TSH curriculum outcomes 6789

Teaching Sexual Health / Health Education (Sask. Learning)
Curriculum Correlation: Grade 6
TeachingSexualHealth.ca* - Grade 6 Overview
Fetal Development
Lesson 1:
Review male and female anatomy and encourage students to begin to
think about the process of fertilization and conception.
Lesson 2:
Explore the stages of fetal development.
Lesson 3:
Explore the factors that can affect human development from conception
through birth.
Risk Factors and Blood-borne Diseases
Lesson 1:
Define and understand blood-borne diseases thereby providing students
with tools and knowledge to reduce risks of contracting HIV/AIDS or
Hepatitis B/C.
Lesson 2:
Help students use the blood-borne disease protection and prevention skills
that they have identified.
Health Education 6 (Sask.. Ministry of Education, 2009)
Curriculum Links to Sexual Health Education component:
Gr.6 Perspective: “Affirm Personal Standards”
Goals: 1. Develop the understanding, skills and confidences necessary to take action
to improve health (USC)
2. Make informed decisions based on health-related knowledge (DM)
3. Apply decisions that will improve personal health and/or the health of
others (AP)
Grade 6 Curriculum Outcomes addressed:
USC 6.1 - Analyze the factors that influence the development of personal standards and identity,
and determine the impact on healthy decision making
USC 6.3 - Demonstrate an understanding of how non-curable infections, including HIV and
Hepatitis C are transmitted and how these infections influence health and the identities of self,
family and community.
DM 6.8 - Assess the role of personal standards in decision making related to healthy
relationships, non-curable infections, stress management, body image, safety and health
DM 6.9 - Examine health opportunities and challenges to establish personal goal statements
related to non-curable infections.
AP 6.10 - Design and implement (with guidance) two six-day action plans that reflect affirmation
of personal standards related to decision-making and non-curable infections (the AP outcome
must be in 3 out of 5 units of study)
*The teachingsexualhealth.ca website was developed by Alberta health and education professionals to
help teach sexual health. The website contains further implementation support information for teachers,
parents and students copyright ©2002-2004, calgary health region
Teaching Sexual Health / Health Education (Sask. Learning)
Curriculum Correlation Grade 7
TeachingSexualHealth.ca* – Grade 7 Overview
Sexual Development
Lesson 1:
An overview of human sexual anatomy and physiology, menstruation,
sperm production, conception and fertilization.
Lesson 2:
An opportunity to examine changes that occur during puberty, to identify
misunderstandings associated with sexual development, & to identify
sources of good information and support.
Social Influences
Lesson 1:
Students are presented with messages about sexuality from a number of
sources. This lesson helps students identify and decipher these messages,
determine which ones to listen to and learn how to filter out the negative
Lesson 2:
Social influences on gender roles and equity are examined to ensure
students develop skills to balance the messages received against the values
they hold.
Lesson 3:
Raise student awareness of the influence various sources can have on body
image and behaviour.
Decision Making
Lesson 1:
Encourage students to explore their own ideas and values about becoming sexually
Supplementary activities that offer the student who may choose
alternatives to abstinence and opportunity to make informed decisions that
respect their own values.
Choosing Abstinence
Lesson 1:
Examine the importance of abstinence/postponement explore alternatives to sexual
activity, and identify ways t say no to sexual activity.
Health Education 7
(Sask. Ministry of Education 2009)
Curriculum Links to Sexual Health Education component:
Gr.7 Perspective: “Committing Self”
Goals: 1. Develop the understanding, skills and confidences necessary to take action
to improve health (USC)
2. Make informed decisions based on health-related knowledge (DM)
3. Apply decisions that will improve personal health and/or the health of
others (AP)
Grade 7 Curriculum Outcomes addressed:
USC 7.1 – Establish and use strategies to commit to and act upon personal standards for
various aspects of daily living over which an individual has control.
USC – 7.2 – Examine critically and use purposefully blood-borne pathogen information/
education, including HIV and Hepatitis C, for the purpose of committing t behaviours
that do not put one a risk of infection or co-infection
USC 7.4 – Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of
nurturing harmony in relationships and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony
when conflict arises.
USC 7.6 – Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including assertiveness skills, to effectively
and skillfully manage peer pressure
DM 7.8 – Examine and demonstrate personal commitment in making health decisions
related to blood-borne pathogen information, safety practices, harmonious relationships,
interpersonal skills
DM 7.9 – Examine health opportunities and challenges to establish personal commitment
goal statements related to blood-borne pathogen information, safety practices,
harmonious relationships and interpersonal skills
AP 7.10 - Design and implement and evaluate three six-day action plans that demonstrate
Personal commitment to responsible health action related to blood-borne pathogen
information, safety practices, harmonious relationships and interpersonal skills (optional the AP outcome must be in 3 out of 5 units of study)
*The teachingsexualhealth.ca website was developed by Alberta health and education professionals to
help teach sexual health. The website contains further implementation support information for teachers,
parents and students copyright ©2002-2004, Calgary health region
**See the Sask. Health Education 7 curriculum document for list of grade level indicators for each of the
above outcomes
Teaching Sexual Health / Health Education (Sask. Learning)
Curriculum Correlation Grade 8
TeachingSexualHealth.ca* – Grade 8 Overview
Rate of Puberty Change
Lesson 1:
Accept that different rates of puberty change and differences between
individuals are normal.
Lesson 2:
Examine the physical, emotional, and sexual and social changes that occur
during puberty, and recognize and accept that these changes may occur at
different rates for different people.
Various Types of Abuse
Lesson 1:
Identify various types of abuse, signs of abuse, the impact of abuse and
ways to cope with abuse.
Lesson 2:
Recognize the signs of abuse and explore actions that can be taken to
disclose abuse or support those who disclose abuse.
