Lod Comprehensive High School for Sciences

Lod Comprehensive High School for Sciences
Entrance Exam
9th grade
Part I Reading Comprehension ___/ 50 points
Part II Writing Assignment ___/ 20 points
Your Score
___/ 70 points
Part I Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage and answer the following questions
Although most people think schools and malls are very different, some marketing
companies identified an important similarity: both places have many young consumers.
With this in mind, they decided schools are an excellent place for marketing products to
young people.
This is how it works. A company pays a school for permission to advertise on school
property. The company may put up posters or give away samples. Schools use the money to
pay for things such as special events, new computers or air conditioners.
The plan is great for the companies. Students are an excellent audience because they spend
money on things such as snacks, CD’s and clothing. While students may just spend pocket
money today, companies know they will spend more money in the future. Also, there is not
a lot of competition for advertisers at school.
Some people say this system is a good way for schools to earn money. After many budget
cuts, schools have less money for ‘extras’ like dances, sporting events and new computers.
The money schools earn from companies enables schools to pay for these ‘extras’.
These people say that advertising on school property is not bad for students. Students see
advertisements all the time, anyway. Here, students at least benefit from the profit.
On the other hand, other people say that schools are trying to encourage critical thinking
skills, while advertising encourages naïve consumers. This conflict should be examined
before we can say that marketing on school property is positive and harmless.
Comprehension Questions (50 points)
1. According to paragraph I, how are schools and malls similar? (3 pts.)
2. Name one advantage of advertising at school, according to paragraph II or IV. (3 pts.)
3. Give two examples of the form advertising may take in schools. (paragraph II) (4 pts.)
4. According to paragraph II, how will advertising in schools work? (4 pts.)
What happens
A company pays a school for
permission to advertise.
5. Fill in the cloze – one word in each space – according to Paragraph II and IV. (8 pts.)
The company gets ______________to advertise on school property by paying the school.
This _________ is used to _____________ the school to provide ‘extras’ for their
6. What ‘extras’ are mentioned in the text? (paragraphs II and IV) (8 pts)
7. According to paragraph III, why are students an excellent audience for marketing
companies? ( 3pts.)
8. What do students usually spend money on? (paragraph III) (6 pts.)
a. ___________________
b. ___________________
c. ___________________
9. What does the word “they” in line 8 refer to ? (3 pts)
10. According to Paragraph V why do some people support advertising in schools? (3 pts)
11. Match the main idea to each paragraph number. (I – VI) (5 pts)
_____Why the system is good for schools.
_____Companies are looking for future consumers.
_____Some people are against marketing in schools.
_____The way marketing in schools is done.
_____A good place to advertise.
Writing Assignment (20 points)
Write a paragraph of 100 words.
Should schools allow advertising?
Good luck !!!!!