
School Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting
Sept 2, 2015
Welcome, Introductions & Ground Rules
We’re all colleagues; let’s respect each other
Everyone is encouraged to participate
It’s okay to disagree
Listen as a partner
Ms. Heise welcomed those in attendance and introduced herself as SAC Chair and Miss Moore as the SAC
Secretary for the 2015-2016 school year.
Approval of June Minutes – After reviewing the minutes from the June 3 rd SAC meeting, Mrs. Rupp (teacher)
made a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Sease (parent) seconded the motion.
Old Business –
 Smart Futures Update and proposal
 Mrs. Heise reviewed the two choices for the SMART Futures created and agreed upon from
the June SAC meeting. She explained that there might be a need for an additional 2 choices
to be generated due to schools receiving new technology outside of the allocated $100,000
funds. If Oakridge is scheduled to receive new technology from the district and the original
choices for the SMART Futures ballot is denied 2 alternative ballot choices should be ready
to proceed in a timely fashion. Mrs. Friedman (principal) informed the group that some
schools requesting technology as options on the ballot were denied due to the new
technology they will be receiving from the district.
 Ms. Heise opened the floor for ideas regarding ballot alternatives:
 Mrs. Friedman (principal) – The addition of a gate and fencing at the entrance to
campus by building 12. Currently there is no gate to keep the campus secure when
the parking gates are open and unlocked (before and after school).
 Mrs. Oakley (teacher) and Mrs. Rupp (teacher) - Playground updates with new sand,
new sod and a placement of a sidewalk extending from the pavilion on the south
side of the Media center to the PE courts. Addition of shade/coverings to areas
around the playground. Mrs. Friedman informed the group that adding coverings
around the play areas might be an obstacle in inclement weather
(hurricane/tropical storm warnings). The coverings would be required to be taken
down in preparation for approaching storms. She offered the idea of trees
(preferably mature) to provide shade in lieu of canopy type coverings.
 Mrs. Paultre (teacher) – Purchasing new wireless microphones for the cafeteria. A
set could be used for daily functions (lunch, assemblies) and a set for performances,
parent functions, etc.
 Mrs. Oakley (teacher) – Classroom carpets are in need of replacing in some
classrooms. Intermediate classrooms are also in need of age/grade level appropriate
 Mrs. Sharon Rivera (teacher) – A digital marquee to display school news and
updates. Mrs. Friedman informed the group that the marquee currently in place
was relatively new (with-in the last 2 years). Perhaps purchasing more letter and
numerical sets for the current marquee would be more appropriate.
 Mrs. Sanders (Literacy coach) – Upgrades for the WKID broadcast studio including
but not limited to new equipment, green screen, and furniture.
 Mrs. Sharon Rivera (teacher) – Purchasing site licenses for core curriculum websites
(i.e. STAR assessment through Renaissance Learning)
Mrs. Sharon Rivera (teacher) – Air conditioner updates for the buildings from the
original school construction. Mrs. Friedman reminded that upgrading to the current
HVAC system is part of the SMART Futures bond and that should eliminate the need
after the upgrades are implemented.
 Ms. Sease (parent) – Music materials/instruments to enhance our students’ current
exposure to the arts.
 Mr. Wynter (micro-tech) – The addition of ramps at the threshold of doors for all
classrooms needing them. It is difficult moving laptop carts and other a/v carts.
Ms. Heise thanked everyone for his or her suggestion. Each suggestion provided will be
looked into for price quotes and/or bids.
New Business –
 2015-2016 School Improvement Plan (SIP): Present and Vote
 Ms. Heise reviewed the proposed SIP plan. While reviewing the plan Miss Moore (teacher)
noted that the plan should reflect the terms Florida Standards rather than Common Core
and the district assessment is now called the BSA instead of BAFS. The resource Scholastic
News was also mentioned as a tool used for informational text but we are uncertain if that
subscription will be funded this school year. Ms. Heise removed Scholastic News from the
list of resources.
 After making the changes needed, Ms. Heise asked if there is a motion to approve the SIP
for the 2015-2016 school year. Mrs. Nelson (parent) made a motion to accept the revised
plan and Mrs. Hernandez (teacher) seconded the motion.
 School Boundary Committee and 2016-17 School Boundary Process
 Oakridge is looking for a parent to serve on the School Boundary Committee. There are
three scheduled meetings on October 16, November 20 and November 30. Mrs. Sease
(parent) volunteered to represent Oakridge.
Title 1 – K. Moore
 Review of 2015-2016 Parent Involvement Plan
o Miss Moore (Title I liaison/teacher) presented the 2015-2016 Parent Involvement Plan that
was approved at the May 2015 SAC meeting. She explained the purpose of the plan and
highlighted the changes made from previous years. She suggested to Mrs. Friedman to add
the Curriculum Parent Training events to the agenda for the upcoming Leadership Team
meeting to begin the planning process. Miss Moore explained that the Curriculum Parent
Trainings would not only offer training for parents but also highlight student work as an
expo type of event.
 Parent Representative for Parent Training Activities
o Miss Moore Shared the flyer from the Title I department looking for parent volunteers to
represent Oakridge at the Title I Parent Training Academy Workshops offered throughout
the year. She explained the goals of the Parent Training Academy and highlighted the
Annual Parent Seminar at the Signature Grand. She asked the parents in attendance if they
would be interested in representing Oakridge. Ms. Sease and Mrs. Pace (parents) offered to
serve as our volunteers. Miss Moore stated she would flyer the school to look for a third
parent representative.
PTA Updates – We are in need of a parent to serve as President of the PTA and a Recording Secretary
Partners In Education –
 Thank you to BJ’s for adopting us as their Partner School for the 2015-16 School Year.
Dates to Remember:
Monday, August 1st- Wednesday September 2nd
Wednesday, September 2nd
Monday, September 7th
Monday, September 14th
Thursday, September 17th
Monday September 21st
Wednesday, September 23rd
Thursday, September 24th
Friday, September 25th
Wednesday September 30th
Wednesday October 14th
Book Fair
SAC Meeting 3:15
No School Labor Day
No School Rosh Hashana
Early Release 1pm
Peace Week
No School Yom Kippur
Interim Reports go Home
Volunteer Orientation 9:00
Fall Pictures
SAC Meeting 3:15 pm
Closing Remarks/Summary of Decisions Made: Mrs. Friedman thanked everyone for attending. Meeting was
adjourned at 4:30pm.