Responsibilities & Consequences
Lesson 1:
Explore the responsibilities and consequences associated with
involvement in a sexual relationship.
Studying STD/HIV
Lesson 1:
Define and learn about STD/HIV. Describe symptoms, effects, treatments,
and prevention for common sexually transmitted diseases.
Lesson 2:
Examine the progression in the spread of STD/HIV, the reasons people
may not protect themselves, & the ways to assess risk & make personal
decisions concerning sexual behaviour that may prevent STD/HIV.
Studying Contraception
Lesson 1:
Focus on identifying abstinence as the only sure method of contraception,
and skills for maintaining abstinence
Lesson 2:
Explore personal decision making & study common contraceptive
Health Education 8
(Sask. Ministry of Education 2009)
Curriculum Links to Sexual Health Education component:
Gr.8 Perspective: “Support Others”
Goals: 1. Develop the understanding, skills and confidences necessary to take action
to improve health (USC)
2. Make informed decisions based on health-related knowledge (DM)
3. Apply decisions that will improve personal health and/or the health of
others (AP)
Grade 8 Curriculum Outcomes** addressed:
USC 8.3 – Investigate and analyze the impact of in/formal supports and services
(including testing/diagnostic services) available to individuals, families and communities
with/affected by non-curable infections/diseases (including HIV and Hepatitis C)
UCS 8.4 – Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of violence (including but not
limited to emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse and neglect) on
the wellbeing of and the supports needed for self, family, and community.
USC 8.7 – Assess the social, cultural, and environmental influences on and supports for
sexual health knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and decisions.
DM 8.8 – Apprise the role of “support” in making healthy decisions related to family
roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse, and sexual
DM 8.9 – Analyze the health opportunities and challenges, and establish “support others”
personal goal statements, related to non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse,
and sexual health.
AP 8.10 – Design, implement, and evaluate three seven-day action plans that establish
multiple supports for responsible health action related to non-curable infections/diseases,
violence and abuse, and sexual health.
*The teachingsexualhealth.ca website was developed by Alberta health and education professionals to
help teach sexual health. The website contains further implementation support information for teachers,
parents and students copyright ©2002-2004, calgary health region
**See the Saskatchewan Health Education 8 curriculum document for list of grade level indicators for each
of the above outcomes
Teaching Sexual Health / Health Education (Sask. Learning)
Curriculum Correlation: Grade 9
TeachingSexualHealth.ca* – Grade 9 Overview
Coping With Development
Lesson 1
Lesson 2:
Evaluating personal feelings about puberty change, examining the impact of
negative self-esteem, and identifying strategies to cope with negative feelings
about physical, emotional, sexual and social development.
Identifying and applying healthy coping strategies when experiencing different
rates of physical, emotional and social development.
Sexual Assault
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3
Define sexual assault and examine misunderstandings and attitudes about sexual
Examine dating violence, a specific form of sexual assault.
Examine what people can do to help prevent sexual assault and abuse, and what
to do in a crisis. Students also have an opportunity to present what they have
learned during this series of lessons.
Safer Sex
Lesson 1:
Identifying the consequences of sexual involvement and various “safer” sex
practices and helps students to identify (and practice) passive, aggressive and
assertive communication/skills.
Addressing “safer sex” practices – gives students the opportunity to discuss the
importance of condom use and the skills on how to raise the topic of protection
with a partner.
Pregnancy and Parenting
Lesson 1:
The first step towards pregnancy should be making the decision to have a child.
The decision-making process will include an assessment of parenting skills,
understanding the day-to-day responsibilities of raising a child, financial burdens
and support from family and friends. The aim of this lesson is to highlight these
factors and impress upon teens the dramatic changes a pregnancy and birth would
bring to their lives.
Reducing Sexual Risk
Lesson 1:
Focus on the common belief of teens; “it couldn’t happen to me!” the activities in
this lesson identify factors that can lead to sexual risk as well as strategies teens
can use to avoid the risks.
Sexual Exploitation
Lesson 1:
Increase knowledge and understanding so students know how to avoid being
approached and who to turn to for help.
Health Education 9**
(Sask. Ministry of Education 2009)
Curriculum Unit Links to Sexual Health Education component:
Gr.9 Perspective: “Promote Health”
Goals: 1. Develop the understanding, skills and confidences necessary to take action
to improve health (USC)
2. Make informed decisions based on health-related knowledge (DM)
3. Apply decisions that will improve personal health and/or the health of
others (AP)
Curriculum Outcomes addressed:
USC 9.4 – Analyze the norms and expectations (e.g., community, cultural) associated
with romantic relationships as a means to effectively plan for related health promotion
USC 9.9 – Develop and demonstrate the personal insight, motivation, and skills
necessary to enhance and promote sexual health and avoid health-compromising sexual
attitudes and behaviours.
DM 9.10 – Assess the role of health promotion in making healthy decisions related to
comprehensive approaches to safety, non-curable infections/diseases, romantic
relationships, addictions, tragic death and suicide and sexual health.
DM 9.11 – Analyze the health opportunities and challenges and establish personal health
promotion goal statements related to comprehensive approaches to safety, non-curable
infections/diseases, romantic relationships, addictions, tragic death and suicide and sexual
AP – Design, implement, and evaluate three eight-day action plans that demonstrate
responsible health promotion related to comprehensive approaches to safety, non-curable
infections/diseases, romantic relationships, addictions, tragic death and suicide, and
sexual health.
*The teachingsexualhealth.ca website was developed by Alberta health and education professionals to
help teach sexual health. The website contains further implementation support information for teachers,
parents and students copyright ©2002-2004, calgary health region
**See the Saskatchewan Health Education 9 curriculum document for list of grade level indicators for
each of the above outcomes