Fish tapeworm Familial B12 malabsorption Drug-induced malabsorption Ileal disease Alcohosim Hepatic disease Hypothyroidism Myelophthisic COPD Poor Dietary deficiency Pregnacy Infancy Certain blood disease factor Figure 4. The approach to a diagnostic problem in macrocytic anemia. (Reference: Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology 10th edition)